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If there’s no tangible reason to break up, this is a terrible idea. Especially if you are new to tarot.


You should never end a relationship because of a Tarot reading. You should end a relationship because you feel that it's the right thing for you. If the cards help you to see that, then that's great. Often we already know the answer before we ask and we use the cards to help us come to terms with what is true in our hearts, and it sounds like this is the case for you. Just be sure that it's YOUR decision.


I agree! I realized after posting this that I should’ve mentioned I only asked because things have gotten really rough with him, a lot of this comments are strikingly negative, thank you for being criticizing in a respectful way!


Yeah, if the card reading is bringing your attention to serious issues that you've been having and reasons why it may not be realistic to expect things to get better between you, that's very different from "Our relationship was good, but the cards said dump him!"


THIS, 100%!


I wish I could send a voice message because that's what I would do with my friends. But tarot readings shouldn't decide what you do with your life. They help you analyse what's up with you and tap into your own intuition. When I get crazy ass negative cards at relationship questions with my deck, I don't go into a spiral of needing to break up with my partner because we are in a very good relationship, so I think about what we're going through as individuals and what we're going through as a couple and which facet it may apply to. Maybe things will come up but it makes me think about how we're communicating, are we spending time together etc. Now, this may be a sign that you know or feel there are fundamental problems with your relationship that probably won't get resolved, and then this is just the push you need to pull off the bandaid. Or maybe you have some problems, like all relationships do, and this is a nudge to really analyse them and communicate with your partner. Only you can kbow that. I would however also like to suggest looking up 'interview questions' you can ask your deck when you first get it so you can get to know each other. That helps me tremendously with a new deck and it shows me if they are inherently 'tough love' kind of decks, or 'soft guidance' ones. It will tell you which type of answers you're found to expect and it helps with interpreting the deck you get. Another small extra note, many people consider the minor arcana (the suits) as more day-to-day short term cards and the major arcana (like the tower) the more 'zone out/big scheme/long term kind of cards. So considering your reading is mostly small arcana, it may not be a huuuuge thing. And asking for clarification is never a bad idea. Though the seven of cups in my favourite deck means "stop asking, you have your intuition" lol. I've also told my decks thatif they give me reverse cards, I will read them regularly because I don't care for reverse meanings, they can give me the card with the meaning they want me to get when it's upright. Anyway, get to know your deck, ask for clarification. Think about whether you want to be with your partner or not, what the pitfalls are and where you can improve together. You don't have to break up with your partner. But if that feels like the correct way to go, in its current state, then that is right for you.


I've also had a very negative relationship reading before, we didn't break up but I uncovered some hard truths. For me, I really try not to live by my tarot cards. I consider them like little words of advice or small bits of caution. But ultimately you are in control of your own destiny and the cards are subject to change at any point. You can bare in mind the reading but don't obsess over it, especially if you aren't very experienced, the cards could be telling you something completely different and you won't even know until it happens Just enjoy your relationship. It's gonna be ok.


When you first buy tarot cards, they all face the same way. So if they ALL fell out reversed, it means you were holding the deck upside down. I would read this as the cards saying if you stay with your partner, there will be ups and downs, but the tower suggests your relationship is built on a strong foundation. The 10 at the end shows fruition. He's not going to turn tail and run, you shouldn't either.


This is what I came here to say! I bet the deck was just upside down - 10 reversed cards in a row would be wild to pull if it was right side up. I shuffle pretty willy nilly so naturally some cards will be upside down, but I just did a reading the other day where all the cards but one were reversed which set off little alarm bells and lo and behold, I had dealt the deck upside down


I shuffled the deck a bunch and did 2 readings before hand, at first I took the cards with a grain of salt (I too thought that many in reverse was strange) but upon reading the meanings and some of these comments it seems that it’s not too far off from how our relationship is going I will keep this in mind though, thank you for the tips!


I honestly think you’re still in the learning/exploration phase of being new to tarot & should familiarize yourself with your deck and how to receive messages wayyyy more before taking it too seriously.


I always say that’s People really need to be careful what they speak into existence your words of power maybe stop talking about it like that unless you want to break up with your boyfriend. Just a quick question why would you ask that?


Please don’t let tarot cards determine the outcome of your relationship use it to navigate communication within it


Like others had said previously in the tarot cards can you feel your energy if you’re in a negative headspace, they will put out a negative reading they can pick up on what you feel and if it’s a first terrible, maybe get to know your deck a little bit more before you ask deep questions like that too. I truly wish you all the best though. Knock on your deck and start over. Introduce yourself to it takes some time to get a feel for it.


Thank you for your advice! As to answer your question, I asked because we’ve been in a rough place and I wanted to ask a couple of questions just to get to know my deck, this was the 3rd question I had asked because it was the only thing that came to mind and I really needed guidance on it. I cleansed my cards before using them, and after each reading I knocked and blew on them. I’m hoping to form a better bond with them soon as they’re my first deck and firsts are a sentimental thing for me, so I have a feeling I’ll keep them forever even if I one day retire them.


Tarot is a useful tool - when you are starting out, I highly advise you to think of the cards as a tool for self reflection for clarifying and organizing the thoughts that you are already having. The cards should not be *the* reason for what you do, but rather, offer you insights and clarity in regards to thoughts, troubles and other things that are already preoccupying you. Let the cards give you a tour through your own thoughts; don't use them as be-all, end-all "tell me what to do/what will happen" indicators - you will be disappointed, and it will prevent you from getting in tune with yourself and your personal energy. Good luck to you (and to your bf! hahaha)


Thank you for the well wishes! I think that most of these comments also believed that I didn’t interpret the cards and just said “oh nooo it’s all bad welp time to text him the news” but that isn’t what I did and even if the cards were like “yeah this is bad” I probably wouldn’t have anyways. We’ve been having a tough time in our relationship and I mostly wanted to see what the cards had to say!


I figured - no one draws the Tower when they are asking about a totally blissfully happy relationship's future, after all....... (JOKING) It is a pretty wild spread you pulled all around! Hang in there and be well.




You know that your cards are just cards right? That's all they are. I read them and have for 25 years. They don't have answers but they do offer a familiarity and are a tool used to power your own ability. Doing what cards say without thought isn't reading. You must interpret the cards as they are a secondary to your primary ability to understand the universe. Every person reads differently. You can read one card to a full deck if you wish. I regularly get the death card which often is my mind selecting a yes or no answer, it's never meant death. If you break up it's because you wanted it. Reading yourself soley on what a tool is saying is your own decision.


Reverse 7 of cups + the other cards could indicate infidelity, especially with the reversed 3 of cups as well… kept coming up for a friend of mine who was being cheated on. Yes, don’t blindly trust your cards but do beware


Sounds like the tarot spread just verified what you were already thinking, which is usually what happens. I like to tell people that they aren't the gospel - they are more like a push in the direction you need to go. They give you specifics and then it's up to YOU to determine how to apply them to your specific situation and if it give you clarity. The cards you mentioned have numerous meanings with even more ways to interpret them, but if THAT is what you are taking them as, then there were likely underlying issues in your relationship to begin with. I hope that makes sense.


Unless there is a serious problem with y’all, take the cards with a grain of salt, especially as a new reader. I did this with a relationship recently, but ONLY because I’d been reading for over a year, I wanted confirmation that I was making the right choice and asked for the tower to appear if it was. The cards are a simple guide, not something to base your decisions and relationships around.


Sounds like it was fun (3 of cups rx), you’re going through a personal change (the tower rx), a change of heart(3 of swords rx), wondering what your options are (7 of cups rx) and wanting to let go of the burden (10 of wands rx)…so just do it? Lol 🤷🏻‍♀️


Edit: YAY for your first deck!! So the 10 of wands can also be the deck saying a few things. First things first; your deck. How long have you had it? When I first got my very first deck, I ripped into it and I pulled the tower and 10 of wands so I was like Wtf ok hang on lol. Spending time with your deck is crucial. I kept mine under my pillow at night and in my purse/bag during the day. Anywhere that represented me. There’s spreads that help to build that relationship with the cards so you both can work together. I’ve found that the 10 of wands is my deck telling me that it’s done giving me answers on this particular topic. I can continue to pull if I want but then the readings usually dissolve into a confusing pile of cards. Take some time, get to know your deck then after some time try again. The time line is dependent on each person and deck. It took me about 3-4 months to get comfortable and now around 3 years later my deck throws cards at me before I can even ask 🙄


Contrary opinion: break up I did a pendulum reading on my last relationship because I had the option between that and getting back together with someone else. I asked, “does he like me?” Strong yes. “Is it a good idea to be together?” No. “Well, will we be happy?” No. “Will we someday be happy?” Yes “After one year?” No. “After two years?” No “After three years?” Yes. Next year is the third year and by then our divorce will be finalized. 🤷‍♀️ It was a really bad experience (the worst one of my life), so if your divination tools (decks, runes, bones, pendulums, etc) tell you something then you should listen. It might be coming from your higher self, your guardians, or your own subconscious intuition and it’s not a bad thing to listen to those sources. Another concern is destiny. If your spiritual outlook is that certain hardships are fixed and you must go through them in this life to grow (certain lessons), then terrible relationships are some of the best teachers. If it’s not this guy, then it might be another one down the line who will be your “lesson.” So, maybe date but do so with totally open eyes. If I went forward truly believing in my reading, then perhaps I would’ve put it together quicker and left when things soured (since they weren’t going to get better).


I’d suggest looking at why you feel that way. Get to know your deck too, spend time with it doing small 3 card readings regularly. Use a pen and paper to jot down whatever thought, feelings or images they bring up when you first see each card. You can use the guidebook but you don’t have to; I found my best readings happen when I can look at each card and immediately get a feeling from an element of the card that feels relevant. I usually just use it when I get stuck or can’t think of how it might fit. I’d also recommend using a “spread” with set positions meaning different things (eg past/present/future). It can help provide some structure for your readings, which makes it easier to find an overall meaning that jumps out at you. Hope this helps!


Never let a tool make your decisions. YOU are the one in charge, and YOU are the magic. Not some pieces of cardboard mass produced in a factory in near slavery conditions. If you didn't buy this deck from a store and use it, would you actually want to break up? This is your first deck, and to be honest from your description, you may not be the best at shuffling. I sucked at shuffling when I first started out, but I got much better with practice. Don't think about internet clout or how funny it would be to post that. Think about your partner. A HUMAN BEING. How shitty would it be to fuck them over because a picture on a piece of cardboard came out upside down? How would you ever ethically explain that to them? Or anyone else?


I suggest that you take some time to bond with your cards by putting them under your pillow. Also, cleanse them with some sage or keeo some selenite with the deck. Then, do another reading. 🙂


Tarot should be used for generalized insight and not major life altering decisions.


All of the those cards say to me that you're overthinking and imagining the worse. You may have been betrayed in the past and that fear/projection is now spilling into your current relationship. If you were to break up with him, it's because of this FEAR of infidelity. There's no legitimate 3rd party showing up, only the one that you have imagined in your head. Work on releasing the baggage from past hurts and focus on the good of the relationship. If he isn't doing anything that is outright suspicious, then you should release that idea. Some thoughts tend to become self-fulfilling prophecies if you aren't careful (I speak from experience with that. I literally worried so much about infidelity in my past relationship that it happened. Our thoughts are way more powerful than we realize).


Tarots are something YOU need to decide if you want to listen to or not. No one can say they will be 100% accurate anyway. Trust the decision you want to make and your intuition especially. I however, got MANY warnings about two of my relationships and it was clear they were telling me to leave my partner at the time... I ignored them and the relationship ended in a way I wish it didn't. (this happened twice) So it's really up to you, it could be a hit or miss so just trust your gut :)


If you would like I can give you a tarot reading, just to give you some peace of mind, to see if you get the same out come, but always remember the cards are not set in stone they tell you what might be wrong and it is your job to fine out if you can fix it, always use your gut, but you can find me on Instagram @oasis_tarot_reading, and don't worry I don't charge for tarot reading like most people. So there is not going to be like some secret fee, I don't like that stuff.


Please do not break up with someone if you have no other reason than a tarot reading. Tarot cards can be so vague because everyone reads them differently, they’re like a loose outline.