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This is the current state, I think I'm trying to articulate the mdoe of thinking or the mental model that doesn't comprehend a small chance of a possible catastrophic event so under prioritised it. Climate change, Meteors, Pandemics, Racism, North Korea, Cheap Bolts, Losing soft power, profit vs training, profit vs process and efficiency. Chance of dying of cancer while smoking. Its a flawed human bias that can coast on luck and assume it's not going to happen so not grasp the real world danger.


You also might want to ask in /r/catastrophicfailure, with a "meta" tag on the thread's title.


So good! Its the ignoring of the warning signs towards the catastrophic failure. Eg titanic when you read how many things had to go wrong and be ignored to lead to that crash it's amazing. It was a very preventable result directly from terrible leadership.


Not a single word but: penny wise, pound foolish.


Yes. this is an important part of this concept. I can't really think of occasions where it's not money related


A related idiom is "The bill comes due."




Yes, this is on the right track. I think I'm trying to describe the human bias or failure of people to think long term One word I found was Hyperbolic Discounting. Eg things far in the future even things of great certainty are hard to feel concrete.


Deferred Maintenance. I once heard, "Optimizing for time," i.e., banging something out as quickly as possible without regard to what lay down the road.


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Negligence, procrastination?


It's more an inability to imagine a catastrophe if it hasn't happened yet, and push the odds as nothing has failed yet. I have a few other options listed.


Normalcy bias, tempting fate, Murphy's law, its also sort of similar to The Peter Principle


All similar concepts I also realised it's similar to the straw that broke the camels back, because the camel is getting loaded more and more.


A house of cards.