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Still doesn't quite beat the pettiness of poop balloons.


Got another warning message on my phone for garbage balloons over the Seoul tonight. Seems like they are not done yet


That’s beautiful


I guess their toilets stopped working. Just imagine North Koreans filling up those bags with shit and then sending it over. That’s gotta be miserable at least.


It’s probably a Holocaust situation at this point where people are actively trying to get the jobs that deal with shit cause the “better” jobs are actually worse in reality


Your mistake here is to assume that anyone other than few elites there even have a toilet. Outhouse or just a pit is the most common way to relief there.


It’s the flaming poo bag all over again on a bigger and international scale


they never had a working toilet. stop overestimating them


That is barely different than normal where they are forced to collect their excrement and turn it over to the government for use in agriculture. I am surprised they have been using it this way since it is integral to their barely-above-subsistence agriculture industry,


South Koreans should analyze the garbage and publish conclusions about the living conditions in N Korea. N Korea hates the stories about refugees having worms and their accounts of having to eat tree bark etc.


These arent stories. There was a half starved defector years ago. They published pictures of what they pulled out of him. The North Koreans use untreated night soil (human shit) as fertilizer. This article has a picture from a presentation. "“In my 20 years as a surgeon, I have only seen something like this in a medical textbook,” Lee Cook-Jong, the man’s surgeon, told reporters on November 15. " https://edition.cnn.com/2017/11/22/health/north-korea-defector-parasites-health/index.html


Great value biological warfare


They could be bio/disease attack, no?


Certainly risk of death for citizens which surely is an act of war.




War should be avoided at all costs, but the protection of citizens is the main goal of government. If one nation continued to jeopardize the lives of another, it's clearly an act of war. If anyone thinks that's stupid, I suggest they are missing brain cells.


And all this time, NK was really just….Professor Chaos!!


Neunundneunzig Poopballons


The poop balloons really shows the cataclysmic difference between the two countries. South Korea: Vibrant metropolitan complexes, incredible culture and history on full display, tourists and immigrants bustling around, enjoying the best the peninsula has to offer them. North Korea: shit balloons


I dunno, if North Korea were a church I could see this being an activity that might be in scope for them


The jam attack is happening on a couple islands owned by SK closest to NK’s west shoreline. This is primarily in the ocean with most of the jamming being done on that island.


Yeonpyeong is the island




Wow. That really does roll off the tongue


It sounds like the jumbled words I come up with when I get mad and yell at myself. 


Sounds like something a cat would name.


So it's not even on any of SK's more important cities?


[here is what I look at](https://gpsjam.org)


The Chinese seem to be interfering with themselves near Beijing.


Why is there one red dot by Louisiana and Alabama? Also why does Beijing have so much jamming?


The red dot is a warship on the water and Beijing has a lot of interference from the government and other operations Edit: Just looked into Beijing and it’s because of the anniversary for the Tiananmen Square massacre.


That's not a warship, that's a range for the usaf just south of Pensacola, its a weapons testing area


Won't someone think of the poor fish??


Wow that is amazing. Did not realize how much this was happening around the world. Thanks for sharing!


If I got this right, Eastern Europe is jammed like crazy but there is no news about it


https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cne900k4wvjo https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7213538 https://thebarentsobserver.com/en/security/2024/02/russian-jamming-now-messing-gps-signals-norwegian-aviation-practically-every-day Russia’s being a dick as a usual.


Have they ever tried not being dicks?


Well, the first tsar of Russia was a guy named Ivan, who was nicknamed “the Terrible”. He was so terrible he murdered his own son after assaulting his pregnant daughter in law, who subsequently suffered a miscarriage. So I would say no, they haven’t really tried not being dicks.


And then it got worse.


Well, Peter the Great declared Russia an Empire in 1721. He had his eldest son tortured to death. So, yes, I would say things continued on the worse trajectory.


Even the guy the named "the great" was a dick


Weren’t they both the same dude?


I was referencing Peter


Ah, well then, carry on 🫡


Either that or pussy…


There’s dicks and pussies, but then there’s also assholes.


I hate the "why isn't this in the news!?" comments when it's been in the news for a long time, they just haven't paid attention. News agencies can't forcibly educate you. 


In fairness, there’s an avalanche of “news” out there. You can only consume so much of it. GPS jamming in Europe may not make headline news in the rest of the world, especially since Russia has been doing it for quite awhile.


Saying "I missed this in the news cycle" is radically different from saying "this hasn't been in the news." 


True, thank you


It's hit the news a few times over the last few weeks.


Russia has been harassing Europe by jamming for a quite a while now, it's not a new development.




Yes - Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Baltics


What’s going on just south of Alabama/Florida?


It’s hitting Seoul right now but only a small portion of it


If that's the best North Korea can do I'm not sure South Korea is intimidated by their abilities


NK isn’t its own entity alike to Russia not being its own entity. Maybe as a country and title, sure, but it’s a matter of how buddy buddy they are with super powers. China can easily help NK out with EM material but they probably wouldn’t for something this mild


China isn't going to shit in their backyard by letting North Korea start a war involving NATO powers right next door


russian teached them to do this?


I'm guessing North Korea makes for a great puppet for testing crazy shit since it's easier for them to get away with whatever they want


Looks like it. Someone shared a link to a gpsjam map, Eastern Europe looks super jammed at the moment


This is extremely simple to do. NK actually *exports* a much larger, more capable system to Syria.


Youtube can teach you how. This isn’t secret knowledge. It’s just illegal af


Not being an ass, just informative.  "Russia" "taught" them to do this.  For the idea, you are most likely right.  


so we know one thing NK got in return for the ammo they sent Russia xD


I guess we could thank the Russians for that, this is kind of passive aggressive b******* they would do and in fact have done.


This feels like a mistake to a point, if this is similar to how Russians do it, seems the US Military would be able to use those islands as low risk field testing to any systems they want to ensure won’t be jammed by the Russians if it ever came to it. Overusing your most effective tools just gives the other side more time to adapt.




Excalibur and glsdb have been largely neutralized by this type of jamming.


Good question and I don’t know that even the people that think they know the answer have the real answer. I would hope our military has solutions for that problem and that it’s a well kept secret what those solutions are. Frequencies are finite, especially for certain purposes like GPS, and jamming is pretty cheap and easy, just run a lot of noise across a lot of frequencies used for that purpose. Getting through that noise while keeping effective satellite communication is no small task, and I also have to imagine countries like Russia or China understand the difference between civilian and military GPS and try to account for both.




I always wonder about this, it doesn't make a lick of sense and takes longer to type that way, too.  "Censor," by the way, for next time. 




Are currently doing* Fixed that for you


Feels like he's just testing something out for Russia.


It's salami slicing. It's when you accomplish an intolerable objective by very slowly escalating in in a managed and controlled fashion. This works for highly predictable opponents since you can evaluate and reevaluate how far you can push every time without eliciting a strong response. The best counter to salami slicing is to be... unpredictable, but I don't think the West is up for that at the moment. For example Russia did this shit with Turkey a few years back; Turkey didn't do the usual NATO strategy of politely escorting the intruder out and instead shot Russia's jet down. Now Russia doesn't fuck with Turkey.


I adore this new term I’ve been seeing lately on Reddit - salami slicing. Really need to get people to understand how death by a thousand cuts is happening in real time right now but the ‘salami’ is long enough still people do not see the problem that we’re almost half way through the sausage right now.


Earlier this Spring, I was in Jordan near the border with Israel, and over several days our phones and the navigation systems of our driver’s cars variously told us we were either in Cairo or at the Beirut Airport. Apparently the IDF were jamming GPS at the time.


Well this happens deep inside israel too, and is very annoying but watcha gonna do when you get attacked by GPS guided stuff?🤷🏾 The NK situation is simply bullying, which is very different.


same thing happened to me in winter, but I was in Israel next to Jordan (not West Bank). it said I was in Beirut too wild times


I guess we now know what NK got from Russia for the ammunition transfer.


So like... are they trying to start a war? Because it feels like they're trying to convince someone to attack them...


I’ll bet money Russia gave them that equipment s d told them where to use it.


Sir, the radar. Sir, it appears to be.. jammed! Jammed? Raspberry... there is only one man who would dare give me the raspberry! Looone Star!


NK is definition of so hyper-paranoid of being invaded by neighbors just living their lives, that NK actively starts provoking hostilities. It's like a meth head who thinks he is acting in self-defense by threatening random passerby on transit.


With all the advancements in computer vision and AI it can't be that hard to implement automated terrain following and automated visual targeting as fall-backs for GPS and inertial tracking.


You can't jam a compass either. 


Z gonna z


Kim sure likes to fuck around for a useless country that can be taken over by a hundred stormtroopers


He has nukes so he's basically untouchable nowadays. Also more freedom of movement politically as both Russia and China want to keep him happy.


If it could have, it would have. 6,000 artillery positions pointed at millions of south Koreans... Oh and nukes... Oh and China...


NK is the fly that won't leave you alone but you could crush without thinking


But that fly has made a nice home on the ass of a tiger…you wanna swat the fly then you’ll have to risk spanking Xi, and that isn’t gonna go over well. There’s a cat fart in this analogy somewhere but I digress. China, flatulence, tigers. Look it up dude.


Great chance to test jamming resistant navigation methods/devices


South Korea should balloon over some guns. Let Kim Jung always wonder if someone in the crowd has a gun.


There's only one man who would dare give me the raspberry...


I wish they would attack a NATO country already.


I can swear that my GPS got jammed here in Canada yesterday. For about an hour or so, the darn thing would not move and had me get lost in the middle of freaking nowhere. It was soooooooo frustrating.


That was probably from the solar storm. NOAA said it might temporarily impact HF radio signals (GPS).


North Korea has those now!?




I wonder what has gotten up their butt this time around


A Russian finger


GPS jamming is so got right now.


They saw how well it worked with the houthis-disrupting ship traffic. Issue is they don’t hold any valuable navigable waters, beyond a few northern South Korean ports and some Chinese ones


If this screws up my golf gps, gonna be some issues


Low-band jamming LUL


To what end?


All the crap pile dictators seem to be rattling their swords right now.


This is going to get worse before it gets a lot better. Challenge accepted..


So if SOKOR got fed up from NOKOR’s antics and retaliated, “AllEyesOnTheNorth”??


do the same to them.




Can you explain? Reagan and Bush did what exactly and when? Are you confusing countries? I suspect also confusing Trump sending love letters to Kim with Biden here, too.