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Awkward just because we got skunked in the first round? Did people really complain when Cooper was nominated after being swept by the blue jackets? We finished 4th overall, 2nd in probably the toughest division in hockey - he did a great job and is deserving


Awkward because the fans are calling for his job.


Because fans want a 🏆 every year if not someone needs to be traded or fired until that one magical run happens. It's just unrealistic. I honestly don't think people pay attention to teams other then their own and the shit teams go through. Winning is hard! Especially when you have drawn the 1st round match ups the Jets have in the last 5 years.


I mean, also because we were the #4 team in the league and got assblasted out of the first round on the back of a bunch of blatantly questionable coaching and lineup decisions that compounded underlying issues we never addressed, to the extent that even the players were calling it out in interviews. I think it's pretty clear why people have an issue with the coaching after the first round. or maybe its just because fans want cup every year idk


It's not about the cup, I personally never expected to get even to the conference final. Seeing the Jets play the exact same way for multiple games despite it clearly not working is the issue. I wouldn't even be upset if we had just given the Avs a legit challenge but still lost.


Hahaha what logic, we've only lost because our 1st round matchups were hard.... 1st round. What the hell makes this team a winner if they're getting absolutely handed in the first round? 


History of last 5 opponents... StL....won the cup Vegas ....Won the cup... MTL....lost in finals.... Cgy....lost in second round.... AVS....TBD... So we have 2 teams no one beat....and 1 team that lost to the TB revenge dynasty team. CGY should have beat....Avs possibly cup finalists or win it all. If we were losing to teams each year like the cgy year might be different. But....


To me its not even that we lost to the Avs, but how we lost. The Jets are talented enough to have at least given the Avs a challenge.


We made zero line up changes until the elimination game. Our PP and Pk sucked all year. The team looked like they had zero motivation. It’s way beyond winning a trophy. This first round was EMBARRASSING.


Not every year, but making it more than 5 games into the playoffs would be nice. Also yes, a Cup would be great.


Nah, I'm pretty sure it's because this team keeps choking in playoffs and the quote of him saying he would rather lose playing his way than change or adapt to win. Like, what? No wonder he has over 2700+ NHL games coached and has never won a Stanley Cup.


For real. Like yes he’s a good coach, but respectfully, he’s not able to adapt to the current nhl, players are faster, and more aggressive. The set up and passing plays aren’t effective in play offs anymore, there’s a reason we got gentleman swept twice in a row.


Yes and playoffs are a different beast. You NEED to elevate no matter how good your regular season was.


You blame the coach for the players not being faster or more aggressive? Isn't a large portion of that on the players themselves?


I blame the coach for instilling a passive game style in the players heads, and scratching a 20 goal scorer and a defenceman who had been to the cup finals. You’re not gonna win playoff games when your coach is forcing you to play a game that lets your opponents walk on top of you.


So was it Maurice's fault too? He's now coaching a Florida team that might just win the Cup, and this Jets team still has the same issues as when he was here. It's on the players as much if not more than the coach. And, the Jets were 4th in the league, with the best defensive play of the year. Hardly "walked on". We can act like we lost ourselves the series, but you have to give Colorado all the credit as well. They have 2 of the best players in the world, and won a Stanley Cup 2 years ago. We weren't "walked on" by a shit team. They adapted. They found the extra gear. They won the one on one battles. They distributed the puck well. And their PP and PK came to play. Our guys looked like they didn't give a fuck. As much as I want to blame the coach, it's on the guys making millions to step it up.


Pomo got handed a team that had won a presidents trophy the year before


So when a team wins, it's because of the players. But when a team loses, it's the coach. Got it. 🤡


The cup has only a little to do with it. I'd have been happy with reaching the second round and then not immediately collapsing, and one of my most upvoted comments ever is me saying so in the Jets sub. Heck, having seen the reality of how the Avs play in the playoffs, taking them to six while at least *trying* to adapt to what they were doing might have been enough. He improved our defensive systems and culture a ton, and based on our regular season he's a deserving nominee. But his stubborn lack of flexibility and questionable roster decisions have just been displayed for all the league to see, and it totally hung us out to dry against Colorado.


Hahaha what logic, we've only lost because our 1st round matchups were hard.... 1st round. What the hell makes this team a winner if they're getting absolutely handed in the first round? 


Wouldn't be the first time a nominee loses his job before the award is given out haha. I would love to hear what the players think of Bones compared to what the fans are saying.


Not sure I trust the judgment of these players when it comes to rating a coach.


Hasn't Helle already called out the coaching a bit?


Definitely called out the pathetic defense


Some of the fans***


Yeah, but they're also fucking brain dead.


The guy said he would rather lose playing his game than change and win, he's coached over 2700 games and has never won a Stanley Cup. What's the goal here? To have a good regular season record? No. Much like the Jets current core, Bowness has proven he doesn't have what it takes to win. Maybe take a look in the mirror before calling others brain-dead. Edit: you guys can be content with mediocrity but you should be sick of it.


What % of current coaches have cup rings?


What % of current coaches have 2700+ games without one?


Where are you getting +2700? Scotty bowman has most games coached at 2100. Bones has coached 800 games


"Bowness has been behind an NHL bench for a record 2,726 games as either a head or assistant coach. He joins hall of fame coaches Pat Quinn and Scotty Bowman as the only coaches with a career spanning five decades." https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.tsn.ca/rick-bowness-on-winnipeg-jets-future-i-know-what-i-want-to-do-1.2114479%3ftsn-amp


Nah. Too many people sitting in their knock off lazy boys thinking they know how to coach a pro sports team when they can't even be bothered to get off the couch.


Hell yeah. This will hurt all summer, but he did exactly what was asked of him when he was hired. He made a major impact on this organization when they desperately needed it. Felt damn proud to be Jets fan again. Wish him the best and have nothing but gratitude for what he accomplished here; even if it didn't end the way we all hoped


Awkward because he sits in a weird place with the fanbase alright now. Like me, personally, I'm happy he helped turned this team around, but I can't forgive some of his baffling decisions throughout the season and playoffs. Personally, I don't want to see him back. Can't argue with the regular season results though, and if he wins it, he will be deserving. I agree.


He definitely got outcoached in the playoffs, but the players got outplayed even worse. We could definitely argue about line-up decisions but it's really hard to make big changes in the playoffs. Defense will be the key to this team being successful going forward (barring any major superstar acquisition) and I hope whoever is behind the bench next year builds off of this. We are definitely not built to trade goals with too many teams. I would lean in the direction of finding a new coach as well, but I'm not as against it as many others seem to be. We may be a more desirable spot for coaches after this last season so who knows what will happen. Heck, there's a non-zero chance he retires anyway. Playoff disappointment aside, I'm (cautiously) optimistic for the future!


What exactly is baffling about his decisions? Do you really think the Jets would have been the best defensive team in the league and finished in the top 4 if he played defensive liabilities like Ehlers and Perfetti more? Absolutely not. Jets would have been the same lousy team they were under Maurice.


Ya I think a lot of fans (myself included time to time) really underestimate how much of a defensive liability ehlers in particular can be. That goal where he blew a tire and tried making a play off his ass really bothered me. He had a good season and stayed healthy, but he's gotta be better defensively on a team that defense is their hallmark.


Oof. Who's going to tell him?


He's not a perfect coach, but he took a team that had just won 39 games and missed the playoffs while getting absolutely lit up every night, and turned them into a 52 win team that allowed the least amount of goals against in the entire league, in the span of 2 years. The playoffs and some personnel decisions throughout the year have clouded the minds of some people. He isn't perfect. There are very few coaches who get everything right. But he's still a damn good coach and was exactly what we needed. Even if it's time to move on, can we not give the guy his flowers??


Hear, hear.


Well stated. He's what the team needed.


No doubt, he helped turn the team around. He deserves kudos. But I just can't get behind his suboptimal lineup decisions and refusal to adjust as things progressed and it was clear his game plan wasn't working. I wish him the best, but I hope he's not behind the bench next season.


Fully agree. I’d actually go as far as as saying that he’s the best coach we’ve ever had. I will forever respect him for coming in and fixing our clearly shitty culture that Paul Maurice enabled.


Being in the shadows of our playoff performance it’s hard to feel like this season was a success but think of where we were last summer. Scheifele and Helly on the trade block. Everyone talking about a possible rebuild. All of a sudden both guys get signed, we become the best defensive team in the league, Helly for sure will win the Vezina and even though Bones won’t win he’s a finalist for the Jack Adams. We got run over in the first round by a semi but I think this was a good year overall and this acknowledgment recognizes that


The question is would fans really support a rebuild? Attendance was down with the team winning this year.


Winnipeg is a lunch bucket town. Of course attendance isn't at capacity once the honeymoon phase of a team returning was over.


I will admit, I was one of the people last summer calling for a rebuild. And, if I'm being completely honest, I actually still think that was the right call. However, I can't say that I wasn't pleasantly surprised with how the regular season went and how good we were. And Bones deserves a lot of credit for that.


I wouldn’t have hated a rebuild either, but I’m positive a guarantee (at least verbal) was made to Scheifele and Helly that we would try to compete for a cup for the duration of their contract extensions


Ya a rebuild is the right call here. The players are just not good enough so for the foreseeable future this will be the outcome.


Would have been easier before they locked up Schiefs and Helle. But I don't think True North will ever do a full rebuild. Which saddens me, because it severely hampers our ability to truly compete. Rebuilds are part of pro sports. Can't deny it.


You want a rebuild, when we just took 4th in the league.


Did we get the desirable playoff results? No. But you can't argue that he didn't change the culture of this team from a toxic locker room and not a playoff team to Jennings award and guys seemingly playing as a team.


Until it mattered, anyways. But yes, you have a point.


Well-deserved for the results we saw during the regular season. Also, in his end-of-season interview, he took full responsibility for how the players executed the plan during the playoffs.


It was nice to hear him take the onus of playoff performance, but at the end of the day, I just don't think his systems can take this team on a deep run.


I can say this with certainty; his systems haven't taken this team on a deep run, yet. The question of whether or not his systems ever will take this team on a deep run may never be answered. If this was his last season coaching the Jets, it's fair to say his system never took this team on a deep run. He gave us a heck of a regular season.


No he deserves it 100% for the regular season. People always shit on the awards because of playoffs which I get but thats not how it works.


Awkward lol Please. No one picked the jets the even make the playoffs. They were 2nd in the conference and 4th in the league.


Most picked Jets to beat Avs and we were definitely making playoffs but okay


Most of the hockey media at the start of the season had the jets missing the playoffs. But ok.


Before the season started people here were calling for the team to be blown up


https://www.nhl.com/news/stanley-cup-predictions-for-2023-24-nhl-season 3 guys picked us at best to make a wild card slot.  Yes the playoff predictions were one thing at the end of the season, but this is how bleak it looked.  


Second in the central, 4th in the league one year after being 4th in the central and... far down the league. Nothing wrong with the nomination. It's a regular season award anyways


This situation happens quite a bit in sports a coach can take a team to a certain level and they plateau. If you look at his coaching history except for the outlier season with Dallas in 2019-20 (even more of an outlier because he was an interim coach) his teams have never had deep playoff runs. The tough decision for an organization is always is there still room for improvement or is a different approach and voice needed to go to the next level. Looking at his coaching history this seems to be a pattern and it is not going to improve from here, so better to make the hard decision now than to waste another year of this teams window with its core players.


Yes! I agree with this so much. This is a recurring issue with Bones.


Op is a clown that probably thought Pomo was the problem too. Bones deserves to be a finalist but shouldn’t win compared to Toccet or Brunette. We will be better next year.


Actually couldn't get into clown college; my feet were too small. But, a few things: 1. Pomo had very clearly lost the room, and admitted as much when he left. So, hard to say he wasn't a problem — at least to some degree. 2. Bones has proven time and time again that his style of coaching crumbles when the pressure is up and in the playoffs. 3. I've said, multiple times in this thread, that I totally understand the nomination. Heck, I even hope he wins it. (Though I think Rick has the best chance, IMO.) I just don't want him to keep being the bench boss here. We clearly need a different approach.


Well deserved. The problem is his style doesn't translate to the playoffs. We can play through slumps during the regular season with "stick to what we do best" once your playing the same team over and over again while they are making adjustments sticking to what got us here doesn't work anymore.


Yeah, I would agree. I do also think that his style can stifle offense, which looking at our roster, you think you'd want to lean on the offense a little more considering our D-core is actually pretty bad overall. Don't get me wrong, I am glad the way the season went. And I hope that regardless if bones is back or not, the players keep some of his lessons and work ethic in mind moving forward. But I feel like we could have had even more success with a much less rigid mindset.


I now expect Helle to be a finalist for the Hart.


imo i’d have him over kuch!


It would be pretty cool to see, but I'm thinkIng probably not. Haha.


I disagreed with that stance earlier in the season, but the obvious lack of standout game-breaking skaters makes a strong case for a Hellebuyck Hart. I can't see the Jets hitting 50+ wins with their playing style and a different goalie playing 60+ games for them. Hellebuyck annually faces the most rubber in the league, and is still a 4x Vezina nominee.


I guess the sarcasm didn’t translate well in my post. Given that we have the Jennings and Vezina for a goalie, who got lit up in the playoffs, and nomination for Adams, for a coach who made little or no adjustments in four straight losses, I thought it would only be appropriate for Helle to also be nominated for the Hart despite stinking it up in playoffs (though not entirely his fault at all).


I got your sarcasm, but wanted to comment seriously on why he does indeed deserve consideration. There's a hard line between regular season successes and playoff performance; they're mutually exclusive where these trophies are concerned.


This isn’t unusual for pro sports- Dwane Casey won coach of the year the year the Raptors fired him, and Monty Williams was fired a year after winning the award. Since it’s a regular season award it doesn’t really translate mean much if a coach is on the hot seat and is expected to take a team deep into the playoffs.


They had a great regular season. Whatever happened in the playoffs is just so weird.


Calling up a waived player Axel was a head scratcher. LB should have played in playoffs. Perfetti and Miller more games also. And we all know that they aren’t going the distance with weak D core. 12 million Pionk and Schmidt. PRICELESS


As someone from the Slurpee Capitol now living in Halifax. At least you have a team, a coach and Slurpees.


Wouldn't be the first Employee of the Month to get fired the same month. For the record, I'd like to see him stay.


I mean anyone that wants him fired cause of lineup decisions are off their rocker and are being dramatic in my opinion, the team won the Jennings and finished in 4th, team missed playoffs the year before he started coaching us. He brought structure and culture. He’s a good coach, I don’t agree with his lineup decisions but he clearly knows what he’s doing and knows how to utilize this team to the best for their abilities. I just think the avalanche have a much better roster, they’re hot and confident right now. . Nothing is going to stop them and I’d bet they go to the west finals atleast, but I’m predicting they win the cup.


He absolutely got outcoached in the playoffs. If you're fine with not going for a cup, sure enjoy great regular seasons. Bones has been great for turning this team around, but there's no way he takes them to the cup. Not unless he lets someone else make all the tactical decisions.


And on top of that, bowness beat bednar in 2020 in playoffs, so Bowness has clearly proved he can beat bednar.


You mean the one Dallas was up 3-1 and nearly blew it only to barely get by in game 7? When the Avs were down to their 3rd string goalie? It's one thing to beat a team. Another to outcoach.


Yeah and went to the cup final, but as expected you didn’t answer about cooper being swept by Columbus and then winning 2 cups. Sometimes in playoffs, shit happens. It’s a small sample and it happens quick. But over the regular season you can see he’s a more then capable coach I’d bet you can go to post game threads/twitter and find people saying the exact same shit as you after Columbus swept the lightning. And they’re dead wrong and reactionary


You treat hockey like football, which it’s not. Then you can say Dave hakstol outcoached bednar last year, did Colorado fire bednar? No. Hakstol this year doesn’t make playoffs, now he’s fired. Cooper got swept by the Columbus blue jackets in the first round in 2019, then went on to win the next 2 cups. Widen your lens a bit and watch more hockey than just the jets. The avalanche were just better in every way, not just coaching. You’re not gonna find many coaches that can do more with this roster. We had the most regular season wins of any team and won the Jennings. If you think losing 4 games in a playoffs series is worthy of being fired every coached in the league that loses in the first round + the teams that don’t make playoffs should be fired every year by your logic.


Watch Bones post game and year end interviews and watch Bednar's. Bones is not making adjustments that are needed game-to-game in the playoffs. He claims the Avs aren't making adjustments either, yet listen to Bednar say exactly what changes they made... You're not winning a cup if you can't adjust your game. But agree to disagree.


I disagree. I think there's enough analytical data to support that assertion that we could have been ever better this year if Bones made better lineup decisions. That's my take anyways. I think the AVS make the cup final but lose in 6 to Rangers. That's my prediction. 🤞🏻


Fuck the rangers and all of New Yorks teams, hope they get swept next series Anyways lol, who’s to say other coaches don’t make the same decisions? It’s humans making decisions and it’s rare to find a coach that’ll actually make a decision purely based on analytics. Again I don’t disagree with you that he makes poor lineup changes but it clearly worked.


Fair. I like the Rangers. They are a fun team to watch. Plus, I still get to watch Trouba and Rosolvic. It's like seeing old friends.


I honestly don’t like any teams in the east, I’m happy with Vancouver, Edmonton, Colorado or Dallas to go all the way, Dallas is my main team I’m cheering for the rest of the way though I really like the way their built and think they have really great engaged fans


Add Makar and Mackinnon to the Jets and they win the series.


And those two to any team and they….


Add Makar and Mackinnon to the Jets and they win the series.


Imagine coaching 2700+ NHL games with zero Cups and saying you'd rather play your way and lose, than change or adapt to win. Brutal.


I'm torn, because well I think his coaching style really did make for some absolutely atrocious decisions, and really burned us come playoff time. You can't argue that being as defensively sound as we were through the season with our supbar D-core is a huge achievement.


He did alot of good things. People are quick to forget just how bad things were here after PoMo quit mid season.


He got results. Undeniably. However, he did a lot of bad things too. Personally, I still want the entire coaching staff gone next year and new people brought in. I know it won't happen, but I really think Bones' approach to the game can make you a good team but not a great team.


Our playoff problems were coaching, defence, and discipline. Already got the Jennings and Adams nominations. They just have to nominate KC for the lady byng and it’s perfect. Only joking, he deserves this after the regular season they had.


Nominated and voted on before playoffs started.


The nomination is for the regular season NOT the playoffs, they do NOT consider the playoffs with the awards! So YES Bones deserves the nomination!


Poor guy is gonna die of a heart attack if they bring him back


Plenty of Jack Adams winner have been fired after winning it recently. Not really an uncommon thing lol.


Playoffs don't count i assume right? But we're have heard from Dallas that he is not a great playoff coach, I think it's time to move on from ALL our coaching staff


And yet powers to be basically ignore Bednar…….


How does Peter Laviolette not get nominated? They finished first in the league! I don't even like the rangers so it's not a homer question!


Very dissatisfied is a common theme. It’s rigged if you don’t get by now.


I'm surprised the January collapse didn't tank his chances,


What collapse? I must have missed that.