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In related news, Biden signed the bill that would force Bytedance to divest from TikTok or ban TikTok in the USA.


And ironically bytedance is using the US constitution as a defense


Well, as their court of public opinion defense. We’ll have to wait and see what their legal filing says. I had a conversation with someone the other day who listed some court precedent for a potential 1st amendment defense that I still need to read up on, but I can’t imagine that their legal team would hang their hat on that alone.


Only needs 9 months to go into effect, as well as a legal challenge. From there, all it means is that you’ll have to download the app from the website and use foreign servers… it doesn’t mean that app just “goes away”. A lot of the damage is already done.


Although that sounds like a trivial amount of work, some of these users couldn't change a tire if their life depended on it, I doubt they will have the motivation to download an app in a slightly less convenient way 


A lot of the damage is already done but that's true for almost everything. The number of people who will bother to search the site to download the app will be significantly smaller (even if the % of users close to the same somehow, it's probably hundreds of thousands, millions, or 10s of millions less, and that's only counting US users)


> all it means is that you’ll have to download the app from the website Maybe on Android, but iOS does not allow downloading apps outside of the EU (or if jailbroken, but recent iOS versions have not been jailbroken, and many other apps will block you from loading them if they detect you're jailbroken).




Some people think the only reason regular people care about palestinian civilians is because "evil chinese tiktok brainwashing our youth"




They're going to appeal that ban in the courts. Don't hold your breath.


Congress explicitly has the power to regulate interstate commerce so I don’t see why they wouldn’t also have the power to regulate whether or not particular countries have the right to do business here. Thats certainly not something that would be left to the states. Plus it’s an explicit bill passed by the legislature and not a broad interpretation of an existing one. What makes you think this could possibly be unconstitutional?


They sure are. Unfortunately for them, expropriation is something with a lot of precedent in our country that goes beyond what that bill does. It’s not going to be an easy win for TikTok.




A lot of useful idiots who don't understand they're being manipulated by foreign powers into a conflict with no morally good side and no morally peaceful solution.


There are several interviews from Columbia of people asking the students more in depth questions about why they are protesting and surprise, they have no clue.


My favorite was from [Powell’s article in The Atlantic](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/columbia-university-protests-palestine/678159/) where he was interviewing a Columbia undergraduate at the campus protest and asked her where all the Jews in Israel should go if Palestine is to occupy the entirety of Israel from the river to the sea as she was advocating. Her answer? “I think the Israelis should check their privilege.” Privilege?! This was a student at an Ivy League university so amped up about a cause she was literally spending weeks in a tent on the quad thinking of nothing else - and *that* was her solution? What was the “solution” the students discussed when the press wasn’t around? Put them in boxcars and send them to Poland?! Surely that student wasn’t thinking about the “privileged” Israelis massacred on 10/7, or those still being held hostage in Gaza? Maybe she was thinking of the millions of “privileged” Israelis that have to run for a bomb shelter at the call of a siren every night for weeks on end while Hezbollah or Hamas tried to kill them with randomly-fired rockets? I wonder if she would feel “privileged” if the Second Intifada had touched Morningside Heights? If she couldn’t go into the subway station at 116th street for years on end without wondering whether the guy with a backpack on the platform next to her was going to blow himself up as a “martyr”? My guess is she went right back to her tent encampment to scream about “continuing the intifada!” and “glory to the martyrs!”


It’s worse than that. No doubt there are hostile actors out there whipping this up to their advantage - much as they do with the MAGA crowd and the far right - but huge amounts of this is willingly self inflicted; the result of the far left’s ideological capture of the universities/education system. These useful idiots believe they are at the vanguard of a revolutionary movement that will finally lay low the liberal, Western, capitalist monster. In this warped game of theirs, Palestinians, Hamas, the Houthi’s, Iran, you name it, are fellow revolutionaries by virtue of their shared vehement hatred of the West (and Israel which they consider to be a Western colonial project) and their supposed lower [read “victimised”] status within the so called white, imperialist, Western supremacist world order that has been created - otherwise known to sane people as the liberal, rules based international system, you know that construct which has heralded unparalleled peace, prosperity and progress for the better part of 80 years. This warped, self-loathing worldview reads like a list of neo-Marxist obsessions, and that’s because that’s exactly it is. They have no noble intentions, they’re not on the side of progress or peace or equity or kindness - those are simply bits of language they have co-opted and weaponised in service of their destructive, radical revolutionary agenda. They want the death of the West and all things aligned or adjacent to it but lack the good sense to realise how self defeating this would be, not just for actual progress in the world, but for themselves personally too. It’s irrational, ignorant self loathing, nothing more, and our would be enemies are all too happy to exploit it in service of their own nefarious agendas.


its a cycle exploited again and again by politicians for the past two thousand years, it will go on and on until the end of time.


Like a fire that will burn on and on?


Sssshhhh you have to pick a side and no take backsies Twitter remembers.




Or their ego will never let them acknowledge they got brainwashed.


40 years from now these videos will still exist. It will affect their lives.


Anti-semitism is accepted and even promoted nowadays. But if you say even one thing about muslims that isn't "They're all awesome", you'll get an angry mob after you.


Meanwhile there are about 2 billion Muslims in the world and 15-16 million Jews. Who’s the oppressor here?


The problem is the protestors think Jewish people are all white, upper class, Americans and Europeans who decided to move to Israel to oppress Muslims for fun.


They literally think this. I've gotten into too many useless arguments and found out that they think "the nation of Palestine" was invaded by Jews from Europe. 100% none of them had even once spared a thought for Palestine and Israel prior to October 2023.


I'd rather they be forced to acknowledge how stupid they're being, on penalty of deportation 


Literal terroristic threat.


they are pro ham-ass at this point they dont care about gazans or people in general


They make me wish bush was back


Bush forced Israel to allow Hamas to participate in the elections


That’s because at that time Hamas was pretending to be moderate


Israel and the US chose the "moderate" religious folks over the moderate secularists. Gee who would have thunk.


Plo is not secular


This is what I remind people when they try to tell me that those “innocent Palestinian children are not Hamas”.


Well, you might get your wish if these protesters don't vote for Biden. If they thought Biden was bad... Trump will ensure Israel erases Gaza.


As an Israeli, a big fear of mine is that Trump gets elected and flips on Israel. Republican politicians have shown that they have no values and just do what Trump says. Putin being extremely close with Hamas, MTG talking about Jewish space lasers, and Tucker Carlson spreading anti Israel hate among Christians in the context of the Gaza war… It’s like they’re readying the foundation. 


I find it way more likely that trump would suggest bibi “just nuke them” than he flipping anything. Maybe he’ll be flipping a switch.


If TikTok college libs love it, trump is going to hate it. I don’t think you have anything to fear with him.


I found myself thinking that recently and couldn’t believe it. Have things really become so bad?  Yes. Yes they have.


They pretty much want a repeat of what happened with the Iraq war but in Israel/palestine. Massive power vacuum? Weapons flooding in? No clear successor for government rule? All present.


Looks like only one guy was saying For it to happen 10,000 times. That should be enough for the school to kick him out


> Looks like only one guy was saying For it to happen 10,000 times. Well, after he finished shouting that, immediately following the guy wearing the Palestinian flag then said to the Jewish the students "The 7th of October is about to be every day for you."


No reason to think he’s a student. That’s a street corner, not a campus, and the only people around him look like his fellow a**holes. The Twitter video seems designed to confuse things, and it worked.


Also, since he is masked up, it’s difficult to know if he’s a student, or if he’s an outside agitator, perhaps one whose only goal is to shit-stir, not advocate for a cause.


White young adult spending his evening getting really amped up about a conflict that doesn’t directly impact his life… I wouldn’t bet large sums of money that he’s a college student, but I can’t think of anything I give higher odds to


They've found a lot of trust fund babies who have absolutely nothing better to do with themselves joining protests around the country and stirring up shit because they can and they know they'll be isolated from the consequences 


Yeah even the non-blatantly anti-Semitic protestors seem to have everything well thought out: https://www.threads.net/@g\_law97/post/C6KmyWfOnoj


This is the first time I've seen something from threads being linked. Wonder if it is the start of a trend now that X is failing


lol, they’re just LARPing - they don’t even know why they are there or what they are protesting for. But they heard there were police there and a chance to LARP as part of an organized mob without much likelihood of real violence or consequences, so they came down “to show their support”. They don’t even give a crap about the Palestinians; they just want some cool photos/clips for their IG or TikTok that makes them look edgy.


Apparently not a terrorist act btw 🫠


These kids get brainwashed into terrorism


As a response, universities should introduce mandatory courses on antisemitism. Along with a 10.000 word essay on why and how antisemitism can be stopped.


How are these people not in jail? Yeah, free speech, I get it. But this is a call for terrorism.


The things being said at these protests are so broadly antisemitic and hateful that it serves to discredit reasonable objections and advocacy against Netanyahu's Gaza war.


Yes there is a group within the group that is spreading hate but some of these protests are being organised by Jewish groups. The situation is more diverse then this tweet paints. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/jewish-student-protesters-celebrate-passover-seder-in-encampments/ar-AA1nD6e5


Please stop with this. This narrative that Jews are participating is absurd and just makes it clear that you don’t understand Judaism.


Those “Jewish” groups aren’t even run by jews .


These groups are like black republicans. They exist to be tokenized and the participants are generally entirely disconnected from Jewish life or they aren’t Jews at all.


https://youtu.be/qokhPdgvgw0?feature=shared Thoughts?






And yet I don’t remember one student protest against Hamas after they massacred Jews and international visitors


Yeah they were protesting *against* the Israelis on October 8th. Before any response from Israel lol. Because they fucking hate Israel 


They celebrated in the streets actually.


They celebrate it in the video


No but i remember a lot of celebration in the streets lol


Somehow I don't think there would be so much debate on "free speech" if the terrorist group these scum were cheerleading for was the KKK and not genocidal antisemitic groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.


"KKKs peaceful demonstrations are spreading to schools around the country"  "Biden thinks free speach is important"


All these protestors are gonna do a great job getting Trump elected and then both Gaza and Ukraine will be really screwed 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah are we doing election summer protest year again? Like… it’s been 7 months of increased conflict. But NOW it’s awful? I mean fuck, they aren’t even arguing against a Rafah incursion and that’s the biggest thing that’s going to set things off again. Relatively speaking, it’s calm right now, aid is going through.


Ukraine and Israel were attacked by extremists who want their land and are willing to kill anyone for it. Russia and Gaza are the aggressors.


No, you’re confused. I’m saying **even from their perspective** this should be counter-productive.


It is strikingly ironic to claim Jews are Colonialists while chanting “Jordan to the Sea”, isn’t it?


The anti-semitism on display is disgusting


If this were any other minority group the country would be up in arms but we allow tremendous amounts of hate towards Jews in the name of free speech. It’s a sad state of affairs.


I actually feel the opposite.  This is getting a lot of attention, politicians pulling money from universities, police and national guard being called up to stop the protests, arrests, and anti-protest media coverage.  It feels like the country is up in arms about this, and there are no kid gloves on.   Compare this to the anti-Asian hate crimes during the covid pandemic and there wasn't anywhere close to an equivalent amount of attention, crackdowns by police or political action. Also, if you recall the anti-police protests during BLM I feel like the response was similar to the response to these pro-palestinian protests at colleges.  So the closest parallel I can find is that US is showing the same tolerance for protests against Israel as they do for protests against police.


When were there massive university wide anti-asian protests across multiple universities?


Nah, they were getting murdered in subways... so actually scary.


Ah yes, as opposed to the Jewish students who have been assaulted and harassed. Not to mention Europe, where just the other day a woman was kidnapped, raped, and attempted to be sold into sex slavery by a man in France who proceeded to get no jail time in the name of “Free Palestine”.


"who proceeded to get no jail time" Thats just misleading. The case hasnt been heard yet.


You don’t think Asians were getting assaulted and harassed during COVID? That they weren’t getting [head stomped to death?](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/61-year-old-asian-man-head-stomped-brutal-nyc-attack-dies-8-months-lat-rcna11473). That [they weren’t pushed to their deaths onto subways?](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna12650). [that they weren’t specifically targeted by a mass shooter, and later was claimed to be just having a bad day by a police officer who himself made racist comments about Asians?](https://globalnews.ca/news/7704008/atlanta-spa-shootings-bad-day-racism/amp/) Whether you want to count in murders or assaults, or rapes, Asians have had considerably more crime done upon them with nowhere near the attention of other racial groups.


For the context: it was her boyfriend


Actually I saw that initially there was a negative response to Asian hate, but that was when white people were portrayed as the primary culprits. Once data surfaced that proportionately black Americans were the primary culprits the news halted reporting on it all together and #stopasianhate disappeared.


One thing about the anti Asian violence was that it was promulgated by another minority group. The people who supposedly care about such things didn’t really know what to do as it didn’t fit their narrative of all racial violence being from rednecks with MAGA hats. The Atlanta rub-&-tug shooter got close, as he was white, but ultimately he really didn’t meet any other criteria, as he was just a kook who was having trouble with a sex addiction instead of it being a political issue.


What anti-Asian hate crimes were committed during Covid? Genuinely want to know, I'm not American.


Here's a couple articles about it: https://www.npr.org/2021/03/10/975722882/the-rise-of-anti-asian-attacks-during-the-covid-19-pandemic https://www.npr.org/2021/08/12/1027236499/anti-asian-hate-crimes-assaults-pandemic-incidents-aapi


I mean, question who is running around cities punching people and pushing them into subway cars. Then you will have your answer as to why the news is quiet about it. Did you know there was a mass shooting in Memphis two days ago? One that was recorded and live streamed yet never seemed to make it to the news.


There have been plenty of minority groups that have had a tremendously amount of hate directed at them, even by the government openly. But I agree with your sentiment, shit is fucked when it happens.


These are the same people who called for trigger warnings before lectures or who want people ostracized for misgendering others. Don't get me wrong, people should be respected, but the hypocrisy shows.


These rich, entitled and (mostly) white protesters wouldn’t survive a day in Gaza (even before October 7th) or under Islam. Hell, they even have a “Queers for Palestine” group, which is just crazy to me.


Do they seriously have not a single clue they'll be stoned to death?


You can tell the protestors, like those Columbia ones especially, have never seen violence up close. They probably never will too, but if god forbid some of them did, they wouldn’t stand tall. They’re the embodiment of the privilege they claim to be against.


This needs to be upvoted more. Correct. These same people call words they don't like "violence" while openly asking for Jews to get brutally murdered. You can't make that up. If you wrote it in a book, your editor would mark it as "totally unbelievable, rework".


Here in England it blows my mind that anti semitism seems to be one of the only forms of tolerated racism. I assume because they take it on the chin and are less vocal about it. The police seem scared of offending the Muslim or black population and on the whole stay away with limited involvement large groups are allowed to gather. If your actually British you can't even be patriotic and celebrate public holidays without police breaking up large groups as being patriotic = racism in some people's eyes. It's a weird time to be alive....


The old paradox of tolerance…


"acksually, it's anti-Zionism instead of antisemitism. The good Jews go to the protests to be on the right side of history"


I wonder if it is actually hate for Jews. And not them just being so stupid that they could be manipulated into believing anything.


The insidious thing is that they are brainwashed by the faculty *and* TikTok simultaneously into anti-Semitism; it isn’t spontaneous or organic. TikTok is the primary tool that China/Russia/Iran use to brainwash American youths. But universities play their part too - the neoracist movement, characterized by mandatory DEI pledges and other forced commitments to the neoracist ideology, makes university professors the vanguard of the “oppressor colonist” narrative. And Qatar and Saudi Arabia spend tens of billions to ensure that their hand-picked Palestinian/Middle Eastern “scholars” get a place at the front of the classroom in Americas most elite universities. It’s no surprise that the students are parroting Hamas talking points on the quad after a seminar with Professor Mohammed XYZ. That’s why every Ivy League university has a few dozen Palestinian “poets” and professors in residence - other than rockets, Ivy League professors is Gazas number one export abroad.


The same questions we've been asking about MAGA for a decade. Apparently the far left was just waiting for their chance to look stupid 


Can’t deny that. The extremes make everyone look crazy. And then nothing gets fixed because everyone is just focused on the other side


Why is liking terrorist groups so in with the youth these days?


[Qatar spent the last few decades investing billions into US universities to influence what would be taught... the result is what you see today.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatari_involvement_in_higher_education_in_the_United_States#Influence)


And convincing leftists that Al Jazeera was Arabic NPR


It’s the fucking broken oppressor/oppresed paradigm they’ve been brainwashed into. They can’t see nuance or gray areas, perfect is the enemy of good, etc. they lack critical thinking and are brainwashed by foreign propaganda from TikTok (their only source of “news”) to do exactly this to destabilize western countries to further their own purposes. They’re useful young start eyed idiots who couldn’t think themselves out of a goddamn cardboard box.


Foreign bots spreading disinformation to cause further divisiveness in the US Covid making this current generation perpetually getting information online at face value or without further research into a topic. The polarizing alienating nature of the current left and right wing parties, and media in order to gain views or audience Getting out of a 20 year war that should never have happened Economy going down the drain despite just getting out of a recession.


>Covid making this current generation perpetually getting information online at face value or without further research into a topic. People were doing that long before COVID, and even most Redditors still do that to this day. Hence we have endless threads where users parrot the same lies and misinformation they have read/heard online with nothing to back it up. What makes Reddit particularly bad for it is that people will call you a troll/bot/shill/apologist/tankie/fascist etc. as soon as you have an opinion and information in opposition to other users.


American media shares a lot of the blame. Decades of being told that the underdogs are always the good guys who are victims of an evil empire or something of the sort.


They “edgy” Intersectionality One-dimensional view: oppressed vs oppressors, david vs goliath


Brain rot generation


Tiktok and marxist college professors


Colleges and unis tend to favor them for some reason.




> worrying about the very real threats that are facing their own nation An entire generation that believes radical Islamic Terrorists are “the good guys” are the threat to this nation…


What's sad to me is how poorly Israel has handled the war. This must have been how our allies felt watching the US squander global goodwill and sympathy after 9/11 by going into Iraq. These students are just an extreme outlier. Israel has completely bungled it's response by viewing all Palestinians as fair targets. They've eroded support around the Western world by acting with impunity. Their government was too far right and nationalistic to be given the reins over a war like this. And Biden warned Bidi directly not to make the same mistake. Yet here we are.






"What do we want?!" "More religious based laws against women and the LGBTQ+ community!" "When do we want it?!" "Before we lose interest and move on to the next thing!"


Anti Israeli protests. Protests worldwide began on the day of 7.10 massacre, they are driven by disguised antisemitism.


The headline is wrong should say proHamas terrorists.




These people fall into two categories 1. Children of Middle Eastern expats or they are from there. 2. Dumbass uneducated white kids who have no skin in the game but. Are drawn to crowds after being locked down during Covid










I think it’s pretty tough to make the call that most prop Palestinians Off on that propaganda Like most hot topics you hear from the loudest people the most, and the loudest people are normally the most upset and the most upset ones are probably the ones who bought that BS I empathize with the plight of Palestinians, I think there’s far too many people who claim to be prop Palestinian that are just giving terra past or secretly just hate Jews, but I don’t know if I can get behind claiming Palestinians are that deep in bs.


The issues are with Qatar not expelling Hamas leadership, Hamas, Hezbollah, and other similar groups. The Palestinian Authority is majority Hamas leadership as well. On top of that, Palestinians have gone through decades of propaganda from anti-Semitic education to being influenced by social media. If some of those things have been prevented and Palestinians were better educated, I believe the terrorism committed would be much less. The *type* of propaganda and education, not the concept of them but *type* of propaganda and education isn’t too dissimilar of what we see in other places such as Russia, the right in the US specifically with the changing landscape of education in places such as Texas and Florida, etc.


Iran is behind it


It's kind of impressive how many idiotic kids are out there


Have you spoken with any of them? I have. Absolutely clueless about history, warfare or even Israel and Gaza. They all spew back the same talking points which are right out of the jihadist playbook. What they are is gullible and very easily manipulated via social media…and it has turned into this disgusting rhetoric.


I think the leftists in America don’t recognize that they’re also shaped by misinformation I have a vision of some Iranians sitting in a troll farm running Facebook groups that are coordinating protests - and leftists in America are soaking it all up, all while acknowledging how Russia does this to the right.




At best, an official Palestinian state would devolve into a multi sided civil war with numerous radical groups vying for power. At worst, they become an Iranian terror state that exports terrorism against Israel and Europe. It is insane that Western governments are advocating for a Palestinian state lol. It wouldn’t take long before Israel or an Arab state invades and occupies them again.


The US lost its drone base in Niger, no way in hell is the US going to lose a foothold in the Middle East. Not with this many people brainwashed into killing other people cause some big thing in the sky tells them to do it.


Never in my life before have I protested. But I’ve never felt more empowered to get out there and start counter protesting this shit. It’s ridiculous and people need to know that it isn’t right.


This is a cancer that needs to be stopped


Expel them, deport them to gaza, all fine with me Zero tolerance for terrorists who support terrorism


Expel the little bastards.


Student at one of these schools. Were trying first to expel the sjp. Not sure how much that’ll slow them down but being able to say “this group was expeled bc they were antisemitic” is something


Why does this only happen in the USA?🤨


It's in many western countries. UK, Australia, New Zealand


Terrorism cannot be used as a form of protesting. This is how these students justify Hamas support. It really is sad to witness this.


I live near UT Austin and the kids are malding hard that the occupy protest was broken up there, but this is exactly what they knew was going to happen and they wanted to prevent violence, antisemitism, and a disruption of the campus which they knew was going to happen just like in Columbia


"Fuck the Jews" and "Israel shouldn't exist" is what "from the river to the sea" means, but Jew on going with accusing Israel of Genocide and refusing to refurn hostages to Israel and blame Israel for October 7th