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She’s seriously so far up her own ass. I’m legit embarrassed for her


She's so god damn terrible. Everything is about her and how it affects her. I was never a big Ariana fan in the past but she really needs to wake up about who she lets in her "inner circle " but I have a feeling Scheana will cry and victimize herself and alls forgiven.




This gif is "chef's kiss" 😂🙌


Scheana always brings up being a mother and starts crying in order to gain sympathy. I know a lot of mothers who are able to be productive mothers and not need to talk to a best friends ex-boyfriend. On top of that the reason why you said you couldn't sleep in the first place was because of Raquels TRO against you which Tom didnt speak out against in factbhe co-signed Raquels version of events so what do you mean you're working on forgiveness Scheana? You're just not a girls girl, and it is what it is 🤷🏾‍♀️


Remember when she was strongly pushing Schartz and Rachel to hook up last season to spite Katie? She's a vindictive loser.


Very vindictive! I would not trust her if I was on the cast I'd keep my relationship with her very face value


Extremely vindictive and calculating! She may be the most disloyal person after Tom. She can forgive without being friends with someone who did what he did to her “best friend” it’s honestly pretty simple and easy.


But she only puts other people's feelings before hers /s


Entire season 10 shows she doesn’t care about anyone else’s feelings but her own. She went significantly out of her way to try to ruin Katie to the core and continued to try to get everyone else on board. She even tried blaming others and calling out Ally for telling what she saw.


It’s so weird to me when she says “Next to Ariana, I was the one most directly affected by this, but I’m not allowed to be, it’s only about her.” No girl, everyone rallied behind you when you stuck it to Tom for lying to you and your friends as well as when you claimed Rachel made up the assault allegations. Everyone had your back, you were allowed to be hurt and got support. That support stopped and nobody understood your feelings anymore when you suddenly could befriend Tom yet can’t seem to give the same grace to Rachel, who is the one that was more likely to be preyed upon despite how badly Tom tries to paint Rachel as this master manipulator that preyed on him against his will). Within a 2-3 month span you went from telling Tom off in your apartment and rallying behind Ariana for how dirty he did her, to hanging with him both on and off filmed cast interactions. That’s not loyalty.


She also just released a Christmas song with Lala and I haven’t heard it yet but I did hear that they’re still going after Rachel so how tf could she honestly, seriously believe that next to Ariana she was the most affected?! How can she possibly believe the shit that comes out of her own mouth??🤯 She is beyond self centred and I agree with others that she weaponizes being a Mom. That’s bs. If she can’t be present with her child, that’s on her and no one else. She’s acting like someone died.


But but but but she always puts everyone else first! Thats so the problem! Poor her! she can't be present as a mother unless she gets more attention! The season hasn't even started and i'm over scheana based on this clip alone.


FOR FUCKING REAL!!! SCHEANA IS SUCH A FUCKING VICTIM!!! Does she really think Uber would've wanted to do the good as gold remix if she wasn't friends with Ariana???? Literally everyone who hates Scheana was speculating that her pivoting hard to the girl team was all calculated to keep the heat off her and boy were we all right!!! In classic Scheana fashion she's flip flopped back but worse than EVER!!! God the level of delusion is WILD


OMG that’s so true… he really did call her out at the reunion. She’s about to undo any good will she built up… I have second hand embarrassment for her.


About to? I hate her more than ever in this very moment. I couldnt believe the bullshit spewing from her in the trailer and now this? At least Scheana is showing us that she really is the person we've known she is all these years 🥴


She definitely weaponizes being a mother.


Scheana cries over everything


She can turn it on and off like a shower. Truly amazing.


I was about to saw this also - what was her excuse before she was a mom? And listen, she could just be like I’m a people pleaser and I can’t hold a grudge. But not holding a grudge is different than trying to be his friend!


Omg she's insane!! How the hell was her being able to mother her child dependent on her forgiving Tom Sandoval? God I cannot fucking stand Scheana!! I gave her some grace after her brief redemption arc at the reunion but I literally hate her delusional ass more than ever these days.


Worse thing to ever happen was putting schena on tv and giving her a microphone. Jfc she’s like Teddi camp


Guys I'm sick atm and my brain is not working. What's the TRO?


Temporary Restraining Order 😀


Temporary Restraining Order


“I had to work to towards forgiving Tom so I could be a present mother!” Scheana 👏stop 👏using 👏 Summer👏Moon👏to👏justify👏being👏a👏garbage👏friend👏


And sliding in her little comment “Ariana will never understand” it’s giving exclusion and gate keeping. Sure Sheana, women who don’t have children will *never* understand *true* internal struggles. We will never understand trying to be a better person because we don’t have cHiLdReN looking up to us. Give me a fucking break.


When she said “Ariana will never understand” I was disgusted. After seeing this and Lala in the trailer it’s very clear why they were so close this season. They both probably were so bitter and jealous of Ariana and used being a mom as moral high ground as to why they are terrible friends. How did Scheana manage to make her response the most self centered thing ever that makes her a victim? Oh right, because she’s Scheana


That statement was so gross, it reeked of narcissism and selfishness. Girl, Tom didn't cheat on you, lie about you, and try to ruin you financially. IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU SHEANA!!!


🤮 And then she says “next to Ariana I’m the most affected by this.” And basically blasts Ariana for “never understanding.” Scheana is trying to make Ariana look bad. I hope Ariana sees this and stops defending Scheana because Scheana is doing her dirty.


Yeah That enraged me! I think she also said that to bait the Ariana haters to troll Ariana on the comments. Also be for real. This is not about your daughter or being a mother. This is about you being friends with Tom again because your husband wants to be his friend and the two people sitting in the room with you want you to be his friend. And you want to be his friend. And you blaming Ariana for your choices. And you being jealous and bitter of Ariana’s success which is making it easier for you to not be a supportive friend.


Especially when having Ariana on Scheana’s podcast probably gave her the most listens (aka money) and I’m sure Ariana did it as a friend for free while she could have made some money on other podcasts.


Reminds me of how religious people are baffled atheists can not be awful humans without the fear of purgatory looming over them. Like, sorry it took you having a child to want to be a better human being. Poor Summer Moon, that kid will live permanently under the bus her mother will throw her under any chance she can to avoid accountability!


I need them to break the fourth wall! Scheana, say that the show is your main source of income and your daughter needs you to work. If working means working with and being friendly to Sandoval, then say that you’re putting your livelihood over friendship dynamics. Maybe we’d have a little respect for you? It’s so not hard to be decent and have self awareness, but Scheana makes it seem like a constant uphill battle for her


I am truly taken aback by this lol but i don't even know why she has proven time and time again to only care about herself in every situation


Right! When she said that I tried to remember when she put everyone else first. As far back as I remember she has ALWAYS been putting herself first


'i need to put myself first for once' scheana.. name a time where you DIDN'T put yourself first??? what about when your husband was struggling to stay sober and you begged him to just 'drink a little' so you could still have fun? who were you putting first then? and that's just where we would start


Same! I saw this clip on Instagram and came here because I was so bewildered. What is she talking about like ??????


She acts like she’s the only mother on planet earth. That no one else will understand.




She’s sooo jealous of Ariana, sooo jealous. This woman puts herself first.


Until any man walks in. Does he like her? Did he notice her? Does he AGREE with and approve of her? 🙄


That’s why her hair is getting blonder


There’s no inner, personal struggle when it comes to loyalty. No wonder Stassi and Katie never let her in 🐍


Yup she's such a phony. Turn on the waterworks for sympathy, bring daughter up to gain sympathy from fans that are parents, make it about herself. For weeks she's been setting up these reasons as to why she becomes buddies with Scumdoval again and no one's going to care why.


She literally bragged about being able to cry on the spot too. Like girl enough we don’t believe anything you say 😂 and being a mom is soooo irrelevant to the situation. If anything she should be setting a better example for her daughter and leave Tom in the past. She’s basically justifying his toxic behavior just because. Like there is nooooooo reason for her to be friends with him






She definitely still believes she was the victim in all of that too and now I’m seeing that she has more in common with Tim than she does Ariana.


This 100%. This is why Katie and Ariana have become close. I wish Ariana would have given Stassi the time of day. I think they would have been close friends.


The struggle only comes for reconciling with men. Pick me girl!


Everything is about Scheana. I’m sorry. This was so hard on…checks notes…you? Also, how is anyone surprised that Schaena has no sense of loyalty? Recall how we were introduced to her in the first place.


Yup, I'm officially done with Scheana. Not that I was a big fan of her, but I always assumed she was a reality TV star and she understood the assignment. "If I cause drama, I keep my job". But after this video I am freaking done. If she had gone on and said that this has been hard because she was such good friends with Raquel, and Raquel not only lied to her but hurt Scheana's best friend and tried to get her in legal trouble. I would've accepted the "making it about yourself" narrative she has. But no, you have decided to take the route of this being soooo hard on you because you can't be friends with Tom because of loyalty to Ariana. Are you fucking 12? Be a fucking adult. If you can't be present for your daughter because you can't decide who to hang out with at a Bravocon convention, guess what babe you aren't that present to begin with! I am in awe at how low she is willing to go just to have herself spoken about.


And the fact she said that after Ariana, she’s the most affected by this scandal! What the fuck lady?


If we allow ourselves to go down the route of everything being about Scheana, her going back to Tim still doesn’t make sense. He said he didn’t care about her, they were never close, and supported the TRO. Even in her selfish ways she doesn’t make sense.




The way he is still talking shit about and blaming Ariana is a solid reason why he doesn’t deserve forgiveness. She is so shallow.


Jesus. I’m not an innate scheana hater but damn girl how can you even make this about yourself at all


absolute masterful to use the phrase “it is an ensemble cast” and then talk about herself for an eternity


this interview...wow. idk, i remember ariana being extremely supportive of scheana after this all went down and mentioning all the things that tom and raquel did that affected her on several platforms. so for scheana to say she doesn't know if ariana will ever understand how hard this was for her, it kind of blew my mind. i get annoyed by scheana a lot, but i'm not even feeling that right now. i'm just genuinely baffled by what a shitty friend she's being in this moment. thank god ariana has katie this season. actually though, something did actively annoy me. she keeps bringing up her kid and motherhood like it's relevant here and it's not. i get the basic general concept of trying to make her life stress-free in order to be a good mom. but this feels like she's using her daughter as a shield against criticism so people can't be mad at her when she inevitably flip flops because it's "for summer moon". she does not have to forgive him and be friends with him to be a presence in her kid's life, and it felt like she was hinting that way. grossed me out. EDIT: one more thing. i SWEAR she had said before in her podcast or somebody's that one of the reasons this was so hard on her was that despite how badly tom had treated ariana, he hadn't done anything to scheana (which she was rightfully called out for at the time). but in this interview all of a sudden it's so hard BECAUSE he did so many things to her apparently. so, which is it??


Your comment makes me think about how badly we need a compilation video of all Scheana’s flip flopping and contradictory statements followed by evidence she’s wrong since Scandoval happened


Does Scheana have any self-awareness at all?




The only answer.




I believe that she believes she the MOST self aware but she’s not. She’s just self absorbed. Maybe she’s confused the two.😆


![gif](giphy|IL7hXX77O5OIU) This is some BS. Her shitty choices made her life more difficult. SHE inserted herself in Katie and Tom’s divorce with Rachel SHE watched Rachel act like an ass all season and still rolled with her SHE threw Rachel’s phone and pushed her. None of this is Ariana’s doing. I swear if Rachel was still on the show she would be up her ass too


One of the major things that always has and always will bug me about Scheana is that she really thinks she's the nice one. She thinks everything just happens \*to\* her, like she has no agency and just sitting there being sweet and innocent and all these meanies are just so mean and shit comes at her for nooo reason. Obviously Rachel used her, but she also used Rachel as a weapon against Katie, and would still be doing it if Scandavol hadn't happened. Also I've been rewatching last season and it seems really clear to me that she was angry at Ariana for going into business with Katie and tried repeatedly to undermine Ariana and Katie's friendship. In fact I bet part of her sentiments here are that she's still pissed that Ariana got close with Katie.


Yes! A thousand percent this!!! No self awareness at all.


Scheana is too surface level and fearful of male rejection to admit complex jealousies and motives like that. A lot of the cast needs to do shadow work, but if I could force only one person to do it, it would be Scheana.


I think pretty much all my BECs on Bravo are people who think they're "the nice one." Scheana, Schwartz, Kyle from RHOBH, Amanda on SH, etc... These are not nice people, but they have so little self-awareness (or pretend to have so little self-awareness) that it's impossible to hold them accountable for anything. Like when they're mean to be people they absolutely insist that they were "coming from a good place" or "just responding to how they were being treated" or even "just joking around" so that nothing can ever stick to them and they never have to learn about themselves and it's exhausting.


Ariana just said on wwhl that Katie has been the most loyal of the cast. You know that has Scheana fuming.


My first thought when I saw that was, *Uh oh, Scheana's gonna be big mad about that!* But like, "a friend to all is a friend to none" has never been truer about any person I've seen on reality TV than it is about Scheana. And I think the most ironic part is that Katie's been telling her that for years and Scheana cannot process it as anything besides, *Katie's being mean to meeeeee.*


She’s not a friend to all. She’s a friend to who she wants to be (the popular guys) and only pretends to be friends with others bc she needs them for something. She dropped James and Lala the second they became unpopular. She shared stassis sex tape and talked crazy shit the minute she was off the show after spending years trying to get in with her. She’s be undermining Ariana ever since Ariana and Tom became the new it couple. The list goes on and on. She just cannot stand female competition. She will go wherever the popularity wind blows but she really only cares about male attention. Notice she’s not trying to rekindle a friendship with her “best friend” Raquel.


That and Ariana calling Brock out as the one who sucks up to Sandoval. Plus when Andy asked Ariana about Scheana being in Tim’s room in Bravocon Ariana said something along the lines of Im not going to tell Scheana who to hang out with but I’m also going to distance myself from people who hang out with him for the sake of my own mental health. I think at this point both these girls have deep seated issues with one another but they don’t talk about it and keeps this surface level friendship with each other out of habit and because they both are conflict avoiders.


The first time she put herself first?… girl is that why you allegedly made out with shorts? Or when you put Shay on blast for his addiction? Or how about when you stirred shit up with Katie and shorts supporting Rachel?


I’m trying to remember a time when she didn’t put herself first 😂


Exactly! The only time she maybe put someone else first is when she kissed Katie’s ass to be in her wedding, but in reality that was still about Scheana.


You’re right- and just like you said, in the end it was totally self serving and to get her more screen time/attention


Um guys it's an ensemble cast not just Tom and Ariana ![gif](giphy|kGcrwfW60dya2RqaaW)


Me me me me me me me. That’s half of what she said. She is one the most self-centered humans on this planet. And that’s saying a lot lol


Honestly it’s like Scheana wishes Rachel and Brock had an affair for a year so she could finally join dancing with the stars


I detect no lies in your statement.


Honestly, I wish there was a word counter. This clip is crazy.


Okay, I counted 12 "me" and 27 "I" and 2 "I'm" ​ That was so difficult and such a struggle for ME, I think need a nap


If my best friend acted like this after I got cheated on, I would be so incredibly frustrated. I don’t think I could take it. How is she possibly making this about her???


I wonder if Ariana might finally drop her after seeing this “Ariana doesn’t understand how this affected meeeeee.”😫 or “I was the second most affected.” Are you serious Scheana? You and Lala are still bullying Rachel/ Raquel. FOH https://i.redd.it/5jseem5esx5c1.gif


also like.. she just factually was no the second most affected person lol. it's weird to tier people based on something like this but i'd have to say it would be shwartz since he owns a business with tom.


Can we talk about that lame Christmas song? I think Rachel is vile but fuck me leave her alone who cares!!!! its sooooo desperate


I like how she emphasizes “I”. We know Scheana, you’re talking about yourself.


Always the victim


Lmfao scheana fucking sucks. The day Ariana drops her is the day she will truly have reached her final, best form


Ariana said that Katie was the most loyal on WWHL and I’m glad she said it.


Me too! It’s all happening 😂


when it comes to the most self-centered cast member to have ever been on this show, scheana is tied with jax when it comes to the cast member who ALWAYS makes excuses for themselves and NEVER takes accountability for their actions, scheana is tied with sandoval when it comes to having 0 loyalty to the people she supposedly loves the most, scheana is tied with schwartz. ive disliked scheana for a long time and im glad other people are finally seeing her for who she is. she flies under the radar because she hasnt done anything as widely offensive as jax, sandoval, or schwartz, but she has ALL of their worst qualities. boo scheana


All of this


Damn Ariana to hell for not thinking about Scheana being a mother before she got cheated on


She is delusional and a bad person. What a joke.


Didn’t Scheana say she was in therapy for a bit there? I think she needs a new therapist. The girl has zero self awareness and has never cared about anyone or anything unless it somehow benefitted her.


Oh god she is so ridiculous. I can’t even. And fyi you can totally forgive asshole dip shits WITHOUT letting them back in your life. That’s what growth is. Realizing some ppl you just gotta love from afar and let go because they’re not good people.


Give me a break Scheana 🙄 She is always putting herself first and always making it about her (Shay's addiction, her and Brock trying to get married at James & Rachel's engagement party are two prime examples), she knows that she's not the main character and it eats away at her fame whore ego. Her trying to make this about her and saying that she's the next most affected after Ariana is silly. We all knew that she would forgive Sandoval because she's a "people pleaser". Honestly, if this is really affecting how she functions as a mother then maybe it's time to just step away from it all, grow up and look at not trying to chase a level of fame that she'll honestly never achieve.


You’d think the money sheeshu made after scandoval would at least secure her loyalty.


I said it months but I want to gloat... That restraining order was the best thing to happen to Scheana during Scandoval because she got to make it all about herself and no one was mad at her. I would have more respect if Scheana just says she doesn't want to give up a fat paycheque. 🤷


"I wish Ariana would understand how hard this was for me" Scheana is loyal to no one and always puts herself first. She is not a girls girl. She doesn't care about Ariana. I wish they'd all cut her off. Sandoval said they were never really friends and also backed up Rachel's claims that Scheana punched her. THAT is who she is choosing to be friends with? Trash


“Working to put myself first” Working on it??? Like she hasn’t always put herself first? What???


I cannot BELIEVE Tom cheated on Ariana & no one checked up on Scheana 😔😫💔


1) No one is obligated to be friends/friendly with their ex, especially one that so thoroughly hurt them like Tom did to Ariana. 2) There are times in everyone’s lives where lines are drawn in the sand. The question is which friendship is more fulfilling and more important to you? Scheana has every right to try to be friends with Tom again, just as much as Ariana has the right to not be friends with or associate with anyone who stays close to Tom. 3) It feels extremely icky and low of Scheana to use motherhood as a reason that she needed to mend her friendship with Tom and then say “I don’t think Ariana will ever understand that”, thereby implying how Ariana not currently being, or potentially ever being a mother, makes her a less understanding and empathetic person. If anything I would think being a mother to a daughter would make you even more willing to cut off someone like Tom, because imagine if a guy did that to your child. What would you do? Knowing Scheana she’d probably be like “well, Summer, he didn’t do anything to me personally, so I’m still going to invite him over for dinner once in a while.” 4) It’s. Literally. Not. About. You. As I’ve gotten older I have learned that I do not trust fence sitters, people who can’t declare any kind of loyalty, and women who can’t maintain close female friendships. All I hear when Scheana talks is “pick me pick me pick me.”


Trying to be neutral here, yeah, she had rough time after Scandoval too. She probably questioned every situation in her head between Brock and Rachel, then there's social media and people wondering what really happened. She is allowed to feel it was hard on her. But still, it's not about you Scheana. This was the time to realise that it wasn't just cheating, it was him trying to manipulate narrative and make everyone hate your best friend. It was your best friend defending a woman who slept with her life partner and they both smiled to her face and kept lying. It was not like you all were young and stupid. It was almost ten years of relationship and after that there should've been respect for your partner not ending it like that.


This makes me miss the editor that gave Sheshu the “bad edits” because we need that energy this season. I need to see her at her shittiest and not let her pull the wool over people’s eyes.


Ariana has acknowledged how scandoval has been hard on their entire friend group, mentioning Scheana specifically. Ariana has been more humble than most people would be in this situation. She even said this week that she didn’t have all the info on the bravocon stuff and didn’t push Scheana away for it. I really feel like Ariana does understand Scheana being hurt in this situation. Nothing wrong with her distancing herself if Scheana is friends with Sandoval. Sandoval represents trauma to Ariana.


![gif](giphy|WgO1OyiPaPPoUYcmK4) This is hard on her and she couldn’t be a present mother? I can’t.


Oh Lordt. The crying and saying "he didn't cheat on me personally." 🤦🏽‍♀️ I know this is Scheana's MO, so I'm not surprised, but I'm disappointed. This came out only nine months ago. She can't keep justifiable distance for a few months? I'm not going to drag her, because this seems like a ploy to take the heat off of Sandoval, but it's just always gross to me the lengths Scheana and women like her will go to to protect and forgive shitty men. ETA: ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


What on earth has being friends with Tom got to do with her being a mother???? Is she alright? I also can’t imagine Tom really needs his friendship with her. Aside from having no music talent and delusions of grandeur, what do they have in common? I’d bet my lungs that she and Lala, on their play dates and all, have talked crap about Ariana a lot. I’ve never seen Schaena Shay put any adult/friend first. I honestly think, deep down, Ariana knows this about Schaena. I think she has her number, they’ll be friends but Ariana probably has other friends that she trusts a lot more.


Did anyone else respond out loud to her list of rhetorical questions? "Do I just stay Team Ariana and say fuck Tom forever?" Yes. "Do I work towards a path of forgiveness" No, that man hasn't taken real accountability for his actions.


https://preview.redd.it/do66k3zu8x5c1.jpeg?width=583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0ac56edb1baac55740d8647354567714c460719 I used this on the other page but it’s the perfect scheana meme.


Her motherhood comment was low. There is a special place reserved for women who invoke motherhood to cut down and discredit the feelings of other women who are not mothers. A particularly rank breed of internalized misogyny. Looking forward to not seeing Scheaner on TV in 3-5 years. Trash takes itself out, every single time.


Easy solution - pick a lane..


I mean Scheana was able to so easily look past Brock's DV past and abandonment of his other children... I feel forgiving Sandoval is cake compared to that, so I'm not surprised. However her ability to take any situation and somehow make it about her is truly astonishing. It's giving real Elena Gilbert energy and that's not a compliment lmao.


The mental gymnastics she performs in order to justify being friends with Tom again are amazing. Scheana will always be Scheana - she’s out for herself and what she can get, as usual.


People think lack of empathy means cold robot. THIS this here is empathy deficit - she genuinely doesn’t understand what her wants/impulses/preferences don’t always come first. When you lack empathy your definition of love and loyalty stretch only so far as to not affect you.


https://preview.redd.it/ka9igk47jx5c1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df2a03d292e10c00d949c783f1fad9dbd22af139 No Scheana, you were not.


So selfish it’s gross


Present mother ? I thought Brock did that ….. and carry bags.


Scheana is the worst. I don't believe for a minute that she and Sandoval were very close friends in any way. They were friends because he was Ariana's significant other. There's no way he would be in her life in a significant way without Ariana and the show. It seems like she is taking direction from production to do the whole olive branch with Tom because *someone* has to and this is her only storyline opportunity. We don't care about her and Broke and we don't care about her terrible "singing" career. I actually feel bad for Ariana for being friends with such a person.


Holy crap. I really didn’t believe this group when it said Scheana would flip on Ariana. I thought there was no way. That girl supported her forever. Sigh. I will never doubt the hive mind again


I think what’s not being spoken here is that Scheana doesn’t want to lose 50% of her filming opportunities by refusing to film with Sandoval, especially when Ariana seemed to be busy through the filming of this season and probably wasn’t doing as many scenes as normal. Building this victim storyline is a good way to insert herself into the drama and have her pick of solo, dramatic scenes with Sandoval that are guaranteed to get used on the show. Like, instead of having Ariana and Tom reconciliation scenes, we’re gonna get ones with Scheana instead because she’s willing to film them. And Tom will finally give her the loyalty and friendship shes always wanted from him, because who else does he have? It seems like instead of just admitting that to herself, she’s doing these mental gymnastics instead. Good luck with that!


Literally all I hear in this is "I wanted more attention on my emotional storylines and I didn't get it because ARIANA focused too much on herself." She even sounds apologetic to Tim while shading Ariana. This girl is not a friend to anyone else but herself. Shes turning on the only friend in that group who is advancing in life and career past her and she can't stand it. I don't think Ariana is gonna miss this friendship all that much when she walks away.


Nah girl… you spent 10 seasons telling us how much Ariana is your BEST FRIEND, if my best friend got publicly disrespected like that, you wouldnt find the body. Bye Scheana. She is a shitty friend.


It's weirding me out that she's dressed pretty much exactly like Rachel in that Bravocon fangirl picture that Sandoval then copied for his Halloween costume. Her hair is even dyed lighter and cut shorter.


If she gets a short cut we know she’s banging Sandoval.


Scheana thinks she does not need Ariana because she has Lala now as her bestie. Lala has shown time and time again to have zero loyalty to anyone. She will turn on all of her friends if a better situation comes up. It seems like Ariana can hold a grudge, so Scheana may not want to burn that bridge.


i do get what scheana means, this did obviously really emotionally affect her (we could all feel it at the reunion). so yes, she does have her own feelings about things that she needs to work through. at the same time, i personally don’t understand wanting to forgive someone who you asked directly many times about this and lied to you, turned it around on katie so you fought with her, and then threw your friendship in the trash when he was exposed and said you weren’t even really friends. he also continues to say weird shitty things about ariana and rachel, guaranteed he’s saying things about scheana in private as well. but idk it’s up to her and maybe i will be able to understand better by the end of the season.


I can even understand wanting to forgive him for the stuff he did to you...but you still can keep him at an arm's length once you've seen what he's capable of...


Also she was in court for something Sandoval co-signed. Ariana didn’t put you in that situation, Raquel did (and probably encouraged by Sandoval). Does she not get that? Her and Lala really reek of “what about me?” with something that didn’t happen to them.


This girl is out of her damn mind lol


shut up Scheana. (nobody cares.)


She seems jealous


She totally is! She was jealous of Dayna doing standup and everyone going to see her. Imagine how she felt seeing everyone support Ariana during DWTS and now Chicago.


Did anyone take count of how many times she said ME??? Good God, she is literally the worst. Human, friend, and mom.


“It kinda is about me” LMAO


Eye roll. All I hear is ME ME ME


I don’t blame Ariana for having a bad picker (girl me too) but hopefully she’s learned something


She is so self involved it’s insane. Didn’t Tom say he was never your friend and didn’t care about you while he was defending the girl he was cheating on your best friend with, didn’t he say you punched Raquel while you were actively trying to get the TRO dropped and this is the hill you wanna die on, by figuring out what’s best for you to sleep at night, as a mother and whatever else your reasons are, so you two could maybe be friends one day? Like I don’t get it.


I think Scheana saw an opportunity to get Brock more filming time if he was the first to cozy up to Sandoval. That’s all that is important to Scheana is to secure her money and take. Stassi basically called Scheana out on this a few months ago. Scheana doesn’t care what she needs to do as long as she can keep filming and making money.


Also, she cried about how her parenting/baby girl was affected during the TRO stuff…which Sandoval co-signed. But now, not being friends with Sandoval also affects her being a mother…. What?? Am I taking crazy pills?!?


I rolled my eyes so hard in the middle of watching this that I'm going to need some help getting them back to normal. Thanks in advance!


![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc) I'm normally empathetic but everytime this bitch starts crying i cant help but laugh. Its so so put on and its hysterical to me that anyone can believe it.


She is so unbelievably un-self aware it’s almost clinical. How can she possibly claim she was the next person most affected, is she for f’ng real!? Unless she knew and kept it from her friend - beeest frieeend. Which I think her and Brock did - at the end. She’s delusional about herself. Literally *delusional* and who is her therapist because they are failing her badly. And she’s such a victim her and Lala sang another shitty mean girls song about it. Give me a f’ng break. Every time she opens her mouth she digs herself another victim hole.


I honestly can't stand her. I have tried but she is the worst.




“You know it is kind of about me”. lol, okay scheana.


Only word I heard was “I” and being a mother has zero meaning to this situation. If a friendship with a guy who has zero interest in being a better person and friend makes you to upset to mother your child then you need therapy 🤷🏻‍♀️


Only scheana could make this all about her. Also, she only ever seeks a “path to forgiveness” when it’s men.


That’s so typical Scheana “how do I make this about me?” Shes always been such a terrible friend, always stirring the pot and inserting herself wherever there’s a spotlight.


The way she talks in this is like she read one too many Instagram quotes about therapy and is weaponizing therapy talk to justify her narcissistic tendencies 🤦🏽‍♀️


*it only took 12 years, but we may have finally topped scheana’s most cringe monologue; crying to brandi about how hurt she was by…eddie cibrian*


as someone who has alwaysss hated Scheana and Sandavol - them showing their asses the last few seasons have been great for me lmao but no really, i don’t like how the cast has pushed aside how much Katie was the other one fucked over the most by the affair. the shit Katie had to go through last season and none of it is ever discussed frustrates me soooo much.


I'm so tired of her conveniently timed self-victim tears. She's been doing it since she put herself in the middle of the Tom/Ariana vs Kristen situation. Somehow everyone else's storyline becomes her personal struggle. She's exhausting. I would take any one of the problematic fired cast back over her. I actually think they've grown. Scheana has not.


She’s unbearable omg


Lala and Scheana ![gif](giphy|yOyQR1ijOL7sq1UQah)


![gif](giphy|l3q2Hy66w1hpDSWUE|downsized) A crumb of self awareness for this woman, I beg


I feel like she’s saying she had to forgive Tom and be friends again to be a better person herself by not holding onto things, which makes her a better mom. The problem is: yes forgiving someone is the best thing for your own mental health but forgiveness does not mean you excuse what they did. You can let go of the hurt and things Tom did to you personally and still not be friends with him because you see that he’s not a healthy person to be around! What you’re actually teaching your daughter is how to be a doormat. That male attention is more important than anything else.


I lay low on the hardcore Scheana opinions even though I agree with most of it. BUT DAMN Scheana STOP. She sounds like a ludicrous pick me. Her going off on Sandavol so wonderfully and being so graceful at court was a blip in the matrix. Ariana is incredibly smart, hinted at Scheana being a pot stirrer. She's gonna call her out bluntly and publicly soon I bet.


The way she makes everything about herself is honestly impressive. Why do these people have such a warped sense of forgiveness? Forgiveness doesn’t mean you have to be friends with person. You can forgive someone without ever speaking to them again. Because forgiveness is internal not external. Only Katie and Ariana seem to understand this (don’t know about James and Ally.) Scheana, the person who caused Scandoval and did this to you is Sandoval. So, you crying about struggling with not being his friends is stupid. He tried to fuck you over and you wanna hang with him? Yet you talk shit about Rachel? Just say you’re a self absorbed pick-me who’s jealous of Ariana and leave your daughter out of it. It’s embarrassing. I’m so sick of her saying she never puts herself first when it’s literally all she’s ever done.


https://preview.redd.it/l7942bke7z5c1.jpeg?width=530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=659d07f25c62f06b6dd171bfcff109a31379debc 🎻


Scheana.... That man was actively trying to put you in jail for the bitch-slap assault.




Ugh I’m so sick of this disloyal human tragedy bag! Stop using your child as a excuse. You have always been extremely disliking every way possible. The farthest away from being a girls girls. Woman like scheana and I have never gotten along and it is because she has no moral no empathy for any other womens pain. She only cares about herself and will always be a pick me girl and have the “boys” back. I’m so upset in Katie’s behaves and the comment about Ariana not understanding because she don’t have children is nasty. Ugh she makes me so upset and I hate it! Please anybody out there there is no more excuse for this behavior!


Scheana - this is for you, if you lurk through this sub (or for Erika to pass along, or Schooner's sister) - please - STOP. You are the most self-absorbed individual on Bravo. This isn't about you. Nor is it about being the best mother (FFS). This is about supporting your friend - ARIANA. Yes, Tom was your friend - what he did to you, what his clandestine mistress did to you and what the BOTH did to one of your, supposedly, dearest friends is not forgivable, redeemable and you are being vapid, shallow, and an asshole. STOP. No one is going to see it your way.


Scheana is sounding an awful lot like Brandi when she told Taylor how hard Taylor’s husbands suicide was on her. I guess eddie has a type


Omfg. If pick me were an Olympic sport scheana would be a ten-time gold medalist. If pick me were a religion she’d be the high priestess.


…..while I may not agree with them, Scheana’s feelings are valid. I do think she struggled significantly in the wake of the scandal. That being said…….. it’s still givingggg irrational attention seeker. To hold a microphone in your hand and say ALOUD “Yes Ariana was the most impacted BUT I was a close *second*” is 🤡🤡 She is 38 years old in a (seemingly) stable marriage raising a 2.5 year old child HOW does one have the time to be so consumed by friend group drama?? Like you would have to reallyyy want to make it the center of you life Yes Tom and Rachel were lying and cheating and probably lied to you a bunch and you felt betrayed. All terrible things yes but like, harp on it for two weeks and swear them off as close friends case closed. Ariana’s entire life was upended. Scheana realized two of her shitty “best friends” were shitty best friends. Unfortunate yes, equivalent?? No ![gif](giphy|8hZr5URmNKq73xTNnS)


Here is the link to the video https://youtu.be/ldFJvJkJTLY?si=HuuHLzJI3vSBp6qm


Ariana’s traumatized?.. What about me..?


She's always been tacky and self-centered. I don't know that I've ever seen her show true remorse, either...


This all has been *so hard* for *me*! Jesus Scheana. What a valid narcissist.


I mean Ariana had her partner humiliate her in a very public way. And imploded her life. But Scheana per usual has to make it about her


I don’t know anyone who brings up being a mother more than scheana. If this life affects you being a present mother , then quit! Other people quit bad jobs. Also wtf is going on with her eyes?


This is such a bad look. It’s embarrassing for her.


Everything scheana says is BS. Whats shes really trying to figure out is whos going to come out of this looking like the hero, being the most famous, and can help me most with my career. Shes the most fame hungry person i think ive ever seen on TV and everything she does is in aid of that purpose.


Omg Now Its Ariana’s fault she got cheated on and made Scheanas life harder but not just forgiving Tom for fucking up her life. Are you serious Scheana! Also after being excited for the season after the trailer I’m not back to dread and apathy for the show because this just reinforces my belief the producers are out for a redeem Tom villainise Ariana angle. Like no Jerry she’s probably not going to want to go on holiday with her cheating ex!


lol at when she said do i just stay on team ariana and say f tom forever? like ... girl yes that's what a good friend does when her friend gets cheated on?????? lmao


![gif](giphy|7dWcOP3IMbgXLrFm8K) Typical Scheana! This was SO hard on…HER. Scheana has never had loyalty to anyone.. she puts herself first, always.


off topic: why are there a million bland inspirational quotes in the #pumprules tag on twitter lol


Classic Scheana


When has she ever put others first ??? Lol what


![gif](giphy|uiZ4fUjXwRb0SFTpW5) Scheana Shay stay Scheana Shaying


Yes Scheana.... continuing to be chummy with the guy who fucked over one of your best friends is being disloyal to them. God she is fucking stupid!!!


these negative emotions right here^^ are the result of trying to forgive the unforgivable. if you are someone like scheana, you truly believe that being able to “forgive” and “be on good terms” with EVERYONE in life is the key to peace- which is the core reason why you ARENT at peace. some things, you cannot move past. scheana would feel a lot more present if she wasn’t trying to rationalize the unfathomable. if she said “f this guy. don’t need him in my life.” THAT. that would give her peace. and harmony within the true healthy relationships in life. she is almost 40 and this concept is still lost on her?? **BEYOND ME**


Is she for real? It seems like the most selfish people are always the ones saying they put others before themselves.


shes actually insane


Lmao why is she crying and making this about her. Gosh, shes the fucking worst. ![gif](giphy|7OW9uiyfeTRxdSOBYN|downsized)


Her trying to justify mending her friendship with Sandoval while crying about how how much he hurt her https://i.redd.it/ujfanehs306c1.gif


Boooo 🍅 She is an awful friend. If a guy ever did what Tim did to my “best friend”, I would block them on everything and never speak to them again, no further questions. Might even egg their house. I’m sooo over Scheana and she needs to stop with the sympathy tour. She won’t cut Tim off just in case he has a major comeback, she can be the first “friend” in line to ride his coattails and relevancy. Also, what is she talking about “being a present mother”? Like girl please be so for real rn. I hope Ariana sees what a disloyal and shitty friend Scheana is and majorly distances herself. Luckily Ariana seems to have a lot of other real, loyal friends that actually support her and have her back.


When isn’t Scheana putting herself first pls


This was Scheana's "we all sing" moment.