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Yes Jamie, it’s Stassi’s comments that make us think Scheana isn’t loyal. Not her behaviour over the past 10 seasons. ![gif](giphy|l4HnKwiJJaJQB04Zq)


lol she really chalked up 10 seasons of Scheana being a shitty friend and person to a comment stassi made 🤡 although let's BSFR you know that paragraph was typed up by scheaner herself 😂😂😂😂


Gotta keep an eye out for scheanur


Totally! I completely enjoy Scheana, but can still 100% agree that chick ain't loyal. It has nothing to do with what was said about her, and everything to do with her actions over the last decade.








I think I would die if there was a gif of me looking like this, but this is exactly the face I made.


Deep in my heart I just know that she saw this and made this face 😭😂🤷🏾‍♀️


Is this the same friend who went on a rant earlier this year and called us all idiots or something? I don’t know how Scheana gets such loyal friends when she’s…well, Scheana.


Ya she was the one who had the video of Tom and Rachel sitting on the ground outside the bar close talking . Which she put on her patreon. Her and the life coach guy spilled lots first few days into scandoval Like about Rachel calling him right after the scheana fight, how her story changed. How she didn't go to the hospital til Saturday


this random girl has a patreon? for what lol


The bigger question is why would anyone pay for it? I seriously can’t believe people give their money to these people. I guess the saying is true…there’s a sucker born every minute.


She involves herself a little too much for someone who isn’t even on the show lol


She tried to be in camera view on one episode and they strategically edited her out 😂


Yes before we know it Scheana's mother will step in again lol.


Can’t imagine being Scheana’s mother… the drama, hypochondria, making every tense sitsuation about her ( when it’s not)…


Everyone’s loyal until they get SheeShee’d


I feel like I have been SheeShee’d just watching her for 10 years. She is frightening. Anyone that pushes the entire Rachel /Schwartz dating scenario relentlessly after repeatedly being told how painful it is for Katie is a cold hearted cruel person. And if I had to hear one more time season 10 that Katie had said I don’t care at one dinner before the season even started can FO. scheana is a user and rides the coattails of whatever storyline will keep her on another season.


I doubt it has much to do with loyalty to Scheana and more the attention she gets from posting and feeling relevant, etc


Very true!


Anything to justify trying to be in the spot light. This girl just wants attention.


The more attention Schee Schee and her "besties" continue to give this situation the worse it looks. When you and your cronies have to continuously get defensive it tells people where there's smoke there's fire.


100 percent. Scheana and ari have said they are fine. But it's getting worse and worse. And Arianna has no idea what scheana actually acted like to tom until it airs


Also, I noticed before that costars pretends to be okay with things until it shows on tv and then they share their true feelings. Ariana and Scheana could actually be fine or they could be pretending to be fine until the viewers get to see what actually happened. I commented this before but Kristen had said producers had her and Tom continue to live together and pretend to be a couple until the episode aired revealing that she did in fact sleep with Jax. She said that she couldn’t move out and Tom would have Ariana over all the time. I know she cheated and ruined her own relationship but no one should have to go through that.


That is fucking sick. Ariana had the nerve to say Kristen was squatting at their apartment knowing producers made her stay. That’s so fucked up.


Whenever I think of Scheaner and Schwartz, all I can hear is - “We gotta get your SCHWARTZ back, Katie sleeps around, we need to get your SCHWARTZ back and in order to get your SCHWARTZ back you need to bang Rachel , she shotted her shoot, remember? Get your SCHWARTZ back! Destroy your friendship with Katie so you’ll get your SCHWARTZ back! We gotta get your SCHWARTZ back! I feel like, you need to dress like a geriatric golfer in order to get your SCHWARTZ back!”


I knew Scheana was kissing Tom's ass. It must be bad which is why she's spiraling close to air time.


If we make it to season 12 I'm sure we'll see this all play out ![gif](giphy|l0DAGOyeLicWJX2Gk)


![gif](giphy|JCmA41vkoyLte) Ask me if i care what any friend of the cast thinks or has to say


Does she think we’re gonna be like “wow you’re so right! We take back everything we said bc of this random who’s not on Lisa’s payroll”


Especially someone who came so publicly for Rachel. She posted the video of her and Brent talking over tom and Rachel "close talking" She spilled all the beans in the days after scandoval..like how Rachel didn't go to the hospital til the Saturday HOW could you support scheana giving tom one shred of validation


many points were made here OP


clock it👀👀👀


And she sold it on Patreon and then again to Bravo… parched


Well yes and especially Jamie she usually has the worst takes. I just found it interesting she was willing to publicly come at ariana..this is at her


She’s attacking Ariana publicly to try and publicly reprimand and shame Ariana into publicly defending Scheana because Scheana publicly named Ariana and blamed/criticized her for *not understanding how Ariana being cheated on was soooooo hard for Scheana*, because she claims Scheana is such a great friend to Ariana. 🤯




She’s like how dare people come for Scheana who is entitled to have her feelings ….but also Ariana should ignore and put her feelings aside about her best friend cozying up to her cheating ex to support Scheana in her feelings about people calling her out for cozying up to Ariana’s cheating ex….like okay hanger on.


Your flare, bravo friend


😆 have a feeling I’m going to keep it for awhile. It’s aging well


The worst is Lalas assistant/ass kisser Jess. Shes sooooo up her ass.


Jess is THE most annoying. I can't even listen to the podcast cause of it. Please edit some out. At least Jamie is somewhat scandoval related. In the days after scandoval all the tea was coming from her


Cannot stand Jess!! my mom and I call her Lala's proctologist LOL 🤣


It’s funny how most of these cast members need wing-women and co-hosts to go to bat for them. Ariana just replies to people’s comments and moves on to the next paid gig


Schwartz has proven himself trash, cheated on Katie several times so him kissing someone years ago is NOT surprising.... the fact that it was w Scheana is the surprising part, someone who prides herself on being everyone's "best friend" and also just gave Rachel shit for lying for seven months so OF COURSE people are going to call her out for the HYPOCRITE she is


I’m a Schwartz apologist (I’m in therapy don’t downvote me) and even I know he is the worst person to put any faith in. Like zero backbone, no loyalty (or loyalty to anyone but the person he should be loyal to). He’s kind of gross to watch now and the “aw shucks I’m shy” shit is TIRRRRED. That said in the right context (IE needing nothing of value from him) he can be fun and a fun addition- but no one better think he is more than a good time sally. He’s got serious issues. He let go of Katie who was ride or die for him.


Tossing you an upvote because we love a self aware Kween


I can fix him


Oh that made me giggle 😂


Same, and at least you’re growing tired that is the first step. Therapy is helping babes 🧡


It’s not just the letting Katie go but it’s infuriating that he never acknowledges how he fucked up their marriage. He blames Katie and calls her a monster and then wonders why she wants nothing to do with him. Shorts and Tim are the SAME person.


This makes no goddamn sense… “Women blaming women for a kiss” like…what? We aren’t blaming women, we’re blaming Scheana and the other party in this kiss, Schwartz, is getting equal blame? Who is this clown?


lol because some of us also happen to be women, I’d much rather perpetuate the patriarchy than say OH CMON SHAENA again


I don't think I'm perpetuating the patriarchy?


While Scheana is actively still holding Rachel’s feet to the fire but crawling up Tim’s ass. Stfu and go away Jaime. No one asked you!


lol she would like others to have Scheana’s back on kissing Schwartz? And sounds like she wants Ariana to have her back on Scheana saying this situation is sooo hard for her and Ariana will never understand? What a weirdo Also I have mixed feelings on Stassi but Stassi was spot on regarding Scheana. She just articulated what we all saw.


yeah, needless to say, stassi has had so many horrible moments denoting her true character, but boy did i end up feeling for her on that front. i thought she was harsh in season one, but the way that she stopped being friends with scheana due to her involvement in viewing her ILLEGALLY DISTRIBUTED SEX TAPE and was consistently criminalized for that was insane. once she dropped that piece of information, everything made sense. i cant believe more people in the cast weren’t understanding of this, but then again how could i be surprised.


I mean I could not believe that Scheana was watching and laughing/making fun of Stassi when her ex was showing everyone that sex tape. I mean we know she isn’t a girls’ girl but that is a whole other level. That was never fully and truly addressed and it explains Stassi’s entire attitude towards Scheana. I am not a Stassi fan but she’s right about Scheana.


completely agree, 1000%. scheana continues to shed tears for drama, but when truly important life scenarios crop up (oh idk, simply NOT being absolutely abhorrently disgusting and laughing at another woman for being bared to the public without her consent, not to mention having absolutely zero respect for the difficult dissolution of a 12 year relationship/6 year marriage), scheana has absolutely no respect, no empathy, no humanity. i know that we all watch this show for the drama and not the morality, but for the love of god, watching her show nothing but malice during such horrible times for other women is so telling. i was absolutely shocked when i heard of the sex-tape debacle.


You just reminded me of when Brock’s friend groped Charli in front of Scheana, Scheana pretended not to see, and then promptly fought with Charli and cut her off as a friend. When your friend is groped in public on camera by your boyfriend and you do nothing, it says a lot about your character. She shows up for status and money-making opportunities and “check ins,” but when it comes to the most important moments it’s crickets


oh my god, i’ll never forget this. when charli first came on the scene in season 8, obviously season 8 was a mess and i wasn’t a particular fan of anyone besides dayna at that point, but from what i’ve seen of charli she seems to be a real ass bitch. it’s totally in character that scheana would cut her off for standing up for herself and calling her out.


That pissed me off so much, I had that exact situation happen to me, went out with my friend, her bf, and his friend and his friend got way too drunk and kept touching me inappropriately despite me telling him to stop multiple times. My friend reacted like “oh sorry but it’s really not a big deal I don’t u defat and why your so upset” and her bf ended up being the one to yell at his friend to get away from me and made him send me an apology message the next day


It was mind boggling to find out this is why Stassi went postal on Scheana and all the others new and still acted like Stassi was freaking out over nothing??


I know! I still remember that Sandoval kept yelling at Stassi when she returned from taking time away because of the video, and it’s so sick because he knew she didn’t want to bring up the sex tape on camera because she felt embarrassed so he kept attacking her and she couldn’t really defend herself without bringing it up


I will never understand why Scandoval always had it in for Stassi. And then there is the nonstop attacking Katie. It took everyone forever to see the real Scandoval. Evidently, SeeMe!SeeMe! needs her eye glass/contacts/ whatever RX checked.


Cannot stand stassi but she completely had Scheana’s number from day 1


Of course Jamie Lynn relates to Scheana. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Not to mention Stassi has made two podcasts referring to Scandoval - and one was an interview with Lala- and has otherwise stayed out of it and some her own thing. So it’s bizzare to drag her into this.


While Scheana was monetizing every minute of Scandoval for herself.


>While Scheana was monetizing every minute of Scandoval for herself. My thought exactly, repeatedly!


I love how she’s implying that the only reason we think Scheana isn’t loyal is because stassi said so. I swear Scheana and Lala, and apparently their friends, are so incredibly out of touch with this fan base. ![gif](giphy|RMNBRrfHGTUYjX8MIE|downsized)


The Ariana call out part is weird as fuck but there’s 0 evidence that she isn’t supporting Scheana.


Ya ariana is probably trying to navigate. It shouldn't even be question. Tom isn't your friend scheana. Don't make ariana even have to question it


Well now there’s evidence that Scheana is bitching about Ariana not supporting her.


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Sorry but… fuck off Jamie. No one asked you.


Came here for Nene.


She just speaks to so many situations. All hail 👑


There she is! The Nene painting gif is how I know the cycle of contempt is complete. 😄


Eww the responsibility belongs to both of them and its affected.


Yep! And in reality it's exactly that.. a storyline for scheana. She's probably upset Ariana is getting so much attention and wanted her own mini scandal


Although Scheana is despicable, I think it was more of a Schwartz blurted it out and now she has to own it kind of thing. To the grave, remember? They say there is a little truth in every joke. Remember the joke Scheana made while with Shay, at Stassi's birthday, saying she would rather get gang banged by all of the guys than ride with the girls. I believe there was truth in it in the sense Scheana craves attention. I have a theory that she seeks validation through guys by offering bjs (Max) (Brett) and buying gifts (Adam) (Max, again). She feels by doing these things it will somehow form a bond between her and them and and make them love her. Which is why it wouldn't surprise me if she also had made out with Jax, Sandoval, Schwartz's brothers, Peter, Ken..Because I believe she wants all guys to secretly want her and her self worth is based on other people's perception of her. It's actually kind of sad but her ability to be unaccountable for anything makes it hard to be sympathetic.


I really couldn’t give two shits about this “kiss” (it really probably isn’t something crazy lbr). My problem with Scheana is she isn’t a girls girl. I have MAJOR sideeye for her because of her friendship with Tom. She can be cordial with Tom, she doesn’t need to be nasty towards (I fucking would though), but to still be friends and associate with him… nah. How can you do that to your *supposed* best friend, Ariana? Time and time again, Scheana has made it a point to side with the guys, and it ain’t cute anymore to be a guy’s girl.


Whooooo??? What are they prattling on about ![gif](giphy|j64erLn5KYIC5YfOVz)


Err ... Ariana already publicly defended Scheana back during filming and said in an interview last week she is on good terms with Scheana. Ariana doesn't need to do it every six months. I think the kiss will turn into a lot of nothing ... but I very much know, all the back and forth between her and Sandoval will be annoying as heck.


this. it's not her fault scheana is constantly doing things that make people side-eye her.


Wasn’t it Scheana herself who declared herself not a girls girl?


She definitely announced that she was not a feminist at one point


I’m sure she once said something like I don’t care about girl code I’m a guys girl


No you’re right, someone posted it in this thread! So embarrassing for her life and soul




ORRRR, it's because in S1 Scheana literally said "I'm not a girl's girl," you absolute fucking pinecone. My god, even her friends are dumb.


"I'd rather get gang banged by everyone in this van than ride with the girls" *said in front of her fiance*


far be it from me to defend a man, including schwartz of all people, but yeah - the responsibility falls on BOTH OF THEM. it's nice that you want some attention for defending your friend but get fucked lol. no one's brainwashed by anything stassi said. we have 10+ seasons of scheana being an disloyal idiot. the only reason she even got famous is for fucking a married man fffs.


I think a lot of people had sympathy for scheana's position in the whole Scandoval. Especially when it came to the TRO. A lot of people were affected by it that aren't Ariana. I would argue scheana is more like 4th or 5th most affected, not second as scheana claims. But the issue is scheana herself saying not only that she is so affected and "not allowed" to talk about it (when she clearly has) but her literally saying that Ariana will never understand how hard this has been on scheana. Ariana knows because she's been through the exact same situation. You don't think Ariana has moments of being torn and feeling sad for the connections and relationships she used to have? You don't think she misses the way she thought those relationships were? Scheana is obviously allowed to feel bad and be affected. I missed where no one has shown her sympathy. The problem is her putting the spotlight on herself. It's just gross and tacky. And proves she's a bad friend.


Very thoughtful and nuanced take. It’s true she got a lot of support and sympathy. And people publicly said that they knew it was hard on the friend group too. She could have said “the audience will never understand how hard it is for me,” but she came for the person who was most hurt, and that’s… a choice


Well exactly. It was awful what scheana had to deal with as well. Court and legal proceedings are scary and stressful It was just the read the room of it all. Was scheana affected more than james, who was engaged to Rachel shortly before this started? Affected more than Katie who got dragged into this mess with their weird games of deflection And IF this was so bad why are you validating the worm?? You don't get to be friends with the man that did this sorry that sucks for you Like no one said it wasn't hard or crappy for you..it just wasn't worse for you than ariana. If Brock ten years from now had a months long affair with lala would scheana want ari to be friends with him?


I agree. James lost his fiancé and what he thought was a really good friend. Scheana’s main trauma point is the impact of the TRO Rachel filed and Tom supported, which was caused by her own actions. She’s creating the problem by choosing to go back to Tom even though he made it clear they weren’t good friends and insisted that she punched Rachel. She’s also trying to somehow put the blame on Ariana, just like Tom.


Very well said. Like you want to tell the girl who thought she was going to be with Sandoval her whole life that it’s hard that this happened because now you can’t be buddies with that guy anymore??? It’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard! I think people had a lot more sympathy for scheana after the TRO and Scandoval in general than I’d EVER seen for her and she just blew it because it didn’t come with as MUCH attention as Ariana got.


Exactly !!! Ariana was in LOVE with Tom. She saw him as her life partner come good come bad. Scheana doesn’t think it not hard for Ariana to wrap her head around the fact that someone she loved destroyed her and continues to destroy her? You don’t think she struggles with who she thought Tom was and who he is to her currently. Just reading Single AF you can see how much Ariana is battling with trying to wrap her head around their relationship and how it ended.


People don't have to LIKE Stassi to realize that after all this time, she was always right in her assessment of Sandoval.


And of Scheana, as it turns out


i just saw a clip of Schena on a pod saying how hard Scandoval was on her and how no one cared and it really affected her - she said she 'lost weight, was in court, fighting rumors about my husband no one knows how hard it was on me'![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) she said that she was the 'person next that was mostly affected by all this' but couldn't say anything bc it wasn't about her but it 'is kinda about me' oh and she doesn't know if Ariana will ever understand how hard it was on Schena haha- Schena will alwayssss find a way for anything to be about her - she is so irritating to say the least - i couldn't ever have a best friend like that


But-but— she’s a *mother!*


I need stassi’s dark passenger back for 10 minutes for a response


Umm if she was actual loyal she would have told Swartz to fuck off and then immediately tell Katie what he tried to do. But she didn’t. She kept it a secret and then just recently made a comment about some secrets going to the grave. So offft Jamie can stfu




Looks like KFC 😂


…I mean both are true. She’s not a girls girl and Schwartz needs therapy instead of female attention.




Oh go cry about it Jamie Lynn.


Isn't this the same Jamie that had podcast episodes about Scandoval? She benefitted from it by talking trash about Raquel and dragging out the episode by having a guest who was an acquaintance of Rachel. You are who your friends are, not surprised she's BFFs with Scheana lmao


One and the same


Well, Stassi was right




I was gonna say!! She said it herself!!!


Why should we have any compassion towards Scheana when she did not have one iota of compassion towards Katie when she was trying to get Schwartz and Rachel to hook up.


You want us to say that sheshu and shorts both suck? Ok. They both suck. They both aren’t loyal. Stazi might have been fired and she might also suck but she’s not wrong.


Scheana and her ‘pr’ friends are always so defensive on social media and bothered and always take it to social more so than any other cast members. It annoys the hell outta me


I feel like Scheana is going to be more annoying than Sandoval this season 🤯


Yes, Jamie Lynn Stassi was fired for her racist behaviors and your sister should have been fired for sharing Stassi's sex tape. I dont see what they have to do with each other?


OMG I FORGOT it was her sister!!!!


This chick Jamie Lynn’s sister shared Stassi’s sex tape? VPR watcher from day 1 and I somehow missed this? How do you know?


I can't remember what season it happened on but it gets mentioned at the reunion kind of briefly. Stassi is upset because her ex (if I remember correctly) wanted to sell it as porn and somewhere in there Scheana had it on her phone and sent it to others because she hated Stassi so much. They touched on it for a moment but yeah that shit should've been fireable. ETA: I don't think this is her sister though. Cortney Erin is. I could be wrong though 🤷‍♀️ but Scheana 100% was involved in Stassi's sex tape scandal.


Yeah because I'm sure Scheana was entirely blameless for the kiss between her and Schwartz 🙄 They're both equally to blame. Scheana has shown plenty of times that Scheana is only concerned about Scheana, and in Scheanaland Scheana is always the victim. Also why does Scheana have to have her mom and her besties fight her battles? Like Sandoval, it's time for Scheana to grow up.


And yet..Scheana is still slagging Rachel off while hanging out with Sandoval so yeah that whole blaming the woman thing.


Yes that part too. Jamie publicly blasted Rachel so much in the weeks after. Scheana doesn't get to be friends with Tom. This isn't her tragedy. Tom did this and that's what happens. I'm close with lots of my friends husband's. If they did this we are done it's no question..


One of my very best guy friends dated a girl about nine years ago, who ended up becoming one of my best friends. About two years into their relationship, he gaslit her into going to therapy for her “jealousy issues” with one of his female friends - and oh, would you know, they were having an affair!!!! After that, I cut him off completely, because it was such an evil, monstrous thing to do. He and I reconnected only this past year SEVEN YEARS later, solely bc my friend his ex and her husband are friendly with him and gave me the go ahead. And this was someone I considered a best friend! But idk call me crazy, I think bad behavior deserves consequences until real change is demonstrated.


This! This is how you approach the situation!


exactly it’s ridiculous


Not her brining up Stassi 😂 What year is it?!


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) When exactly was Scheana an amazing friend?




Scheana didn’t need to even MENTION Ariana in that podcast. She could’ve said “I don’t think people will ever know how much this affected me.” But she targeted Ariana, the woman who was cheated on, specifically.


And had to weaponize being a mother against Ariana, who has been getting shit on since Scandoval for not giving Sandoval a wife and babies by sexist losers online


![gif](giphy|YEOhCFRF9NFba) Why she acting like we don’t have clear footage of Scheana being a horrible friend/person?


That’s certainly a take Honestly though I just wish we could have this drama during the season, I’m afraid we’re going to use it all up before it starts haha


It interesting. On the reality ops posts ari commented on..she points on that episode won't air til June. Thats a longgggg time to have the narrative you are just a jealous b


Holy smokes, I just binged the series after this past season, so I haven’t watched the show in real time But I’m just realizing now how long it will take to run a season with 20 or so episodes lol


Ya we won't see that gold party episode for soooo long. They won't tell somethings..like the story behind the scheana kiss. But I think in this case they realized 8 months of people hating on lala would stick


LMAO This take doesn’t count when you claim to be “friends” with the people you fuck over


For a second I thought this was Jamie Lynn Spears and was so so confused


I’m sorry in advance: *affected.


I am so tired of people disingenuously pretending that any blame toward a woman is blame *only* toward that woman. People did it with Rachel too, pretending Sandoval wasn't getting blowback and only she was in trouble. We can read, people. We know you have no basis for saying that, because everyone thinks and is vocal about both Toms being scumbags. Try another line of defense.


THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Im always shocked at people saying “how come only Raquel is getting the blame?!” In what world??? I think it’s possibly a different kind of blame since you wouldn’t expect it as much from another woman BUT I’ve seen constant nonstop yelling about how bad the Toms are too! Why can we not hate all of them? Lol


it’s absolutely hilarious that she’s trying to divert using the “we should blame the man” comment. as far as my personal feelings go, AND what i’ve seen from other fans… we have BEEN on schwartz’s ass. i just did a rewatch of season ten over the past couple of days and it reminded me how much i personally detest his entire act. trust me girl, no one is letting schwartz get away blameless. i’m not sure what the timeline is/whether or not scheana was single at the time, but i know so many of us are primarily disgusted by yet another piece of evidence of his horrible treatment of katie. none of that means that scheana gets off the hook. she’s already been showing her true colors yet again by seemingly letting sandoval sneak back into her circle (not to mention while she continues to rag on raquel solely while giving a fraction of the blame to the man who was actually in a decade-long life partnership). when i first watched the show in its entirety, i was rooting for her for the first few seasons. it seemed like she truly had a good heart and i felt for her on the idea that she was attempting to be good to everyone equally while being called disloyal. her actions in the later seasons proved to me how wrong i was, and none more than season 10. in the face of scandoval, what katie went through in season 10 was easily glossed over, but every time i watch it my heart breaks for her and i see red for her also. it’s ridiculous watching her set calm and reasonable boundaries while begging her cast mates to have a shred of sympathy for the dissolution of her 6 year marriage and 12 year relationship, only for scheana and raquel to stomp all over this at every turn. the way schwartz’s honor and feelings were constantly being defended at katie’s detriment was so gross. this isn’t about one kiss. this is about years of bullshit, and yeah, we’re calling scheana out for it. lord.


The season hasn’t even started and I’m over this kiss story line. ![gif](giphy|pb8wayp1KafJK)




jamie is also severely fame hungry and so far up scheana’s ass it’s insane


This chick jamie is trying waaaay hard to be relevant.


Scheana has said it herself, she is a guys girl 🤷‍♀️




Delusional lmao


![gif](giphy|QfJXDmqQVNZhEJaJRx|downsized) Me in this sub every day when the same shit is continuously brought up (yes I know I knowingly participate and still come here so I’m asking for it 😂)


Had her back? Maybe don’t make yourself a target


Why did I read through this whole thread thinking you meant Jamie Lynn Spears


She lost me at "effected"


Oh my GOD I am so over Scheana. I’m a die hard VPR fan and always believed she’s truly the villain. After watching her cry and whine on that podcast about how NO ONE could POSSIBLY understand how impactful scandoval was on HER massively turned me off. It was so gross. Shes loyal to no one. Anyone that has to go around and say “omg I’m SUCH a good friend” is, in fact, NOT a good friend. Any girl that swears she’s “one of the guys” is sketchy and unreliable. If you’re a girl that cannot get along with women you’re untrustworthy. Shes emotionally stunted at a solid 16 years old. She’s an ego maniac and off topic im so sick of her dressing like a Joyce Leslie window mannequin when she’s almost 40 years old. She was just on Kristen’s VPR recap episode on Kristen’s podcast and I legit had to turn it off because I couldn’t listen to her voice


Not this bitch 😭




I heard schena’s voice when I read this 😂😂.. anyone else?? “I’ve been an AMAZING friend to you!!”


Lol so confused as to why Britney Spears sister had anything to say about this 😂 I obviously don’t know who this person is Scheana just wants to make headlines 🤷🏻‍♀️


I guess I'm slow but what part of this is coming for Ariana? Honestly don't know not being shady...someone help?




This part she is referring to how great scheana has been to Ariana and she should be defending her. Jamie was all over insta comments saying the same too




I must be extremely tired if my first thought was “when did Jamie Lynn Spears and Scheana become friends”. 😂


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) Jamie needs to take several seats.




This is not complicated or nuanced. When a partner cheats on you with a rando, your partner is to blame. When a partner cheats on you with someone who knows they are in a relationship but doesn't know you, it's an 80/20 split. When a partner cheats on you with someone in your inner circle, they are both equally to blame


“The responsibility should be on the man!” So now Scheana has no control over her own body now? What a joke.


This is sooo scheana. This is a non story and she just wants the attn and sympathy poor me


Even stassi is right sometimes babe


Honestly we knew this from day one when scheana tried to defend her affair with Brandi’s husband by saying no he took me on vacation and bought me diamonds. In scheana’s mind she is always the main character and the one feelings that matter are hers


wait hold on.. her original issue was seeing women blaming women…. now she’s blaming ariana and stassi??


Just because Stassi was fired doesn’t mean she wasn’t right about scheana lol. Just like Jax is right about a lot of things (looking at your marriage that had a shorter shelf life than Jax’s milk sheshu!)


Jaime Lynn the anti vaxxing queen who said she’s going to Harvard Medical School (online extension) so she knows more than the whole medical community?! That Jamie Lynn? 😂 bffr


Is there no bottom to who scheana will be friends with? Can’t stand this anti vaxxer moron who thinks she knows more than actual doctors


Woah woah woah Hol' up I can only hate a bitch so much then you gotta make me hate her MORE and for LEGITIMATE REASONS?


“Most of the comments are women blaming a woman” isn’t that what Scheana has done to Rachel for the past 9 months? Inciting horrible harassment against her just to befriend Sandoval? Scheana is a nasty human being…


Lol @ stassi STAYING on people’s mind.


Nobody blames the man? Shorts has been getting blamed for the last year+. However we are now just finding out the Good as Gone Scheana is shady and probably kissed him, be it during a “game” or not, because she’s not as good of a friend to Katie than she is to Shorts


I mean the proof is in the pudding. Actions speak for themselves.






Ok so it's confirmed Scheana Fucking kissed Schwartz, then.


I already disliked this chick bc of some of the dumb shit she’s said but she really isn’t paying attention if she thinks this opinion isn’t based on years of watching Scheana on TV. Of course it’s shitty of Tom too if we take what was said at face value. That doesn’t mean the criticism of Scheana isn’t (or wouldn’t be I should say since we don’t actually know anything yet) also valid ya dunce


![gif](giphy|403NRxgdScOUQjiQEh|downsized) What is so hard to understand?


Who the hell asked Jamie Lynn?


Be fuckin for real. Scheena literally stays proving that she has no loyalty to anyone! She’s always been a people pleaser and is selfish.




I am so confused. Is scheana a great friend, she wants to be friends with scumdoval, she went on podcast and said how hard Ariana's breakup was on her, then in said trailer made out the other tom, probably when katie was still married to him. I reackon that happened around season 8. Scheana is a messy, and only ever cares about herself


Okay but the blame is on both of them and also, if she doesn’t think Scheana had the intention of hurting Katie then she’s stupid. Scheana is petty and I honestly can almost be certain that on some level she made out with him to hurt Katie since they’re almost always at odds.


But like, why does Ariana have to understand how hard her trauma was on you??? That’s like saying the person with the gunshot wound needs to understand that the person with the paper cut has pain too. Like, no shit there is pain in that paper cut but in the grand scheme of things that person with the gun shot wound has far serious issues they are dealing with and is under no obligation to give a shit about someone’s paper cut pain! If this does scream narcissistic I don’t know what does!


Okay so obviously this person is an idiot because Sheena has proven herself that she's not loyal. Besides that though, what is she talking about? >women blaming a woman for a kiss


Who is Jaime whatever and can she stfu ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)


I don’t think Jamie Lynn seems to understand that Stassi’s comments about Scheana is very accurate. She’s very wishy washy and that will always be her personality. She can forgive Tom but that doesn’t mean she has to be friends with him again. Heck, I don’t think even Scheana herself has any comprehension on how to stick to her words and guts. She has no loyalty. No doubt about it. EDIT: I will add tho that Scheana is brave enough to take one for the team and interact with Sandoval if it meant creating some kind of drama for the show