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OP realises that 90% of people are fucking normal and unironically separating people you meet into categories like 'chad' is cringe


That alongside using the word mainstream is a guaranteed combination to not let yourself make friends with 99% of people you meet in high school


People are built to categorize. You probably do it 5 times a day.


Yes, you're right, we're [pre-wired to make immediate judgments](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16866745/) based on first impressions when we meet someone due to a range of genetical and environmental factors. However, moving those judgments into simplistic, insecurity-driven categories...is cringe.


Dudes still in high school; those kids are literally made out of insecurity.


i dunno about you, but im about anon/op's age (was a junior two or three years ago) & have never done that incel alpha bullshit. none of my friends did either. neither did my sibling, who was quick to sort people into categories anyway. my friends, my sibling, & i were all insecure af, targets of bullying for most of our lives, & not once did we ever fall into the incel alpha bullshit trap.


Everyone shakes out a little different, responds differently to life stressors. Some people are more vulnerable to those traps due to abuse at home or an untreated mental illness. And some people straight up don't have anyone else that gives a shit about them.


Chad's not the same thing as alpha though Using chad is just a term for what 80s/90s kids called jocks The incel alpha stuff you're talking about is a different thing, incels they just co-opted "chad" into their system cause they're narcissistic fucks and like to think of themselves as "the alpha",


theyre not the same thing but very similar as theyre both an incarnation of toxic masculinity. i was in high school while andrew tate was peaking so i thought i'd include that too, & point out that whatever iteration of toxic masculinity we're talking about, it isnt normal & cant be excused by just being an insecure teen


>Chad >Toxic masculinity What? What about Chad is toxic masculinity, are having muscles toxic masculinity? Is being used as an expression for anything "cool" toxic masculinity? Wtf are you talking about?


no, the mindset of *calling people chads* is incel behavior, which is a form of toxic masculinity.


Yeah, that makes no sense. How is calling people Chad incel behavior? How is it toxic?


Not the Chads


High school chads just use bravado to mask their deep insecurities. Trust me, all high schoolers are insecure. Every single one.


^it ^was ^a ^joke


Such a stupid response, honestly.  Nobody is built to categorise people as “chads”


You still make presumptions from seeing somebody in a muscle tee sporting.. muscles. The only difference is the use of terminology.


I’m sure you do. No need to project onto others 


I'm not sure why you're trying to fight that person, they're not saying they agree with calling people chads, and human beings absolutely do categorise essentially every person they meet. Categories aren't automatically bad, you probably just put most people in the "harmless, normal" category.


Bruh. I’m not fighting with anyone.  I’m not denying we categorise. Someone else posted a link explaining exactly how and why it works.  Thread started by a guy saying “it’s dumb to categorise people you don’t even know into chads.” Someone replied saying “you categorise everyone every day.” That’s dumb. You don’t categorise people into chads.  He went on to say “when you see someone muscley in a tank top with muscles” he’s saying Chad in more words bro. Read what’s actually being written. 


Why is it cringe if it's truthful? Some guys just are chad.


Because of the way its used, 'chad' brings with it a lot of other connotations. 'Chad' is some yoked normie who judges geek culture and gets the girls, while OP probably puts themselves in a category where he could never be that because they read light novels, watch anime and live online. But that's just not how most people exist and its a sad way to live as you're keeping yourself down and writing of the realistic possibility of making friends with others, imho. If someone met me who makes these judgments, I could be a computing CompSci nerd, gym rat mma guy, musician stonner, videogame sweat etc... Depending on what angle they saw, they might want to be friends or write me off as a guy who would never care to talk to them. But the truth is I, like almost everyone, have various interests and hobbies that overlap with many different 'categories' of people.


Nah, you made a lot of additional assumptions. Classically "Chad" is just a guy who is so good looking you don't even rly question his right to get all the girls. Like a tribal alpha. 1 in a 100 type of guy. Not some dude who just likes sports or smth lol.


Yeah but even you said "classically". I just don't see it used like that anymore, theres always more attached. Tho if someone uses chad to just mean "good looking lad" then idgaf lol idk maybe I'm too online or not enough ahah


I'm not sure I've ever heard someone say Chad as something negative. I've always at least interpreted it as good looking mf


Gay and repost


Gay and repost


(He was actually reading Jorge Joestar, making him infinitely more chad than the Chad)


Extravert makes friend with introvert


I want my sub with olives and vert, please. And make it extra.


This was me, I’m dead now, fist bump based trauma to the knuckles, very sad.


Chad checking in to make sure OP isn’t a shooter


He is making sure he is getting warned the day prior.


No passionate anal sex? Fake




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1d355vm) on 2024-05-29 98.44% match. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1drstx6&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 552,286,630 | **Search Time:** 0.09976s


Good bot


Who the fuck sits around reading a book in the locker room?


square future thought water toothbrush snobbish yoke simplistic historical foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


False: it was gender bender manga.