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Okay, this is valid, but Walmart should be hiring to meet the actual need of OGP and other departments so that they're able to take breaks and get off when they're supposed to while getting work done. Nobody in my department should have to stay late to help them, and they shouldn't have to pick up the slack for overnights, because they should also be properly staffed and trained. Don't come to other employees and tell them to do better so that OGP will succeed, tell your boss what you need and get Walmart to actually supply you with the people and tools that you need.


It unfortunately is one or two levels above the store the limit the staffing. We allowed some wiggle room (+5-10%) on scheduling to customer demand to account for increased order capacity and call outs, but often that isn’t enough for peak times (pre store, ebt). Even then, a day at 100% to demand is challenging at best due to productivity in general. Expectations are set too high, people don’t meet them, but you’re limited on how far past target you can schedule. It’s frustrating all around. I wish we could hire so many people they’d never need any help at my store; and redistribute the digital associates during slow times but we’re simply not allowed. Edit: I’d like to add this applies to everywhere. Hardlines, entertainment, apparel, etc. The “lower” paid entry positions are incredibly hard to staff. Digital is just different given the customer has already purchased and will be arriving for their items at a specific time and if they are not ready the fallout isn much more severe then if freight isn’t finished in half of GM, or the lines to check out are long.


I understand all of that, and it's something that needs to be addressed all the way up. They're more than fully aware that the estimates they make for hour demand is beyond too low. I'm not trying to say it's OP's fault, or anyone at the store level, but we shouldn't be pointing at other people in the store and saying "Hey, do better so that OPD can do better", we should all be looking at market level and above and saying that we need more than they give us in that way. I agree that expectations are too high, and a lot of that has to do with them intentionally restricting the hours that we're estimated to need to schedule.


Walmart likes the "Just in time" philosophy. They staff to a certain level and no more. They wont overstaff unless its Event Day(s) or Inventory. 80% of shit gets done, then they are happy, even if you are 10 people short. ​ OGP is a great addition to the bottom line of walmart, but once its really secured its place, it'll end up just like the rest of the departments, Lacking people, Lacking good management and slow to respond because everyone has more of a workload (one could say that thats happening now...) When I ran crews for 100-175 people at my previous part time job, we'd always be short staffed as well, no matter how much we planned for it (and when we werent, its was great!). My plans at the beginning always looked great, and as people checked in and I lost my 10-15% of bodies, I had to change my plans. The last few years I worked there were the worst, so my plans were basic in design and I planned to have less people then I was given, I made it work. Walmart doesnt overstaff. You will always "Do more with less". ​ and I agree, walmart should be giving us everything that we need to succeed to do the job they are asking, Equipment, Time and Bodies...most of the time you are lucky to get one of those 3 things.


Go away home office.


staff your fucking stores instead of being stingy, and maybe youll get better performance. idiots.


Did someone not get a good bonus this year cause the OG metrics were shit? If I was paid more I might have a fuck to give on that.


So, picking orders is more important than putting physical product on the shelf to be picked in the first place? Seems like your job is dependent on others doing their jobs. Nice try at your attempt to make everyone feel for OGP. Let me get out the world's smallest violin and I will play a sad song for you.


Lol support ogp? Hahahahaha


OP is either shitposting or pretending to be home office (or might actually be home office?) Not sure how I should proceed with this information in mind




The accounts name is samwalton420, so I think this is a satirical post.




I'm giving you a up vote because I agree, OGP is the worst


Pick up the slack of O/N? No, you all just nill pick everything. You know how many pinpoints I get every week because OGP didn’t look at the peg directly to the right, and just nill picked the item? Like 40+ every week. You all pull one item from a case in the bins and leave it, destroying our bins. I mean the list goes on.


Haha satire I get it... he's purposely being ass-backward 🙃 They said dispensing is the hardest task of ogp and ogp is the hardest job of Walmart. Because the truth is: - service desk has the hardest customer service jobs with the added risk of being fired for fucking up money services - cap 2&3 has the most labor-intensive jobs - cart pushers have the hardest weather-intensive job (its also more labor-intensive than ogp) - picking is the hardest job in ogp as you are timed, have to be accurate, while shopping in a non-warehouse retail environment, and it's almost guaranteed the pick path hasn't been fixed in months, but again doesn't top anything listed above except maybe in added stress I implore you to explore other positions in the store as I've done quite a few and would choose ogp any day as it has shown to be a walk in the park for my skills. And start with apparel because it's the one department that gets no support from the rest of the store, so when they suffer, they have to figure it out alone.


Fuck off and make a bale


Idk, I'm overnights, but I think cart pushers have it the worst. Especially when the mule breaks, or when it's cold and raining. Dunno what store you work at where OGP is helping ON, but never heard of anyone being pulled from OGP. It's always the opposite. OGP pulls people from ON, all of Cap 1, and a third or half of Cap 2. They make all other departments fall behind at my store because they had shit management that caused a 65%-75% turnover rate for employment with that department.


Dispensing is the hardest job at Walmart because you have to go outside in all weather and deal with customers? Did you forget cart pushers exist? Ya know, ones that have to spend literal hours outside, trying not to get ran over, having customers bitch at them about any and everything?


And the cart pushers don’t even get paid as much as an ogp’s associate. Ogp need to help the cart pushers, stockers etc..It’s all about team work, team players. What a cheek!!


We had a cart pusher get hit by a car and shattered their leg...


For real? Damn that's crazy


Dispensing is the hardest tells us they do not realize how good they have it. As said they pay cart associates less and demand even more from them. Especially on a busy hot day with empty bays and carts being gone faster than they can be collected with a team lead or two having to help the crew get carts in. Then remind us how hard and important online dispensing is


Cart pushers wouldn’t last 1/2 a shift dispensing.


We had two cart pushers switch to OGP because it's easier. One dispenses because it's his favorite. Get over yourself lmao


\>dispensing is the hardest job at Walmart. legitimate coping. imagine telling someone who works close to a thousand pieces on their own "me putting bags in this persons car is harder than literally running yourself into the ground"


Everyone thinks their job is the hardest and wants help. Just be a good person to your coworkers. Don't worry about departments. Be decent people, do excellent to each other, you know?


Wyld Stallyns is the greatest band of all-time, not just because of its musical impact, but its societal impact as well.


To add: OGP associates make more than me. Every time I get pulled to help out, I’m doing a job that pays more than I make for less money. That’s why they aren’t hiring enough people-they get lower paid help to fill in


So like hiring more people so they can stagger their breaks and lunches?


For every department. Nothing like walking in for a shift in toys and spending most of it giving breaks in garden, jewelry, electronics, and the front end. Then getting reprimanded for not finishing the work list in toys.


“Dispensing hardest job” lmao. You ever thrown a 3k+ truck in under 2 hours when it’s 90+ outside? Pushed carts in a snowstorm? I’d even say working electronics or customer service is harder than dispensing because of non stop customer service. Putting bags and items nicely and neatly in cars isn’t difficult.


Putting bags and items nicely and neatly in cars isn’t difficult. While watching Netflix on their phone.


You're out of touch with reality. Get ur meds refilled


Is OGP going to setup customers phones? Is OGP going to check car batteries? Is OGP going to mix paint? Is OGP going to let customers into the fitting rooms? I am sorry I can not hear you over here in GM seeing that I am the only one here.


Never! You crybabies get everything, use us as your lackeys and yet never help us when we need it. Go get your own building.


As a former employee and now customer I despise OGP. I hate having to dodge them while I’m doing my own shopping. They block aisle with their carts, they block the shelves with their carts, making it difficult for folks like me to do a simple task like shopping. I rarely grocery shop at Walmart anymore because of this. In fact I rarely shop at Walmart period. But the whole OGP thing is one of the driving reasons. It’s like Walmart would rather not deal with a real person.


I make it a point to get in their way if im shopping. Rude Asshats don’t even say excuse me to actual customers.


I hate having to dodge customers who block the aisles with their carts, block the shelves. The feeling is mutual....


Thanks for proving my point.


That's cute thinking that putting stuff in people's cars is hard


Help out your department? Help out my fucking department. OGP can take a shit for all I care


Pretty rich considering the only two pickup-only stores closed due to underperformance.


I was not surprised by that at all considering how small of a percentage opd actually brings in to a store overall, yet they get a huge chunk of the staffing.


Yeah fuck OGP. Just because of this post nothing in particular. Not like Overnights literally stocks everything you put your grubby hands on. Without them, enjoy sorting through bins for your lazy customers shit. Fuck your bonus.


“Dispensing is the hardest job at Walmart” 🤓


Stfu. OGP is the easiest job and best pay. You get paid to shop. Cart pushers deal with weather too, bitch. As well as ACC.


This whole post is basically just an OGP person complaining that they have such a difficult job and everyone else should cater to their needs and that they have to pick up everyone else's slack so we should help them more. It's not our job to help you, it's your job to do your job. Your job is NOT more important than everybody else's and your job is NOT more difficult than everybody else's. Nobody else has to stay late to help you or work your department to provide breaks for you. We have our own jobs. Maybe OGP should recognize the hard work that goes into stocking and instead of whining that the night crew is slacking, they should stay late to help with stocking to make things easier for night crew. Oh wait, that's not their job, right? OGP isn't special. Your department isn't harder than anybody else's nor is it more important by any stretch of the word. Yet other departments will go from being understaffed to being massively understaffed because for some reason when OGP needs help, they get it, and everyone else gets to struggle because of OGP's slacking. Yet you guys whine that other people slack and it hurts you? Your job isn't harder than ours. Jeez, I'm glad the OGP people at my store don't talk like this. I see why this subreddit has so many comments of people bitching about OGP acting like they're so special and important.


customer service employees have to deal with the customers. You guys barely talk to customers. Cart pushers deal with extreme weather conditions. They are out there all day long, you're out there a few minutes at a time. EVERYONE HAS TO BE ACCURATE AND EFFICIENT IN THEIR JOBS. ​ You're not special. Nobody owes you their time or their effort. We have our own jobs, we're not staying late or taking time out of our own duties to help you.


Nice try HO, nice try... OGP is "hard"... lol... Try working on an oil rig...


Not the same , but I doubt they'd last long working a flat barn dairy operation, especially during upper Midwest winters.


Shut TF up, home office. OGP is a mistake that keeps key areas from getting stocked because everyone gets pulled to bail them out.


Warehouses shutting down to create massive pick facilities for shoppers just picking up groceries. Ick. Better pay some warehouse wages for that job.


Honestly, dispensing isn't hard. You just sound like a fucking baby.


Nah... I don't get paid enough to care about how someone in another department feels.




Difficult weather conditions. “Laughs in cart pusher”.


Meanwhile my dispensers regularly get in trouble for playing basketball with balled up stickers lol.


I’ll Tell you what continues to bother me about Walmart is this arrogance and ignorance to add responsibilities into a store and then expect the associates that are already understaffed and under paid to want or continue to push themselves to be total store associates. I often wonder why it is the higher these people climb the more kool-aid they seem to drink. All of a sudden it’s no longer accepting excuses and we gotta support this but yet we never do what is necessary to get these stores staffed and take care of the associates. Do you want to know why associates continue to leave stores. You guys have psychologically made it seem like it’s leaving bad management. The problem is is we are managing within the structure that we’ve been given and yes you’re right it is bad management because it’s a bad structure you’re taking advantage of people to a point that they no longer want to be taken advantage of. Some people don’t come to Walmart to want to work in OPD they would rather go to electronics and stay in electronics and take care of that part of what they enjoy doing. But yet we can’t seem to get off of this, This is the future of the company and we need to support it well, you support it by adding hours into the budget by placing staffing in the area the way it needs to be staff so It can run as his own Entity. Higher pay doesn’t mean a better quality associate but I’ll tell you what drove me as an associate. Opportunity and the sad part is Walmart cut all that opportunity out you when you removed co-managers you’ve made it damn near impossible to become a store lead. You apply for positions and you don’t get it. You get an email back that says you know hey this isn’t the end of the road and will get back to you if anything opens up which is been complete BS. People don’t have opportunities to grow because you continually reduce those opportunities so if you can’t pay $20-$25 an hour what benefit do you provide too associates that make them feel like there is an actual future here ?. The future is, if you can get promoted and if you can move up the chain and you could become the manager or Coach or team lead that you want to be but you’ve removed that so in reality you get exactly what you deserve and you’re getting it now, so good luck to you. What’s hilarious is how many Associates that are now market managers or divisional that started out from this company as cart pushers and right now you’re the ones running the company but what’s amazing to me is that you don’t hear those stories anymore because they don’t exist. There are few and far between, so when will you get it through your thick skull that it’s about opportunity and that’s what drives people.


If they paid me the same I would go help them but they don't so I don't help. Pretty simple. Also I don't feel bad for dispensers in bad weather. Unless you are a cart pusher you aren't allowed to complain about the bad weather.


I’d like to add that OGP in my store has the worst metrics in the entire store and is constantly having to have orders shut off. Customers constantly complain about the dispensers and y’all are always in the way. OGP was a mistake and like others said, pulls employees away from other key areas in the store.


OGP is the future, that’s why WalMart is building automated robotic facilities to do the job


As a old OGP worker that transfered out cause it's broken. They need tk fix there shit and hire more people. My store is 5th in the US. They are understaffed and raise the picks constantly with little workers. They needs to fix there issues before trying trying make it bigger first. I transfered to cashier cause of how broken OGP is and being a scape goat for thought that skipped and I only could get 50 item runs or less


I personally try to help customers first, then OPG. Nothing personal, but I'd rather not have angry customers *in* the store. The problem would also be rectified by having more help in parts of the store that require products to be locked up. Then that way both OGP and the customer are helped at the same time by two associates.


Literally ogp is hell. I love my job, I do not like the management that much or how the rest of our store views us. They hate us with a passion. Management fires to many people and doesn’t hire new employees so the overload of work is put onto the rest of the store who then resents us for it. Then they overwork ogp and expect the best of the best and more from us when there isn’t even enough equipment. For dispensing they make it hard on us like it’s a game to them, taking dispensers during the rush times and putting them on picking knowing damn well we need them. Then yell at us for not being able to get to all the cars fast enough. If ogp is the future they need to treat ogp like it is the future not like slaves or a little game to pass the time and give them a little boost to their power complex.


My store is getting the OGP drive through this summer. Which means getting our bin space back, all the yahoo minors will be in one spot…but losing the side parking lot basically.


Don't other departments face the same problems as OGP? And, doesn't the OGP has the most associates as compared to any other department? Maybe Front-end have enough associates, but what about Fresh? They get the least amount of people to work in. sometimes they have only one person working the whole shift. Who's going to cover their breaks? Secondly, why would anybody stay late? People have life outside work. Plus, is the overtime allowed in your store? Or do you require the approval? Then again question is - what about the life outside work? You know, every department needs priority for them function as expected. May be you should ask your TL/coach/store manager to provide you with a better system so that your associates don't call out so much or so that the overnight associates can finish their job as expected. Associates from other departments have their own deadlines too that they need to finish, sometimes without proper support.


I always help the maintenance and odp associates with the littlest things because I used to do maintenance and I’ve helped in odp a few times and rather be nice towards them then give them shit for no reason.


Lmfao 😂 If you thinking picking up items for a place like that is difficult. Go out and find a real labor intensive job than you can be able to cry about it.


Walmart. Get more ogp’s associates instead of pulling them out of other departments as if it’s less than. Isn’t stocking, front ends and other departments just as important? Omg….


Bad weather 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Shut the fuck up corporate scum