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This kid is living my 15 year old dreams!!! Awesome!!


That was wholesome as fuck!


What a confident little dude. Love this


This kid is everything, shoot he had me convinced I don’t even kno what to be convinced about!


Hogan is a real class act. One of the nicest people I got the chance to meet when I was a kid and he was in Boston for the WWE. Seems like he still has it at 70.


He did a podcast with Theo Von recently that was really good. Some insight to his life. Such a solid guy.


Solidly racist maybe


Yes exactly this funny how easy people forget this lol ooh well, it was only towards Black's so who cares.


Besides the whole him being a racist thing yeah. And before this gets blown out of proportion, the incident happened iirc like 10 years ago? When he was caught on camera in bed with the wife of a Tampa area Radio DJ, who used to (don't know if he still does) Run a classic rock radio station. But they leaked Hogan dropping n-bombs admitting that he's racist etc etc. He got fired from the wwe for it, iirc lost his spot in the hall of fame, and just spiraled after that. Hope he's learned his lesson after all that but let's be honest, he's old. Old people aren't exactly known for being astounding at changing their ways.


Can always count on Reddit to kill the vibe and guilt trip people for liking someone who did a racism at some point in the past.


Yes yes. Because we should just entirely ignore stuff that makes someone a piece of shit because they are capable of acting like a decent person during public appearances. He was caught on camera doing it once. People are very different when out of the public eye. He was comfortable talking like that when he thought no one would find out. Which means he's not just racist, he's a snake in the grass. Which means he more than likely hasn't changed, he's just more careful so he doesn't get caught again.


Yes yes. Because we should judge someone based solely on the racism they did 10 years ago. Dudes lived 70 years worth of life, but should be judged by only the racism. Yes yes.


Wow your unreal mate lol.


I genuinely hate that your point is valid. But I'mma back down here. He fucked up very heinously and that has left a very big mark on his career. But beyond that, he's more or less just another entertainer. People will like him, regardless.


Yes, he did a bad thing and got the consequences of those actions already. People can change, you know. Or do you believe **only you** are capable of learning and growing as a person? Funny how many people usually go "have a positive outlook on things" and then turn around and perma-hate on someone for past mistakes. Here's the thing imo, either learn to believe people can truly change after mistakes or never fucking EVER dare ask for forgiveness for your mistakes either. If you hold others to a standard of never being able to move past their mistakes, never dare to move on from your own.


People are indeed capable of changing but trust is also hard to earn and easily broken. And that magnifier tends to be a little stronger on people who sit in seats of influence. I don't perma hate Hogan. But I do know what he's done and what his reaction to being found out was. Argument can be made that he's an old man. He grew up in a time where Racism was pretty well common and pretty much a thing people were open about. Like I stated before though. Hopefully he's changed and has moved on from his mistakes. But the older you are the more stuck in your ways you become. Either he has changed or he's learned to just be more secretive about it.


Then why not assume he has changed, rather than not, after losing the thing he loved doing, it's a pretty rough fucking lesson. People seem so obsessed with gunning people down for past mistakes made in a time where things weren't what they are now. Most of them have changed along with the rest of us. World could really use a bit of optimism, it's really making me sad.


Yer suppose you give rapist the same past too?


If a person commits one rape, and lives the rest of their life bettering themselves not to commit crime ever again, in remorse for the crime, should they be vilified for life? Do they get zero credit for the change? Are they branded for life? Sex offender for life? Then the same standard applies to everyone else. Lied? Then you are a liar for life. Stolen? A thief. Etc etc people don't get to set a standard for one and not all others. They shall all be judged accordingly eventually.


This is a good way of saying it, mine is a little rougher. Most of these accusatory people want permanent accountability for singular actions, permanent ruin to someones life after making mistakes. Without as much as context, possibility of being cleared of crimes if mistakingly identified, etc, etc. But as soon as they receive consequences for THEIR actions, forgiveness is suddenly a thing that exists and they should have. If you're too petty too forgive, you're too petty to be forgiven.


yeah he is not a solid dude at all


Didn’t he cheat on his wife with one of his daughter’s friends?


This was so good 🤣 I loved hulks reaction


They should sign this kid now, it's obvious he was born for this


Man, what a cool kid!!


I think a better title would’ve been “Hulk Hogan meets 6 year old…”


Never gets old!


This is really cute. Good on Hulk Hogan to go along with it and make that kids day.




This is so awesome!!


Hell yeah, little intimidating badass.


This kid is awesome! I’d like to be his friend


Can't even imagine how great it feels to have this sort of interaction with a fan, a kid that into it.


Good on Hogan for not cracking a smile while the kid was giving his talking to.


Hulk Hogan could kick the little dude’s ass




I love this so much!!!!


6 year old meets racist sack of shit


Seethe some more.


Lemme tell u something!!! First time I meet stone cold Steve Austin??? My wife better be ready for the shenanigans imma pull


Oh she's ready for the Stone Cold body slam, that's for sure. /s




What a cool little dude


The first time I’ve seen Hulk Hogan out-hulked!😂


How satisfying must it be for someone like the Hulk to have a kid, three maybe four generations after him come and act out his character. Thats you legacy right there.


Sly Stallone. "Why were you so hard on me out there". Hulk Hogan. "That's the name of the game".


Damn I was grinning watching this


This is so stupid..


That was super dope 🥹


That delivery was incredible. How long did he practice lol he crushed it


This is so wholesome, I cried from smiling🥲