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Am I the only one who noticed how messy their bedrooms are? Ariana’s was worse because of all the boxes and clothes everywhere. Tom and his white noise machine. 🙄 Their living situation is insane.




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I definitely noticed but I'm willing to bet (especially in Ariana's case) neither one of them wants the other touching their stuff so everything they each personally own is probably in their respective rooms.


I thought this episode was good, better than episode 1. James’s growth is great, I honestly really like Ally. Tim is annoying but it is pretty funny he brought up something 10 years ago, he’s legit delulu. I know this won’t last but I loved seeing Schwartz stand up to Tim, I wish he would actually “do what’s best for him”. Lala is annoying me, it just seems so clear she’s jealous of Ariana and taking jabs. I am not a big scheana fan but I felt really bad for her when Brock disrespected her, she deserves better than him. Ariana is a Queen, I feel like the editors are not on her side though. WHERE IS KATIE??? I want to see her more! Has she even had a confessional yet??


Is anyone else totally mortified for Tom’s assistant 😭 like I couldn’t even watch her interactions w Ariana it was horrible and awkward. What an awful position to be in!


Anyone else catch Sandoval telling Mya to "shutup" as he went to open the door to James??


I sincerely hope Schwartz is paying close attention to Sandoval's actions over his split from Ariana, the dividing of assets and Sandoval's claims of paying for everything out of "his accounts". Schwartz is essentially in a partnership with Sandoval, and if things go south with that business as they seemingly are, I hope for Schwartz's sake he can buy Sandoval out rather than bail him out...because face it Sandoval is a sinking ship.


Tom's birthday balloons "giving baby shower vibes" comment. WTF was that?? Just STFU Tom with your low key digs at the home you wrecked, just sell the house and move on. Turning the house into a shrine of broken dreams is not healthy.


This Brett guy randomly going up to James to talk negative about Katie at Sandoval's Birthday party was another Sandoval staged moment. Sandoval never misses an opportunity to attempt to take Katie (or another castmate) down by using one of his minions (that are trying to get screen time) on the show. It mirrors the Rachel talking about Katie "calling her a whore just for kissing someone" and Rachel saying Lala was "using the Dad card" scene, both of which Sandoval was in the background...low key orchestrating drama using his minions. I said it before and this scene with this Brett guy is just more of the same. Its so obvious who his minions are, because they spew the same stupid irrelevant dialog and ridiculous reasoning that comes out of Toms mouth. And Yes, I'm saying that Rachel was one of his minions back in season 8, even though James was her shoe in, Tom was coaching her on how to get more screen time on VPR. Its painfully obvious.


Literally forgot about that guy and that whole thing. So glad he got no airtime


I’m fucking HERE for Ally’s astrology readings. Tom even managed to ruin THAT with his stupid birthday invite text to James.


Ok, so Tom keeps saying he still loves Rachel and it’s obviously horseshit, but seriously — if they hadn’t gotten caught, would he have been in a relationship with her? I used to think that was the end game but seeing how insincere he is about her right now, and all the shit with the house, him saying he’s broke, I’m thinking he was NEVER going to break up with Ariana and was just going to keep fucking everyone behind her back. And hope Rachel eventually got sick of waiting around.


I feel so bad for summer moon!!!!!!! she is so young to see her parents fighting like they do?! eeeeeek


Brock is such a prick. Not wanting to leave your kids with strangers is completely normal tbh. I feel bad that Schena feels like it's not normal and Broc just seems like he wants to be out all the time.


As long as they reach a healthy resolution, it shouldn't hurt her in the long run. It's important for kids to see conflict resolution in action.


shut up shut up shut up is not healthy


Tom pulling the whole “oh but you can’t take accountability for yourself??” to James gave me immediate “you were late to my podcast first!!!” vibes. The man’s a one trick pony: deflection.


He wants everyone else to take accountability but his own damn self.


Wait who was that Brett guy complaining about Katie to James?


Was he trying to have his moment to be cast on the show?! What was that? 😂


100%! And he just posted some creepy video he took of James at a party to prove they know eachother .. this proves nothing sir 😅




He was the guy who went off on sm talking about Katie. I think there are two Brett's. One is friends with Jamie and scheana James was like wtf dude get away from me


Tom and Ariana are so wrong for the way they’re treating Tom’s assistant. She’s clearly intimidated by Ariana (i.e. apologizing anytime she texts her) and Tom needs to stop putting her in the middle of him and Ariana. They both need to grow up and talk to each other if they’re going to live together.


It's a produced scene. Ann spent the first episode of her new podcast saying how she's loves ariana dearly


I didn’t know she had a podcast! What’s it called? And I don’t necessarily think Ariana was mean to her, but I still stand by the fact that she was intimidated by Ariana. Ariana definitely had a harsh tone when speaking to her, probably because it had to do with Tom and she didn’t want to deal with it, but that’s also why I say they both are in the wrong for putting Ann in that situation


Ariana always talks to people like this, like she's better than them.


Ariana’s always talked to people like that. It’s in Ann’s best interest to side with Ariana if she’s starting a podcast. She can’t say she likes Tom, and has to say she like Ariana. Seriously who fucking likes that guy, and why they ever did blows my mind.


I think it was supposed to be comic relief as in this is ridiculous..but because it falls flat it feels weird and awkward. It's called we signed an NDA


That’s so disappointing. I really like Amanda so I was hoping for her success


The podcast is ok I mean the vpr scenes with Ann feel awkward


Yeah I saw the same thing. I will check out an episode of the pod.


It's Ann and nick vialls former assistant Amanda


I’m kinda over this show now, I mean I was after season 6 but came back for 9&10 and I don’t think I can do it anymore. It doesn’t really seem like anyone has real friendships anymore & it’s crazy because Lala & Scheana are allegedly super close but they don’t show any of that? Only awkward moments between everyone who you know didn’t really want to film with that person that day 🤷‍♀️ This episode gave 0


need to bring jax back asap


It’s so contrived it was done after season 6. Then Scanadaval happened. It’s a nothing burger this season as suspected. Forced conversations and no one’s actually friends.


I think part of the issue with showing Scheana and Lala’s friendship on camera is that Lala’s daughter legally can’t be on the show, and so much of their time together *is* spent with their daughters, but that’s just my guess


This isn’t an airport, you don’t need to announce your departure. And if it was an airport, I’m sticking with it ‘til the bitter end and going down with the plane! 😂


I think they will show it once lala buys a house next to scheana .


Lala bought the house before this season was filmed.


I thought that too but in the first ep they showed her in an apartment and she talked about her apartment


Lala keeps an apartment in LA while filming. She bought her Palm Springs home March 24th last year.


Hate how Lisa is trying to break the what’s left of a backbone that Schwartz has. Esp cause it seems like he doesn’t have it anymore


That was crazy. Bravo has been marathon-ing old VPR episodes to get people excited for the new season and I JUST watched one the other day where Schwartz had gotten caught making out with someone (while married to Katie) and Lisa was SO pissed at him. She met up with him to discuss how hesitant she is to go into business with someone who can’t be trusted in the relationships that mean the most to him (this was before TomTom officially opened), because if he’ll treat his life partner like that, why would he treat his business partners any better? All of that because he kissed someone but now Sandoval has managed to completely implode their 2 businesses after having a full-blown affair with a co-star and Sur employee and Lisa is acting like Schwartz should go easy on him???? She threatened to take TomTom away because of a random makeout but Sandoval deserves grace from Schwartz???


Lisa - who CONSTANTLY got on Jax (rightfully) for how his behavior affects the image of her restaurant - defending Sandoval when his name is literally on the side of two restaurants!


That scene was honestly shocking to me. Lisa you know Schwartz was already mad at Sandoval for how little he was participating in the bar BEFORE the affair happened and now Schwartz is saying more/new problems are arising and your response is to be like “well it’s not ~really~ his fault, innnit?”


LVP is starting to give the granny who doesn't understand the reality anymore because she lives on another plane.


80% of the people Tom filmed with this episode is on his payroll 🥲


his minions


James..its the who's who. As in who tf are these people


james was ON POINT in this ep. i can't believe i agreed with everything he did and said. except for maybe peeing on ariana's bush (that sounds weird but i'm not editing it) california sober james is perfect. i can't believe he was ever afraid that he wouldn't be as 'fun' or entertaining or that people wouldn't like him once he stopped drinking. he's still wildly entertaining and does/says wacky things that are on the edge of being "too much" without tripping over the line (so far). the drinking brings out the absolute worst in him and it's really difficult to watch when he gets to that point. i am really pulling for him to get and stay sober.


I hope so too clearly booze is a problem for him. But his acerbic wit is spot on


a new classic quote & cut from JK


And then that Brent dude runs up to him...whining about Katie banishing him. Banishing him to what this terrible party?




There are two Brent's I believe. This one posted a bunch of things about Katie iirc... There is another Brent.. the one from the pool teaser I don't think they are the same one




Okay thank you that's it. Not the same guy as the pool right? That's Brent?




It was in the mid season preview I think right after scandoval broke. They made it look like ariana was with a man in the pool it was their gay friend Brett, or Brent?? Lol


My biggest issue with the sit down between Sandoval and James (with his deflection of James fucking Kristen) is simply that: **YOU FORGAVE HIM TOM**. **You** made an active choice to forgive what he did with Kristen and **you** welcomed him back into your life. **You** befriended him again. **You** supported him when other cast mates ostracized him, **you** made the choice to defend him, back him up, **EVEN PAY FOR HIS DAMN PROPOSAL PARTY**! Making those choices means forgiveness….**forgiveness does not come with strings or stipulations**. At least not true forgiveness. **It does not give you the right to excuse YOUR filthy behavior behind theirs…to deflect, excuse or deny.** **TOM** is responsible for the hurt, pain, and distrust he has caused amongst his former friends. You can’t pull something out of your back pocket that you have forgiven someone for and use it to diminish or justify your shitty actions. \*Saying all that…I m **NOT** a James fan. Ick. This is just a principle of forgiveness and manipulation.


Damn good point


Excellent 100% on point!!!!!


It’s the Narcissist’s Prayer! And ensures that any relationship is never on equal, honest terms, because the grudge never ends.


it sounds like he also went for rachel to get back at james


Good point, and excellent turn around on his deflection. He also just said he was being sober to support Rachel so when she got out of treatment they could do it together. So Tom is not sober for his own sobriety problem, and Rachels in treatment for alcohol (not a toxic relationship with Tom). okay Tom, right../S Does he really think he can convince everyone that he is a good guy and everyone else has the problem. The closing scene he calls James a narcissist...omg if Sandoval is given anymore screen time in which he attempts to paint everyone else as bad or just as bad as him or worse...I will "like literally boycott the show." and yes I said "like literally" as a reminder of how annoying Sandoval is. He is the poster boy of a "leopard doesnt change its spots" we will never get resolve from him and he will be a constant reminder of why people like him need to be completely cut off and out of our lives.


agree with every word you said. it’s honestly just pitiful that he’s in his 40s still acting like this.


Thank you!! Yes, it is pitiful the way he acts even being on a reality show he can't see it.


To me, it sounds like he did whatever he wanted to regardless of who/what it affected


Agreed. He just acted completely selfishly but is now grasping at other people’s past mistakes to justify why they don’t deserve to be mad. There was no premeditated motive, he just wanted to bang Rachel, but now he’s had time to think of a calculated defense for anyone that has a problem with him. He is such a complete ass. I wish Schwartz would put his foot down once and for all, I think that’s the only friendship ending that would really get to Sandoval


Yes 💯. He holds things over people’s heads.


This is what I yelled at the tv …. They were friends for YEARS without Tom bringing this up. You cannot convince me Tom gives a fuck about what happened with Kristen 10 years when he was with Ariana by then. If I were James I would’ve walked the fuck out too I’m glad he told Tom to grow up. “I have to take accountability but you don’t?!” He is such a calculated snake


He's clutching at straws to find anything to counterattack. He didn't and doesn't gaf about Kristen, you could see he was happy to be rid of her


Are Tom & Tom at the same restaurant as Schwartz and James when they met up?




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The Toms are annoying and boring to watch. They’re predictable in the worst way. Lala is such a flip flopping loser who is probably only changing her tune because she wants the villain rate that Jax and Sandoval enjoy.  And watching Ariana and Katie so far (on the episodes and on the after shows) has made it all worth it because they’re giving girl power vibes. I think that friendship is the only authentic part of the show atm. 


I think lala is so glaringly obviously jealous of Ariana and the love and attention she’s getting meanwhile lala is and always will be labelled the cringy side chick


Is Ann like one of Sonja’s interns. I swear I saw her closing the cap on some glue. What are her job responsibilities?




Stocking pens and batteries 🔋 for sure


So Lisa is closing Pump because Ken wants to retire yet she is opening a new restaurant in Tahoe?


Wait is that what she said?? I must’ve missed that part, last year when it happened they said it was because the rent for the building had gone up too high and they wouldn’t negotiate? Seems weird, either way. She’s taken on several new ventures and it seems like they can afford a bump in rent


Lmao this is such a good point!!


Don’t forget the chateau hotel she opened lol


and vegas!


Tom unwilling to apologize to James because James was the other guy ten years ago is bullshit because Tom called him out for that and they went through all of that You still gotta have the hard convos for the new issues even if the people betrayed you a decade ago when they didn’t even know you Tom is mad at everyone else for dragging this out when it’s his lack of accountability that is the reason the vitriol has lasted so long. James will not let go of his grudge if you can’t even recognize that you screwed him too. Depending on what timeline you believe he screwed him a little or more likely a lot but James seemed like he was ready to Listen. Just take accountability and make your life easier why is that so hard to do?? Oh right, narcissism I enjoyed seeing his weird awkward gathering And I loved seeing billie in the background and not in front of the camera. Even as tom’s main friends Lol


It was hilarious when he called James a narcissist … pot kettle buddy


I loved Scheana mentioning EMDR therapy in WWWHL 🥺 I’m proud/happy for her


Everyone in my family thinks I’m crazy because I was yelling at Tom S. the entire episode. Still. So much time has passed and I still can’t stand this man.


For me it’s gotten worse the more time has passed because of how he continues to double down on blaming Ariana vs *just* saying sorry.


He can't. He's incapable of it. Even with Schwartz saying "all I need to hear from you is sorry" and he just can't muster it. It's fascinating but also hella repellant.


God they are both being so stubborn with the house situation.


Man if you think her hanging onto her anger after 9ish months just wait till you hear how long tom amd Rachel were banging in that VERY HOUSE


I get that Ariana is angry and rightfully so. But it’s almost a red flag that she still has that much anger while in a new relationship. Maybe I’m wrong? I don’t know. But let it go and move on. It seems like you are happy and have a good guy. Let Tom be Scandoval.


I would say it's almost similar to how Kristen jumped into a relationship with James after her and Sandoval broke up.


I agree, it's pretty apparent that's a rebound, and she's still on the warpath. Obviously, it's a terrible thing to go through and a stab in the chest, but she's being inflexible and not exactly trying to move on. She also doesn't want to sell the house; it didn't even seem like she countered on the offer, she's just squatting; they aren't married, he has no responsibility to be paying for everything, and the only way out is to come to the table with something to sell the damn house.


She’s been this person since season one it’s not surprising especially because she’s mad. This is Ariana always has been. Tom needs to just puss off already.


She did counter the offer, and he and the lawyer never responded. Also Sandoval showed what he offered Ariana on Nick's podcast and even Nick said it was a bad offer and not anywhere near what Sandoval said he offered. Sandoval refuses to sell the house which is why Ariana filed the partitian action which will force the sale. She was paying the mortgage, but it sounds like when Sandoval took the Heloc (more than likely rolled it into the mortgage for one payment) it went into that joint account that he used to pay for his bar with Ariana writing checks for her half. Obviously after the affair, she's not just going to hand him money so she is asking for itemized bills to show proof of what is owed which you don't need an accountant for at all.


She got a lawyer involved recently though to try to force the sale, this was all filmed pretty shortly after they had broken up


But he's full of it. He contradicts himself constantly. If she can't even get a accounting statement wtf does his offer mean. In June there will be a resolution to the house. Not cause tom says so. If he wanted it sooner they could of agreed to sell


All very valid points. I guess we will see how things play out over the next few months to couple years.


This is literally 3 months after a 9 year partnership imploded? Seems reasonable to me that she’d still be angry…


Good point. I guess now watching it 11 months later, I forget that.


I have mixed feelings about it, on the one hand I would absolutely do the same thing given the circumstances. Also we don’t know all the details of his supposed buyout offer. I have a hard time believing he can actually buy her out.


I kinda agree with what nick viall had to say about this though. Even if Ariana is just purely being petty and it was a good offer, Sandoval isn't really entitled to her reasonableness. I think Ariana both has an emotional attachment to the home and also doesn't want to see him in it in the future, period. Is it stubborn? Yes but I can also understand feeling sick that this person not only betrayed you in the worst way possible and destroyed your future together, but also wants to keep the home you literally bought and built together. I think she feels like that's one thing he cannot have and is something in her control not to give him. I get that too.


Also at this point Rachel and tom were communicating. I wouldn't want Rachel in my house with my furniture etc..and she probably though she was coming back there.


He said it was 3.1 million with a mortgage. If that's true, it's a reasonable offer. Could be a lie though


He said on this very episode his account was negative. He already has a heloc for a business he was banned from and owes his mom. If he can get a loan for 3 mil or 1.5 etc..he can get a NEW house


Then Ariana has to buy him out then, which is hasn't been proposed.


No she doesn't. They will go to court where his lies don't work and the sale will be forced. If they were legally married it would of already come to this


No she doesn’t she can ask court to sell it which is what she’s doing. I’m sure she doesn’t want it


Oh for sure. I think all his money is locked up.


Why is Lisa’s bra showing so much at Pump? She’s usually very well dressed. Was that intentional?


Ally is the only one I would actually trust and would want to keep as friend https://i.redd.it/g8f4959mv2hc1.gif


Dunno about that honestly, she really seems disinterested in anything (granted i get it to some degree) but her moon sign reading voodoo sold me that she's not all there


Why does Ally seem like she’d be more loyal toward Ariana during this fallout than most of the cast she’s known for years lmao


Her being like but... it's arianas plant too! From the car at the end of the episode was so endearing.




I loved when James asked Schwartz to take his shoes off in his home. King standing on his buisness


Ann seems really awkward. She keeps giggling and saying sorry. I’m 11 mins in and I find it annoying and awkward. Anyone else?


It’s not her that’s awkward it’s the situation she’s in sucks.




Glad I’m not the only one.


it seems really unprofessional? maybe she just doesn’t like the camera but then maybe she shouldn’t be on screen!!


Yeah I felt for her given the cameras & situation, but I’ve been a personal & executive assistant and would have never handled that situation the way she did with all the “I’m sorry but….sorry!” Even though it actually sounded fair enough when Tom said it, based on the way she approached Ariana I knew it would be an immediate no. I’M sorry but…that was just bad negotiation & representation. There should really be a happy medium of assertiveness, being friendly/likable, and ready to make a reasonable compromises that can make everyone happy.


It kind of makes sense… I don’t think Tom would hire a ball-busting, efficient assistant who would question him and push back. He needs people to feel superior to


Yeah she is obviously not used to TV. But even the way she exchanges with Ariana, even on text. Sorry to both youuuuu. So maybe it’s not just on-screen


I kind of think she’s afraid of Ariana tbh


I think it’s that and also the tense situation.


good point!!! the texts were also weird…


It’s a tense situation being the mediator / conduit but it just seems a little immature


Being an assistant means being fake. That is the job. It's saying sorry, being pleasant and smiling even though deep down you are screaming at your stupid boss because you have to deal with so many stupid bullshit requests and they are usually an idiot. I found it refreshing actually seeing the assistant, now we can all stop pretending these people actually do anything for themselves.


On the after show, James is being more reasonable about the cohabitation than Lala.  Lala is losing me.


She was driving me nuts the way she so being so aggressively ignorant! She is making assumptions as though her experiences are the only ones that could possibly be valid. Now I know LaLa has some PTSD due to her experiences with Randall… However, at the same time I do think she also feels she was somewhat robbed of her “healing/post-Rand triumph” storyline last season. I heard her talk on a podcast recently about how she thought more footage of some kind was going to be shown on season 10 but it got edited out at the very last minute because of Sandoval. Although she never reveals what the topic of the edited out footage was, based on what she was saying and what we all know LaLa just went through with Randall, it’s clear she’s referring to some kind of footage showing that aspect of her life. She talked about being disappointed but how it taught her all about acceptance. But… I don’t know if I bought that or if I felt like she was just trying to find a sneakily authentic way to talk about her season 10 storyline that ended up on the cutting room floor without appearing narcissistic! Anyways I say all that to say…in her mind, this season is HERS. She was robbed last year, so this year is gonna be her time to shine. She’s gonna try to get her “rising from the ashes” storyline this year and she’s probably planning on turning on Ariana, too. I can tell from: a) the scene with her mom in episode 1 where she spoke about not trusting anyone and specifically mentioned Ariana’s boyfriend b) her behavior on the Aftershow after episode 2. So dismissive. So ignorant. But you could tell she thought she was just being so “RULLLL”. She made James look emotionally intelligent. c) Previews from the upcoming season with LaLa yelling something like, “SINCE WHEN DOES A BITCH GET CHEATED ON AND BECOME GOD?!?!” **screen cuts to Ariana** d) The most obvious one is her sudden defense of Rachel. Remember, they started filming this season pretty much right after the reunion, I think. Like Ariana said, if anyone did that to LaLa there is no way she would be chill and understanding. Remember the whole business with her calling a meeting to tell everyone that if they wanted to be in her life they could not be around Randall? (The most obnoxious part of that story is that she could have just sent an email.)


Lala is becoming de-Lulu


That was so frustrating to watch! She doesn’t know what she’s talking about either


I wondered about that one part where James tried to explain that they both owned the house and LaLa emphatically stated that Ariana could leave the house and still own it. However, don’t most divorce attorneys warn couples who are separating to maintain residence of the home if they want to have a better chance of keeping it? Or is this a rule I totally made up?


No, you’re totally correct! Lala doesn’t know


Where do watch the after show??








It’s really annoying that VPR is on at 8 instead of 9 now.


we old be cool




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It was a snoozefest. I’m glad Scheana is getting help for her OCD and everything, but I want to watch a trashy reality show. I don’t want to watch her raise a family or see Summer Moon (as cute as she is).


I think that moment of brock being a dick about her OCD was significant. Trouble in paradise! We know scheana pretends it's all great until it totally falls apart


Yep! Seems like the wheels are falling off. If he acts that way in front of his daughter, mother in law, and that other girl, you can only imagine how things are with just the two of them. Scheana got played big time.


Let’s be honest they are using each other. She would’ve married a post if it in her mind made her image look how she wanted. I genuinely feel for her, her sense of self worth with all the face and looks changes, accepting any guy who will cling to her, and the need to garner constant attention is really sad. I hope her therapist is good for her. Her mum seems toxic and I don’t like Brock. However, Brock was right Schena is surrounded by yes people, he’s not wrong. Respectfully people keep telling her she can sing and producing music with her, she can’t. Schena I hope your therapist is a qualified one who will help you deal with all your issues, insecurities and deep rooted unfulfilled needs.


That's true, but calling that out in front of everyone like that was toxic af


I don’t like the guy. But, how is calling out the toxicity of having yes people around you toxic? Genuine question. I think it’s good he’s telling her it’s not healthy to only have yes people around you. That’s what an equal partner would say. NOT excusing his dismissiveness of her OCD. I don’t like her mum either.


Anyone with 3 minutes of foresight in to the future saw this coming the second that clown appeared, the way he talks about her too - dudes an absolute clown


I could’ve sworn in an old YT video or podcast episode he said something about depression/anxiety not being a real thing. She’ll probably cry on her podcast this week and say it’s not what everyone thinks and defend Brock.


Not Max Headroom, Andy 😭


This season is heavily produced. None of these interactions are natural. These people are not friends. This show is done.


Agreed. I think it would’ve been canceled after last season if the affair hadn’t happened. Everyone kept saying we should be thinking Tom for breathing new life into the show but anyone with sense could tell this is what was going to happen. The group is fractured, nobody even wants to hear Sandoval’s annoying ass voice, his “friends” are strangers we don’t care about that just want camera time, a lot of people are sick of hearing about the whole affair in general (I’m not there yet but I’m getting there), and now with the old cast mates using this to claw their way back in? Like that new show with Jax and KFC???🙅🏼‍♀️Could not care less. VPR has officially run it’s course.


So produced. This season is not going to be good. Scandy bringing up Kristen with James is such narcissistic. Deflect much?? Then he calls James a narcissist. It's so gross and just proves what a dick Scumballs is. Ugh.


Rachel is doing the same thing about James… still focusing on him being with Ally, when what she did was obviously gross. I believe she was involved with Tom when she was with James, but that’s just me. He’s not a sympathetic or good person, but he is a soft target for these people. They can focus on the past to minimise any present-day responsibility.


The overproduction of everything we already know is so bad, and so fake. It’s like they looked at this subreddit during the fallout and then filmed the season accordingly


No joke! It's awful. Allie waiting in the car is so ridiculous. What a joke.


I’m actually okay with Allie waiting in the car lol. I think that was the least produced part, because she really didn’t wanna go in there and I don’t blame her lol


Ally is all of us


Doing the lords word


Nah..who brings their gf to a party to wait outside and for James to have a serious talk with Tom. So overproduced. Would you swing by a party for that? It's comical. Come on Bravo. We aren't stupid.


Tbf, yes lol. I have always been that person. I hate parties. And people. 😂 Let me wait in the car.


Haha OK ok. I hear you. I suppose some do.


Tom is bad television. after all of this, the bitterness over everyone profiting off of Scandoval when he didn’t, he’s proving the whole storyline only worked because of Ariana and the supporting cast. every scene with him is painful. I’d rather watch Lala scream over every word than suffer through this sweaty egg’s attempt at a sentence


Sweaty egg’s attempt at a sentence 😂  The more he talks, the more I realize how truly, incredibly inarticulate he is. Not only does he ramble and use filler words but straight up sounds confusing a lot of the time. So insane it took me so long to realize it lol


It’s painful. Even before the scandal broke, I couldn’t stand listening to him talk because 90% of it is “dude….*long pause*….”. And the whole reason his sleepover with Rachel got exposed last season was because the way he was talking was so confusing. He said “she dipped out”, which means left…but then tried to say “dipped out” meant “slept on the couch”. He got caught in a lie and then used his stupid vocabulary as a way out


I can’t believe I never noticed! He can barely get a sentence out!


I do think it’s gotten worse to be fair. He’s never been a genius but he’s also at this point been college level partying for 20 years


I really hate that it’s on at 8pm now because I always remember after 8pm. Anyway, this week’s episode was so tame in comparison to last week’s…


Okay jm so old tho and 8pm is nice and early 😂


It’s so frustrating!! And also a sign that this season is trash. 9pm is the bravo prime spot and clearly vpr isn’t it


I know ppl have been saying this but I actually do think this could be the last season. Without Rachel, they probably had a hard time stirring the drama they wanted. They were also likely hoping for more of a Sandoval redemption arc and we're all not here for that. So far it's felt like a lot of filler and throwback footage. Could easily see this as a tying loose ends and parting ways season.


I was thinking that also, with all of the flashback footage. LVP is a smart lady, she will pull the plug way before it gets canceled


Yeah I have always thought (since scandoval) that this was going to be their last season bc without scandoval last season would have been a flop so clearly there are no stories left.


Same. It’s done, the show has run its course. I don’t think there would’ve even been season 11 without the affair but the excitement is over. We already know enough details, we don’t need to watch this overproduced shit to get answers. It’s time to end it


Agreed. Plus, Lisa has been featured in every episode, which she hadn't been the last few season.


How can Tom afford an assistant?


Especially since he was complaining to Schwartz that he’s had to overdraw his accounts because Ariana won’t pay for anything.


Exactly what I was gonna say…he has no money at all but hired an assistant??? Okay, Jen Shah


What ever he’s paying her, it’s not enough. 


What does he need an assistant for anyway? Is buying batteries and paper towels that time consuming?


A+ comment.


The last five minutes were the best. James was hilarious in the confessionals, yet heartbreaking with Sandoval. He clearly loved Tom as a brother and is just looking for an apology to move out. It’s inconceivable to me that Sandoval doesn’t acknowledge that Rachel is James ex FIANCÉ. He was going to build his life around her. I felt so bad for James. The realization that Sandoval never cared about him the way James cared about him.


Low key think Sandoval went after Rachel to get back at James for Kristen. Or it was just a bonus.


I don't even think he cared that much about either situation. It's just purely evidence used for self justification so he once again doesn't have to take blame or feel guilty for any wrongdoing on his part.


I genuinely believe that Sandoval and Raquel were involved way before then.


I knew Scumdoval was too much of a narc to see the difference. Half ass apology followed by deflecting the minute James asks for more than said half ass apology. I love the editors flashing back to 10 years ago after dipshit disputed it.


The editors are gunning for that back to back Emmy nomination.




I feel so bad for Ann, she’s a child of a very bitter divorce.