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It was cool and wet as everything grew, then got really dry and hot at the perfect time just as they entered their horny phase, it seems. Seems like a conincidence, but I'm no plant doctor.


It’s hard to see how thick all the pollen in the air is through all the cottonwood fluff.


Yesterday lake Elmore looked as if someone poured yellow latex paint onto its surface. My entire porch is covered in it


My snot is extremely yellow


There are a bunch of contributing factors that all add up to the big shift. Additional rain means pollen is being overproduced, thunder storms cause pollen to burst which can be more irritating, pollen is often traveling farther than it used to leading people to be exposed to more types of pollen, and all of these factors make you potentially "more allergic" as your body gets attacked and becomes more sensitive. It's a hat on hat on hat situation, but it's real.


I’ve dealt with allergies really bad for 10+ years. This year I’ve had 0 problems and not taking my normal pills. Don’t get it. Did my body shift?


Same here ... usually get Spring Allergies but hardly anything this year despite everyone saying how bad it is.


This is purely anecdotal and I have not read any actual research on the matter but many of us who were suffering severe seasonal allergies before the Pandemic experienced a dampener on our symptoms after being in lockdown and social distancing for so long. I haven't had to take any antihistamines in over three years. This year I am starting to experience a more intense form of allergy response to pollen than I have over the past few years. My feeling about this, though unsubstantiated scientifically, is that as my exposure increases each season/each year, my seasonal allergies will return to their pre-Pandemic intensity. Edited to correct "post-Pandemic" to "pre-Pandemic" in my last sentence.


Interesting. I wonder after having Covid once or twice, during which I lost my smell and taste, if that changed anything about how allergies affect me.


Same. Still taking my daily allergy meds but not overly affected by the pollen increase.


When the wind blows it looks like a horror movie with yellow green clouds and ground level fog


Like mustard gas on the western front


Last year we got a super late frost that destroyed everything fruiting, this year we got us a super warm spring and everything is weeks ahead and going crazy.


I’ve never seen the corn this high, this early


Yeah. Can’t say I remember 90° in early June. 🤷🏻‍♀️ (Born & raised in Essex, current resident of shelburne)


WRJ and Brattleboro saw 90° in May! Blew my mind, and people said “isn’t it nice?” No, folks, it’s not nice when each of the past 12 months has broken the record for warmest November/January/March, etc.


I’m not psyched about it either. 90° in late JULY please


https://preview.redd.it/jdw0x0seq75d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a96346daa8b6888681b48d30e807cb8cc61c05 After someone hosed their car off… or something. I dusted my house on Monday, 2 hours later window sills covered in yellow dust again. But it is hard to resist keeping the windows open….


I was so alarmed that I took a video of it, not knowing what the heck it even could be. Only at the end of the video did I understand it was pollen. Never seen such a storm. Like yellow smoky haze everywhere.


Is this at all related to huge pine mast last fall/ winter?


Wondered this also, it seems to correlate


Only thing worse than all the pollen is… no pollen.


Trees be horny


Not so fun thought: everything is covered in tree jizz.


We call it treemen.


What do you mean, “not so fun”? 😏


My truck has been covered in either green or yellow pollen for a month.


Jokes aside, increased CO2 levels (climate change) stimulate plants to produce more pollen.


CO2 accounts for point zero four percent of the air. It's only gone up point zero one percent in all of recorded human history. Quit being stupid Dave.


That’s a much larger increase than you think it is. Just because it’s a tiny increase in terms of percentage doesn’t mean it’s insignificant when talking about its effect on climate.


No it's not. Stop exaggerating. Do you have any idea how stupid what you're saying sounds?? It is super insignificant.


Good thing we have that stupidfund…I mean, superfund. 🤡🤡🤡


[https://www.vermontpublic.org/2024-03-20/climate-change-is-causing-a-longer-and-more-intense-allergy-season-across-maine-report-finds](https://www.vermontpublic.org/2024-03-20/climate-change-is-causing-a-longer-and-more-intense-allergy-season-across-maine-report-finds) Doesn't specify specifically why we are seeing so much pine pollen this year, but does shed some light on why overall pollen is worse.


Could it have anything to do with the fact, we didn’t have a real winter this year? As far as I know, we didn’t hit any days that were below 0°.


Oh we definitely did! Maybe not whole 24 hours but, definitely some days and many nights here in Warren


Ah- according to a Google search there was only 4 nights in Burlington below 0


The end is nigh


It’s a result of the climate crisis. Additionally, at least where I am, this has been one of the worst years ever for Deer Flies.


All flies. My arms and legs are covered in bites. SO BAD this year.


Driving to work today it was so hazy that it did indeed look like wildfire smoke. I'm wishing hard for rain. A full day or two of steady heavy rain


I think it’s coming, friend


I have been dying the last few days because of it.


White pines


Seems more mild at my house Longer drawn out though


I'm currently at a dance camp in the woods in Mass and the pollen was so thick on the wooden dance floor tonight that my shoes were sliding out from under me every time I took a step. Weirdest measure of pollen intensity I've ever used.


Climate change is happening bruh


I lost brain cells reading these comments.


It's pretty normal. Just depends on how much you notice it. It's the pine that's heavy now, it'll be gone soon enough.


This is the first year where I’ve actually seen clouds of pollen blowing through the air.


I live where there's a lot of pine trees, so I see it almost every year.


Mother nature is fighting back. We are all doomed!


We live next to several pine trees and new a few cottonwoods. My blue car looks green. I don't know why I even bothered scrubbing my patio furniture last week. At least I had the foresight to delay switching out the winter windows for summer screens in my 3 seasons room. I feel for seasonal allergy sufferers. Are y'all okay?


Im close to NYC and prob a a week or 2 week ahead of you guys with the blooms. It was ROUGH. The air felt thick. Feel like it finally settled down


The White Pines are stressed, that might matter. Things that kill pines are moving north. I. Massachusetts we have had June needle drop for ten years. The trees to the north didn't seem to me as impacted. The needles are supposed to drop in October, not June and October. The trees die from the bottom up. We also had a crazy pine mast, after a few years of not many pine cones.


Little bit more than normal maybe, nothing too crazy.


I just cured my allergies with 10 hours in planes. Full cure!


and now you have covid. jk stay well.


My last bout of covid was more pleasant. 🤣 I really have mild allergies- normally. This year our air was extra spicy!


We're calling the neighborhood Zhi Tzu Yellowbeard. We also have the greening of the deck. It was sooo brown for so long this year we were losing it. Happy for the ... the... heh .... the...hech...ugh....greensweet...gah...gold... huh.


The pollen is totally normal.


Its that damn Greta Thunberg


Why are allergies trendy? Everyone claims to have allergies now. “I can’t see!” “I’ve been so miserable” ….blah blah blah. It’s like a bunch of teenage girls with TikTok in here…


Why is being an idiot trendy?


I have no idea. But the people who’ve voted for Bernie Sanders for the last 3 decades would have a pretty good grasp of it, I think.


It really takes some outstanding mental gymnastics to make somebody asking about allergies into a conservative talking point


MeNTal GyMnaStiCks…not sure how your comment, or my correct response had anything to do with climate change, dolt.


Did you join society today? Allergies have been a thing always and forever, the influx of pollen has exacerbated that problem so you might hear about it more than before. Consider yourself lucky, but no need to be a dink


Not to mention that as we get older, allergies often get worse, new allergies appear, and, as the climate warms up, new species of plants that we aren't used to start appearing.


I didn’t even mention allergies in my post, and neither are most commenters. You seem to be a bit slow.