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I don't want to do it,.. so like $5000?


I don’t want to do it either…my quote is $5200.


$100,000 because I absolutely fucking hate it.


Figure a hourly rate and work them 1 at a time. Customer has a chance to bail on the other 2 if it's too pricey. YOUR SPEED will Increase with each one.




Yup, sounds right to me. I would rather charge more for new ones


Way too cheap. But probably still more then people would be willing to pay:(


I figured if they bring it and pick.it up totally worth it. 350/ per and 50 mats maybe a little cheap. Pick up and deliver would have to be in the price and local. Or they would have to drop it off and pick it.up.


But you have to take into account warranty, customer service, etc Say 1 in 10 projects goes wrong and the customer needs warranty, you need to fix something a bit etc. Think about the time you spend when the customer later calls to ask info on what sort of cleaning they can do if it gets dirty etc etc.


A proper strip is gonna need to get to the finish in those gaps between the boards comprising the top. That’s going to be incredibly tedious and frustrating unless you’re set up to professionally remove finish. I’ll echo what others have said already: I would charge between $1500-$2000 per table for stripping, repair/remediation and refinishing. It’s a lot of work for some crappy tables that have been badly neglected.




Don't forget missing and broken hardware. Or undiscovered hardware or other things ruining your tools.


$18,000,000. Because they’re ugly


I'd work out how many hours it would take,  Multiply that by a reasonable hourly rate ($70/h??), add the cost of materials then add a safety factor of 25%. 


That's what happens when you put clear polyurethane on outdoor furniture. The stuff's impossible to remove short of grinding it all off. Instead of repeating this mistake, just paint the fuckers and be done with it.


Wild guess: 10 hours per table to prep them (assumes they can be dissasembled and reasemmbled), so 30 hours total. Then, apply two coats of something. Call that 4 hours. Call it 36 hours labor times whatever your hourly rate is. $50/hr=$1,800


Half the coat of the table.


Hourly rate, plus materials meant to refinish, and add $$ on the end for pain and suffering.


As someone who has done this exact job a few times. (Professional turd polisher) don’t be afraid to charge what this kind of job demands. Someone in the comments recommended $70 an hour + materials+ 25% overhead. That’s right around what I’ve charged and been paid for it. Precedent matters! Get paid what you’re worth for an rating as fuck job.


It depends on the finish they want. I figure $2500 on the low end if they will take you a full week for all three. $4000 on the high end for a week of work. Remember to set 25 - 35% aside for taxes So start with the profit you are wanting to end up with and add your labor and materials to it then add the amount for taxes and you’ll have your number.


I wouldn't do it because it sucks. Give them a high price like others are suggesting and they'll shop around some more for somebody stupid enough to do it cheap and then maybe throw or give them away.


Gon be bout 3 fiddy


Very much depends on your equipment and space I’d imagine. I’d be using a festool 6” ROM attached to a shop vac in my garage and then a Wagner hvlp sprayer. I suspect it’d be about a day of work per table all said and done (and like always I’d be wrong and it would take 3x longer). So given that I’m a super expensive city, $250-300+ per table.


How can you live from 250,- a day? And don't forget your expenses for your workshop, sandpaper etc.


Haha I can’t. I woodwork as a hobby - and because I can’t fathom the prices of things I’m seeing in stores or quoted from people (just saw 4k for a bathroom double vanity at pottery barn that was fiberboard with a textured veneer) . I’ve never charged for my work other than trades with friends.


Assuming you have a sander...$350 plus materials


Gon be bout 3 fiddy