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Don't listen to above, cannabis needs to be heated (decarboxylation) first to be activated. If you just swallow raw flower it won't have much effect


Perhaps bake it into brownies with extra chocolate to cover the smell šŸ˜†


If bake it in an oven for a bit will that work also will it smell


will definitely smell


Yeah will smell a bit, it's tricky getting the temps right in an oven ngl and it takes a while at a very finicky temp, you're better off just smoking the stuff, out a window or outdoors if smell is going to be an issue


Liessss! Will smell a bit nothing brotha that nishhh boutta destroy yo whole house for the next 3-5 hours and if itā€™s that dank-a-lank maybe even business days


offend panicky piquant humor roll party flag wide quarrelsome aware ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Would a microwave or toaster work


Hereā€™s the Microwave Decarbing procedure: Grind or break up your cannabis by hand. Spread your herb evenly into a microwave-proof glass dish. Microwave the buds on medium for around 90 seconds. Mix the cannabis in the bowl and zap it for another 60 seconds. The finished buds should be golden brown but not charred. Copied from a Web page, never tested myself personally never trusted microwaves consistency, worth a shot though I recommend trying a very small amount first. If it's all successful can mix the weed in with some yoghurt or whatever, should take about 30 mins - 1hr to kick in based on your constitution, let us know how it goes šŸ˜āœŒļø


decarbing weed will absolutely smell, no matter how you do it. there really is not much of a way to do it without smell/flame


Mason jar in mini oven works and has no smell untill you open the mason jar


There is a couple ways, first is double boiler method. You need a jar and a pan full of water, boil the water with the jar inside , research for more details. Then you can also decarb it in a jar in the oven, make sure itā€™s oven safe jar, a toaster oven will work too just make sure itā€™s in a jar


OP is in a dorm


Okay? Im pretty sure they stated they had a flat top or a toaster oven or something


a toaster, for toast


Unless you have a toaster. Burnt toast hides the smell. You can light paper on the filaments


220 for 28 minutes


Either half the building will reek of weed or you have really really shitty weed. Do not attempt this in a dorm.


Donā€™t decarb it at all. Your best bet is to get a lighter and smoke out of a homemade pipe. If you put that weed in your oven the whole area gonna smell like that dank.


If you have an over, can you light it off that? If


It wonā€™t have any effects you couldnā€™t also get from eating say black pepper corns


Go outside the dorm. Make friends with someone who lives off campus. Baking it will smell like someone just smoked 800 of the dankest bowls ever. Smoking it obviously smells. Vaporizers and spoofs can be done but still hard


Spoofs are easy af, just put a ton of dryer sheets in a paper towel tube, didn't have a smell issue for ages, very antipot parents didn't notice


This guy spoofs. Pro tip: if you get some Dr. Scholls foot odor powder and spread some in the middle layers of dryer sheets, the spoof will last even longer. Just don't inhale this stuff if you end up sending some airborne when getting it out the bottle


Buy a smoke buddy like an adult. Sploofs just smell like weed and dryer sheets. You're not fooling anyone. OP, you have open ground weed in your dorm. Your neighbors have noticed already I'm certain lol. A cartridge or a dry herb vape with a proper personal carbon based air filter is the way. Also, we may or may not have duct taped styrofoam cereal bowls over the smoke detectors in my friends dorm we used as the sesh spot. Somehow never got caught in there lol


Nah lol, or else I would've gotten kicked out. The issue stems from if your neighbors or people living with you know what weed smells like. If they don't, then the sploof is enough. Also, stfu, I haven't made a sploof in about a decade, dont say that condescending "buy a smoke buddy like an adult," that wasn't what we were talking about, we were talking about simple solutions that help with smell with limited supplies, and a sploof is that.


If you don't know what weed smells like in 2023, I don't know where you've been. Shit is literally everywhere. I can also guarantee RAs in the dorms know what that skunky smell is. Smoke buddy jrs are $12 and last about a month. You're just giving bad advice telling them a sploof will do the job to keep them out of trouble. If you're opening up or grinding flower inside it's going to smell. I have several friends who have had police run ins because they thought a toilet paper tube of dryer sheets made it okay to smoke in the dorm.


Spoofs got me through high school without my mom ever knowing I was burning weed in her house literally right next to her bedroom! šŸ˜‚


dry herb vaporizer + smoke buddy


Make one with a [test tube, an alimunim pipe,](https://i.imgur.com/alSx7Bb.jpg) and some electrical tape and a heating element and [tada!](https://i.imgur.com/pPaN6xf.jpg)


Have tried test tube vapes. It's pure conduction, and whatever touches the sides ends up horribly burnt and the flavor on the first use becomes horrible. Get a convection dry herb vaporizer. The 80-100$ range is fine (IShred, capstone, etc...) but I just got a 400$ tiny might 2 and it is so much better. It actually gives milkier hits than smoking, whereas most vapes are a slower less intense experience.


None of that fancy stuff here in Cuba, friend. Gotta make it myself or go without. This is pretty good for me, the glass keeps heat for quite a bit so the trick is not to heat it excessively, just get it going and take a few long drags and put it back every once in a while... it's not "ideal" but i solved my weed breath issues and the wife is happy again.


Well shit, I didn't anticipate you were in Cuba. Sorry man, Cubans deserve good vapes too! Viva la vaporization!!!


The dry herb vapes can smell very strong as well especially for people who donā€™t smoke


Itā€™s not as persistent as smoke. It doesnā€™t stick to your clothing, and it doesnā€™t have that "burntā€ smell that lingers in pipes and bongs. A decent vape, in conjunction with a sploof/smoke buddy, or a bathroom ventilation fan is basically undetectable if youā€™re clever.




Fr lol that's what I would do


People act like theyā€™re still kids just go buy a vape dummy


really sucks that only a few replies to this are legit. your won't be able to just eat it and get high. decarboxylation is going to make it smell just like smoking it. your best bet really is to wait until you can go somewhere else to smoke it or just go off campus right now and smoke it. there really isn't any other way. good luck


Which replies werenā€™t legit? They all seemed fair to meā€¦


The only way to get high with this without lighting it is decarbing it, and there are only two methods I know of that donā€™t have any smell Double boiler in a jar method and jar in the oven method, I put the instructions in a reply to a comment. Essentially the THCA is whatā€™s in weed, for you to get high it needs to be converted to THC , to do that it needs to be heated


put a towel under the door a wet one and blow the smoke into a fan


This is old school šŸ˜‚ (I'm also old school) This is literally how I smoked weed in my room in high school. Damp towel under the door, fan pointing out the open window & a muff (spoof, we called it a muff in high school) Never got caught


Did that and someone walking by outside reported me


Look into a dry herb vape, I personally have the Airizer ArGo. It hits hard for the small amount that you use.


I have the pax3 and if can get away with a torch lighter dynavap is pretty good too I just started trying that one out


I was also looking into buying a dynavap, how are you liking it so far?


The dynavap is good I recommend doing research on it before you get it I looked into all the pens and stuff and decided (mostly money wise) that the B was a good starting point some people try to say thereā€™s no clouds but there are they just arenā€™t the thick white ones


For the bowl that it packs, do you find it hitting hard even if they aren't any clouds? I dont really care for clouds, I just need it to hit hard.


Yes it definitely hits hard even with out the clouds and a bowl can be lit 3 to 4 times before you need to change it and it works amazing with bongs. I smoke a lot and I find 1 or 2 bowls gets me good


I'm sure you get little to no clouds on the bong, but its a creeper hit. I'll definitely do more research, thanks for the info stoner friend.


r/dynavap would have more info


Sous vide method to decarb. No smell


188 for 12 hours in a mason jar full of butter/coconut oil and to the moon




my favorite gif šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I also recommend Boofing it!


You canā€™t smoke in a dorm I wouldnā€™t risk it, and you have to have something like a gas oven and maybe a incenseā€™s stick even a candle stick for a cake if you taking bowls, then take that outside, or a regular candle and use a piece of wood. But thereā€™s not much you can do Iā€™m sorry


Go outside and smoke it somewhere or get a vape/edibles


If you have a shower in your dorm: -Wet 2 towels, like soak them boys. -put towels at the bottom of the door. -put shower on hot -bring a cup and a plate -smoke in the room with shower, blow smoke down the drain, or very gently to the hot water (the water will pull the smoke down) -put joint under cup on plate when you wanna put it down (will conceal smoke and smell) -spray the bathroom down with air freshener, I use cologne as itā€™s a stronger smell but you gotta spray it on everything


Just go outside, it's not worth it trust me you can get in a lot of trouble with your school


Get a pax or a dry herb vape


Go outside lol


Go outside? Walk to a corner store and get a lighter. If you're in a dorm, you're over 18, so you can get a lighter. wtf people!?!?


Do you have a way to roll it or make a bowl? & nbsp; You can make fire with a battery and a gum wrapper/foil. A good magnifying glass will light it with sunlight. Steel wool and a 9V battery. I could go on.


you can mix it with water in a blender then inject it directly into your bloodstream for maximum effects


Just chug it down




Down your throat šŸ˜†


The weed needs to be decarboxylated


Fellow yocan enjoyer


Me and my friends used to use a homemade spoof (cardboard roll and dryer sheets) but after a while gave up and just started smoking joints by the window with a fan. And I had another friend with a plastic bag covering the smoke detector


Sneak in a flame and look up a Smoke Trap+ for the smell.


Get a small air sealed jar.


Smoke buddy is best you can do


The smoke buddy is a great product man. I smoke in a non smoke house blow it in and barely anything comes out. However I was dabbing.


girl dorm


you could buy a smoke buddy? they work really well the first few times until you need to replace.


So when I was in college and we moved off campus my roommate and I make canna butter for the first time and can confirm it smelled the house up for 2-3 days bc we just let it air out.


Idk your vaporizer but mine is a Yocan basically leave 0 smell and when I said smell is basically a light scent to burn popcorn that last like 10 minutes if you put something like a candle on top of that you can enjoy without worrying about the smell,basically I think it works the same for every vaporizer because smoke and vapor is not the same the vapor doesnā€™t stick to fabric like your clothes or bed sheets sooo Iā€™m pretty sure that if you just smoke the vape normally you donā€™t have to worry and if you want to be 1000% secure buy a smoke buddy and youā€™ll be fine.


Get cartridges or edibles, everything else smells. Dabs smell for a short time, not nearly as long as weed


Get a smokebuddy air filter off amazon I have one and it works great for me.


Anything with smoking/vaping weed is going to smell. Having weed exposed to oxygen will make it smell. Weed smells a lot




If you don't have the choice to go outside


Get a dynavap no smoke all vapor very discreet.


Might want to put a (wet) towel in front of the door, This would already make it a bit less noticeable outside of your dorm


U can't get a flame?


Go online and buy a one hitter. Then you just go outside and take a fat puff


eat it duh duh duh just eat it ...in the voice of mj rip


Idk but s/o that empty ass Mug 2L šŸ˜‚šŸ¤™šŸæ


The only way you could eat it without smell is to make a tea, it won't get you blasted though as thc isn't water soluble but it will heat it enough to decarb a little bit of the particulates floating in the water. If you have a window, stuff dryer sheets and paper towel into an empty toilet paper roll, and than place a towel at the base of your door. I smoked out the window of my dorm room every day in college and still got the security deposit back. The trick is to cease smoking a week before room Inspections/move out. You will want to absolutely bomb that room with scented candles and ferbreeze. Certain Axe body sprays can work, cookies and fresh sneakers is my go to because it'll make your room smell like a Nike store.


Just take a small hit and blow it through a toilet paper tube filled with dryer sheets , there's no smoke or smell as long as you only pack a super small hit and make sure to inhale all the smoke, been doing that since like 2000 when I don't want any smell


U can make cannabutter. U will need to first stick it in the oven for about 20 mins to activate the THC then mix it w butter or margarine. But u said ur in a dorm imma tell u man its gonna smell.


Technically yes. You will need to get an electric vape that holds flower. It will heat the flower but not burn it. You will a buzz for sure. The smell will there but way less


Having strict parents when I started smoking , it was always best to stay outside on a (porch, garage, shed, etc.) if you smoke in your house , it will smell 100% .


If you have some D-cell batteries (or anything AA and higher just harder with smaller batteries) and some foil I could teach you how to make a jail lighter (no flame just hot metal) as for the smell if you take a paper towel roll and stuff it full of toilet paper that's been rubbed with deodorant you can make a sploof.


Get a vaporizer. I have an Arizer argo. You just stick a nug in it, turn it in, and puff away. It does smell, but not like burnt weed. The odor is much less persistent, and doesnā€™t cling to clothing or furniture like smoke. If you exhale the vapor into a paper towel tube loosely stuffed with dryer sheets, there wonā€™t be much of a smell at all


My man invest in a bowl and a lighter


Make a gravity/waterfall bong, blow out window


Maybe the ol toilet paper roll and dryer sheet or just use a vacuum jk jk id try vaporizer or shit just smoke it outside and come back šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I've never found a fool proof way even the flower itself I have to keep in a seal proof container or it smells up my whole apartment ![gif](giphy|y3J7OKhVQ73QQ)


OP go outside away from the school/dorm take a lil walk afterwards to get rid of the smell


Why hasnā€™t anyone told him how to take it rectally?


Roll a joint and use your toaster and go on a walk


Is there a way to make omelette without breaking eggs ?




Intresting pic I like the 2Liter