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Low key the best analysis of that dumpster fire of a season Edit: also no spoilers but unfortunately the show’s best moments are behind you at this point, don’t expect things to improve much


Some great moments in the final season that's not fair!


Disagree season 6 has some really great moments but it is far more saturated


Always felt like the show runners watched The Last Kingdom and wanted an Utred son of Utred themselves so they turned the Bishop into him.


Heamund could have been a great character


Wow - I feel like this is so spot on. I've watched the show twice and agree with probably every one of your thoughts here. And until you typed it out about Lagertha's accent, I couldn't put my finger on what was so off with her. Gotta say Hvitserk's only scenes worth watching IMO are when he's in battle - can't get enough of those.


I had to go back and compare her talking to earlier episodes when I noticed, it’s slight at first and gets worse.


One of the biggest crimes that this show did imo was dropping (literally) hvitserks Buddhist arc. A really interesting concept that was one of the most interesting parts of the 5th season just totally dropped and never mentioned again. Also after this season I could not stand lagerthas character none of it landed for me and her character grew more and more grating as time went on. She should have died in the 4th season. Iceland was really cool tho.


They dropped loads of arcs throughout the show there was also the Rollo vs Ivar arc when they negotiated that alliance that ívar clearly didn’t like and there was clearly animosity between them and i was really hoping there would be some sort of uncle , son rivalry to end the rolloness. But they kinda left that in the air too.


Lagertha accent was the literally worse than her causing the civil war,her talk in the negotiations at 5x8 was just making my ear bleed


Dude I just watched that and literally thought to myself “how did it get even worse after I posted this” lol


Yeah and it gets worse by time,just lower the voice and get subtitles when she is talking,totally a good advice


I always thought largatha should have died when she was stabbed by the solider in Paris (when Ragnar and rollo fought) The impact would be great. It would have given Ragnar reason to leave for years, and also her arc doesn’t develop.


I personally love the later seasons after ragnar as its own saga and not in the ragnar saga. It has the rememnants of the time before but its establishing its own new story and I like it cause we see all the parts of ragnar flow through his sons. Ubbe is most like young ragnar, ambitious and curious wanting to discover new lands and settle in England like ragnar did. Hvisterk is ragnars wild battle side, whilst ivar is ragnars pure rage and anger. I also love the England side at this point more too, Alfred is really interesting and a big name from history, the way they handle him earning "the great" title is good to see. Fully agree with lagertha, but I'll add so does bjorn and in my opinion season 4/5 bjorn annoys me abit. Trys too hard to be another ragnar, when he's telling the sons he's in charge of the army copying ragnars paris King speech I know it's supposed to pay homage but it just comes off as cringe for me. Not sure why the actors changed their accent, or maybe it's cause ivar and hvisterks characters naturally have the accent it makes it look off but I still enjoy it. Ragnar and ecgbert were my favourite characters, so I was nervous but for me ivar carries the show for abit with honorable mentions to bjorn and harald too! Won't spoil but the ending is perfect for me!


Ya it is pretty crazy how quickly the show falls off after S4. I understand that some new production companies came in by this time but it’s still Michael Hirst writing so I don’t totally get why it feels so different. I just rewatched the show for a second time this past month and I think if you turn off your brain and don’t focus on the plot as much it becomes far more enjoyable. It’s just cheesey Viking fun. The Bishop is absolutely unhinged and I love the acting performance. He seems like he’s just having a ball playing madman. I find it’s a lot like GoT (but not as disappointing. Both reach a point in the show where it’s far inferior from the previous seasons but you can still enjoy yourself immersed in the world.


Everything went downhill after season 4


It does get a little better. Season 6 is a bit better than 5. Not by it's own merits tho, but because season 5 is just terrible. Season 6 is less worse, but bad anyways


Ubbas overrated and i liked bishop , everything else i can agree with tho