• By -


Mr. Banks in the background like ![gif](giphy|mlvseq9yvZhba)


He started getting some sass in his tail back there. Katie was giving him LIFE.


Lmfao I noticed the tail twitch. He said “the girls are FIIGHTING”


Not gunna lie, I was hoping to see and hear some chattering once the tail twitch started. 😂


I can hear this comment lol


I LOVED Mr Banks filming with these girls! Most cats would be under the bed hiding from the lighting/booms/production crew but he was like “I’m in this scene, get a close on my facial expression, let’s set up my talking head interview”. HE WAS THE GREEK CHORUS!


I love a gossiping cat because they can be in their deepest sleep, get up, and stay seated the entire time purrrrr 💅🏽




He heard Katie’s “Ooooooo” and was like, tail flick, oh it’s onnnnnnnn. He felt that drama about to start before it even started 😹 His tail flick was like okay here we go bitches. Rewatched just for his cue 😹


I know! I want to be Mr banks.


We need an AMA with Mr. Banks


lolll this is how one of my cats is when people are over he needs to be in the thick of it, but nobody better touch him, hes just there to look regal & watch


Hilarious because Lala is always saying people don’t want it with her…yet will refuse to show us what we supposedly don’t want….😖


All bark and no bite. What she’s showing us is what we supposedly don’t want. What exactly are people supposed to be afraid of? 😂😂


Do you wanna get PoPpEd??!?


![gif](giphy|3o752jjrIkxJfliEw0) Classic gangsta Lala!


All those Utah gangstas must be so proud of the upper middle class lady they raised


Why does no one call her Lauren from Utah anymore I miss that


I would die from laughter if someone, anyone, would just be like, "look Lauren" don't even bring up Utah.


What's hilarious is that Katie is ALSO from SLC.


These Utah streets are mean! And by “mean”, I mean riddled with pot holes, under near-constant construction, and lined with more churches than gas stations. BUT STILL.


Omg I forgot about this. Ugggghhhh she's just so cringe, so inauthentic at all times, in siy ways that make her look like a clown. This was beyond embarrassing.


The wrath of her assistant Jess? Her use of AAVE? I really don’t know at this point


💯! Those finger blasters really top it off!


Right?! We got us a Shooter McGavin over here ![gif](giphy|phajKPhwNxHr2)


😂😭 she needs to change her name to PewPew


Bwahaha 😂I want to see South Park do a VPR episode and just UNLEASH Cartman on her ass😂 ![gif](giphy|11Kcyszj9iN7pu)


it’s funny because Lala also openly said she’s all bark, no bite. yet still makes these vague threats that she won’t act on. she’s straight up said she won’t get in physical altercations because she’s so afraid of jail, and she’s not that good at reading. what is it we don’t want? lol


its just automated responses from her


I think it ends with her crying 😂




Lala and scheana having an embarrassment-off


Lala and Scheana wrapped filming truly believing they were going to end up on the right side of Scandoval Part II: ReDeMpTiOn. Idk if production got in their heads but whatever bullshit laced kool-aid they’re drinking has left them both looking like the disingenuous, bitter Betties they’ve been during all of this — mad the spotlight isn’t theirs, frustrated the audience doesn’t GAF about whatever it is they’re going through.


Lol right on


Poor Ally is just like can you guys not do this in my house


I bet she got the sage out when they left 😆


Mr Banks doesn't need the stress.


She’s already got airplanes flying overhead she doesn’t need this shit


I love how the producers always remind us ally and James live in the airport flight path. 😂 every scene they are in.




I feel like Katie found it laughable that Lala was putting on her "VPR fighting persona" and being so over the top with her when everyone in that group is usually able to be pretty real and rational with each other and then Lala comes out with this disingenuous character she does. Katie was like, ok so you're not gonna talk to me like we're real people who know each other, we're being reality tv co-stars right now? ok then bitch!


I think so too. This gangster bull crap she pulls. Girl wouldn’t last a day in the hood


She grew up on the mean streets of Utah!


You wanna get popped? 🔫


The soul of Tupac lives on through her lol


Someone put her in the hood already so she can get humbled real quick 😂


I'd really need to know if she's ever been in a fight a day in her life. I need to know cuz that BS thug life personality really irks my fkn nerves.


Spot on lol


This is spot on.


One. Hundred. Percent. You nailed the vibe perfectly


This scene made me think this is entirely why Sandavol thinks he and Lala connected this season - Lala probably bitched to him about Katie


Bitching about Katie IS Sandoval’s love language lol


Ha, great observation


Don’t forget the newfound friendship with “Schwartzy”


Of course because anyone that is a Katie hater is automatically his new bestie


Lala tells people to disengage when her initial aggression doesn’t intimidate them to shut up. When they don’t, she’s stuck on stupid.


Exactly. She expects people to cower down to her aggressive bullshit like Rachel used to. But in this case Katie stepped up to her and she got embarrassed. Lala has had it coming too as she's been shady and jealous as fuck all season.




I wish her and SheShu would just go off to mommy corner with lego's and lollipops and just stay over there. They're both so boring.


Yes lala and scheana can move over to the valley now kthxbyeee


She steals her personality from housewives too, she essentially took the disengage line from Meredith 😌 ![gif](giphy|uyJUQeJGnBS9rg6B4G|downsized)


omg thisss I thought of Meredith immediately lmao


*cue lala lvl2 finger guns*


😆”DO YOU WANNA GET POPPED?!” Lmao so stupid


Lala saying “don’t fucking talk to me like that” IS SO RICH COMING FROM HER


Especially if it’s due to the word “bitch” isn’t she the biggest champion of saying “bitch”? She had a whole edit about it.


I am sure one of the episodes she called someone a bitch and she tried to play it off as if it was her way of expression. Kinda like the word "bro" 🙄


She’s so fuckin mad that Katie’s never been scared of her & def isn’t now.


Yeah towards Charlie and they did a whole thing editing together all the times she said “bitch” akin to Scheanas “Rob” choir edit


Oh yes. She back pedaled real fast as soon as she realized Charli wasn't scared !!


That is why I LOVED Charli. She didn’t take her shit and Lala didn’t know how to react. She’s such a dick.


I absolutely LOVE Charli for not backing down. Lala is a bully who needs to be put in her place.


As if SHE didn't say that summer bodies bullshit TO KATIE ***HERSELF***!!


Saying it literally AS she’s talking to Katie like that lmfaooooooooooo it’s so hard to take her seriously


She is the biggest hypocrite. Pretty sure Katie would read her to filth and have had her in tears but she held back


Katie’s way of calmly and gently telling someone off is SO MUCH MORE powerful than Lala’s barking


Katie is clocking Lala for who she is - Lala will talk talk talk about how "ariana doesnt get to go home with sandoval and tell us not to talk to him" and "nobodies going to like what i have to say" well bitch now you dont like what Katie has to say!!! Lala can dish it out but she cannot take an OUNCE because she has no proper communication skills!!!


Lala is intellectually stunted aka dumb, just like Scheana.


It pisses me off so much! It wasn’t that long ago, Lauren made everyone not hang out or talk to Randall because they split up. And EVERYTIME she’s called out on it or when people bring up her past relationship she flys off the handle. Trying to say it’s not the same or they don’t know what they are talking about. It’s so controlling and toxic. Also, insane that the reunion, where she was SCREAMING AT TOM, was only a few months before?? If I have the timeline correct. How fast one flips to the other side.


Katie saying, "Say it! Say it with your whole chest, bitch!" is showing off that big dick energy!! 🍆✨






Omg. Swoon. The producers and Lisa are trying real hard to keep us hating Katie. But with lines like that, I love her even more.


I’m here for Katie’s big old dick! I’m soooo tired of LaLa. She’s such a know-it-all, right fighting bully. Get over yourself Lauren.


Dude right! I was all for Katie here. Anyone who doesn’t like her there is literally a hater


Lala forgot that Katie used to eat her ass up in the early seasons. She's the original mean girl honey stand down 🤭


I feel like Lala tries but she just come off so unintelligent and low class (even though she sees herself as upper middle at a minimum) and it's really hard to get behind what she is saying. Even those very few times when she's right.


When she was talking about how she picked her sperm donor she said she wasn’t looking for someone smart because she isn’t 🤭


She’s a mess! Aren’t you supposed to want better for your children?


Katie does not gaf anymore lol


Lala has become SO unlikeable like damn it’s not giving what you think it’s giving girl


And can someone in her camp please tell her that the pajama outfits aren’t hitting?… its giving tacky.


She’s pushing the PJ look bc her outerwear are those tacky robes she is trying to sell. Hahahaha


It's the only PJ she's getting since she split with Rand.


Ugh I’m ready for her to be replaced The fact that she crawled up schenas ass and is saying dumbass things to ariana has turned me off her completely. Of all peoples asses to crawl up, it’s definitely not schena! And she’s sticking her neck out for Sandoval and he’s doesn’t even give a flying fuck, as we saw last week. She looks more pathetic each episode


Disengage. Oh please Lala, so cringey.


She always says it with a finger gun too 😂


Are you tryna get popped???


I literally said the same thing!! She always wants to be the only one talking but when someone stands up to her, the bully, she backs down. She did the same with Charli.


I miss Charli


I always miss charli


Meredith would like her catchphrase back. Lala forgot which show she was on but loved seeing our resident SLC girlies argue on VPR ![gif](giphy|uyJUQeJGnBS9rg6B4G|downsized)


At least Meredith is saying I AM disengaging therefore removing herself from a situation where as Lala demand others disengage as if they should be afraid of her when really she’s terrified of confrontation and consequences of shit talking.


She's like Sandoval. They scream and threaten and try to shut you down with intimidation. Because neither can just intelligently express their feelings. So they just get stupid aggressive. It's really unbecoming.


Lol Lala the aggressive pitbull having the audacity to tell anyone to "disengage"


“ Like watcha gonna do boo?”


“Who gonna check me, boo?”


Honestly. Who even talks like that! “Disengage.” I would fucking lose it if someone said that to me lol


So cringe!!!


I don’t actually mind at all if people say this in arguments, when you’re arguing with someone ridiculous (i.e., Lala with Rachel last season - Rachel was being ridiculous; Meredith Marks with Jen Shah in RHOSLC S1 - because Jen Shah is ridiculousness personified). But Katie was not being ridiculous, she knew where she stood and she was saying it clearly. This was not an effective moment to employ, “Disengage.” NOTE: By “ridiculous” I really just mean anyone who is showing their participation in the conversation is going to be circular - despite any attempts you make at genuinely reaching a resolution with them, it’s just circular bullshit. This is also why I say Jen Shah is ridiculous through and through.


Someone is going to get popped!


It's her go to line


Lala needs to stop telling people to disengage lol


It’s just embarrassing for her to keep telling people disengage when she’s the one who starts it🙄


Lala isn't half as hard as she pretends to be. She's from Utah for crying out loud.


So is Katie!! And ironically Lala is a mother but Katie is mother.


True! Haha Katie's so soft spoken, she tears Lala apart and still maintains her composure. Very impressive.




I LOVED this from Katie. Calling Lala flat out for that passive aggressive vague threat about “what she has to say” (as if her opinions on this really even matter). Like YES Katie, LFG!! And Lala clearly had zero response to being called out. In the past I have actually loved Lala and she has completely lost me this season. Girl doesn’t have a leg to stand on, is incredibly transparent and the hypocrisy is ASTOUNDING.


Right? I'm going to need the boys to have a poker night with her old ugly crusty baby daddy and when she gets pissed have everyone tell her to get her head outta her ass.


Lala felt like a warrior for women last season, I was so here for her as well. Now? I'm straight up repulsed by her attitude and behavior. Give us less Lala.


Same!! I’ve been a Lala apologist (even though she’s been problematic, have always felt like she had a good heart) but this season she’s just gross to me


Agreed! All this about "being soft" and finding forgiveness, when really it just feels like she shifted her animosity from Tom to Ariana (and Katie by association) for no other reason than jealousy - and jealousy is not a good look on her.


You hit the nail on the head!! She’s just mad her situation didn’t benefit her—it’s like she doesn’t have the self recognizance to realize it’s not the same


This. Even though she was an idiot at times I really loved her for most of her time on VPR. After this season I honestly don’t think I will ever look at her the same. I can’t even stand to see her on my screen.


My affection has been bimodal but honestly I’m over her entirely. Her behavior and self awareness is atrocious




Scheana is so overconfident this season b/c she has Lala to yell for her, but Lala is all talk and a flip-flopper. Lala will be throwing Scheana under the bus at the reunion if she gets too much heat from the audience. Katie doesn't give a fuck if the audience is on her side.


Katie went YEARS with the audience hating her and she was just fine.


Love this. Reminds me of when Charli stood up to Lala too. Lala’s not as scary as she likes to this she is😭


In that fight, Lala was like "I call everyone bitch! It's not personal," and then when Katie does it here, it's a big deal


Kristen did it too at a house party and Lala said “don’t call me out of my name!”


I wish Charli had stayed on. She was so real.


Every time I hear Lala talk with this blaccent, I just wanna ![gif](giphy|l0HUbtILos6CdAtxu|downsized)


This drives me bananas. Like… you’re from Utah. Stop it. 🙄


She tries to give off "I grew up in the hood" type vibes. But you're exactly right... she's from Utah. The "bad" neighborhoods in Utah would be considered pretty nice neighborhoods in my state of New Mexico.


I’m from Pittsburgh currently living in Utah and girl spot on. The only thing anyone here is fighting is this horrible air pollution.


Why hasn’t this been brought up at a reunion? It is so offensive


Lala attempting to talk to Katie the way that Lala used to talk to Raquel is hilarious. Take several seats Ms. Kent.


Yeah we all know Katie can conjugate some verbiage!!


Very judiciously!


Idgafff what anyone says I love Katie. She checked Lala heavyyyy and she deserved it.


Katie is queen and always has been. She’s the most sensible stable one.


lala makes no sense


She talks out of her ass constantly. There’s zero substance behind the shit she says, she just says whatever she thinks will “hit”


Lala is a clown. So performative at all times and nothing of substance to back it up


The makeup and outfit made her stupid outbursts even worse for me. Bitch you're comical at this point, like, is this a bit?


Lala- I never like what you have to say.


Disengage! Disengage! Lol shut up Lala.




Lala has the emotional maturity of a stalk of celery. She is so aggressive, and she makes zero sense. I understand more than anybody.. then proceeds to not understand. She's like a bomb about to explode at all times. I'm really over how she treats people. Wait until Ocean starts to mimic her behavior. Kids do. I wonder if it will bring some awareness to how she attacks people. People in her life won't tolerate that. They will not want to be in her life.




Ugh lol drink every time lala pretends she’s not an affluent white woman 😅


Lala is so ugly on the inside. It’s pathetic. Her and Scheana can go cry and be miserable and jealous together. Ick


LaLa is first to snap; “don’t speak to me like that” after already ‘popping off’ like someone just ran over her dog and bullied her all through high school. I swear she can’t read a room.


Katie has a particular knack for making people feel/look stupid during arguments and I’m living for it right now lmao


Lala is such a dummy. Katie is the real one I would be scared of Lala has always been all bark and no bark. Ugh she is so exhausting


Katie is the friend you want and need. She’s got your back and not afraid to stick up for her friends. I’m glad we get to see the real Katie now and not the perpetually angry and bitter Katie that was stuck in horrible relationship with a man-child.


Once again, Lala is all bark & no bite. She tries to dish it , but never can take it


Lala fucking sucks


Lala has won the trauma Olympics! Back away from her podium. She’s an “it could be worse” minimizer. I cannot stand people who say things like “just be thankful you didn’t have kids.” Sure, that fixes it all right up. Katie’s response was the only relief on that sea of stupidity coming out of Lala’s mouth. It’s like one step forward two steps back with her. You think she’s going to be great and then - ugh - no.


Immediate new flair




THIS was the scene where I officially joined Team Katie permanently. She ate with this one. I was already riding for her since last season, but she is officially my favorite & the most respectable of the entire crew. Communicates clearly, stands her ground and stands up for her friends and for herself no matter the pressure. Not to mention, the only real Girls Girl on the show (except maybe Ally, but we’re still getting to know her).


Katie is amazing this season I love her so much. Favourite bravolebrity of all time, she's even pulled ahead of Dr Eugene.


I love that 0% of her is intimidated by Lala. Whenever Lala realizes this isn’t working she starts interrupting the other person and tries to shout over them. It’s pathetic and very transparent


Ahahaha I'm here for this comment and love that the two of them are on the same trajectory


v much appreciated the mr banksy shot ( also team katie )


Already changed my flair👑🙌


Let’s be real Katie has ALWAYS been about her shit. Ariana is lucky that out of all those girls, it’s Katie in her corner. That girl is a LIONESS. ![gif](giphy|hvpmgcKyf4HJUOr1Xu|downsized)


It’s time lala disengages her head from her fucking ass :)


Ma’am you’re from Utah. Holster your finger gun and check yourself.


Lala's full glam for this chill pajama astrology night really irked me. She came so ready to put on this performance like womp womp girl Katie rebukes thee.


Lala is so trashy


No longer watching the show over Sandoval and the boring and generally wrong direction of the show but love Katie. Thank you for your service, OP!


“Disengage” 😑 Don’t do Meredith like that


I am just so confused by Lalas logic. It took her years to become a "better" person. Years to realize she needed to stop drinking. A loooong time and a lot of anger and public rage to not "hate" Rand. Yet she expects Ariana to let that go all within three months? If she's going to say how relatable she is to Ariana then she of all people should know you cannot rush or force someone's grief and anger process.




Katie told her to say it with her chest but lala’s weak ass brought out her finger guns again. 🙄 lmaooo


Lala’s neck veins were popping out like a roided out freak. You’re sitting criss cross applesauce in a living room reading birth charts, Lauren.


I fking love Katie's no fks attitude lately. The second anyone talks to Lala the way she talks to fking everyone she act's like they're out of line, fk all the way off Lala


Katie actually got that bde that lala always been talkin about


I’m so embarrassed for Lala


Lala and Scheana are one in the same and they’ll be there for eachother until they’re not. Then they’ll break their daughters hearts by tearing them away from eachother when they’re no longer friends. Never be besties with your kids besties mom. Be friendly but not pushing it. It’s the best way to be.


I love people seeing what us day 1 Katie girlies have seen since day 1🖤


The cat in the background ![gif](giphy|1Y7XVya02PYfjizWmD|downsized)


After watching this - I wonder if Ariana and Katie aren’t as good of friends as I thought. I would’ve told LaLa to back off and more if she spoke to one of my good friends that way. Katie looked so alone at the end of the spat. Maybe they’re just more business partners?? Or Ariana doesn’t want to stir up shit more. Plus LaLa was bringing down the vibe so much - it would’ve seriously annoyed me if I was either Katie or Ally lol. Edit: or maybe more was said and we didn’t see it, given the track record of this show’s producers and editors. Like how footage of the worm screaming at Katie’s mom ending up in the trash 🙄


Oh I saw it more like Katie can handle lala just fine by herself and she didn’t need Ariana to say anything


Katie is a better friend to Ariana than vice versa for sure.


This is so true and it makes me so sad. I would KILL to have a friend like Katie 😭


If it makes you feel better I believe Katie has a lot of really cool and genuine friends outside of the show


😌🤌 as she should! https://i.redd.it/964q5is7r0oc1.gif


“Say it with your whole chest bitch let it go” damn I love Katie


I realized in this moment I don’t think lala has ever yelled at Katie and I’m so glad Katie put her in her place. I have met lala and used to be a lala Stan and wow this season has made me completely dislike her. Katie is not one to mess with and I completely love her.


Someone’s desperate to be tapped for RHOBH


Katie… out of ALL of them… even Sheana knows Sandoval better. Stop trying to school the teacher bitches. It isn’t a good look.


Bruh lala doesn’t even give anyone the chance to come at her she only yells “DISENGAGE DISENGAGE” like jfc


Seeing Lala up against Katie REALLY highlighted how juvenile and silly Lala really sounds when she argues.


So THIS is the Lala who thinks she has evolved??? She is the same girl🙄