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I’m late but Tom crying over scheana saying hi to him had me laughing so hard. He’s a textbook narcissist


So ... is no one going to talk about how DISGUSTING Lisa is for using her brother's suicide, as a way to emotionally coerce Lala into absolving Tom ?! Lisa and Scheana insidiously working together for Toms absolution, while trying to insidiously, and meticulously indict Arianna, is SO PROBLEMATIC ! Wow !


This world incentivizes narcissists and psychopathy and these people get pats on the back. Meanwhile the victims are isolated and shunned. That’s why when narcs fall we’re all shook because it means the system actually works. But it’s rare and this is the prime example of that.


I hate Brock and how he treats Scheana on camera. I’m wondering if he’s worse off camera.😢Oh and how he wouldn’t go sit with her and Tom… he kind of pushed her before she said she was ready….but yea… I think I’m probably projecting here😬🤷🏻‍♀️


No, I see what you’re saying like he’s trying to toughen her up and force growth on her. He means well. But tough love is hard when you’re not into that. Like you don’t always have to make yourself uncomfortable to grow. His tone isnt encouraging it’s more forceful. But scheana also has doubtful character traits. So it’s just a weird pairing as the season goes on.


What are you talking about, based on what ?


Just the second episode. Tbh, I was probably projecting my own bad experiences in relationships at the time I wrote this😵‍💫😵‍💫.


Oh okay. I'll have to watch it again. And I'm sorry you experienced that pain😔Stay strong, empathic and try to be cautiously optimistic about humanity; We need each other and we're *mostly* good🤗❣️


Thank you!🥹


As I've been watching the new season unfold, my perspective on Ariana has taken an unexpected turn. Having been in her shoes before, experiencing similar moments of shock and despair, I initially felt a sense of empathy towards her. At first, I resonated with Ariana's struggles, understanding the depth of her emotions as she navigated through difficult circumstances. However, as this new season progressed, I found myself increasingly uncomfortable with her demeanor. There's something about her cold-hearted and bitchy attitude that rubs me the wrong way. While I can empathize with her pain, I can't help but feel that Ariana could approach her challenges with a little more grace. It's understandable to be hurt and to react defensively, but there's a difference between asserting oneself and lashing out without regard for others. It's evident that we all navigate challenges in our own unique ways. While her current demeanor may lack grace, I hold hope that she'll eventually find it along her path. Interestingly, Lala's transformation throughout the series stands as a testament to the power of growth and grace. Her evolution serves as a compelling example of what I aspire for Ariana and others who may find themselves struggling with similar inner turmoil. Compassion is not a weakness; it's a superpower. It enables us to bridge divides, heal wounds, and uplift those in need.


Brock lol. What a fucking loser. Divorce incoming.


Seeing him ask Sandoval "How do we as a group move forward with this?" when he is NOT A MEMBER OF THE GROUP kind of sent me


For real, WHY is this dude so vocal when he's been around all of five fucking minutes?


I think this season will be the final nail in the VPR coffin. What has even happened on the last few episodes? Schwartz, Tim, Lala and Schena do not have main character energy. I'm so bummed to see it end this way


Scheana was giving big Tina the talking Timmy vibes in the dressing room But seriously tho, hope she's doing okay because that was v worrying to see


I did kind of laugh at the scene of the Toms driving, with Sandoval "crying" about how hard he's had it and how touching it was that the cast let him sit with them. And Schwartz's trademark cruel words in the syrupy singsong voice: "Just to get a hello from people who are disgusted by your very essence? That's nice!" Those two really deserve each other. lol


Syrupy singsong voice is a perfect way to describe it! I was trying to figure out a way to do so earlier but nothing was quite right. I hate that voice! And his darting eyes after he uses that voice


His darting eyes, yes! Every time, seeking the reaction to his words. It's like the glow of Colin Robinson's eyes *(What We Do in the Shadows).* Feasting on pain.


Could this season get any more boring???


Just watching now. Lisa's question at the dinner in tahoe, just no. Wtf is wrong with you???? NOOOOO. Stop trying to make fetch happen Lisa, it's not gonna happen. Edit: Oh thank god it was immediately shut down. Jesus Mary and Joseph, there is literally nothing good that can be said about him right now, stop trying to build him up when he literally showed during that sledgehammer bit that he has not done any personal growth at all not does he intend to! He's still thinking he's the victim!!!! Aaahhh I don't know how much more of this I can take.


I yelled at my tv!!! It made everything Doute has said about her valid.


In the after show Tim said he likes Shorts’ apartment. Yeah dude, of course you did— that’s where you had phone sex with Rachel 💀


![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS) Phone sex


Stop crying you little bitch


I knew the cast would shift towards Schwartz but didn’t expect it so soon.


They are tearing Ariana up on the aftershow. WTF? Especially since filming was only 3 months after the breakup. Watching the show, they all turned on her a lot earlier than expected. Major jealousy vibes.


They all suck. I know Ariana does too in her own way but I still like her better than everyone else lol


Yes! It has only been 3 months not like 3 years. Come on, now. SMFH boo!


Is Andy Cohen trying to right the ship by ignoring the VPR crap and playing dippy games! Gross!


This episode showed Tom had zero growth since his infidelity. “It’s not that easy” is his motto. I can’t believe someone is that narcissistic.




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me every second of that tahoe footage: https://i.redd.it/g8aeadqx09lc1.gif


Can people magazine stop posting articles from Sandoval’s point of view thx!!


They did the same thing for Sister Wives with all the articles from Kody’s POV.


Oh god Kody Brown is a terrible example of a human and also another narcissist in my opinion.


What is going on with Sandoval’s face?! Is it the eyes? Is he not blinking? Did he have a facelift? Too much Botox? Too many shrooms? What is going on???


His lips look bigger. I used to find him so charming before Scandoval...he doesn't look like himself anymore


I think had Botox which can make you look evil/frowning and also steroids . His veins are always popping out


Yeah his veins are so odd I was noticing them all the time he should see a dr


I was wondering too if he had some work done. He looks so different from the last reunion. Dare I say…younger? Maybe it was the ‘stache that wasn’t doing him any favors. Maybe he’s just lost weight.


He seems highly medicated. Good on him for being sober, but he sounds medicated.


I feel like he would discuss that he’s medicated if that’s the case. Also with this group sober really just means from alcohol which is wild because those weed drinks James was pounding last episode can also mess you up.


Schwartz: Raquel is going by Rachel now Sandoval: yeah, I knew that Schwartz: oh you did? I heard she's out of "treatment" Sandoval: yeah, I knew that Schwartz: you did? Sandoval: yeah, I sent her a text and it turned blue so her phone is on now. So you are furiously googling Rachel before you film? Bc according to you you've been no contact for weeks and it's really hurting your feelings bc of your precious birthday 🙄.




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Now that I know sandovals nails are acrylic I can’t stop staring at them…..the man has acrylics


I’m a dude what does that mean ‘acrylics’? Sounds like we should make fun of him for it but I don’t know why.


I was thinking the same thing! LMAO


It’s fake nails that are applied on top of your real nails. If you’ve seen women with those long pointy nails before, they’re usually like that. I’m a woman and I’m cackling that he wears acrylics. 😂


Lee Press-Ons bad got it


I thought he painted his nails white ?? And does he wear women's clothes?




Sandoval last week saying how he felt suicidal and this week playing with knives. What is wrong with this man????


Lisa Vanderpump is giving Judy Gellar vibes


Another boring ass episode


Good I'm glad I didn't watch it . I'm done


Sandoval's selfie with Brock. https://i.redd.it/jsnqrlfrw8lc1.gif


That was so weird


It's so valid to only want family to watch your kid. The Mom IS the nanny and Brock pushing to replace her is so cringe. Like I get not wanting to live with the Mom but he's wanting to go on a trip with just Sheena, so what's the effin problem Brock? Literally creating problems


I hated him viscerally for this. Nothing more disgusting than a man who cares more about himself than his kid. 


This is the same man that left two kids behind and moved to the other side of the world and didn’t give two shits. It doesn’t surprise me in the least that he’s not empathetic to Scheana not wanting to leave her kid


TW: I forgot that in addition to suffering a miscarriage, Scheana had a traumatic birthing experience (besides the fact she could’ve died and how scary it was when summer didn’t cry at first) to being told she’d never be able to carry her own again, to postpartum issues she is still recovering from in this episode? I don’t blame her for being hesitant about leaving her baby. Her baby was a blessing. I’m not a Scheana fan but Brock is gross and dense. I know she tends to dramatize things but all of the above is some real shit. He needs to back off. Brock is clearly being a dick because he can’t relate to needing to be near your kids.


You are my favorite prostitutionwhore ever. All such good points!


Hearing James say you can just break up and walk away before cheating is pretty funny… considering he cheated on Kristen and Raquel.


The only difference is James didn’t want to break up, he just wanted to keep fucking other girls and go back


What’s with sandovals yee yee ass shirt


James had me cracking up with the “embarrassing!” Comment about Lisa asking the weird Sandoval question


Apparently if your life is going in a bad direction, to get it going in a new (not at all better) direction, you cheat on your partner. Simple! Wow! He’s so absolutely dumb.


Not a good edit on Arianna. shame them for making her seem over dramatic…almost pathetic!


I just can’t handle Scheana! Hard to believe she would be such a sell out!


Tom taking that weird sneak attack selfie with Brock made me cringe SO hard 😬


Right? Talk about picking the low- hanging fruit..


Omg I know!! I actually said out loud (to my cat) “that was fucking awkward”


Even clueless Brock realized he was creeped on


Does he? I don’t think he feels bad at all!


didn’t say he felt bad, just low key creeped on.


Screw SandoVal’s reaction to the dog. Cannot believe he starting crying over the dog! Barf!!!


What is up with Tim's gross arm vein popping out constantly? Mans looks like he has a wire under his skin. Barf


Workout vitamins?


Glad I’m not the only one who noticed that lol. It’s like a fucking speed bump




well I mean, tbf she has every right to not go on the trip (or anywhere with everyone) and I understand why she wouldn’t want to but idk how much footage more of ariana and katie talking about a sandwich shop that’s going nowhere the already boring show can take


Ugh. That completely tracks and I hate it lol


Damn! That's so sad.


They’ve all cheated. I’m so over this.


And honestly what Scheana and Lala did was worse. They broke up entire families.


Scheana didn’t break up any families. That family (Brandi’s, I’m assuming you’re talking about) broke up after he cheated with someone else.


Yeah, but that has been happening since season 2, maybe even season 1. Here we are 10 years later….


Just watching this ep now and omg scheana and Brock are so annoying


Scheana bulldozers over Brock and he just takes it cause doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. I know relationships are about compromise but wtf is this lol.


Bingo ! Scheana is grossly, emotionally abusive towards Brock. That Marriage will end like her first one, and I hope Brock gets custody !


James is 100% on cocaine


Colombia Sober






HAHAH ok this was all I could think of during that conversation 😆


My 8 year old can fake cry better than Sandoval!


That was the lamest, most boring trip ever. They need to start drinking again and buy Brock some swim trunks.


I said is he wearing a kimono?


That was way too much for me. What happed to his workout app?


It didn’t land the way they had hoped per Scheana


This is how I’ve been watching the show lately https://i.redd.it/6gc6cskhp8lc1.gif


Lisa asking for nice words for Scum was appalling. Mother has a favorite child.


If we’re correct based on what we’ve seen, I wonder where her tendency to show favoritism towards males might stem from? I wonder what her relationship was like with her parents. Was she more of a daddy’s girl? It also seems like she was really close with her brother. Wonder if that’s her only sibling? I feel like I haven’t seen much footage of her interacting with her kids, but from the little I’ve seen, she seemed to baby her son Max and put more pressure on Pandora. I’m not trying to shame her, just an observation I’m curious about.


I also guess that Ken likely cheated many times and Lisa stayed with him so it’s likely not a huge, unforgivable thing to her


I mean, we can only speculate but it seems that was a lot more commonplace during Lisa’s generation due to societal norms and/or family religious background. I bet Lisa and Ken were absolutely feral during the 80s lol.


My parents tried that a few times. It just ended with us fighting more.


Tom needs therapy and boundaries, not Lisa trying to force people to compliment him or be his friend.


Yes! 👏🏻




This violates the "no hate speech" rule: There is a zero tolerance policy for hate speech on this sub. This includes any homophobic, biphobic, or transphobic statements, as well as anything racist or sexist/misogynistic.


Theory. Brock just doesn’t have objective permanence. He’s a loving father when he can see them. But when he can’t they’re just out of sight out of mind.


Yep. Sadly my dad was the same way.


lol that seems about right!


I hate that it focused so much on the losers and not on Katie and Ariana 🫠


they weren’t doing anything…?


Right! How did the producers get it so wrong??


I'm so annoyed at Schwartz also pretending to have the sads at being single and forty. He literally cheated on Katie for years, he constantly has a pick-me (cough Jo) waiting in the wings.....but won't commit to anyone. He wants us to feel sorry for him???? Like......huh???? I feel like he's the embodiment of many of the men I encounter on the dating scene. They were 'tied down' for years and bored and now they don't want to commit yet they can't be alone and somehow we are supposed to feel sorry for them because........reasons????? Nah.


He’s sorry to no longer be a homeowner.


He has said himself that he has a fear of commitment lmao


Because they still need their mommies..


He definitely likes to play the victim. Getting too old to pull off that kind of charm!


Yeah I can't watch week to week anymore. Legit everyone is insufferable. I'll binge watch once it's done.


That bad huh?


I just turned it off after 10 minutes and came here for recaps.


Does anyone remember how the cast was all “oh no we still hate Sandoval we weren’t having fun in Tahoe at all” after those pictures leaked? Did they forget they were being filmed or do they think we’re really that stupid?


That looked miserable. A total chore.


Def don’t think they were having fun lol. It seemed awful 😭


To be fair it didn’t look like anyone was ACTUALLY having fun


Aftershow delayed again? Anyone have insight?


it's up on bravo's website! idk why it's not on youtube*  eta: there are 9 parts tonight *nvm it is on youtube


🫶 2 u


Was curious and switched on for a few minutes and im five minutes I saw more fake crying and Tom saying he wasnt malicious to anyone but everyone else has been malicious to him and he is the victim here. GROSS immediately turned it off. Im definitely done with this show.


i just went on IG to see if other fans are letting bravo know that we are over this attempted sandoval redemption arc, the last VPR post on bravo was 4 days ago and all the comments are trashing arianna. are we the only same ones in the fanbase who are not liking all this pro tom BS?


That is terrifying if the fan base thinks that way


The official bravo instagram is a cess pool of misogny/internalised misogny about every show not just VPR. I would look at the bravo blog/fan instagram accounts for a more accurate temperature check. I haven’t had a chance yet to check out instagram but the #pumprules tag on Twitter was generally NOT having or buying the Sandoval redemption arch and his crocodile tears.


>The official bravo instagram is a cess pool of misogny/internalised misogny about every show not just VPR. The misogyny is calling from inside the house? ![gif](giphy|12HFqNl5DrMWoU)


Yeah, most comments I read elsewhere on IG are very anti Sandoval. He gets way more hate than she does.


I’m glad James isn’t falling for sandovals bullshit. He listened to him but didn’t believe him and didn’t pity him. He questioned him and put him in his place. I’m afraid him, Ariana, and Katie will be the only ones that don’t become his friend again.


James has already said he is open to a friendship with Tom. James has a horrible reputation and it makes sense to me why he would be comfortable with the Toms. Abusers vibe with abusers. 


He isn’t gonna be friends with Tom and he isn’t gonna forgive him. The damage is too deep.


That pink laundry scene was so produced. Those undies were purchased pink!


So I think they were referring to a pair that he picked up off the floor which seemed pale pink. I did watch on my phone though so I could be wrong.


They were like...magenta. You can tell it was produced by people who don't actually do their own laundry






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I want to send an angry email to the showrunner and producers. There is still time to right this ship but they need to do it now. Watching Katie and Ariana heal and find happiness after the worm bros took so much from them would be gold. Katie is funny on her podcast, we know Ariana is funny, so LET THEM SHINE.  Enough with the Toms and anyone who would coddle them. Watching men stay stagnant and toxic isn’t interesting. 


Brock seems very sexist telling Scheana to do his laundry


Brock doesn’t even have a job, Scheanas going to try to do the most for him, he’s going to get comfortable in that and do nothing in return, & she’s going to grow to resent him


Idk, I didn't like Scheana screeching he can't so let her do it. Maybe, let's teach him so he can help bc he's obviously willing? It's not unusual to have laundry mishaps occasionally. It seemed like they were too caught up in the nanny fight to just joke about some laundry hijinks.


At one point he told her it was “her role” to do the laundry and that’s where it seemed sexist to me. I agree that both ppl in the relationship should know how to do the laundry.


Brock is a useless grifter. Why did Scheana marry him?  I feel sorry for Summer Moon, who is an innocent in this mess.  Brock is an insulting, lazy asshole who disrespects women.  Vile beyond words. 


Scheana seems to hate him. Shes never fought like this with previous bfs. Telling Brock to shut up as to not bring stuff up on camera, he better listen before he loses his meal ticket.


It reminded me of the way she'd speak to Mike Shay.


I can imagine that her standards are so high he'll never reach them and so he gives up trying. He has said and done some douchery however I can kinda see how she could be difficult to live with.


Yeah, they both seem awful. It's the kids you always feel sorry for.


Oh, I must've missed that in the fighting. Yeah, fuck him for that.


Okay Decision, I *need* a gif of James' response to the Sando convo where he goes "what, oh, right, right" That shit was gold!


Scheana does look great in that pink outfit. God an XS in a bikini how?


I love that this episode is where the meme of Sandoval with the word 'diarrhea' behind him derived from.




This is so fucking funny lol


Poo poo head gonna poo poo


Just wanted to let everyone know that I just did a little research over on the bravoRH sub— The live threads for the first 4 episodes all had over 1 thousand comments. The live thread for tonights show had less than 500 comments. Yeesh. Deserved, and I did NOT watch, but yeeesh!!




Hasn’t aired on the west coast and a lot of west coast people still comment on that thread so you may want to wait til tomorrow or at least later tonight for more accuracy.


Ahh good point 😞


For those of you that skipped the episode you missed nothing that you couldn’t predict yourself. Production continues to ruin what was once a good show. 1. Sandoval keeps worming and his enablers are still wiping his tears. 🙄 2. Scheana and Brock are fighting because Brock doesn’t want Scheanas mom to be the main childcare provider for Summer Moon. He accused her Mom of giving Scheana low self esteem which we haven’t seen air and who the fuck trusts Brock? Besides delusional Scheana.  3.Lisa continues to push people towards Sandoval because she loves supporting abusive predators.  4. Lisa took photos with a wolf. Are we surprised she is team Sandoval when Sandoval also found it appropriate to take photos with wild animals for the sake of a “great photo”.  5. Katie and Ariana got barely any screen time because the producers continue to believe the viewers want to follow the worm bros.  This was the worst episode of the season for me. 


Thanks for the recap! I'm not surprised, but also still somehow feel let down. There's a part of me that really hoped they'd right the ship and adjust given...* *gestures broadly everywhere* * I had far too much faith


Didn't watch. Thanks for the recap! Glad I didn't watch.


Yes thank you for this, I stopped watching after the 3rd episode when it was becoming clear it was the Sandoval show.


You didn’t recap anything that was memorable that happened haha this episode was actually pretty good. Also how did you leave out the entire ending with him and James?


lol I didn’t see anything memorable. 


I thought a lot happened!


Then recap it, baby. You can do a legit one. I’m still processing the loss of a show I used to like. Lmao the grief is real. 


Need this recap 15 mins ago and now I’m stuck lol


Bless you for this recap. I feel content in my decision to skip tonight's episode 😅


Man I guess a lot of people are skipping huh?


Yep, I did too


i actually liked this episode 🤷🏻 eta: yes, the attempt at a redemption arc is bullshit. but it's entertaining to watch it blow up in productions face


I haven’t finished the episode yet, but I *have* to make a comment on Scheana trying on swimsuits. I don’t mean to armchair diagnose, but she has got to have some type of body dysmorphia. I’ve talked about my condition more frequently than normal recently, but I bring it up now to say I don’t have 80% of my digestive tract so it’s nearly impossible for me to gain weight unless I’m consuming high-calorie liquids. Because of this, I’m just *very* skinny; there’s nothing I can do about it. I mention all of that because I’m just as damn skinny as Scheana, who has also had a child. WHAT THE HELL IS SHE GRABBING AT ON HER STOMACH?!?!?!?! I can get when you’re still a thin person but have an extra 5, 10 lbs for you. So it bothers *you*. That makes sense. But girl doesn’t even have that. It just *jarred* me to see her grabbing at her stomach and complaining about it. Maybe I’m making a bigger deal about it than it was. Feel free to call me out about it if I am. I just see so many people watch this show from all ages across the way and hate to see them see her grab at her “skin” and say that’s gross. In my Tamera voice, *”That’s just my opinion!!!”*


Totally agree, that part bothered me so much.


What they've shown is a clear timeline where her (diagnosed) PPA/PPD triggered a myriad of issues. She's been so vocal about it that it makes me feel better, like she's really turning her experience into a positive. I know she thrives on people's support and in this case I'm glad, because she seems to have had a tough go of it.


I was traumatized when she grabbed at nothing and it sent me back to HS when everyone was so insecure and unrealistic. Those were years I would never relive.


In 4th grade I remember a girl teaching a bunch of us how you shouldn't be able to "pinch an inch" on the underside of your upper arm. It starts so early. I remember I cried in high school when I saw 115 on the scale, now I would still cry if I saw that number but not from sadness (ha) Unlearning all of this social toxicity around women's bodies can take a lifetime and is always sad for me to see.


Totally agree with you on this!!


Yeah she’s deeply deeply insecure and definitely has BD, it’s sad to watch


Probably wasn’t helped by Stassi and Kristina joking about swapping her outfit with a smaller size to make her feel insecure about being “overweight”


I know I’ve spent the last hour dragging Broke but y’all I cannot get over how he spoke to her and totally invalidated her feelings. Pls leave him Scheana if you scroll Reddit. Pls. I’ll take Mike Shay and even Rob over this clown


I am still thinking about it. MJ (Shah's of Sunset)'s husband Tommy stayed home during cast trips and looked after MJ's life. Even before they got married he went to the hospital to see her Dad and give her updates. While working a job. Scheana deserves better and I am not even a Scheana fan


Clearly the producers are fucking old and out of touch idiots. No one wanted any of that. Congrats on dropping the ball so motherfucking hard when presented the opportunity to make some of the best reality tv ever. Morons.


They should have pulled this episode after that NYTimes article. They clearly don’t think the fans have any pull


Do you have a link?


The NYTimes article https://archive.ph/2024.02.22-194355/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/20/magazine/tom-sandoval-vanderpump.html