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Spells are not created from physical objects. Magic existed before we had iron or glass.  Physical objects serve to focus intent. You can do this with a pine cone you find in the woods or your favorite decoration. 


Folks will act like you need some mugwort shit of some rare-ass herbs. Just go to the supermarket if you need herbs; basil, bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves all work just fine, you don’t need to go crazy. Hell, technically you don’t even need any of it, you can do witchy shit without herbs or candles or incense or rocks. Also, you don’t need any of the shit witchtok and witchtube shove down your throat. They are all trying to sell whatever nonsense they sell at their witch store. Also, go forage, it’s free-99 and you connect with nature that way. Just don’t do it in a place where foraging is illegal (e.g. certain national parks)


I mean... mugwort grows EVERYWHERE* and is really easily identifiable I agree though, you don't need to be buying from tiktok shops You can forage, or buy and plant out a rosemary plant which can be a stand in for most stuff. If you've got patience seeds are cheap and things like mint and lemon balm grow really fast I don't buy fancy shit - my "magic crystals" are usually rocks I've picked up on hikes. The Llewellyn book of Correspondences is great for finding alternatives that aren't expensive :) *I'm UK based


I’m from Northeast US and there’s a fuckton of mugwort here too, it’s considered semi-invasive. Just need an app like Seek from iNaturalist to help one identify once or twice before you start seeing it all over.


Is that better than PlantSnap? I feel like PlantSnap gets it wrong or it offers too many possibilities on what a plant could be. I need something idiot proof


I've smudged using a jar of cheap sage from the supermarket, and making it into a stick with cigarette rolling papers :D does the job just fine!


This!! And if you feel like you do need these things dollar tree has all of this and more like tiny jars and vases.


Yes spells work. (Granted everyone has times where one doesn't) One doesn't need certain things. My very first spell a long time ago was stuff from in the house. And as for the most amazing thing...well when one does a spell and realizes it worked, no matter the spell, that for me is the most amazing thing.




Your comment has been removed for [Rule 4: Do your own work.](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/163lnj4/rule_4_clarification/) While we don't allow the open asking for spells, we do encourage questions regarding the *crafting* of spells. You can also post basic questions about spellcraft in the [Weekly Q&A Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/about/sticky)!


If you want a cheap way to perform spells, why not try thoughtforms? They're free. All you have to do is a little energy work and meditation. Simply take your hands and form a ball. Close your eyes. Picture what you're wanting to achieve. While doing this, imagine all this energy you're creating being manifested into a ball. Rub your hands around the imaginary ball. It should grow as your pushing all your energy into it. Your hands may feel warm and tingly from the energy! Once you can't focus anymore, tell the ball where to go or what to do. If you need protection from someone, stick it to yourself or send it in the direct of your enemy. If you need money or a job offer, stick it to yourself to look more appealing or send it in the direction of a job offer you have in mind. They're really simple to master and quite effective. Completely free. Witchcraft does not have to be expensive. If you're more hands on, you can use things around the house like thyme, scented candles (already burned candles are fine as long as you cleanse them. some say they are not. i've always found they are), and other odds and ends. Substitute. Petitions are also free. It's where you write down your goals and what you want to achieve and then you either bury or burn the petition afterwards. Use a green pen if you have one if you're wanting to draw in money, red for love, or just black for neutral.


The ball is great way to explin thoughtform as a magic tool! It did make me feel all Pokemoney though, haha.


Very informative, thank you. 🖤


Great advice, and something I keep meaning to try but haven't gotten the hang of yet (it's hard for me to focus long enough for meditation and energy work). Thanks for walking through the process of performing it! I'll need to give it another chance and keep practicing.


Thank you I tried it and I believe it will work 


I'm so glad!


I use things I already have. I use hair ties for protection, I add magick and intention to my food. You can gather plants (look up on phone to make sure they are safe and if not make sure you use proper protection when gathering them). Magick is a combination of what you are doing and why are you doing it combined with intuition and intention. Remember witches back in the day used what they had. There were not all these fancy colored candles. Maybe they had a nice rock. They used seed and dirt, pots and their home. Hope thise helps.


Thank you so much 😃 May i ask how you use hair ties for protection? Thats one thing i always have on hand


Looking into the magickal properties of cooking ingredients you already have at home and downloading a plant identification app to your phone and checking what wild plants in your area could be used for magick might be of help…in general you don’t need many fancy tools or ingredients to do spell work, if you’re intent is clear and you put the right energy into the working you could probably do a spell by just chanting into a flame honestly…other than what I have mentioned above you could also look into stuff you can make yourself like different waters (for example sun water, moon water) or stuff like black salt or if you have a stream or an ocean nearby you could look into the associations of different types of naturally occurring waters (or even rain and storm water). Witchcraft is a practice that offers a huge arsenal of tools you could use and a lot of it for free if you know how to get your hands on it. In general it really depends on what you are exactly planning to do, is there a certain element you feel connected to? What type of spell are you planning to cast? Just look up what is associated with your intention and check what you might already own or could simply collect yourself and go from there.


By collecting moon water or sun water, there are already a lot of spells you can do. Also, you can enchant nail polish, perfume, and jewelry to serve a specific purpose that you want. You will be able to use the moon water that you have collected. There are many more that you can do, as the person mentioned cooking, you could also do spells while writing, painting, I have heard that people embroider their spells. Perhaps you have a hobby that you can implement the witchcraft into it? As long you are creative, you will be able to create a lot of wonderful spells without having to buy special supplies.


Don't listen to folks who tell you you need all those big fancy tools, you don't. Heck, recently I did a small thing for good sleep. Rosemary and thyme in a Ziploc bag under my pillow. Already had the ingredients, but it would probably cost me roughly $5. I focus more on things around the home. Good sleep, foods, cleaning. I like to keep a clean, happy home. You can always stir something into your soup or coffee or what have you. Stir clockwise to draw in what you wish, counterclockwise to expel what you don't. Sweep that bad energy out the door (with some salt water on your broom for an extra kick). Add some specific herbs to your food for that extra "kick". Bay leaves under your pillow for good sleep or to burn for money. Simmer pots on the stove. Just remember: You don't need that witchy "vibe" to be a witch. Folks might tell you that you *need* to buy those crystals or those fancy bowls or tarot decks or what have you. Folks are wrong. All told, my craft has probably cost me around $50 in total. Sure, it might not *look* all aesthetic and fancy and sophisticated, but it's not any less witchy than someone who spends $300 monthly on fancy bottles and whatnot. Not that I'm dissing those folks either, just that witchcraft doesn't have a price tag. EDIT: If you go foraging, always be one hundred percent certain that you can ID the plant. And don't go mushroom foraging. Just don't. It's more expensive to buy them, yeah, but it comes with the bonus of "Not misidentifying something and fucking dying". Mushroom foraging is on a whole other level, and there are far too many lookalikes and fungi of certain doom for it to be safe, or even a fair risk to take. Trust me.


And it's worked for me. Slept like a baby last night with my lil sleep-well charm. Small charms and whatnot to find lost objects almost always work. I'm...not the *best* at reading tarot, but it's accurate when I can actually read it. Don't expect big things, like changing the weather or whatnot. But yeah, small things or even medium (ha!) sized things do work a lot. It's not 100 percent, but most of the time, yeah.


Changing the weather is actually not a big deal. But it works the best when there are hundreds wishing the exactly same. ;-)


I do the same thing with the pillow sachet! Except I "splurged" by buying the Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Tea with a valerian-infused herbal tea at the grocery store. Teabag contents went right into a small little cloth bag that I put under my pillow, and it's really helped my insomnia! And yeah, totally agree on mushroom foraging. More power to those confident enough to do it, but best be safe than...well, "expired." 🙃


broke witch: utilize thrift stores, the smaller and more local the better (not just for ethical reasons but in my experience the prices are more reasonable). white candles can substitute for any other color of candle and olive oil can substitute for any other kind of oil. dollar stores usually have a craft section w little bottles and some have a variety of basic spices.


Sigil magic is practically free.


Use what you have on hand. I’m a hearth witch. Paper, markers, coloring pencils, herbs from your kitchen cabinet. It’s all about the intention you put behind it and you making your craft your own! Being a broke witch sucks but you can still make magic 😊


Go into nature and collect spell components. That is how our ancestors have done it. Capitalism has influenced witchcraft too much. Go back to the basics.


The great thing about witchcraft is there really are no hard and fast rules. Don't have actual money for a money jar? Use something that is valuable *to you*, or use a representation of money. Just be clear in your intention that the thing you desire is sustainable income rather than more of this representation. Colored paper and scraps of metal can stand in for real money Don't have a green candle? Tie green thread or ribbon around a white candle, or use colored LEDs to make the candle look the correct shade. When I was broke I did all my candle magic with the cheapest undyed candles I could find and an old sewing kit I found that happened to have many colored threads. Remember that witchcraft is and was not practiced only by people with access to money and materials. It is and was practiced by people from all walks of life all over the world. That is why we have so many different magical traditions that we, as modern witches, can base our practice around. Remember that just because someone wrote something in a book or on a blog, that doesn't make it commandment or decree set in stone. Find the tradition (or traditions) that meet you where you are. I have ADHD, so I shy away from traditions that call for doing anything on a specific day or at a specific time. My witchcraft has to flow with me, not against me. Because of this, I rarely do the exact same spell twice. And yes, spells work, but they don't always work in the ways you might expect. For me, job spells have always worked really well. I have used candles and sigils, as well as money jars and spells from other witches, to get whatever job I chose, basically. It got to a point where when I am looking for a new job, I only apply to jobs I know I can thrive at because I know at least one will offer me a job. I recently decided to switch careers, left my old job before securing a new one, and applied to literally one job and one job only. I was hired three days later. Less than eight months in, I have had two raises and been promoted to Manager. This particular job spell had a lot of emphasis on long-term stability, rather than abundance. Previous job spells have put me in jobs where I felt miserable going to work every day, but then when I neared my breaking point I would meet someone I never would have otherwise met without said job, and they would give me a better opportunity for more money. This one, I definitely had a pretty big "I will no longer be fucked with" energy while casting, and that may have been the secret sauce to an excellent job with lovely coworkers and very little customer interaction.


Can you use eggs in a spell?I have a couple of books on witchcraft and I am Catholic but don't really practice it I want to connect with the spirit world,and the Catholic faith has the Holy Spirit to guide people.I need help and I want to move forward and I am isolated.So I want a little bit of spiritual grace I guess .And I am fearful of chanting things because of the fact that I was brought up Catholic.But I love spells and the idea of using nature for whatever.


Yes eggs have lots of use in witchcraft. Egg shells are good for protection and purification. You could add it to your black salt. Also great to sprinkle some in soil if you want to grow your own plants. You could even do egg cleanse rituals with whole eggs too.


Thank you.


Curious about this too. I've been doing banishment spell on someone but using the simplest method i found. But seems like not working.


I wish I did this when a pedo was after my body as a teen


There’s a lot of things to do on a budget. Most of my stuff comes from dollar tree or 5 below. In order to gain knowledge I got on my kindle and found free downloads to learn what I needed to do. I get things from temu as well. I don’t go all out and I’ve found ways to personalize my practice as I’m an eclectic witch. Saving up any glass jar and cleaning it to make moon water gives you lots of things. I even clean out the taco sauce jar. Just set the water out when the moon comes out and bring it in before the sun comes up and you got moon water. It can be used to cleanse a space but has many different uses.


I am also broke. I grt my herbs from at the grocery store, I can get big bags of bay leaves for less than a dollar for example. My candles come from Dollar stores, my crystals come from the swap meet. You just have to find cheaper places to buy stuff, you don't need to spend a million dollars for your spells to work. I also do more intuitive spells where rather than following a written down spell from someone, I just do what feels right, those spells usually end up working better for me anyways. I also just kind of collect things from nature, bird feathers, flowers, different leaves and herbs, etc. And I have a friend who gives me their cats whiskers if they happen to find one has fallen out. Moon water is the main thing I use for spells, and all you need is water and something to hold it in, I use a really pretty black and gold sake bottle from one time when my husband and I were celebrating. Just follow your intuition and use what you have available.


My biggest expenses are candles and incense. I use them daily, and it makes me happy. Other than that, eh. I use rosemary and pine oil in my hair for protection (just add a few drops of essential oil to hair oil I already have).


Kitchen magic is readily accessible with what you have being cinnamon, sugar, cloves, and even dollar tree stores with things like birthday candles work just as great. Oh and getting herbs from the Hispanic grocery store in small amounts works too.


Adding on here to all the great advice already mentioned (dollar stores, thrift stores, estate sales, etc.): Witches Ladders and Knot Magic. Grab a piece of string (don't even need beads or anything fancy, just the string or yarn if you wanna be fancy 😉), set your intention *as clearly and specifically as possible*, then tie nine knots into the string. There's an incantation that you can invoke ["Knot one, the spell's begun..."]) but it's not (no pun intended) strictly necessary. I've had success with just repeating my intention while tying each of the nine knots in a piece of string. Also, if you do needle crafting (knitting, crochet, embroidery, quilting, macrame, even making friendship bracelets!) you can set an intention into *each stitch or knot*. For example: I have ADHD, but I'd say my most successful working to date was a simple candle spell. I lit the candle and just let it burn out. To keep my mind from wandering, I picked up my knitting and repeated my intention in my mind with every stitch, kind of like praying the rosary, oddly enough. Kept me completely focused until the candle burned out, and I had immediate results the next day! As others have already said, and much more articulately than I can, you don't need fancy/expensive tools, or even a permanent altar for spellwork. Our ancestors and witches who came before us just used what they had; personally, I feel that keeping to this approach is a great way to honor those who have come before us and passed down their knowledge through the ages 🙂 Good luck, OP!


I am so into knitting magic. I had a pair of glass needles that of course broke but they were wonderful to work knitting magic with, I can't find them for sale anywhere now. I have a pair of iron needles that I commissioned from a blacksmith, they're great but I really loved the glass. My own best spell was a knitting spell in front of a hearth fire and I threw the knitting on the fire once I felt like it was done.


Ok, THAT sounds fascinating! You've stoked my curiosity: what was the spell? Is there a book or resource you can recommend for knitting magic? (And glass needles?! I'm having visions of gorgeous Venetian glass DPNs 😍).


Ah, my best spell, my favorite child. The company I work for had a super unfair and disruptive-to-the-lives-of-their-employees practice that I was subjected to. I had a terrible experience, and I wanted to never be subjected to this practice again. I worked the spell for a whole moon cycle, using the phases to do different parts of the planning. I cast the spell in the dark moon, because I wanted to enter the void/chaos of the darkness where anything is possible and tip fate to my will. Two weeks later, on the day of the next full moon, it was announced at an All-Staff meeting that this practice was being discontinued nationally. No books! I love knitting and crocheting and I feel so much magic in my hands that I thought what better way to cast this very-important-to-me spell. I did read one paragraph in Gemma Gary's Traditional Witchcraft about knitting magic as an old practice of British witches, but it was just mentioning knitting as a way to cast spells. This very much felt like something inside me. The glass needles were clear, long needles with a little blown glass spiral on the ends (widdershins, naturally). I got them on Etsy, the shop doesn't exist anymore :(


You are amazing 🤩 Awesome about changing that awful policy. Shame about the needles, but surely some enterprising person or persons out there would make more? From my mouth to the Universe's ears (figuratively speaking), maybe?


This is great info. I really appreciate it


Dollar tree is your best friend.




A working is the raising of energy, programming that energy into a thought form and giving it intent, and sending it out. You don't need tools or items, those are just aids.


You are the magical ingredient!! It’s all about your intentions and mindset. You literally need NOTHING besides the power of your mind and heart to do magic. The physical items, I find, are just aides to help us focus our intentions. Even the Dollar Tree has inexpensive items that I have used when working on a budget. Collect stuff out of nature, with permission from the source it comes from if it isn’t just lying on the ground.


Your chest is a drum, your finger is a wand, your voice and your breath are your spirit and the way you bring spirit forth into the world. Do a witches ladder with a strand of your hair if it's long enough. Old versions of pendulums are rings strung onto hair. You can ground yourself by putting your hands under/into cold running water. You can charge yourself up with breathwork. Get to know your local river and plant allies. I think we come into the world with everything we need to make magic.


Thank you 😃 This is my favorite comment so far Can i ask what is a witches ladder, how do i do it & what does it do?


A witch's ladder is a length of chord, you tie knots into it. You pause when the knot is loose, blow your breath/intention into the knot, and tighten it as you are breathing to capture your breath. Then burn it, or do whatever you do to things to send them on to the other world, if that's appropriate for your working. You can do a ladder for most anything, it's a lovely simple spell framework that's great for group rituals and solo work alike.


You can download books for free from zlibrary. They may not have a large selection but you could find some books on there. Research the magical properties of herbs you have in your kitchen, look into sigil magic etc. There are lots of low budget ways to practice witchcraft.


would you be willing to upload a link for zlibrary?


Google sure put out at least one fake right now, so that is a good question! Fortunately we have a whole sub for that! =) [This post should make you more comfortable about zlibrary](https://www.reddit.com/r/zlibrary/comments/16xtf95/how_to_access_zlibrary/).


Do you have a forested or woodsy area nearby? You can go there and collect ingredients. Or you can grow your own. Where I live, food stamps also covers edible plant starts. But you don’t HAVE to use anything physical to do spell work. The magic comes from inside yourself and your intent.


From what I’ve heard, your discouragement is your biggest block. If you don’t believe in you and your power, you’re going to struggle with the law of attraction. Try sex magic, all you need is an intention and orgasm. Also spells can be done from simple things in your kitchen, herbs from the ground, maybe some candles… there’s really no limitations except for your mind.


A lot of what you need is found in your kitchen, or can be purchased cheaply. If you have ethnic grocery stores in your area you can usually get spices very inexpensively in little packets (most of what you pay for is packaging), or at a health food store that sells bulk spices. Other things that have uses can be found around the house like nails, pins, rusty nails, thorns, flowers, insect carcasses, collected rain water, red brick for brick dust, hornets nests, cats claws etc... The list is kind of endless because almost anything can be used as an ingredient, especially if it has meaning to you. You can also find a lot of useful items at the dollar store. In fact, if you oogle it, there's a whole thread just on things you can find at Dollar Tree.


All these are great points! I’d also like to add that it might be worth your time to learn some skills. (woodworking, metallurgy, sewing, crafting skills) I needed a pure silver ring for some invocation rituals, no way I had like $100+ to spend on a .999 silver ring, however I know how to work metal(solder, forging, basic metallurgy stuff) long story short I now have a PURE SILVER ring that I made myself for probably about $0.20 and a couple hours of my time. Needed a little wood box, made one myself for <$5. Need candles sure I can buy some… or I can buy a big ass can of vegetable shortening or lard for a fraction of the price and make like 15+. Plus you feel like so much more of a badass master of the mystical realm when you’re lighting a candle you made YOURSELF for a spell, or pestling herbs in a mortar you’ve turned YOURSELF. I feel the closer I get to never having to buy a single tool I need and being able to just get material and bring what I need into existence instead of just going to a store is an increasingly empowering experience!


Unpopular opinion but magic rarely works (or manifests much smaller results) for a person the first few times. Additionally you really can't ask "what's the most amazing results from a spell?" when spells working are not the end goal. The end goal is much more personal and works inside you more than outside. That said, I'm not trying to "moral-ize" spells or guilt people who use them but the most amazing thing I've ever done spiritually is all in my soul. Which, admittedly doesn't sound as exciting vs some spells but imo that should be the goal. I think you need to know that getting this herb, that crystal, and whatever else, shoving them into a jar then saying a few words is not magic. You're the magic. The "spell" and all it entails is merely a vehicle meant to drive and focus your own power. So the goal shouldn't be getting all the materials to perform a spell, it should be self-discovery, communication with yourself, and learning how to use your own power. Spells aren't shortcuts and to think they are is tantamount to gathering all the ingredients to a cooking recipe, throwing them all in a pan and expecting Bobby Flay results. It just doesn't work like that. You need the skills first.


this resonates with me. I really think YOUR empowerment is a far more wonderful and amazing gift then anything you could mundanely desire. Now I'm new and I'm not going to pretend I have years of experience to back any of this up (I don't) and I don't want to make the mistake of introducing a lot of skepticism to cloud my mind when I need to build confidence of a practice I know little about.... but it just feels deeply right to curb my expectation a little; to let the universe say what its willing to say about this WITHOUT projecting a lot of desperation into whatever magick truly does. is probably really Hard to nail this balance between healthy skepticism, and empowering faith/practice (and the consumerism that toxic positivity might promote)- but its surely a good idea to try.


You hit the nail on the head friend. Though I want to add something to that. That just because you don't receive the right(or any) answer does not mean you were given an answer that was not useful. If things don't manifest or improve or whatever it's more likely because your spirit guides/divine self/deities/etc. see that you don't need that specific thing right now despite how you may feel. In those situations it's better to accept that and step back to look at things from a different angle to possibly find a different solution to your problem that you may have missed. In that way no answer was still a valuable one.


Most of my spells consist of me writing my intentions on a piece of paper or bay leaf and then burning it while focusing on my intentions. Sometimes I add more like sealing it with wax or something for pazazz lol. You can use spices from your spice cabinet or just a candle and focus your intentions. Intentions and focus are the big key players here everything else is just a bonus. Hell sometimes if I want a good day at work I'll focus on my intentions for the day on my walk from the parking garage to the building.


Oki I will ask the moon to free my spirit from the rapacious creditor chocolate and flour and sugars and fillers that make up cake they I am addicted to and is destroying my life and has been a pariah for years.pleaseoon release me from the demon sugar addiction.


Found objects are powerful. Let your intuition guide you: a leaf, feather, dime or candy wrapper can all be magically useful. Your associations with those objects will tell you what they’re for. I prefer this kind of spellcraft to complicated recipes


When I’ve been unable to afford food levels of broke, I’d use a pen or pencil and write sigils and written spells on whatever I could. That’s a fairly easy one that you almost certainly have laying around, as you can even repurpose trash (like a paper wrapper from a straw) or write directly on an object you wish to enchant. It’s also not super hard to get ahold of a pen, if you can’t borrow one.


witchcraft is an inherently tied to anti capitalist values. being a witch in any case, is an act if resistance- it is and has always been “fringe”. if someone tells you you need a certain thing to do anything in magic, run !! you can make do with anything, especially things you have in your home and that come from your backyard. its okay to buy things sometimes but even i struggle with the impulse to give into my consumerist impulsives. idk if that made sense but those are my two cents. spices from your cupboard, weeds from your backyard, rocks from your driveway, water from your sink, generic candle. you make your own practice and can use anything that suits what your intuition says. magic is within you and any physical object is only a container for your intention and magick.


As much as I love my dragon hoard of withcraft supplies, it’s mostly just fun and a mindset thing for me, the supplies aren’t inherently magical. I’ve done plenty of money spells that just involve (dry) rice, basil/cinnamon, and some coins and they work great. Sigils are great when you’re on a budget, you just need something to write with and on I have the most luck getting physical effects with physical tools but the universe doesn’t care if they’re fancy. Even just charging and drinking a glass of water is a solid and versatile technique. Write a dollar sign (or other currency symbol) on a bay leaf and stick it in your wallet.


words are spells, keeping your space tidy and clean to keep the energy clear, cook with intention and herbs that have medicinal or spiritual properties, intuitive movement, stretching, affirmations, candles even the colors that you wear and makeup (I wear kohl around my eyes for UV and spiritual protection) use your intuition, let it guide you


I feel really stupid for asking but does everyone have spiritual intuition? Im assuming the answer is yes so my next question would be how to access it when its really hard to find. Like i can hardly even identify where in my body i feel my anxiety,, anger, sadness etc so im sure my spiritual intuition is burried way down.


in my experience it can be kind of hard to find and recognize your intuition, for me i’ve been trying to trust my gut more and trying to notice when i make those “gut” decisions and the outcome of that. Stretching and cooking and trusting myself has helped me build my intuition


Anything can be magickal it’s all about research. I used a lot of herbs I foraged around my property for spells. Even walking can be used for spells. One of the mentors I had used cinnamon or basil on her walks for protection. She obv set the intention on the walks and the herbs. The main thing is you don’t have to always follow what other people are doing unless you’re going by specific practices like pagan. I’m more eclectic so I just did what felt right for me and my practice and eventually I found the perfect way of doing things for me. Obviously avoid closed practices such as sage or certain types on incense (if you choose to use it, also I THINK sage scent is okay but definitely double check) always do your research before doing something. Always remember that intention without action is like asking a wall it’s name. Selenite is a very cheap but extremely useful crystal and for the most part it’s inconspicuous. Do research before you buy anything and trust your intuition. If your intuition says “hey let’s use this random grass” use the random grass lol. Personally I work with deities and I believe freja and Lilith helped me conceive my child. Again it’s all about intention and action.


Try journaling


If you need magic and money so get buy a bracelet made of CITRINE and AVENTURINE stones, clean and charge it with a full moon, then wear it on your left hand.


As a witch without ready cash I do as many people suggest - grab pantry herbs (bay leaf is a favourite of mine), fruits and veggies, a stone from the garden (or some earth or sand), water from the tap, birthday candles (in lots of colours if you want), salt is always a goodie to have on hand, a silver coloured coin (like a 5 cent piece - good for money workings & can also represent the full moon). Add your intent, maybe use a paper and pencil, some thread or ribbons of various colours depending on what you have around the home. I love incense but can't always get what I want. If you have aluminium foil / alfoil you can scrunch it up and make a bowl, a ball, a star or any shape you want. I do mean want, rather than need, because the magic happens from and through you rather than physical objects. Best of luck I hope some of these ideas work for you.


There is no such thing as a broke witch. Use your resources. Do you have any candles? What about herbs and spices in your kitchen? Or can you go to the dollar store and get a couple things?  Here’s an easy money spell. You can find these things at dollar tree. Pumpkin pie spice (or cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, etc.) Olive oil Candle - can be a tea light, votive, glass candle Dress your candle with the herbs and oils and pray and speak your intentions. Ask for the dollar amount you need to come. You got this! Hope this helps.


If you practice divination, it’s real easy to do pendulum dowsing with a necklace you already have (as long as the charm is kind of heavy), or you can practice cartomancy with a deck of regular playing cards.


Are you trusting? The main aspect is to trust completely and act like it is already done and move toward your goal - read/listen to the book on YouTube called “awaken the immortal within”


I take a lot of basic ingredients from kitchen witchcraft, i.e. bay leaves, cayenne, red pepper flakes, cinnamon sticks, sea salt etc) and comprise entire spells out of things that I can buy entirely with my EBT card.


Take an old jar, collect storm water. Ultra powerful stuff in my experience. Cost? 0 You may have old candles lying around to use. Sit and meditate under a tree if thats your stuff. Collect dead bugs - made a wasp oil last year and it worked pretty well for my purposes. Look around, Ive found rosemary grow on the streets sometimes, so when its a bit dark I cant imagine anyone will notice if you cut off two or three small branches to make your own smudgestick from. You have herbs and spices in your kitchen, you have a library with witchy books and remember the greatest teachings come from nature herself, so go out talk to her and ask her all your questions. The answers wont dissapoint


What does store water do? Also do you leave the jar out to be filled up with rain water or do you fill it up before hand then leave it out like what you do with moon water


No, I just collected the rainwater from a thunderstorm. You can read up the specific meanings of different kinds of rain and storm waters, but basically its super charged with storm energy, which is very powerful and wild and rain water in general is cleansing if that makes sense? I havent tried making moon water and didnt have much of an opportunity to yet. But water can be charged with anything really, also the sun. The witchcraft amino has a lot of tutorials on that kind of stuff too.


You don’t really *need* anything. Write down EXACTLY what you want on a small piece of paper. Be very specific. Fold it up and burn it. As it burns think intently about what you’ve written. If you don’t have a candle, use the stove.


Is it possible to have someone else write it down for me but set my own intentions as it burns. I ask because im blind so its hard for me to write. Also could i use a lighter?


You can. The beauty of magic is you can do and use anything you want. It’s all about the intention behind what you are doing.


You can get pens, small notebooks, candles, and lighters from dollar tree; you can also look for any plants or herbs outside. From my personal experience, I've used all of the dollar tree products I mentioned and it definitely works just as good as anything else.


Well you have internet so that's a start. You can always look up information like you're doing now. If you feel you need a physical item (I often do), you can go outside the park or really wherever and find what you feel you need. I am constantly reminded that you don't have to buy things to do spell work. Don't have the budget for crystals or herbs? Go on a nature walk where you can. A lot of things can be found in your own home. In your kitchen, yard, all around you. I still find myself overthinking things and thinking I need a specific special item. This group has somehow managed to remind me of the simplicity of my practice.


Simple money spell: Take a bay leaf, write how much you need on it. Put it in a jar, add honey for attraction. Put in a coin if you have any, the higher the currency, the more you'll get back. Close the jar and light a green candle on top (you can use white if you don't have a green candle). You can carve sigils into the candle like money signs or anything you want to add to it. And think money. Coins dropping into your purse, dollars floating in the air, bills being paid, checks coming in, etc. Meditate with the candle until it goes out. Bonus if you have any money drawing oil, dress your candle in it. Or money drawing incense. If you don't have any oil, you can use canola or vegetable oil and lightly coat your candle and then roll it in dried basil. Hope this helps! Good luck to you!


Dollar tree!!! I get jars, candles, and herbs there!!


Are the candles made from paraffin wax/synthetic fragrances? I have a 🐈, id like to do candles magic but my priority is to keep him safe & healthy


The most powerful spells only require belief and intention


Use what you have available to you! Do you do arts and crafts? Intertwining your craft with your crafts is something I like to do as it uses things I already have on hand. To give you some examples, I like to knit so I have a lot of yarn and like to do knot magic with it. Also crayola air dry clay is only a $1 at the dollar store and you can sculpt things to use and paint sigils on them! I made a charging dish for jewelry where I painted a sigil and I add herbs to it and leave it with the crystal/jewelry in the moonlight to charge. I also made a turtle out of the clay with the shell being a lid so I can place things inside and I put a sigil and some black tourmaline inside of it and leave it next to my front door for protection Use the herbs in your pantry, pick up rocks, sticks, and plants from outside as well. Color magic is great too if you have multi colored pens/markers or if you need wax of a certain color you can burn a crayon to melt it. Multi colored birthday candles are cheap and just as effective! Enchanting jewelry you already have. When you cook, add in certain herbs and spices with whatever intent and pray over the food. Moon water is great too! You just leave out some water under the moon. Witchcraft is meant to be accessible! Use what you have on hand and get creative with it! :)


That title would unironically be great in a song.


Kitchen witchery is a good way to incorporate magic into your every day life. Set your intention for the day with your morning cup of coffee or tea. Weave spells into your cooking using the herbs and spices in your pantry. Cleanse your space by cleaning your house. Literally just make your day to day magical by practicing mindfulness and setting intentions. Sigils are another no-cost method of working magic. Literally all you need is a pencil and paper, and you can look up how to create your own sigils with a quick Google search. Offerings can be really simple too. Share a meal with your deities, ancestors, etc by setting aside a small portion of your supper for them. I often give rosemary from my garden, wildflowers I hand-picked from my yard, or art projects my kid makes in school as offerings. I have a couple house plants named after my deities that I care for in their honor. The bottom line is, this path is what you make it. You don't need a bunch of fancy tools or expensive organic herbs or elaborate, time-consuming rituals. Magic can literally be as simple as sharing a cup of coffee with God before you clean your house for the day.


Just made a comment about this on someone's post, i can see how spellwork would feel exhausting or even intimidating to a new magician. You don't need fancy or elaborate candles, motifs or crystals as big as your pet newfoundland. Please disregard all these fancy and "aesthetic" tiktok insta altars you see online!!!For one a practioner isn't suppose to be showing their work or their altars in the first place and two you can do a whole lot more with a plain candle and calling on your ancestors lovey. Yes correspondences do help you focus and better control your intention but it's best to start with the simple things then the rest will be sorted, I promise, My most powerful spells have been when i've lit some incense, cooked some food and shared a smoke with my peoples.


The library or the Libby app (with library card) has great options for books to read!!!


That’s what I thought too when I first started. Since then I learned that having fancy “witchy tools” is not required at all to be a witch. Witchcraft is all about your intention and the magick within and surrounding you. Tools are just there for assisting your work and practice. You most likely already have “witchy tools” already lying around your house. Like in the kitchen, where you keep all the herbs and spices. You may even have a candle or two lying around your house somewhere you could use for candle magick. Colors even has magickal correspondences. Wear an item of clothing with the color that matches your intention. Hell, you could even incorporate color magick in your makeup or nail polish too. For other plants and herbs, go outside on a nature trail and find plants that way. Find a cool looking plant or flower? Take it home with you and research what properties it has. (Note: some plants are very toxic to humans and can sometimes hurt to touch, so be careful and do lots of research). For books, go to your local library and see what they have. I’m sure they’ll have some books in their catalogue. Sure it is fun to shop and splurge on all the aesthetic witchy items, but it is helllllaaa expensive and can break your bank. If you feel that you really must have some items you don’t have, grocery stores and supermarkets (like Dollar Tree, Walmart, 5 Below) has a lot of stuff you could get.


Have you thought about growing your own herbs and veggies for time to meditate and make your own materials at the same time? You'd be surprised by how little it takes to get started. Meditation doesn't have to be sitting down with your eyes closed and I find it easier to meditate when I'm tending to my garden because I'm not actively trying to clear my mind of everything. Right now I have lavender, white sage and green sage, pumpkins to be ready for samhain plus getting to use the things you grew with your own hands is a great feeling


As a broke witch, you don’t need much. I used my household items to create a spell to get a job after struggling for so long and eureka ! I got one right after the spell lol that gave me hope. There are a lot of helpful tips in the comments so check those out.


intent is worth more than money, so,,


Lean into the free aspects, color significance, using symbols or runes, setting intentions based on moon phases.


Idk if this is a sign but my family bought a jar of pickles && im like omg i can use that jar for moon water! Then i saw your comment & it mentions moon phases


Honestly Mom water is such an easy way to work with them! All of the jars in our house get saved for me, between witchcraft and being an artist I'm constantly using them.


I also love to use animal significance. If I see an animal (not all of them, just when they stand out or I see them when thinking about certain aspects of my life), I look up what they symbolize and it's always so accurate. Working with your dreams is also free!


Thats so cool 😃 personally I cant use physical signs that require sight because im blind, so i would have to use maybe songs, words & the dream one is good too ❤️


Kitchen spices, dirt, birthday candles, brown paper and psalms.


You don't actually need any tools 🙂


For candles use your phone or computer search white candle free animated gif .then search all colors




This is a stupid thing to say. You don’t know me but I’ll give you a little info. I am blind so i literally cannot just hop in a car to drive to a job, i have no family supportive enough to drive & i live in a small town so there’s no public transportation. So please inform me on how to get to a job? Also i have been working my ass off to find a work from home job but its not easy when most of them require a computer & all i have is a phone & i cant afford a computer because im on ssi. But if you know of any work from home jobs that do not require a computer please let me know because i have yet to find one that’s not a scam. I don’t want/need a pitty party but you need to stop & think before commenting something like this because not everyone is able to work no matter how bad they want to. Then again, you’re probably 12 years old & haven’t been introduced to many disabled people




You're not in trouble, and we understand that the person you're responding to was a troll, but we do encourage people to report rule violations to the moderation team to let us handle them. Without content being reported, we mods are not aware of all instances of rule breaking.


I don't have good advice unfortunately but I just wanted to say I resonate with the title of this post, it could be a coming of age fantasy novel, or a punk song


So, there was this Buddhist monk named, Tsenzhab Serkong Rinpoche. He was George Lucas' inspiration for Yoda and a teacher of the Dalai Lama. When he would travel, people would ask him to put on ceremonies and such but he didn't have all the gongs, horns and bells and costumes of a formal Tibetan procession - so he would use whatever was around. Mostly trash. He got so good at it, people would leave trash around hoping he would use it. So you see, a good practice when done with intention has absolutely nothing to do with how many pennies you have in your pocket.


I did a spell that involved picking up a stick, collecting some thorns from a bush in the park I was in, picking up a pinecone. Focusing my anger into that stick, and carrying it all the way to the beach where I used the thorns to make a circle that I finished with shells. And washed the stick in the water. It was some kind of cleansing thing to help with my own anger, and to protect myself from my parents with whom I have a strained realtionship with. Not an hour later a friend called me and let me talk about what was hurting me that day, letting me get home feeling a lot better (miraculously my phone also survived despite it's very low battery.) I now use that stick as a wand and it's on my alter. I plan on taking a knife and carving it to have a better grip, and be more smooth so I can more effecitivley conduct energy though it without it gettting caught or sent out through the spots where other sticks grew. It's easy to get lost in not having money, for the longest time I thought I couldn't make a shrine because I didn't have money to buy a goblet, an athame, or whatever. I realized that was stupid, and used an old dish meant for water for brushes, a couple of insense burners I got as a gift, and some other things as my shrine items.


Use what you have. Magic can be worked empty-handed, with just your mind. All the tools and materials are just props to help that along to reinforce the effect through a play-along activity for the cause-and-effect part of our mind that says "use tools to do stuff". Most of us look for proofs and validation. That's understandable but to some extent counterproductive. Magic is less about grand results and more about an interactive approach to the world, a sense of engagement, of participation. That said, yes, I have had objective results from work I did to test whether I was "really a witch" back in the day. I picked something that could be observed, and would be a help to someone else rather than to me, and that fell right in the zone of things witches were believed to be able to do: charming warts. I had a friend with a bad case of warts on his hands. I offered a magical folk-remedy, he agreed, we me up, and tried it, and it worked in two weeks. Placebo effect? Possibly. Effective? Undeniably. I quit worrying so much after that.


If you want to get herbs I’d say there’s probably lots of herbs in your backyard but if not then you can go to the local woods and look up online about your local Herbs and to make sure ur not getting anything poisonous. Or if you want crystals there’s many at beaches. Ones that look like stone but have maybe a bit of Quartz in


Maybe you just havnt found your groove yet. Your trying and I have no doubt that the best things in your life have yet to come.i dont know about witchcraft or spells but I would like to think it is used for good and smiles.


I’ll recommend a YouTube channel about manifestation it’s not witchcraft but it’s quantum physics and how to speak to the universe the right way his name is Mark Haughton check him out


I try to clean house with good intentions. Kick out the stuff I don’t use with a yard sale, free up some (mind) space. Or spread love and just give it away.


You can infuse anything with your intent. Anything in your spice rack can work. Google spiritual uses of: and it will tell you what that herb is usually associated with. You can also just go out in the yard and pick clover or dandelions. They're both wonderful and multi purpose. If you go to a park or botanical garden, pick up rose petals off the path. Roses can be used in the place of any flower. Oak leaves are powerful. Mint grows wild in a lot of places, and has positive properties. You can burn it and rosemary to purify, or cedar or pine too. Salt can amplify any intent and take the place of any ingredient. Just plain table salt. So can rosemary. I work with cinnamon and rosemary for abundance, oves for protection and healing. If you eat an orange save the peel. It's also good for prosperity and luck. Any citrus is. If you want to work with candles, you can use white for anything, or get a pack of birthday candles from Dollar Tree and you'll have whatever colors you want. You don't have to burn something a long time for it to work. You can also draw sigils and then burn them. You just need a pen and something to write on for that. A friend of mine draws them on bay leaves. If you see a rock you like, or a shell, you can pick it up. Follow your instincts. They'll tell you when something is useful.


If you're looking for herbs and flowers, I went to a Hispanic store and found flower petals, chamomile, whole cloves, star anise and cinnamon sticks. You can probably find more at different ethnic stores.


Sometimes the most powerful spells are made from just what you have at home and your intention. The spells I cast that worked the best have been these types of spells. You really don't need anything to cast though. Most "ingredients" are meant to focus intention like someone else mentioned. You can cast a spell by simply listening to music and building energy with your intention in mind and then dancing to release it. Brightest Blessings, Mel


All that matters is intention.