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That is a privet. Privets are asshole trees. People plant them as hedges, but if you turn your back on a privet hedge it turns into these worthless, annoying trees. It drops different crap all year. It’s weak and prone to dropping twigs and branches. Only the outer tips of the branches have leaves so if you cut it back it looks like crap. It sends up suckers everywhere. The flowers smell like crap and make me sneeze. It’s a complete asshole.


Is it a privet or a Tea Olive?


Thank you! It does look like crap when I cut it back. Should I get rid of the whole tree?


Privet! Kill it and all of its offspring or you will have a privet forest in your yard before you know it.


Got it! Should I remove the whole tree? Yes cutting back gives it a weird bare look. It’s to the left of my beautiful bougainvillea, and the latter would have more space to grow too.


Remove the whole tree. You will have thousands of baby privets next year and the next, etc.


Thanks so much! Going to get it removed then. 🙏


1st picture looks like ligustrum. If so, Ligustrum is not native to California and you will have many seedlings pop up all over the place