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This looks absolutely insane. Better than I anticipated honestly


Same though. Like what the fuck is going on and is it January 30 yet omfg


Idfc I'll skip Christmas for that first episode šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I need the remote from click because I literally donā€™t care about anything else rn


Weā€™re all stuck with each other here for years to come šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think we've got beyond the boring settling down and now on the bonkers midlife crisis.


See and this is why I will watch them until they are taking Centrum Silver, god willing.


Centrum Silver šŸ¤£šŸ’€


For real. Like Iā€™M SAT šŸŖ‘


Iā€™m pleasantly surprised by how little Tim actually appears in the trailer. Compared to the Bravocon trailer itā€™s like they took the feedback of people being annoyed at the trailer and showed us that their is actually a better show then ā€œwoe is meā€ Sandy. Like that actually made me excited for next season instead of wanting to throw my chocolates at the tv screaming LIAR like Elle Woods.


Dad bod Ken ā˜ ļø


accurate šŸ˜‚


My husband when I told him there's a trailer: eh I'm not that interested anymore My husband after watching the trailer: ![gif](giphy|tkApIfibjeWt1ufWwj)


God I love this fucking mess šŸ˜« And Iā€™m jealous, my attempts to indoctrinate my husband have thus far been unsuccessful


Omg Iā€™m waiting for my husband to get home to show him and itā€™ll be this exact interaction too hahah


Scheana made out with Schwartz?? Oh she is a NASTY person and a friend to no woman.


Iā€™m literally so jaw dropped by this, needing the timeline ASAP. Even if it was a joke/friendship bit, this is beyond delusional of Scheana for even her usual standards of crazy.


He said in Vegas but they go there so often it's hard to pinpoint a timeframe but I need to know how long ago šŸ˜‚


Yeah Iā€™m really confused on it because if it was post-divorce (from Katie) then she wouldā€™ve cheated on Brock? If it was pre-divorce/pre-Brock, then she wouldā€™ve helped Schwartz cheat *again* on Katie, lmao. Either way I see her just saying some dumb shit like ā€œit was a dare or a joke so it didnā€™t matter!ā€


100% She'll minimize it but I'm thinking it was when he was with Katie and I really hope Katie explodes on her.


I just know sheā€™s about to be blue in the face until the season airs because she canā€™t explain herself yet, and everyone is gonna be coming for her in her comments again like when she got caught hanging with Sandoval


Sheā€™s going to come out with the ā€œKatie and I were not in a good place at the time, she even said we werenā€™t friends!ā€ any minute now




She's so damn terrible. And i hope everyone decent calls her on it too.


šŸ˜‚ I expect a Tweet later today defending herself and saying she'll discuss in further detail on her podcast.


I hope Katie explodes on her too, but based on the trailer, we don't really see that šŸ˜‘ I think they would've shown a Katie freakout moment if that were the case. If she doesn't freak out on Scheana I will be VERY disappointed


scheana's fucked either way in katie's eyes. either she and schwartz were still together - since i don't believe they were ever on a break, or scheana cheated on brock. i'm just imagining scheana's reaction if katie made out with rob rob rob or adam. hypocritical loser.


Oh and Schwartz is gonna get mad that Katie fucked Max? Like I thought you said itā€™d be okay if she slept with a friend after 6 months?


Could it be when schena had her residency and was single? Doesnā€™t that line up to at least one of the make outs? Why do I know this shit lmao


>Why do I know this shit lmao šŸ’€šŸ’€ ![gif](giphy|eUDhD5XFBw0r6)


And the way Shorts keeps saying ā€˜it was one kissā€™ who knows who he was talking about! You could line up all the ā€œdrunken makeoutsā€ he has had over the years and it would criss-cross the globe.


Literally I'm assuming its about R last summer but the fact that it comes right after him saying he made out with scheana too


Where hasnā€™t that man put his tongue? Gets more action than an ice luge


ā€œIt was ONE kissā€ 500 million timesā€¦


Oh this season is gonna be good with this new revelation!!!


iā€™m actually shocked by this


I canā€™t believe it wasnā€™t leaked, itā€™s so juicy and fucked up.


They sat on this shit with the force of 20,000 elephants.




Me too. Katie has done interviews since where she's talked about her and Scheana's friendship. Maybe she was playing the game acting like they're cool as to not spoil the season?


I think Katie has reached the point where she knows who both Jorts and Scheana are and probably wasnā€™t even surprised by the revelation. Of course her drunk husband made out with one of her bridesmaids. Of course the girl who said she would rather have a gang bang with all the guys in the van than to hang out with the girls made out with friends boyfriend. Itā€™s cliche to the point of being boring. Giving them any kind of reaction would give them too much satisfaction


But also as a woman how could you stand up in someoneā€™s wedding as a bridesmaid knowing that you made out with the groom and the bride doesnā€™t know?!? Thatā€™s sickā€¦


Because Scheana doesnā€™t think anyoneā€™s pain matters but her own. Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m with you and think itā€™s extremely fucked up. But we already know how sheā€™ll spin this to Katie ā€œwell jorts makes out with everyone so I didnā€™t think it mattered with me. Actually, itā€™s better that it was with me bc, as your friend, I made sure it didnā€™t escalate past making out. You should be thanking me for making out with him that night instead of letting him run off with a stranger. You and I werenā€™t even in a good place at that time anywayā€ Scheana is a mean girl who thrives off of causing pain to those closest to her.


More and more proof how shady she really is. No one flip flops more with the friend group then she does and I hope Season 11 is when her curtain gets pulled like Season 10 was for "awww shucks" Schartz.


I maintain that Scheana has always had a thing for Schwartz and itā€™s why sheā€™s always been so weird with Katie.


Stassiā€™s birthday dinner on season 2. When Stassi & Kristen told Katie she wasnā€™t allowed to be sad because Schwartz poured a drink on her and verbally abused her. Scheana brings it up at the dinner, and then Schwartz starts going in on Katie. Just for a second the camera cuts back to Scheana and she had the happiest little smug smile on her face. She either hated Katie, or wanted Schwartz, or both. (I also remember one of the times she was spreading rumours she stated it was because people called them a cute couple on IG, and ā€œshould be saying that about me and Shayā€. So she was definitely jealous of the attention they got - she probably thought it was all down to Schwartz and if *she* were with Schwartz theyā€™d get even more)


Itā€™s almost like she has a thing for Katie, to me. Itā€™s like how she would act around Stassi at times, like she wanted to wear her skin


Sheā€™s very triggered by girls with their own sense of style and boundaries


I think Katie Already knows and that's why she hates Scheana. I bet it was back in the day they used to be kind of flirty with each other


No wonder her hatred for Katie was always so personal! My God


Omg I joked about this MONTHS ago, [link to comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/p96Tucb4F7)


Literally showing off her ā€œpick me girlā€ reputation up close and personal. Grosssssss ![gif](giphy|S8uzfu5NFflio)


This is TOTALLY one of the things Jax had on Schwartz


Goddammit, I've been scandalized, I should watch it before reading comments. šŸ™ˆ


Woooooow Scheaner you messy messy girl šŸ˜Æ


Iā€™m actually so excited??? Like I kept my expectations low for season 11 because I know a lot of us were speculating that season 10 would have been the last if not for Scandoval since they were running out of material and season 11 could potentially be stale because of that (specially if the scandal lost steam which it kind of did) BUT Iā€™M ACTUALLY SO GAGGED? Scheana making out with Schwartz? Bisexual love triangle? Jealous Lalaā€™s jealous antics? Jax jumpscare that actually made me scream out loud (heā€™s so ugly)????? TELEVISION IS BACK BABY!


Jax jump scare was realā€¦ I am so excited too tho! This trailer was a serious build up to šŸ˜šŸ˜®šŸ˜§šŸ«ØšŸ«  Lmao. I hope they deliver! VPR editors are nothing if not great at build ups šŸ˜‚




Also I should note when the season 10 trailer came out last year I was like oh this looks pretty good in comparison to season 9 but like no THIS is an actual gag, A SERVE!


> ax jumpscare that actually made me scream out loud (heā€™s so ugly)????? this made me lol for real and i must say thank you lmao


When there's a shakeup in the group dynamics (eg breakups, makeups, new relationships), the biggest drama comes out!


When in the world did Scheana and Schwartz make out?? When Scheana said sheā€™d rather be gang banged by the male cast and Shay was just sitting thereā€¦ was that foreshadowing?? ![gif](giphy|10FHR5A4cXqVrO)


Right? I need the timeline now. You can just tease us with something THAT HUGE WHAT THE FUCK.


My theory is it happened a looooooong time ago and Scheana is probably using it in reference to something Schwartz did to minimize it and make Katie feel like sheā€™s blowing something out of proportion. Iā€™m hoping it was one of those things producers took out of context and threw in there to make the trailer seem more salacious. Ya never know though with this group! I know the ā€œ5 degrees of Kevin Baconā€ thing is real, probably even more so in LA, butā€¦they really need to start venturing outside of their own friend group lmao. But then again, if they did we wouldnā€™t have our show, I guess. šŸ˜‚




I was dying bc Reddit was down and I HAD to talk to you guys!!


No literally I started screaming like of course Reddit is down when Iā€™m tryna discuss with my girls šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


girl same, just ran here from instagram šŸ˜­


couldn't close IG and open Reddit fast enough tbh


We back!!




Me @ Lala in that last scene https://preview.redd.it/oyst2lkskp5c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=812e1e8f6885fb5dfdfb2fcf69693d8909581c9e




Ooof she is is angry šŸ’€ RIP ![gif](giphy|3ornjHPdiGcHL56CGY|downsized)


Ok so I have a theory about thisā€¦ this was at the gold bar partyā€¦. The clip of Ariana and Daniel in the black outfits walking away - I think that was when production tried to get Ariana to talk to Sandoval and she walked out and it made Lala mad


Lala shut down any negative talk about ā€œMY MANā€ for years so she really has no ground here even if it was about Ariana refusing to talk to Sandoval.


Also, everyone was expecting jax and randall to be scumbags. We and They knew at a certain point who they were in bed with(like was anyone here fooled by randall???) we were just expecting it. I Do have to say, I never thought sandoval was faithful but weā€™ve had 8 seasons of him being righteous and screaming for people to take accountability. I think that lies the difference. Arianna grew from being an unlikeable ā€œcoolā€ girl to being vulnerable and relateable. Stassi and lala donā€™t seem to change.


Lala is soooooo mad she didnā€™t get the same reception for her storyline


I have a theory that Lala didn't get the sympathy edit because she knew what Randall was up to and helped him hide it. Bravo didn't want to get caught in that mess if one of Randall's victims paointed the finger at Lala as well and didn't play up her victim angle.


Oh definitely. Plus there was the whole mistress aspect that Lala herself played into! Compare that to the (seemingly) most stable and lasting relationship in the series with Tom and Ariana. Like regardless of what you think/believe about Lala and her situation there was NO WAY the audience was going to react to her the same way they did to Ariana.


ā€œIā€™ve never experienced someone get cheated on and she suddenly becomes Godā€ - Lala about Ariana. Sweetie, itā€™s called women supporting women. You should try it one day.


Umm has Lala never heard the masterpiece that is Lemonade? ![gif](giphy|26AHBwxSjcGu0X18A) ICONIC.


I think I am most disturbed by this part of the trailer. Lala doesn't get that sometimes she can be really un-likeable, regardless of being cheated on or not. Not trying to drag her when she's been through so much but she can be really harsh sometimes.


Yeah I think Lala actually did nail it months ago where there's like a "perfect victim" mentality around Ariana that she and stassi didn't receive. But somehow that makes her just more hostile and bitter and mean. Like the two sides aren't computing.


She and Stassi didnā€™t receive that because they are/were deeply unlikable people at the time. I donā€™t follow much of Stassi post show but what I do see of her seems like sheā€™s grown with Beau. Lala is still the same angry person except sheā€™s sober now.


Also Stassi cheated on Jax with Frank and Lala cheated on Randall with JamesšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


God forbid a woman end up on top. Lala is a mess. She claims to stand for women, but she doesn't like to see other women "outshine" her.


Exactly this! She just means if a woman it going to get brand deals and dancing with the stars and get to say sheā€™s not filming with or about her ex SHE should be that woman. What she doesnā€™t get is that her and Randalā€™s ā€œstorylineā€ will never be good tv because itā€™s so dark. Even before it was confirmed he was a full predator (when she was still trying to push them as a love story) things around him were dark: their age difference, his job and her aspirations, the so obvious quid pro quo of their relationship for sex and money, add in then getting together when she was an addict actively using and he was married itā€™s just too dark.


This is so true! Lala is emotionally immature to think the details of her situation compare at all to Ariana's or would inspire the same sympathy from viewers.


Itā€™s not even really that itā€™s not sympathetic itā€™s that itā€™s not fun. Like seeing Ariana do a battery comerical after what scummy said about buying the batteries is a little ā€œyes girlā€ laugh moment - there are no moments of levity in Lalaā€™s situation for a brand to use for sponsorships etc.


Lala is just sooooooo bitter that what happened to ariana after scandoval did NOT happen to her after she left rand. She can't stand not being the main character


I know Ariana said she might get a villain edit this season, but it will take a LOT for me to turn on Ariana. She deserves to milk everything she can from the Scandoval and Iā€™m happy to see her continue to get new projects.


I have a feeling Iā€™m going to love Katie and Ariana and really dislike Scheana and Lala this season. I never liked any of the men on this show, and that will probably never change.


Itā€™s the combination of win weā€™ve always needed. Itā€™s so obvious Lala is jealous of where Katie and Ari currently are in terms of popularity and life.


Lala is definitely jealous. I can hear it on her podcast whenever she talks about Scandoval or cheating. She minimizes Ariana every time


Okay but that last line coupled with the final shot of Ari at emo nightā€¦ šŸ¤ŒšŸ» like yes, WIN THAT EMMY, EDITORS.


It's so disappointing coming from Lala especially after she was on 12 for the entire reunion going to bat for Ariana. Idk where her entitlement is coming from... we all knew she knew Rand was married she can shout it to the rooftops all she wants and I even loved Lala through that, but this rage and jealousy for Ariana is so petty and unwarranted. It's really showing an ugly side of her!!


Yes and lala will for sure constantly bring up how she was not treated the same as Ariana following her breakup with Randall but like.. thatā€™s show biz baby. Youā€™re right you werenā€™t but thatā€™s not Arianaā€™s fault


That last comment by Lala says it all ā€œI never knew someone who got cheated on and became God.ā€ I knew it. Lala canā€™t stand that Ariana made $$$$ and is still riding the high and making $$$.


Thatā€™s so wild too bc she went so hard against Tim during the reunion for all of this.


And Lala was all for it when people were buying her send it to Darrell merch šŸ™ƒ


Itā€™s like we knew Randall was trash, we knew Schwartz was constantly cheating, we knew Jax will fuck anything that moves This is different for SO many reasons


You know sheā€™s just reeling that she didnā€™t get this attention with nasty rand


>I have a feeling Iā€™m going to love Katie and Ariana and really dislike Scheana and Lala this season. oh man this is me every season, but it looks it ESPECIALLY this season.




My hands went up SO HARD in excitement seeing Katie smooching a girl and INSTANTLY recoiled when they showed Tom kissing her too šŸ˜­šŸ’€ Also Tims comment at the end about the embryos. Ugh. This season is going to be dark. EDIT: my mistake, Tim was talking about the fur bbs. But as a child free woman my anger stands


I interpreted it to mean the fur bbies


Same. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but at the reunion didnā€™t Andy ask about the eggs and Ariana confirmed they werenā€™t fertilized?


You are correct.


Me too. There is no way in hell Ariana would keep her and Tom's embryos.


I think it was confirmed during the reunion there are no embryos. Because Tom never went. So itā€™s just Arianaā€™s eggs. And luckily she doesnā€™t have to deal with the legality of embryos


In that same scene she tells Tom that he tried killing Charlotte, so ima assume they meant the fur babies


I think it was about the dogs/cat.


I hate these type of story lines because I know this chick is just a plant/actress for a fake storyline.


Katie deserves better than some thirst bag trying to get camera time by kissing her AND Schwartz


So Lala was content to ride Arianaā€™s coattails to places like the White House Correspondentsā€™ Dinner, Uber commercials & Send it to Darryl merch sales, but now that those avenues have been milked dry, itā€™s gone too far? How transparently self centered.


Theyā€™re all opportunistic in their own way. Itā€™s how they built their careers which is why I donā€™t understand when they accuse each other of it. You all have taken opportunities and said yes any time thereā€™s an opportunity to make $$. You canā€™t be mad when some get more opportunities. Itā€™s just how the world works. They would all be capitalizing the same way if they were in Arianaā€™s shoes.


Funnily enough thatā€™s what Tom Sandy said since day one about Lala


I have always hated scheana but damn she absolutely sucks


She really really does suck. I wish Ariana would just open her eyes about her already.


Iā€™ve always tried to stay neutral with Scheana and Lala but looks like this season is about to seal their fate and they already werenā€™t doing well, in the court of public opinion.šŸ˜¬ Scheana making out with Shorts actually really pisses me off. Would not be surprised if it came out that she messed around with both the Toms. ETA; I predict it happened back when she was still with Shay.


1. Scheana and Schwartz? God she really just ruined any single chance of grace she ever had, the epitome of not being a girlā€™s girl. 2. So the rumors of Katie hooking up with a girl that Schwartz was seeing *are* true? 3. Jo asking Schwartz if heā€™s embarrassed of her got me cracking up so bad I canā€™t lie, like you moved in with a guy who just got a divorce after like over a decade of being with the same partner (who you used to be friends with) and you expected it to work out? ETA 4. Lala saying ā€œI donā€™t know anyone who has gotten cheated on and becomes god.ā€ Politely sit down, Lala is just mad that she didnā€™t get the same rallying behind her when she left Randall. If she got the same endorsements and support, sheā€™d be lathering up in it even more than Ariana.


You forgot about Jax crawling his way from the sewer into Sur to probably beg Lisa to be back on the show.


It wasnā€™t as shocking because he was spotted filming with the guys at TomTom multiple times, Jax has been *begging* for a way back onto this show lmao. I hope James imitates him the way he imitated Stassi in the season 5 reunion


Weren't they filming for some crossover for the pilot that didn't get picked up? I don't mind Jax at times but I hope Lisa boots him the fuck out of Sur.


Also - LALA made money off this shit FIRST with her podcast and send it to Darrell merch. Come onnnn.


FOR REAL! So it's okay for HER to capitalize on Ariana's breakup, but it's not okay for Ariana to capitalize on Ariana's breakup? Okay Lala. Sit down.


Exactly like honey cashed in on it too??


Ohhhh Lalaā€™s jealous. I love that for her.


I gave her the benefit of the doubt when people speculated she might be jealousā€¦ pass me some of the humble pie!




Iā€™m so jealous of Kyle Chanā€™s front-row seat to whatever mess this is https://preview.redd.it/sl7yc3n3pp5c1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdbbd141165af42c9bacffe59236ba0820eb8d99


I fucking love how far down I had to scroll before seeing Jax mentioned at all. Itā€™s what ~~she~~ he deserves.


I will die if Ariana solely calls Tom "my ex" the entire season.


She did the same thing on WWHL and in her book. She wonā€™t even give oxygen to his literal name and I donā€™t blame her one bit. He rode her coattails for far too long.


Scheana is the worst kind of girl omg


Ya'll! 1.Schwartz and Scheana?!?! I legit can't wait to get more clarity and details about when this happened!! 2.Tom seems to be getting a gentle edit. 3. Jo being on the show is making my heart soar, in the best way possible. 4. Lala is pathetic. 5. Jax jumpscare. NOT looking forward to his scene. Thank God it's only one. EDIT: 6. I'm so sick of Schwartz.


I was not ready for this. https://preview.redd.it/jyw55zi72q5c1.jpeg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1e46420670546bef8c48fe61f50908d8300423d


The coke vein is in his neck now? Eek


I said this on a different post, but he looks like he came dressed to pick up a shift at SUR. Then Lisa said no, you're a walking health hazard, and he freaked out. That's how I hope how his scene goes, at least.


Jax jumpscare šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ so true


Lala is so triggered that no one cared about her sugar daddy cheating on her šŸ˜­


Ofc šŸ¤£ like girllll šŸ’€


If Lala played it with complete honesty and humility and didn't try to rewrite history (that we all WATCHED in real time), she could have had much more of "a moment" over it. If she stood up and said, "I was such a stupid b*tch. I was in my 20s and thought I was the hottest sh*t in town, that this horrible man wouldn't do to me what he did to everyone else. I was so caught up in the money and fame that I acted like a freaking monster to everyone about this man. Don't be an idiot like I was- I wish I knew then what I know now", the reaction would have likely been way more positive. But Lala just can't be humble or honest.


ā€œScumbag and Cheatersā€ Hi Tim šŸ‘‹šŸ» looks like someone has been spending his free time lurking in this sub.


But for real inject this into my veins I am ready


Whoa I guess I'm out of the loop but what's up with this and whos the girl... https://preview.redd.it/aenc9fjpmp5c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b939e0c952e7d6bbb8d334a1b5f66e3b4f668ac8


idk but anyone who can have a crush on both Katie and Schwartz gives me pause lmao


Jax is greasier than ever ![gif](giphy|KzOey2JYlgHAc)


ā€œI donā€™t know anyone who has gotten cheated on and becomes god (**because if it didnā€™t happen to me it must not be a thing**)ā€ Jealousy looks bad on you Laler. Mustā€™ve been easier to support women with Randallā€™s chubby greasy hand in your back pocket.


I have to wonder what her damage is! She made good money out of merch from an off-hand joke, her podcast was a must-listen during Scandoval (and hit #1 on the Apple charts for its category at one point), sheā€™s doing those Amazon Lives, got to sell off her makeupā€¦ I would consider those things as gifts from the universe, to get her life re-started after Randall. She seems unwilling to face the fact that people were invested in Ariana and Sandoval and that the girl she wrote off as a ā€œwet blanketā€ is suddenly the darling. People never liked that scumbag Randall and thereā€™s a whole portion of the audience who donā€™t like her, either


Lala is just such a bitter and angry human being. All shots of her are just yelling at Tom, Scheana (about Ari) and Katie. She really said let me pick on the main characters to get my moments. The ā€œbecomes Godā€ comment will not age well. But it tracks with how sheā€™s been behaving - the only girl not to go to DWTS. Sheā€™s so jealous. Ariana canā€™t help the opportunities that came her way or that sheā€™s likable. Maybe Lala should take notes since sheā€™s clearly butthurt she didnā€™t get the same experience post Rand? Scheana and Schwartz doesnā€™t surprise me at all. The love triangle of Katie and Schwartz DID. Love that! Ariana living her best life and Daniel is great. It seems like she overall has a fairly chill season. Scheana seems like sheā€™ll have the roughest go this season. The blink and youā€™ll miss Jax shot getting yelled at by Lisa is all we need from him, thank you. Sandy is going to be annoying this year, but heā€™s always been. This season looks fun, messy and dramatic. Iā€™m ready for it!


He yelled the alternate Schwartz & Sandy's name ("Scumbags and Cheaters!") while throwing a sledgehammer at a wall. šŸ’€ ​ ETA: typo


If lala had been a nicer person and hadnā€™t thought she was better than all women while she was with Randall, then maybe the audience would have supported her thru her divorce. She sounds so bitter.


Also the way she would yell anyone down if they said anything less than glowing about ā€œmy man.ā€ It was impossible, she would go on rampages against anyone over that slimeball


She was sf nasty to his ex, I could never get over someone treating me like that.


Scheana really is determined to be the absolute worst


I'm over people commenting how crazy it is Ariana and Tim still live together. Do you know what's crazy? HE WONT LET HER OUT. He won't buy out her half and he refuses to sell. What is she supposed to do? Walk away from a million dollar house? Stop blaming Ariana for Tom being a piece of shit controlling asshole. Scheana is gross af, no wonder her and Rachel got along so well. Nasty.


Iā€™m going with Scheana and Brock knew about Tom and Rachel in the end. There I said it.


I have always thought this.


All these comments about how Scheana and Schwartz kissing proves Scheana sucks, IT ALSO PROVES SHORTS ALWAYS SUCKED, ALWAYS CHEATED AND DARE I SAY HATED KATIE. Katie was wronged so many times in so many ways by that man.


Lala is such an ungrateful twit. Sheā€™s made a ton of money off the Scandoval. She had the Send it to Darell merch, the Ubereats commercial and so many other opportunities she never wouldā€™ve had if Ariana didnā€™t get cheated on. She should stop being jealous and start being grateful.


Oof, Scheana šŸ˜¬


I feel like a lot of people were anticipating a boring season and tbh this trailer has me excited !! Looks like itā€™s going to be lots of drama and not just focusing on the scandavol


Holy hell! When were Scheana & Tom2 single at the same time?! Who was the lady Katie was kissing??? Was Lala yelling at Ariana?! What?!?!? (Said in DJJK voice!)


i think lala was yelling ABOUT ariana to other people lol


Tom entered the show being in a relationship with Katie so NO, he wasnā€™t single but he was always a tongue slut so not surprised with him. Scheana?! Gross! Iā€™m officially over her pick me shit. She can fuck right off!


At this point the only one Schwartz hasn't made out with is Katie.


LaLa confirming that God is a woman.


![gif](giphy|JG9nqb09er9y3NUhUP|downsized) Stocking up on Sun Chips for this premiere


Omg, this season looks like itā€™s going to be fukkin amazing!šŸ¤©šŸ„³šŸ„³ ā€œThe worm is worming.ā€šŸ˜˜šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ Scheana and Shorts? WTAF?! I knew Lala was going to become jealous of Arianaā€™s success and it looks like Vanderpump is too because sheā€™s throwing some low key shade. This + Rachelā€™s podcast dropping at the same time?? Anyone who is tired of hearing about Scandoval, buckle up b!tches, weā€™re just getting started.šŸ˜ˆā¤ļøā€šŸ”„


well, i guess itā€™s time to rewatch from season 1 until season 11 arrives! šŸ«”


Iā€™ve seen enoughā€¦Jo is weird. lol


The fact she is surprised Shorts isn't ready for a serious relationship... the man just got divorced from his wife who he was with for over a decade, and he couldn't even be loyal to her. Yet here Jo is thinking he wants to commit to her šŸ¤£


The fact that Shorts and his basement-level standards wonā€™t claim her as his girlfriendā€¦ lol


Lala better not turn on Ariana because the way she acted at the reunion and social media was like she was the one Tom had cheated on. The only way that makes sense is if youā€™re going to the mat defending your friend.


Damn I canā€™t wait to watch, I feel like Iā€™m really gonna hate Scheana and Lala this season lol


But also whatā€™s the point of Jax?


Do yā€™all remember when Schwartz admitted to making out with someone the first time(in the back alley of Sur)? Am I misremembering it or didnā€™t they say it was a Scheana look a like and Scheana was the one putting the information out thereā€¦ was it her the whole time? ![gif](giphy|h1QI7dgjZUJO60nu2X|downsized)


This right here is my Roman Empire https://preview.redd.it/ylzsuaxe2q5c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb3bc5d361b990c21e717ba96a515fd47f610190


Lala the difference is you were messing with a rich married man!! And then repeatedly threw shade at the wife he was once with. You constantly were an asshole on tv to Rachel and Billie even if they are disliked. The sympathy for you vs Ariana is gonna be way different obviously.. pls shush. I knew it was gonna come to the time where the cast (Lala and Scheana) were gonna get jealous over Arianaā€™s opportunities


Remember when Scheana set up Brittany with Adam and then ended up being with Adam the next season? Scheana encouraging Rachel to kiss Schwartz and then kissing him a year later is awfully reminiscent of thatā€¦


She also hooked up with Nema from Shahs of Sunset, who Rachel later briefly dated. Sheā€™s friends with Mackenzie from Love Island, they both hooked up with Carl from Summer House. Weird


My jaw is on the FLOOR yall. Scheana and Shorts? I need to sit down omg


Lala's about to flip on Ariana so hard this season looks fucking SPICY


Knew Lala would be pissed at Ari making that break up money..


OMG so whoever said Jo made her insta public because she's going to be in the new season was RIGHT!!!9


Scheana?? Scheana Marie Shay??? Made out with WHOMST??????? I need this to be directly in my eyeballs IMMEDIATELY


Katie girl, if you need a non man to make out with who wonā€™t also make out with your gross ex, Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s a lot of us out here.


I got questions


Remember when scheana was consoling Ariana with Katie and arianaā€™s other friends during scandoval? And she said ā€œthis isnā€™t ā€˜we kissed one time when we were on acid at Coachellaā€™ā€?the lady doth protest too much methinks.


Omg Iā€™m so ready!


Iā€™m so ready for this chaos šŸ”„




I MISSED episode discussions with this sub! I feel like I am returning to college for my sophomore year, seeing all my old friends again!! SO EXCITED for Jan 30.


Omg!!! The naysayers about this season may just be wrong, this looks lit!


Now that this whole Schwartz & Scheana make out has been revealed, does anyone else think her very specific ā€œkiss while on acid at Coachellaā€ comment during the season 10 finale mean anything?


if thereā€™s one thing schwartz is going to do itā€™s going to be downplaying his shitty actions and behavior with his fingers on his mouth


the appeal of Shorts needs to be psychologically studied..... cause I'm confused


ā€œI have never experienced someone getting cheated on and she becomes godā€ There you go, Lala. You finally said it with your whole chest. You are SO jealous that Ariana is getting overwhelming support. Period. End of story. (And this is not coming from a Lala hater at ALL.) Also, Scheana kissed Schwartz too?!?! Dude, Scheana just canā€™t help herself, can she? She just HAS to be the worst. And then is shocked when Katie doesnā€™t want to be her friend. Other assorted thoughts: Ew, Jo. Ew, Schwartz. Pink haired bi girl obviously should pick Katie. Also, yay we get to see Dan!