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RIP Mr Green 🫡 Dope way to remember a loved one


Thank you 😊


No worries. Thank you for posting about it gives some people like myself and idea of what to do when I lose my best smoke buddy


>Dope way to remember a loved one Pun intended?


Yes 🥰 lol


Then I shouldn't feel bad reminding OP about Keith Richards, *his* dad's ashes and cocaine?


i hope i impact my future kids enough for them to do something like this for me when i pass. sorry for your loss, i’ll smoke one in his honor when i get off work


I hope you do too. Being his daughter is my honor.


Honestly unless my Dad already has plans laid out for what he wants done with his ashes, this will probably be my first choice. Awesome work getting the engraving done beautifully. My Mom wants to be released into the ocean in Maui, and my Aunt just passed and we need to do something with her ashes. Also not as sad and will always bring good memories of the good times with your loved ones. Fuck I’m crying lol


Sorry for your loss OP


Rest in power Mr. Green.


rest in peace 🕊️. did Mr.green smoke if you don't mind me asking?


He was a life long smoker. ❤️


I came here looking for that question? Never got the chance to smoke weed with my pops. If you have any stories you wanna tell the world about him here's your chance! Either way, RIP Mr. Green.


My dad loved to smoke. When I was a kid his code word to my mom was “wanna talk business”, they would go smoke. When I got old enough we talked business together on many occasions. My dad would make a pipe out of anything. I have a little backpack filled with all of the one hitters, pipes, old scales. My dad use to work for Bic (the lighter company). In the 80’s he was smoking a joint in the parking lot with one of the managers. He had a disposable camera in the car and snapped a pic of his boss smoking. About a year later that same boss fired my dad for being late, my twin sister and I were just born (2 months early) and he couldn’t lose his job. He reminded his boss of the pic and he gave him his job back. My dad went on to work for Bic for 35 years and was able to retire and enjoy a few years of retirement before passed away. Thank you for asking about him.


Awesome story, thanks for sharing. May your father rest in peace


He sounds like an incredible guy, I hope whenever you spark up you get to remember he played a part in making Bic the company it is today. <3


Most wholesome thread ever dropped in this sub


Man earned the title Mr. Green, may he rest in power he sounds like an awesome dude


Awesome story. I can tell that you respected him a lot. I'm sure he knows. Thank you for sharing that! Keep talking business LOL


I hope you don't accidentally smoke his ashes lol rip David


RIP man, fitting name too. 🙏🏻


RIP Mr. Green.


Sorry for your loss, may Mr. Green rest peacefully.


I started crying brooooooo this is so wholesome


My condolences 💐


RIP Mr. Green. My condolences


Im about to give some Glowies at 4:20am for Mr.GREEN 🫡 Much Respect.


Think made me cry Ty so much 💋


Sorry for your loss… there’s a clothing brand called mistergreen, they have some hats and shirts with that name, if it reminds you of your dad


Thank you I’ll have to check it out.


Smoking one for Green right now


Beautiful memory. Please don’t smoke his ashes.


Im sorry you lost your pops but it’s definitely an awesome way to remember him! RIP Mr. Green


My dad died at 65 too. (1938-2004)


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


TY. I’ve been kind of lost without him. Luckily I was 19. But. Anyway, Ty.


Rest in peace Mr. Green, my condolences


My Dad was my stoner partner, too. I lost him 5yrs ago. I still miss him every time I spark up. The ginder urn is awesome. My pops would have had a great laugh.


sorry for your loss OP. please remember to talk to people around you i still have my late dad’s bong, still dirty, i refuse to clean it. obviously i don’t use it lol


I love that you have his bong. I have a small backpack with all of his pipes, one hitters, scales, etc.


RIP brother that is something id pass down thru thee ages!


I’m so sorry for your loss. Being a daughter to an amazing dad is such an amazing bond. i really love how you memorialized him. RIP Mr. Green💚 like many said i’ll also be smoking one for him today!


Rest in peace 🕊️🕊️


Very cool, sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss. The anniversary can be tough but not as tough as the occasions they're not there for. I love your idea. And just remember, you're part of him. So he's never really gone 💚


This made me cry in a good way. Thank you 😊 for


I lost my mom(my best friend) 3 years ago Sept 14th. I know how it feels. I always say that I don't know what you're going through as everyone has a different relationship or dynamic, but I certainly understand. If you ever have any questions or just wanna vent. Feel free to reach out. For me, it wasn't the milestones or the big days(holidays birthday yadda yadda) it is the little things that happen on a day to day basis and me wanting to call or visit to share. But I can't.. it gets easier, but nothing is the same.


I'll def smoke one for Mr. Green today. RIP


RIP mr. green 💚


My late dad's name was also David and he too loved pot. I love this.


May he rest in peace I'm sorry for your loss


This is badass. & his bday was 10/17, bricksquad. A true man of culture I already know.


My condolences, my father also died a few years ago. I was also a good gardener, he must have passed on his green thumb to you :)


Having a stoner late dad with the last name "green" is such a dope flex, my condolences


I totally agree. Ty


rip pops 🫡


Rest in peace, what was his favourite strain?


Lol he didn’t have a favorite, he didn’t have a lot of money. He would smoke anything. One time there little dog peed on their bud and they still tried to smoke it. Lmfao


I was a lil worried when I saw the second pic thinking you rolled up your father


Lol I have a different grinder


u/adore291301 Just a heads up that the very top google result of your dads name goes on to name you and your bro (or sis, if you’re Adam not Angela), your mother, in laws, and says where you live, etc. Social media and other links for most are down the same page in the “related” Google results. This is obviously sketchy online and I try to point it out to folks when they’re perhaps over sharing. Really nice obituary, though, and thanks for sharing such a rad sentiment! What an awesome idea- the grinder urn!


Thanks for the heads up. I’m okay with it. ❤️❤️❤️


this community is hilarious


If you smoke that whole thing by yourself you are going straight to the moon.


My husband and I smoked it. It took 2 hours. We definitely landed on the moon last night.


Mr Green. That is so fitting. RIP 💚


No disrespect whatsoever, but how do you die on 4/20?


Ikr. He had sepsis and went into cardiac arrest.


Rest in Paradise. My condolences to you OP.


I enjoy sharing a doob with my daughter on occasion. I feel your pain OP. Just know that he will always be with you in your heart and hopefully this gives you solace. RIP 💚


Cherish the time you have with her. She’ll need those memories when you are gone. ❤️😭


I will smoke a blunt for him