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Can’t think of a better way to stick it to Israel than to vandalise the Australian war memorial /s


In the 1910s my Palestinian (Jewish) grandmother fled Safed from a group of Arabs trying to murder, torture and rape her and her family. She made her escape through Egypt, eventually coming across Australian soldiers, who assisted in her and her family's migration to Australia. Thank God for Australia and its troops at the time.


My great grandfather was Palestinian Jewish as well and from Safed! He escaped to America in 1919-1920. Glad Australia provided a safe haven for your grandmother 💛


You sure? I’m consistently and repeatedly told that life for Jews under Islamic/Arab rule was always great and nothing bad ever happened.


Yes, just dont look up the jews in Yemen, or Iran...


I know you're joking but life under Muslim majority country is shit for anyone who isn't Muslim of the very specific faction of the majority. Not just for Jews. My family got kicked out of Lebanon by the Muslim invaders before Israel even existed. Christian minorities are being systematically persecuted TODAY in various Muslim countries but by far and large the vast majority of the victims of Salafi-Jihadi terror groups are.... Other Muslims. They terrorized whoever just happens to be close to them. Hamas and the dozen other Palestinian jihadist groups have a beef with Israel mostly because of logistics. They would be terrorizing whoever else were there instead if there were no Jewish State. Just like they already tried invading nearby countries, got invaded by nearby Arab countries and are constantly terrorizing their own population.


Heck, even today countries like Saudi Arabia don't allow non-Muslim worship temples (such as Christian churches) to be built, and some countries that allow them forbid them from displaying any religious symbol outside (e.g. a Christian church looks like a regular building from the outside). The Muslim world is still way too radical and intolerant of anything that isn't exactly like them. Even Muslims abroad often face problems when their Islamic customs don't completely fit the Islamic customs of their host country.


Doesn't seem wise to let so many Muslims, especially illegal ones who have no idea who they are into Europe, especially when going to same areas when they want to dominate the culture and change it. Those ppl protesting wanting a caliphate in Germany should be deported. Western countries are so tolerant to their own detriment.


Why do you think the right wing is getting increasingly popular? people are fed up


Imagine someone coming to your door asking for help. Their impoverished, coming from war and a brutal dictator. So you thinking the best of people invite them in. Instead of learning to blend in and go with the flow. They start critiquing your secular life style. Call your sister and mother whores, and then cat call them. They start telling you, things would be better if you started practicing their religion and embracing their superior culture. They start stealing your things and breaking stuff. When you start calling them out for their behavior and tell them to stop jamming their religion down your throat. They call you racist and xenophobic. But yeah if this happend to me, I wouldn't be very supportive of the government that allowed this to happen. If anything I'd be more than happy to vote for the folks calling for their expulsion. There are plenty of good refugees and migrants. But damn if there aren't a ton of migrants coming in stirring up trouble


I'm in the opinion we should stop tolerating any form of insular groups, of any kind.


I think it's also just a numbers game in the end. If you have 1000 muslim immigrants, of whom 100 are hardliners, on a population of 1000000 it's manageable. But once the ratio starts shifting, you get lots of different effects. Suddenly the percentages may still be low nation-wide, but very high in specific areas. Muslims who are not hardliners in these areas may be converted or coerced into more hardline beliefs. Hardliners will be emboldened by the changing demographics, believing that they are winning and feeling that they don't have to listen to anyone anymore.


Ppl act like the right wingers will control women and make them into breeding stock while locking up or killing or the lgbt. What do they think will happen when the islamists they keep defending eventually get to much power and become bigger and bigger % of population. If they want real rape culture and oppression of women etc they should look at the places these ppl come from and ask if it's really a good idea to keep advocating for them to their own detriment. More and more no go zones in places for native population in eurip. doubt all these male feminists and lgbt allies will come to the aid of women if assaults and stuff get worse.


They're both right-wing oppressors tho, just different flavors of religion. Maybe these groups fall back to religion because they have no stronger cultural identities that make them feel special? Like, they have no other hobbies, plus the greater doctrine of the group pulls them in further with "you must be a stronger, more faithful believer. Nothing else matters as much as y/our connection with this god." Kind of like NEETs (Not Employed, Educating, or Training), but **especially incels**. And **QAnons**. And **other cults.** **That's the crux of the matter - these are intolerant, insular, self-reinforcing cultures.**


Yup. My uncle had to flee Iran when the Ayatollah took over. 


I grew up in California and so many people have terrifying stories about their family's escape from Iran...


I also am from California, which is where he moved to later, although he initially fled to a European country.  He moved back to Iran after his father passed, but he, my aunt, and all my cousins hate the government. They have to pretend to be Muslim to avoid persecution. They all have European passports, so that's how they are able to visit without drawing further attention to themselves. 


Same with my family. Zoroastrian?


Yup. They are Persian, and don't identify as Iranian. 


Same. It’s funny, at our kids school multicultural night they asked if we wanted to represent Iran and we were like… no!


I'm genuinely asking but what's the the difference between Persian and Iranian?


My family are also jews that fled from iran, and also identifying as Persian and not iranian I'm not sure about the reason (someone will surly correct me if im wrong) but as I remember back then it was known as persia and not iran.( The islamic Republic of Iran)


It’s shit for everyone other than rich Muslim men.


And even then kind of depends on if you are a man or your family is in political favor at the moment. 


Life under many Islamic governments is shit for Muslims too, you know women, lgbtq, scholars, people who might be a different flavor of Islam, people who want due process, pro democracy folks, etc…


Are you trying to say a society governed by warlords isn't peaceful?


Nah. Dhimmi life is great. Don’t know what you’re talking about. Don’t forget that jizya tax payment though. Bad things happen when you do.


Nothing says safety like paying the ~~mob~~ state protection money


I’ve seen people defend that and say it’s not that bad and if you can’t pay it you’re fine and they don’t make old people pay. And the Muslim tax (Zakat) is way more than jizya and Dhimmis didn’t have to go fight. People defending this system make me sick.


Yup, I've had some liberal Muslim friends defend the jizya tax. But you know if Western countries were to enact such taxes based on religion, suddenly that's "oppression" and "racist"


Sat next to a woman on a plane, we got chatting, they're were offering drinks & O asked if she wanted one, & she said "no I'm Iraqi." Wars in full horror mode, I'm British & said "oh, I'm terribly sorry" to which she replied "oh, no I'm a Christian Iraqi" and all I wanted to do was tell her how sorry I was.


I mean…Quality of life is pancake even as a Muslim in a Muslim country. Can’t imagine not being.


They even feed them while taking them hostage and enslaving them, and sometimes even let them go to the market while wearing a mask and chain!


Don't forget the "Islamic Golden Age" which is when tons of already advanced societies like Egypt, parts of conquered Rome and Persia just kept being themselves and their accomplishments got labelled Islamic.


Don't worry, they will still try and tell you the Middle East lives under the Tyrannical rule of those pesky Israelis and their "desire to live without the fear or terrorism".


Yeah i mean just check out the countries where jews outnumber muslims these days. I cant believe they would do this /s


Don't forget about an evil Jewish minority displacing a benevolent Muslim majority.


Well that can’t possibly be true - Arabs always treated Jews great and only soured on them in 1948 when Jews stole their land. /s if that is even needed


Flu actually just saw an interview with the leader of the palestien authority (abbas) saying he willing left the region during the supposed “nakba” because they just assumed the Jews would do to them what they were doing to the Jews the whole time…


This sums up how pathetic slacktivism is for me. Just a bunch of people without hope trying to latch onto something that makes them feel like they matter with no desire to understand or learn anything.


The unfortunate thing is that here in Australia war memorials and our ANZAC commemoration are about how really, really bad war is, and remembering those who died in them to give other people around the world a better future. The major wars we've been in have almost always been us sending troops across the world, most notably both world wars, to help others in need.  To vandalize that is to just show your ignorance. War is the thing you protest, yet you deface the very memorials that acknowledge the morbidity and unfairness of war. 


Aus might have the US beat on natural defense and distance from any hostile power, aside from the emus


They are doing a good job pissing ppl off and making them less likely to help their cause . A lot of them are just the usual nutters always needing something to fight cos they have no purpose in their life's. Should fight for something that will actually benefit them and their country


My read is that a large portion are those who can only conceptualise the world as victim/victimiser. And / or Those who hate western values


It's a free for all to hate on the west. Palestine just being used as an excuse. Signs of the times and what to expect in the future


Democrats need to do a better job of calling out the tankies.


And alienate potential blue voters? Yeah about as likely as Trump calling out white supremacists.


If you think Tankies were gonna vote to begin with I got a bridge to sell you 


It's sad because it's true.


How about pro ~~Hamas~~ Palestinians [shutting down Pride parades?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OD0GnLtRofM) That's right in line with the values they seek to protect, such as throwing people off of roofs.




According to the UN is Israel’s fault that the Arabs beat their wives


Ugh… never read the comments of a YouTube news video… I need a shower now.


Where are all the people who were talking about the righteous spirit of antifascism a few years ago, comparing storming the beaches at Normandy to attacking right-wingers, American police, and journalists? Surely the antifascists won't stand for their legacy to be defaced, right? Right?


As an American I’m not standing for it in (my region of) the US, but it’s a bit hard for me to make a difference in Australia.


Ah but see John Monash was Jewish so it's totally OK now /s


Well, for those whose pro-palestinian bias is animated by a hatred for western values....


The saddest thing is that these imbeciles truly believe they’re doing something significant.


What they truly believe is that they're special, because they're narcissistic shitheels.


No they don't. Stupid people such as this only use these social virtue signaling opportunities to justify their own selfish desire to act maliciously. They thrive on the thrill, on the thought that what they are doing is somehow beneficial for them, yet it always has to deface/demean someone elses. These are bullies. These are sociopaths. These are tyrants. Putrid people.


Yep. Them and the "climate action" assholes. Throwing soup at the Mona Lisa and gluing your hands to the road is going to stop "climate change" and "big oil" for sure..... not.


Yeah… those climate activist almost make me think they are working for big oil/ gas to make true climate activists (that aren’t crazy) look insane. But then you see how stupid people are and you just sigh; realizing these people really think they are doing something positive for the cause.


The "just stop oil" protest group is explicitly this; paid for by big oil to make protestors look insane.


Honestly if big oil hired those clowns it would be genius because stuff like that is fuel for the anti climate change crowd. 


"Just stop oil" the main group you see doing this crazy shit, is paid for by a ton of special interests, including the main heir for BP iirc. But she is "pro climate change reform" ofc


This is true, but they wouldn't actually get a good start at this if this kind of asshole didn't already exist. This type of person will shove themselves in to any issue, money or no.


Exactly this


Oh, it’s significant. It’s just not the significance they think it is. They’ve become useful idiots. Seems to be the only use for the fringe on either side.




-Unsuccessfully- get laid FTFY


I would like to think for the most part; young, impressionable and naive. I was the same with Michael Moore movies and other activist causes. I can't imagine dealing with non-stop video propaganda.


I’m really concerned about the long term consequences of an entire generation having their brains warped by social media…


It's terrible. Having all that acess at a very young age. Kids getting smart phones isn't good at all. Bad for development This is the first time we have young ppl having mass access to anything on the internet, and they will suffer for it. Social media is long over due for regulation. Allowing them to profit by anymeans regardless to damage to society needs to stop. They have to much power with all this algorithm bs to manipulate ppl. https://youtu.be/GLD6chdFjA0?feature=shared Interesting video on smartphones effecting us.


Reminds me of the pro-Palestinian protestors burning US flags on the WWI memorial and the TikTok trend of moron Gen Z saying that Bin Laden’s letter to America was “right”


I had a very openly gay coworker tell me, with a straight face, that Bin Laden did make a really good point with his letter... Talk about cherry-picking.


How did people fall for this? When Osama called America corrupt, he wasn't talking about the wealth gap or universal health care. He was talking about imposing Sharia Law in the United States.


They support Osama for the same reason they support Hamas. They think that just because these groups are the underdog then they must be right and ignore every piece of evidence to the contrary.


Queers for Palestine inbound... How brain dead some people are when it comes to the world is quite amazing.


The [Chronicle of Higher Education](https://www.chronicle.com/article/how-queer-theory-turned-its-back-on-gay-men) ran this essay not long ago about how queer theory in academia has become so abstracted that people are no-shit arguing Bin Laden was a symbol of queer resistance and an actual gay man aboard one of the 9/11 flights was an avatar of oppressive heteronormativity. EDIT: pasted relevant passage here in case paywall. >One can witness the perverse consequences in the Rutgers professor Jasbir K. Puar’s concept of “homonationalism,” in which gays and lesbians co-opted by “normative” state policies are no longer even considered “queer.” Her analysis designates “masculine” and “white” gays as sinister agents, oppressors of her metaphorical “queers” — who themselves are defined however she wants them to be at any given time. In Terrorist Assemblages (2007), for example, Puar interprets Osama bin Laden as a “queer” figure, represented as a racialized “fag” or a “feminized” and “pedophilic” threat to the American nation. She finds particularly problematic that the gay rugby player Mark Bingham, a passenger on United Flight 93 on September 11, 2001, was depicted in a “homonationalist” framework in which he was both an “American” and a “patriot.” That Bingham was a homosexual and bin Laden was not has no relevance to Puar’s analysis. Such a binarization of gay men against metaphorical “queers” invites anyone who would identify as “queer” to disparage gay men and their hard-won access to social and political power, which made them less “marginalized.”


Unreal. The revolution has eaten its young and is now regurgitating them.




It almost feels like people like Puar are just homophobes trying to sabotage the LGBTQ movement from within.


I am sure he has some Anti-gay letters out there, maybe read those to this guy.


That was part of the letter to America. Something about moral decay because we tolerate homosexuality and other things.


So basically the left will agree with anything as long as it says America bad somewhere. I mean how the hell can a gay person say they agree with a letter condemning the US because we allow homosexuality. Jeebus, we might be lost as a country I guess.


Within a ten min span I had a trans woman tell me how JK Rowling is worse than Bin Laden, yet has never read one of her books and couldn’t even articulate why she hated her so much, she just knows that she’s “supposed to.”


Just shows how strong the islamist influences are within the movement. I don't mean to say everyone who sympathises with Palestine are islamist, but the movement is being played like a fiddle by islamist. They are being force fed propaganda and hate like geese!!


Imagine being so far left that you take orders from far right terrorists.


Horseshoe theory, once again… They get so mad whenever it’s mentioned.


Still mainly center-left, but I feel like I've drifted more and more towards center over the past couple of years, because both ends of the political spectrum repulse me. Sometimes I read their rhetoric and it's basically similar pearl clutching and virtue signaling, but with a different coat of paint.


Congrats, you (like me) will now be labeled as an EnLiGhTeNeD CeNtRiSt.


"There is only one solution, Intifada revolution". If the people chanting that knew what that means, I hope to God that they would stop. I saw protestors in my area chanting it while retreating from a building they were trying to take over after the police turned up, which does give me hope that they don't fully understand what they were saying, but that still isn't exactly great.


When they’re claiming the only solution is suicide bombings to kill Jews wherever they are, believe them. Words have meaning. 


You’re absolutely right. The problem is that it’s not likely that the people that are “in it” will see it as we do from the outside.


The movement is largely being funded by wealthy Islamist sources, so it's no surprise


I don’t think it’s “Islamist influence” rather it’s just a general dissatisfaction among younger people, and a tendency to latch onto anything vaguely anti-American or countercultural. Especially in an era of shock journalism and clickbait farming.


A big part of it is Islamist influence. There are two main groups organising the college protests and other ones. One group is called Students for Justice in Palestine. They are under federal investigation because it appears that they are funded by Hamas. The other group, I forget it’s name, is literally led by a “former” Islamic extremist.


SJP are amazing at making Jewish college students feel unwelcome at school. When I was in college at a big10 university they vandalized several Jewish student org. buildings.


Well yeah it's just another way to attack the west and use isreal as an excuse. It's doing a great job and sowing more division in society.


The spirit of Rachel Corrie lives on. Her 2003 death was held up by anti-Israelis as an example of how the country would murder a peace activist in order to make sure there was no delay in demolishing the homes of innocent Palestinians in Rafah as a form of collective punishment. But that was propaganda. People soon found photos of her burning an American flag. The homes were demolished to fight the type of smuggling tunnels that were the key to the 2023 attack as well as prior ones. And an Israeli court found that she was run over by a bulldozer because she was standing in its blind spot. The whole world being outraged at Israel for steps taken to merely survive was already a thing back when most of Gen Z was still in diapers.


They also LOVE to cite the USS Liberty as evidence Israel hates America and is using us. If they only knew just how common friendly fire actually was in basically every war.


[Well I’ll be damned](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Corrie) > while other residents were concerned that the activists might be spies. To overcome this suspicion Corrie learned a few words of Arabic and participated in a mock trial denouncing the "crimes of the Bush Administration". While the ISM members were eventually provided with food and housing, a letter was circulated in Rafah that cast suspicion on them. "Who are they? Why are they here? Who asked them to come here?" On the morning of Corrie's death they planned to counteract the letter's effects. According to one of them, "We all had a feeling that our role was too passive. We talked about how to engage the Israeli military." > While in Gaza, Corrie took part in a demonstration as part of the February 15, 2003 anti-war protest against the invasion of Iraq. She was photographed burning a makeshift U.S. flag.


Feels like there really needs to be more effort put into educating people about propaganda techniques. Most good propaganda _does_ make good points, identifying real problems. But it then goes on to fundamentally misattribute blame, or push for courses of action unrelated to the root of the problem.


Just another "pro/anti-whatever" vandal, destroying something unrelated to their "cause" what a surprise. Smh.


That is what happens when people don't respect the place they are in. If they come to your country and don't respect your history don't be surprised when they deface it


Do we even know that this was an immigrant? My first guess was "white college student".


Plenty on people who are born in a country dont respect it. Just look at everyone who litters.


No need for immigrants to be singled out and blamed. There are plenty locals that are dumb enough to do this too.


Fk wits gonna fk wit


Way to turn everyone moderate against your cause


In their world, "everyone moderate" are pathetic and useless. They do not acknowledge that being 'moderate' or 'decent' are human qualities worth pursuing. It's culture.


'I want to fight almost everyone' is a very stupid, counterproductive ideal.


Scorpion, frog, etc.


For the individual, yes.  For progress, yes.  For keeping power over the people no matter how shitty life is, very ideal. Just divert their anger across the border. Where all problems come from.


Across the border? You mean against anyone that isn't Muslim right?


Against anyone that isn't the *RIGHT TYPE* of Muslim. Yeah. But Russia is doing the exact same thing without nailing it all to a religion, and why I used borders as the threshold.


This. They hate moderates


They’re angry immature idiots doing great harm to their cause


# Cutting off their nose to spite their face


Meanwhile the biggest impact they can make is vandalizing something. Talk about pathetic and useless.


The only worse thing you could do is break into university buildings and shut down all kinds of services that people need. Imagine if that had been happening for the past several days in various universities across the globe...


Sometimes I wonder if, years from now, some of them will look back on these years and question, "What in the hell was I thinking?!"


Yea, maybe when they are older and the effects of all their anti their own countries start to really effect them for the worse


Dipshits making it real hard for people to legitimately advocate for Palestinian civilians.


It will be tolerated, though.


Yeah, funny how that keeps happening across the Anglosphere. And the Deutsch speaking world.


You can only stretch an elastic band so far before it snaps. The far right are on the rise across Europe, and it will all end in tears.


I'm honestly no fan of the far right, lot of nutjobs and Putin bootlickers on that side, but I'm also tired of this placidity from left-learning governments when it comes to stuff like this. If the far right hopes to take power in more countries then they have to learn to work with those who lean left generally, but have rightest opinions on some topics like immigration.


The term far right gets used way to much tbh. The pro russian ppl are annoying. Just because russia does one thing u like doesn't mean its better to live. Almost none of the pro russians actually want to go there. The left aren't helping. They are actively allowing destruction, riots, mass immigration from a culture that wants to erase ours. Hostile towards men and the west. They wonder why so many young men are going to the right. They don't even care about how to get them back just don't want them vote other side. I'm not a fan of all the right wing stuff but left has gotten so carried away at least if the right got power for awhile while some will be upset it's probably the only chance some countries have to not get taken over and and have their countries destroyed.


The PM's electorate does have a relatively high % Muslim population


No it doesn't lol. Grayndler: 50.3% No religion 20.6% Catholic 6.0% Anglican 5.5% Not stated 3.9% Eastern Orthodox Islam isn't listed, as it doesn't make the top responses. Source: https://www.abs.gov.au/census/find-census-data/quickstats/2021/CED117


The reason we don’t see the same amount of protests against Russia for invading Ukraine is because it’s less about being for Palestine and more about being against the West.


Sudan? Ethiopia? Yemen? Syria? Crickets


Assad wiped out hundreds of thousands of his own people including thousands of Palestinians and many in the same crowd are either neutral on him or enthusiastically support him.  


Don't forget Xinjiang, which actually circulated for a little bit before being forgotten about.


Easy for China to make that go away when they control a major social media platform...


Fuck most people don't even know what Indonesia gets up to in west Papua. The world only truly cares when it's white man's violence against a brown populace. Most don't even know far more people died in the folly of the invasion of Afghanistan, but that's just American exceptionalism at work.


They care because they are being fed propaganda by the ton. If it was only because of a stronger nation vs a weaker one and even if it was just because of the Muslim part they would have been screaming while China was making concentration camps for their muslim population and its still happening. Its either they really hate jews or they are influenced heavily by propaganda.


I think they are heavily influenced by propaganda which in turn made them hate Jews. I used to open TikTok and be inundated by misinformation about Jewish history and propaganda videos said to be in Gaza but were really from Syria. I knew this was misinformation and propaganda, but for a younger person who knows nothing about this topic, they believed it.


There’s another reason


It's primary reason. These radicals are fueled by social media. Which are heavily influenced by Russia and China. They don't care about what they protest as long as it is "anti-West". They don't care not only about Ukraine, but other massacres and wars around the world. If West cannot be blamed easily.


The irony as well is that The West is one of the few places in the world where you can protest against the government without being stomped or disappeared by government goons. That's an important right and there's definitely a lot of shady shit that Western governments do that should be protested. But once you adopt a mentality of "everything my country does is evil and, therefore, their geopolitical rivals are good, always," you have completely lost the plot.


>everything my country does is evil and, therefore, their geopolitical rivals are good, always," you have completely lost the plot. That is so true. They hate the west and the countries that hate the west also aren't allies just another enemy.


And they'll forgive every crime by their supposed allies, or dismiss it as "propaganda." So many of them feel this shame about being white, like that implicates you in the crimes of the past, so to rectify that they should get behind any movement that is against The West. A lot of bad shit happened in history. That's a given. But to hold that over people today doesn't do any good. It just perpetuates more hate. So many of these kids are lost, they just want a place to belong and are latching on to whatever they see.


They just Hate the west and think it's the devil. They do this in other places they will be shutdown fast. Don't realize how good they have . Ppl with no real purpose in life. A lot of these ppl ignore conflicts in Africa cos Africans killing Africans or the Muslim ones killing non Muslims so they struggle because black lives matter, unless it's other black ppl killing them.


Is it something to do with the religious/ethnic makeup of the population in Ukraine vs Israel?


Are you insinuating that people who support a cause that’s #1 goal is to wipe out Jews… …don’t like Jewish people?!? No. No. That’s just…that’s crazy talk.


Because protests against the Russian invasion are civilized.


They are too lazy to open wikipedia and read about history. Instead, they learned history from a biased 15 second clip on Tik Tok.


“Hur durr, but have u read osama bin ladin’s letter to america??? i saw it on tiktok and he had very valid reasoning for what he did” 


Bingo 🎯


I saw some painting of a dude being defaced on a Palestinian sub but everyone cheered him on. But they will say that some jew did this and blamed it on them.


An embarrassment to Australia 🫣🤦‍♂️


The imperviousness and unwarranted self-righteousness that these fools act with is incredible. Your movement is not based in justice. It's based in self serving politics and is being fueled by illiberalism and prejudice.


Obnoxious people.


They are not making it easy to sympathize with their cause


Just shows the attitude of Palestinians and their general disrespect and hatred. 


We know exactly the demographic that broke in and exactly what they defaced a war shrine with before even reading the article


Something we can't acknowledge or talk about, cause clearly our own eyes and minds decive us!!


Can we like, take him from a music festival and use his photo to win an international photography award?


Curiously, vandalism is never punished.


I think if they do manage to catch whoever did it they'll have the book thrown at them. No one will stand for defacing anything war memorial / ANZAC related here. A group of guys in Sydney were previously charged for sitting on a war memorial statue. https://www.9news.com.au/national/sydney-wwi-cenotaph-vandals-caught-on-cctv-police-slam-act-of-stupidity/f5a3ce38-454c-4929-9a2d-06472b237bfe


Well, never punished when it aligns with the political goals of those in power. If it doesn't they hit them with the full force of the law.




Defaced with pro-Hamas graffiti. There fixed it.


I have a lot of family that's served in the US military (most recently my brother who is a Green Beret) and they've had nothing but good things to say about the Aussie soldiers they deployed with (my grandpa loved working with them in Korea and my brother trusted them to hell & back in Iraq & Afghanistan). Disrespectful to say the least


This movement is speedrunning getting everyone in every nation of every walk of life to oppose them.


For sure the shit happening in Gaza is fucked up. I just don’t understand why no one is expressing the same outrage about what is happening in Ukraine. This is not me taking sides in the in the Palestine/Israel feud, which has been going on for decades. I’m just disappointed that so many “righteous” people completely disregard what is happening to the Ukrainian people .


The folks who are gravitating towards the pro Palestinian cause since oct 7 are sick


These idiots oppose nationalism within their own country but they don’t seem to realize that they’re participating in another country’s nationalism. Also, it’s telling that no one is really addressing why this movement absolutely must be so destructive.


This movement isn't doing anything to help the situation in Gaza. Just another group given free reign to help divide ppl as they hate their own countries.


Pro Palestine always seems to be anti whatever country they’re in


Of course it will be tolerated. Pali fucks are never brought to heel.


I'm pretty sure life is shitty for anyone living under a Muslim majority country, at least as far as human rights go. It's just that it's even worse for non Muslims.


These people really do not have respect for anything do they...


Arrest anyone involved.


Fucking hell. That really pisses me off. I guess that’s what they were hoping for. But now I just can’t tolerate them.




Pro-palestine people are freaking weird.


How can you stop it? Young people have no interest nor do they care about the cultural past of the patriarchy, especially because they hate the colonialist certainties of these symbols of, as they see them, the oppression of minorities. They do not believe that Hamas is essentially a terrorist organisation who have supported the enslavement of half their own population and seek the death of every Israeli and who would give all their erstwhile western supporters - especially those espousing sexual liberation - a violent shock should it ever gain power over them.


Just buy them a ticket to Egypt and let the authorities there know that he wants to free Palestine. I’m sure one of the brotherhood would let him use the tunnels.


The authorities in Egypt might literally kill you lol. They mass executed the Muslim Brotherhood when the military took the country back from the democratically elected, pro-Hamas leader.


It's like most western leftists, while acting in good intentions, are colossal dipshits who will sow the seeds of their and their neighbors own demise.


Yip, they advocate for their own demise. Sadly they will bring us down with them. We'll more the next generation but the next few decades won't be good. If they want to know what real oppression and control of women is and attacks against lgbt that they support they should look at all these Islamic countries they want to welcome ppl from.


absolute imbeciles. I'm sure hamas loves it though. this is awful for palestinian people


Not the place for that graffiti.


Ah yes, that will surely get people to your side. That and stopping normal people from getting to work are sure fire methods!


FFS. These pricks need to go back to history class.


The Police will relentlessly track down perpetrator, and when caught deliver him the severest of tongue lashings!


Australian here. I'm not sure what these people think they achieved. This does nothing to make people want to help them. In fact, was it Palestinians? We take war remembrance very seriously. If they live here, I struggle to imagine how they thought this might help. Surely, they're not that stupid?


God, more than half the world is still speaking for them, why do they have to give into the instinct that they need to vandalise public places to convince more people? People would literally get annoyed.


Fk these pricks - name and shame and deport


numerous serious jellyfish gaping subtract crush thumb chief bewildered sheet


letting them into Australia was a mistake.




This is how you turn normal people into xenophobes


At what point do people realize that this isn't about Palestine at all?


Russo-Iranian outrage merchants doing what they know to draw out outrage.