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First step is good. Everybody is reporting his behavior to HR. Ideally, it will be documented in writing for the next part. After they receive numerous complaints about sexual harrassment (repeatedly asking someone out qualifies), they're creating an unsafe or hostile work envirionment by refusing to correct it. At that point, you would involve a lawyer. A simple demand letter might be enough to get the ball rolling. If that doesn't work, the lawyer should suggest the next steps.


In this case you can call a lawyer because there are witnesses. Tell HR you plan to call a lawyer. He will get fired real quick


I’m gonna bring this up to a few of my other coworkers to see how they feel about this, from what I know about this employee he’s supposedly pretty well off and if this DOES end up going to court or require getting a lawyer I want to be more prepared.


If you bring a lawyer into it, you risk also being fired yourself. The best solution always is getting another job.


That’s what I’ve been doing for the past few months, I’ve been applying like crazy and I haven’t heard jack from anywhere.


they wouldn’t be able to fire you right away because that is retaliation but they may actually not fire you because you did a good thing. please start a paper trail even if no one else wants to


Why?? If you inform hr, why would she be on the chopping block?? The company should get a class action lawsuit against them and the co worker for allowing this to happen!!


Because the company doesnt want to be held liable or even go into court. Thats the whole point of hr is to mitigate risk.


And I want to say I have delbt with hr twice. The second time I had people who bullied me. So I got a little survellience camera and also filmed on my computer. Guess what. This bully acted like she was popping me on the back of the head. I brought to hr and they said you can not film and I said but I did! They DID fire her because they knew they could be in some major trouble if I got hurt. First time, a boss was bullying a person he had a heart attack. He sued. He got the money because the company didnt want to be in the "papers". The one thing HR is there to do is to stop the company from getting sued and if theres multiple witnesses on this shit they WILL settle and take care of the said problem.


Gotcha! I say that the class action suit should include the company for not protecting the women from the creepy coworker! That’ll light a fire under them!!


Confront the guy and say "isn't it about time you pack up your bags now & quit"? Disability protection for what? I've never heard of such a thing.


The employee is on the autism spectrum, and since he has a disability protection thing he isn’t able to be fired. Which is TOTAL BS because a bunch of my coworkers count as being disabled persons as well, myself included! We still get our jobs done, and don’t pull what this guy’s doing. Another coworker of mine thinks that his mom probably knows someone from corporate and thinks THAT’S how he got the job, and another reason why he hasn’t been let go.


He might need you guys to be more direct. Say “you can’t have a coworker’s number and it is inappropriate to try and date a coworker. Please stop making the women you work with uncomfortable.”


We’ve been INCREDIBLY direct with him, and he doesn’t get it.


Pretty sure he gets it. Have worked with a few who sound like this. Contact your area labor board requesting help. Most have a legal who can advise you of your rights...the creep in question has legal rights too. Documentation of his actions, AND documentation of notification to management is very important. Any past employees willing to sign statements as to his actions and any notification to management will help as well. Just remember...the guy may know how to play this game better than you. Use the KMAC theory. Documentation is very important.


I know quite a FEW former employees that would be willing, he found one of the former employees through TikTok and tried hitting on her through her DMs and she told him to stop, he kept going. This was after she quit working for the company, and she actually said a big reason why she left was because of him.


Time to lawyer up.


that is bs maybe you should threaten to sue them and agian if they fire you first that it is considered retaliation


Report to HR


Having a disability does not mean you can harass your coworkers. What’s the HR situation at your job? Start submitting written complaints and encourage others to do so as well. Especially the woman whose personal information he stole to use to harass her. That itself should be a fireable offense. Demand follow-up on your complaints. Don’t just send them and be satisfied with no response. Ask what is going to be done to prevent this behavior from continuing.


Dude FOR FUCKING REAL! I haven’t spoken to HR myself but what I’ve heard from others it’s not the best, since that’s WOM info I think you’re right on submitting more to them, because something that’s a reoccurring theme at my job is lack of communication. For all I know none of this has seen the light of day to HR.


Yeah. Definitely go straight to them, in writing, and request a written response so that you know and have documentation that they received your complaint.


As you describe it, Disability Protection is not a real thing. Companies have to make reasonable allowances, but that does not extend to allowing an employee to abuse or harass another employee. In other words, they can’t sack someone who had an accident and now can’t go upstairs, they have to have downstairs facilities or provide a lift. So, your real problem is getting management and HR to take the claims seriously. Read your work policies. Have people followed them? Or have they just had a moan at their boss? The colleague who was contacted via text made a complaint about a breach of Data Protection? That can cost a company 4% of its turnover, so tends to get a noticed. I suspect what you are dealing with here is a person who uses their disability to get away with unacceptable behaviour because they know people will look the other way rather than confront them. What you need to do is gather your evidence, follow your company reporting policies and then if that does not work, consider getting legal help. I would also consider asking HR if they would tolerate you doing that behaviour abs she. They say no, accuse them (formally) of discrimination.


I mean the chances you're in an at will state if you're in the US is so high idk why everyone's los-gloving him


What does los-gloving mean?


Kid-gloving, sorry!


Had to look up that term, never heard of it before!


Even in an at will state if you have the right disability protections it's still hard to fire you because the company has to agree to those stipulations so they can't just send you out the door, especially in an office job.


Three of you can get a lawyer who can contact HR saying they represent a group of female employees at the company who are considering a multiple plaintiff action because of sexual harassment. Lawyer does not have to disclose your names and this makes it very difficult for the creeper to keep his job.


If there are HR complaints against him, the next step is a lawyer or an EEOC Complaint against the company for allowing a "hostile work environment." Just asking HR how to file an EEOC Complaint about the company's hostile work environment might be enough to end this tomorrow. PS - if they retaliate against you for asking, get a lawyer, because that is ALSO an EEOC violation.


I have to ask, has anyone actually told the dude he's creepy/being creepy? And asked him to stop? Just wondering


YES. Multiple times. I told him to stop, my coworkers have told him to stop.


Oof, what's your laws regarding recording someone in the work place? I feel like if you get definitive proof they can't ignore that. If you need permission to record then every time he comes over to talk to someone they should ask if it's okay to record him. Might be enough of a deterrent to get him to stop.


We have security cameras actually! In several parts of the lobby, kitchen, back hallway, upstairs in the breakroom, I think only ONE doesn’t record sound! I don’t know what my work’s policy is regarding recording someone, and I don’t wanna chance it yet until I read up on it


So he is “sexually harassing” you and the female employees?


Wait, that counts as sexual harassment? I actually didn’t know that. The thing that DEADASS creeped everyone out was when he was flirting with one of the new hires at a coffee shop, and after she told him she was a minor he continued to flirt with her. This guy is around 19-20


It absolutely IS sexual harassment. Repeatedly asking out coworkers or making unwanted advances creates a hostile work environment. Where I live, it is mandatory that we do some form of training regarding sexual harassment and everything you said definitely is talked about during these training sessions. Talk to HR yourself with anything you have documented and if nothing is done, you can go to your state’s labor board if you are in the US. I would mention to HR that if something isn’t done about your coworker’s behavior, you will have no choice but to go that route. Maybe throw in that you’re consulting an attorney about the situation and the alarm bells will go off. Remember, HR’s number one responsibility is to protect the company at all costs. That includes avoiding litigation when possible.


ADA/Disability does not cover misconduct, that should have nothing to do with it. The biggest thing will be evidence of misconduct occurring at work (which policy was broken, the severity, etc)


Wait it doesn’t?? Hold up I’m gonna do some research on that for my state then. A lot of the incidents happened of property though, some of them like the emergency contact one happened ON property, we do have security cameras and some of them DO record sound


ADA for mental and developmental problems does cover some out of pocket social behaviors and mistakes but NOT outright sexual harassment. The things that happened off property you can't do much about unless he somehow uses company resources, information, or equipment. However, the things that happen in office and on property are things that can be used in any complaints or legal actions.


So the instance of him obtaining someone’s number off the emergency call list, and abusing that info to text a coworker not for emergency purposes, would be using/abusing company provided info, yes? Cuz otherwise he would not have access to this coworkers contact info. And escalation, as it sounds like at the least low key stalking is happening too. This info for sure needs to be documented and EVERY text he sends needs to be documented/saved as well. Along with the responses telling him to stop. My guess is once all this is compiled and then presented along with “if this is not addressed and properly handled immediately, a lawyer will be contacted”. If the problem persists, contact the lawyer, present the documentation along with documentation of presenting this to HR etc and still nothing changing. It will get handled then for sure. I’m sorry you and your coworkers have to deal with this creep!


I agree.


Hard not to say, "You know we all find you and your pick up lines entirely repulsive, right? Like a dog humping on your leg. This is a place of business, not a bar. How about acting like a professional?"


The best thing is to set her up then arrow at her.


This sounds really weird. I never heard of a person getting away with several harassment just because they were autistic. Any way. Find another job. Hire a lawyer and sue the company with a few others willingly to participate. They will most likely settle out is court. 


Threaten to quit to your boss


All staff must stick together on this. Talk to HR and tell them either he goes or you all walk. I'm sure he will be dealt with then.


HR might already know about it and are working with an attorney. It might be that they are collecting ”evidence” for termination of the employee. The business needs to protect itself legally. Keep HR updated.


This person wouldn't, by chance, be unattractive would he?


being a creep is always unattractive


It's kind of a chicken or egg dilemma


how can a woman possibly be comfortable when an unattractive man in her presence finds her attractive?


It makes me so depressed how many women have had to deal with this and it can take weeks for them to get the unattractive man fired. I have heard of stories where a woman caught an unattractive man glance at her across the room- and yet he didn't get fired until the attractive male CEO saw him do it again.