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The dude was promoted on RT back in the day, he's been infected by the Putin virus his whole career.


He's a Russian agent. Brexit was the achievement Russia wanted bad.


This is a lesson for the future. Any time any policy is proposed for a vote, people should ask themselves: what do Russia, China and Iran get out of it? If nothing, then it may actually be in the national interest. If it does benefit our enemies in any way, treat it with the utmost suspicion.




>Conveniently "forgetting" that Ukraine is our neighbor not Russia. They didn't forget, they just want Russia to conquer the whole country so it then *is* your neighbour.


They could at least pretend they don't want liberum veto 2.0 (as is, the thing that allowed Russia and Prussia to cripple Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and led to the partitions).


And yet Meta has no way to get on top of misinformation 🤦


> public veto, only 250,000 signatures (0.5% of the population) and any passed law can be voided 500,000 signatures (1% of population) and can propose any changes to the constitution Sounds like someone there checked how many folks have emigrated from A to B.


Brexit actually completely backfired on Russia. There were some brief copycat parties in EU countries, but for the most part, the combination of Brexit and Russias mainland Ukraine invasion seems to have only unified the EU further.


What a world we live in, to have to consider our own government might legislate against us


The good old “Qui Bono”.


It's a tricky one though - anything that changes the status quo is supported by Russia. They will fund both sides of an argument to platform the worst most extreme ideas.


I'm not sure if I'm interpretating your comment correctly, but please stop thinking rhat being a "centrist" somehow equates to being objective. There is absolutely no indication that Russia is supporting things like: - Elimination of systematic racism - Reduced dependence on fossil fuels - Reduction of income and wealth inequality - A strong and unified EU These can all considered to be part of "one side of an argument", and will all lead to a weaker position for Putin. So again, stop thinking like a centrist, and instead try to find out what you actually think is right or wrong. Centrism only plays in the hand of characters like Putin.


Russia is absolutely putting out tons of social media propaganda in favor of eliminating systemic racism, as well as tons of propaganda against it. Likewise for wealth inequality, honestly. Anything that promotes internal division of Russia's geopolitical enemies. On fossil fuels and the EU, I agree their propaganda is likely more one-sided.


>tons of social media propaganda in favor of eliminating systemic racism No, they point it out to get the victims angry, but are not interested in a solution, only to promote discord.


Russia funds any group they think will cause dissent. Their only objective is to sow political and social turmoil.


The tentacles of the Kremlin have no boundaries


Remove the head and the tentacles die too.


That has been tried before and it didn't get rid of the tentacles. The fall of the USSR did not get rid of the disinformation machine the USSR created around the world. What people need to realize about Russia is that it doesn't just have multiple tentacles. It also has multiple heads. We need to deal with both the heads and the tentacles.


*Hail Hydra*


But it’s squirting black ink all over the place 


I say we kick em *right* in the tentacles!


I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going...


Up someone’s ass probably?






But he has the ability to get other idiots to vote for him, which is why he is a threat.


Depends on how you look at it. He never gets enough people to gain power. He only ever gets enough votes to take votes away from the Tories, who then move ever to the right to stop the leaking boat. It was BJ that got Brexit over the line.


He's not. He's more dangerous than that because he does actually have a brain in there. I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire, but 'stupid' he is not.


It was depressing watching him in the recent 7-way debate on the BBC. His political stance is predictably vile, but he is a consummate public speaker in his own way, and he speaks sense in the minds of a disturbingly large percentage of the British populace. He is palatable in a way that Nick Griffin and the BNP never were. It is not wise to underestimate him.


Yes, unfortunately he has charisma. To people who vote with their gut rather than their head he's more appealing than Rishi who come across like a sulky schoolboy.


I hate that the BBC has to platform him and his party now, but they're the ones who helped make him famous to start with


You got that right


Make me wonder what it's in the dossier the security services very obviously has on him.


Farage isn't just infected, he's a super spreader.


One day I'm convinced we will learn of just how deeply he was connected to Russia from before his Brexit interference, the only question for me is how much more damage he causes beforehand.


If you haven't seen it already there is a photo of him from 2013 with the Russian ambassador in London looking very cosy. A couple of years later he claimed to have never met the man... Says everything you need to know about this charlatan.


>A couple of years later he claimed to have never met the man Didn't he have selective amnesia about it this week? In the same interview, he blames the EU and NATO for the war.


Just like Trump. A Putinist.


Got a link? 


Apologies for it being the Express, although somehow with the story being about the right wing, maybe that adds credibility? It does have the photo with the ambassador on it. The article covers a whole list of European right wing groups that Russia have links with and was helping to promote in 2014. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/479532/Nigel-Farage-is-another-of-Moscow-s-darlings-as-Putin-backs-Right


This is a really weird article to be reading on the Express, given how rabidly anti-EU they were during the Brexit debate just a few years after this was written.


You could've found(they did some cleaning now) many many old anti-narrative articles on RT's site too, its just that watchers wouldn't check nor likely care. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Thanks man


Let Me Google That For You: nigel farage russia ambassador Then click "images" Damn I'm tired of people here just dropping "Source?" or "Link?" because they're either bad actors or just too lazy/stupid to do a simple google search.


I’m drunk lol. Not a bad actor just being lazy! Dont hate bro!


Sorry for the hate, I'm a bit tipsy myself :) But srsly, a simple google search gives you pages of what you wanted to see


Google will often show a fuckload of unrelated articles and images to a search like that. Sometimes the content promoted is false or outright propaganda. If users are going to make a claim, they need to be prepared to share evidence of it. Not just say "do your own research" like some antivax nutjob.


And you also having people like fucking BoJo attempting to drown stories. Remember the NHS bus or such ? BoJo tried to bring up buses during interviews just to dillute the information found when googling "BoJo bus".


Sometimes I *really* wish that organizations around the world, dedicated to catching corruption, treason, etc., would for once **ACTUALLY DO THEIR FUCKING JOB**.


What? More Russian interference.


Some of the people who support Trump, Farage, etc... are just too far gone. You could show them a live feed of Farage fucking a pig on their own mother's bed , they'd still insist they want to vote for Farage to protect "British values" and "stop Corbyn from installing turbo-LGBT communism in the UK" or some other nonsense.


The Typhoid Mary of Putinism in UK


He probably stayed at a Putin or Trump hotel. That’s how they get’em. Bring them in, wine and dine, then take them to the Epstein after party and get the vids. After that it’s all cake. Your life is destroyed or you comply.


I’d rather be humiliated and put in jail than take my whole country down with me.


Yeah, that’s the problem, you have morals. They…not an ounce.


I dont think Farage would need that much. Just offer him money, thats enough, not like he actually has any beliefs or principles beyond "Fuck you I want more'


pfffft you're telling me that the guy who called for brexit could actually be an agent for russia? But brexit has gone so well! /s


He's super spreadin' those cheeks for Putin.


People like him should not be in politics the man clearly has ties with Russia


He wouldn't be if he didn't get wall to wall coverage. Every major media outlet is complicit by constantly providing him with megaphones so they can get their shock jock ratings.


Spreading Russian VD.


He’s got some balls even showing his face after how well Brexit has gone. Complete Russian puppet


What’s crazy is Reform has surged since he’s become leader.


Reform was founded by Farage, it changed its name from the brexit party during Covid. People keep forgetting that entirely.


He has the same fanatics believing in him that Trump does in the States. He speaks enough of what sounds like common sense to cover up the ineptitude and extreme prejudice and nepotism behind his facade.


Exactly. Even if we all agreed the country needed some sweeping reform, we wouldnt choose the person with a demonstrably awful track record on policy choices


... wouldn't we? You've been living in a very different universe to me for the last 10 years...


That's cute thinking us normals even have a choice anymore


Brexit has only gone badly according to him because he wasn't in charge of it -\_- Or some other shit. Any argument about why it's been shit is always met "well we didn't do a proper brexit" or some other utter bollocks. To say it boils my piss is to put it mildly.


> Brexit has only gone badly according to him because he wasn't in charge of it His reasoning falls apart when during negotiations and confidence in brexit was falling he was still pushing the whole "Brexit means Brexit" and saying it needs to happen no matter what. It's easy to say "we would have got a better deal" when you're not making the deal. Like does he think the EU as a whole was making a deal that effects 100s of millions based off of bants or something? He would've asked for his ideal deal, just like Conservatives did, the EU would say nope, and then what? Anything they give us we'd have to give them something in return, so what would he give up for each part of the deal he wanted? He's a moron who is just all talk because he never has had to and probably never will be in charge of doing anything.


TBH had he been in charge it would have been a clusterfuck, I feel he secretly NEVER wants to be in a position of power because then he will be asked "okay now do the thing" and have to actually perform. Far easier to cry and get interviews and declare "if only i was in charge". I do mildly despise the man (polite phrasing) for his endless division of people in this country. Would love it if he lost his attempt at a safe seat too.


Brexit was always about weakening the west. It was a great victory for Russia. This guy is a straight up traitor


Back in the day we used to execute traitors. Now they run around betraying their people freely and openly. Bring back capital punishment for treason.


I'm an American and I could see it


It’s wild. They always say Americans are dumb and then they willingly voted themselves out of the world’s second strongest economy lol.


Well it’s not like the worlds strongest economy hasn’t shot itself in the foot in the voting booth before either


minor victory lol, it didn't cause the massive exodus from the EU that they expected.


Eh. More like a shortsighted "victory". Everyone knows how idiotic Brexit was and that's a big deal in terms of quelling any serious anti-EU movements from other member states.


This is the big one. In Sweden our populist alt right party used to say Sweden should leave the EU, this got dropped from the party platform years ago as it became clear how fucked brexit is. No sane or mainstream party will ever seriously consider leaving the EU again, though some will still oppose it from the inside.


> No sane or mainstream party will ever seriously consider leaving the EU again, though some will still oppose it from the inside. This is exactly right and what is likely to happen, if the far right in France and/or Germany get into real power.


Another of their agents is on the verge of office in France...


"I saw it [the invasion of Ukraine] coming a decade ago". Nigel, a decade ago Russia was actively in the process of annexing Ukrainian territory. You didn't see it coming, you saw it happening. This isn't the 'foresight' you think it is.


Right? "I predict that this war-torn zone may one day see a war" wow, that's a shit hot prediction you made there, Nostradamus.


Infected by Putinism = Trade any and all values or morals for $$$.


Nigel ( and his followers) is mostly infected by stupidity


Yeah, and it’s dangerous. Once they have a decent slice of the electorate the corporate cash starts flowing in.


I don't get why farage adopts a pro-putin stance. Please someone from UK explain it to me without resorting to the "he is dumb" rethoric. Are his potential voters really pro-putin? I don't think so...


Nigel subscribes to the any publicity is good publicity, he’s trying to get every hateful prick on his side. Starts with racists, moves onto homophobes etc. every fringe belief is an easy vote. A racist won’t agree with Russia, but they’ll look past his pro Russian ties because he thinks like they do, and a pro Russia idiot might not be racist, but they’ll vote for him cause he likes Russia


from a political point of view it does not make sense. Anti putin sentiment in uk is very strong, he is not winning supporters with those views.


He can still pretend he’s anti Putin while trying to win over the anti west crowd. A lot of them don’t know that the war started over a decade ago so his idiotic comments will resonate with the folks who blame western imperialism for every problem in the world. A lot of people want to believe there is one bad thing causing all of the problems in the world so they can believe if they just fix that one thing everything will be good. He’s playing into that. 


He's very, very clever at just toeing the line and leaving enough room for deniability (not always plausible!). Take this occasion for instance, full of double speak; he's not condoning Putin but he is blaming the west. It appeals to those that do (for whatever stupid reason) support Russia but at the same time gives all those that support him for other hateful reasons but not this one, just enough room to manoeuvre and tell themselves that he's being misrepresented in the media and isn't really a Putin apologist.


There's a good reason he's trying (for the 8th time) to be elected to parliament in the rightiest-wingiest constituency.


sadly it looks like he might be 8th time lucky.


There's a few factors here: No. 1 is contrarianism. When it looks like everyone is going one way, some people just want to be the opposite. This also comes with things like believing in conspiracy theories. It can be comforting to feel like you have secret knowledge or are more enlightened than others. *"I ain't no sheep!"* This especially appeals to people who feel "left behind" by the changes in the world - the US "rust belt" voting Obama in '08 and '12 then Trump in '16. Some of their concerns were valid: that area used to be called the Steel Belt and now it's the Rust Belt, for a reason. A lot of the industry has left. So if you're a 50-something white guy who used to support his family in a factory, and now that factory is gone, what do you do? You probably feel too old to learn Javascript and become a front-end app developer. The attendance of your church goes down each Sunday. You struggle to communicate with your neighbour because they're still learning English. Your kids and grandkids have learnt more in school about the sins of the past and aren't as outwardly patriotic as you. The world has moved on, without you. You used to be "a hero" and now you're a failure. So you vote for the guy who not only says that he hears you, but will turn the clock back to ***your*** good ol' days. What image does Putin give about Russia? That it's a traditional country that still values its faith in God (ironic, considering the USSR...), has a military industrial complex that can rival even America's, follows traditional gender roles (including men drinking themselves to death), and is against this newfangled "woke BS" You and I know that this pure hogwash. But to someone despondent about their place in the changing world, it's appealing. And fits right in with the contrarianism I mentioned earlier. "Russia can stand up to the woke globalists who want to turn 14 year old girls into trans-masc non-binaries and jail everyone who doesn't like it." Finally there's the selective history. Going into Iraq was **wrong.** Afghanistan was... mismanaged. So western countries shouldn't get involved in foreign affairs. Ukraine used to be in Russia's sphere of influence so either the CIA convinced the people there to look west rather than east, or the EU and NATO are imperialistic themselves and want to go closer and closer to Russia. Again - doesn't pass the sniff test, but sounds credible enough to someone who wants to be contrarian rather than give the Ukrainian (or Estonian, or Polish, etc) people any autonomy. Obviously Ukraine looked west because they wanted to be more free and more prosperous. The Baltics joined NATO not so that America could station troops near to Russian soil, but because the people of those countries have been under the Russian boot and never want to be again. I'm sure there's stuff I missed, but that's most of it.


Also the fact disinformation is at his higher spreading power in a interconnected cookie based world. We went from propaganda working because you couldn't fact checks to targeted propaganda that satisfy your cognitive bias and destroy counter intelligence. It's honestly terrible, I feel like I'm alone screaming in this society and I fear to be the next one, just as you described, once senility starts kicking in.


That hits home. We’re all already under the influence of some propaganda, some misinformation, but I’m constantly on the lookout for my own gullibility and defenses failing on this front.


Who do you think funded the brexit party...who don't you think possibly still funds the scary little fascist man?


I think it’s first worth reading what he actually said: "[The] invasion of Ukraine was immoral, outrageous and indefensible. As a champion of national sovereignty, I believe that Putin was entirely wrong to invade the sovereign nation of Ukraine," he wrote. "Nobody can fairly accuse me of being an appeaser. I have never sought to justify Putin’s invasion in any way and I’m not now. "But that doesn’t change the fact that I saw it coming a decade ago, warned that it was coming and am one of the few political figures who has been consistently right and honest about Russia’s Ukraine war. "As I have made clear on multiple occasions since then, if you poke the Russian bear with a stick, don’t be surprised if he responds. And if you have neither the means nor the political will to face him down, poking a bear is obviously not good foreign policy." This isn’t “pro-putin”, it’s saying that the foreign policy choices that were made were a mistake. Putin did indeed use the enlargement of NATO as “justification” for his invasion, so it is true that this foreign policy decision was exploited by Putin.


It's still a moot point. Putin would invade anyway just like he invaded Crimea previously. He's backed off Ukraine once before promising to leave them alone then invaded years later. Whether NATO is bigger or smaller the outcome wouldn't change, perhaps it would've happened sooner. Even if it was an influential factor what are the options? Let's make ourselves weaker and smaller on purpose?


My understanding of the situation is that he's not so much pro Putin, more anti EU/NATO. He basically said that NATO's expansion gave Putin an excuse to invade Ukraine. He apparently talked about this possibility back in 2014.


Why does Trump do it? Same reason.


But what’s the reason? I don’t buy that the Russians have compromising information on these people… I think they genuinely admire authoritarianism.


They could be simply bought. It doesn't have to be blackmail.


There is sympathy for Russia, thanks to Russian propaganda, from a certain segment of those who are anti-lgbtq and pro “traditional family values”. They view Russia as some sort of anti-woke wonderland. Of course, the same kinds of people also tend to support or at least raise no objection to authoritarianism


This. Another thing they believe in is the globalist conspiracy theory. They think the WEF is out to take over the world, and that PooTin exists as a counterbalance to the oh-so-nefarious globalists. When you see someone talking about a “multi-polar world order” in which RuZZia and BRICS forms one of those poles, you’ll know exactly who you’re talking to.


Por que no los dos?


I don't know exactly either, lots of theories but no real proof. The most likely reason is they are Russian agents getting paid by the Kremlin. Trump definitely admires authoritarians and maybe he thinks Putin will help him join the club of brutal authoritarians.


Personally, I think your estimation exaggerates the power Russia actually leverages in the world.


Their hybrid war efforts have been pretty well documented at this point. We have seen many European countries experience the same disruption with not only fringe groups having links to Russian money - the Tories in the UK themselves had got very cosy and reliant on Russian money up until 2022's invasion. We all know about the huge number of Russian bots generated by various state-run 'farms', but lesser known is their prevalence across the 'global south' - though this has become a bit more known in recent years. Russian state-backed hacking groups going after various pieces of infrastructure all across the western world has been going on for near 20 years. Well documented also. The damage they have caused across a number of nations in Africa as well by backing certain coups - has seen French influence there all but wiped out, and incredibly important resources ultimately taken from western access. They may be a bunch of bumbling idiots on the battlefield, but their hybrid mode of warfare had been serving them *extremely* well right up to the big miscalculation in Ukraine during 2022. Underestimating them and their desire to destroy us is something civilised politicians have seemingly been doing since Putin turned up, and has been their predecessors follies in times gone by with very obvious examples previously.


He's playing on general public weary mentalities to the war. Whilst the majority do support helping Ukraine, the google results for things like nuclear war have gone up since the war started and those fears Farage can play too in order to increase his own popularity. Of course he is probably just being bribed by Russia, the UK serves as a hub for Russian intelligence and assets.


He has been paid to. He works for Russia. His goal is to disrupt UK politics and drive it to the far right. His goal is to achieve Russian geopolitical goals. Brexit was a massive win for Russia. The dude and his friends are _dodgy_ af.


Wasn't this clown a big reason for the awful Brexit as well.


yeah, and it was based around xenophobia and nationalism, he claimed we would 'take back our sovereignty' something we never lost. He also claimed that the EU was being run by unelected bureaucrats, when realistically it's run by its member states. He said a bunch of things that made it sound like we were being led by the nose. When in reality we had as much sway as the other members. now we have no sway and still have to accept what they decide. I'm not sure why people thought it would be easier to have an impact on an organisation from the outside than on the inside. But Nigel and Boris convinced enough people we would. but then you also factor in david cameron not being super popular and people simply voting against what he wanted. because fuck david cameron ofc.


And then... And then... And this is what really pissed me off even more than the decision to do it. Is once we had done it, he wiped his hands clean and said well that's me done. Oh fucking really, so you convinced us all to jump off this cliff on the basis that it was a really good idea but once we had done it you had not a single fucking suggestion on what to actually do next?


yep, and now hes back to stir shit again and take zero accountability. pushed Brexit through, then disappeared like a fart in the wind. maybe it would have been different if he had actually put his hands in and seen things through, but like you said I think he did retire right after it happened. He's great at standing back and saying 'you're doing it wrong' but he doesn't seem to have a way of doing it right. edit; oh you meant David not Nigel, well, on that side, I think he was betting on people actually voting to remain, why he put it to a referendum in the first place was silly, governments are elected to make these decisions for the uninformed masses. he had a plan and that plan didn't include leaving the EU, on that part I can't blame David from retiring, I'd rather someone accept they don't know what to do in that scenario than to carry on pretending they do.


Don’t forget he has a German passport so his family isn’t affected by his actions, was on record as the laziest MEP who only showed up to collect a paycheck but hardly bothered to vote or do any work and then left with his pension he gets for being an MEP in the first place.


Literally the next morning after the Brexit referendum he was on TV backtracking on everything he'd promised, like the 350 million per week. Man's a fucking snake, and it's embarrassing that so many people here buy into his "straight-talking bloke" persona.


Russia has ever claimed that Eastern Europe belongs to their "sphere of influence" in essence these nations are to answer to Russian interests. NATO has not expanded to include Estonia, Poland and Romania because somehow NATO is expanding for a confrontation with Russia. These nations have one by one soberingly sought to protect their self determination. These countries are tired of the Kremlin's continued use of coercive diplomacy and constant meddling. Is it a provocation to state enough is enough to a bully? Only a bully would claim this to be the case. This provocation line is one of several arguments used by the Kremlin to try and get its own will through.


Zelensky is right, as is tradition.


In Putin's playbook - The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia by [Aleksandr Dugin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Dugin) - one of the goals is the UK leaving the EU. Another is the annexation of Ukraine. I would really like to know where Farage's money comes from.


>I would really like to know where Farage's money comes from. Doesn't have to be monetary. If you happen to be facing an election imminently then a nationstate scale misinformation apparatus on your side could be useful. Can you think of someone who has access to something like that?


George Carlin said it best. You don't need a formal conspiracy when interests align. The far right knows it can gain disinformation support from Russia by being pro-Putin.


Thank goodness this man is not in a power to influence UK from helping Ukraine.


Not in power *yet*. I thought he was doing well enough to get back into power again.


Just finished reading his party manifesto for the upcoming elections. DEAR LORD is that shit grim. It's basically a modern rendition of 1984. I can't believe they're polling near 20%. Hopefully his recent comments tank the traction Reform UK have garnered.


Sometimes FPTP can be a good thing. These goons for hire will win 5 seats max.


A lot of people in the UK are stupid. Personally know someone who’s grandfather votes for them.


Right wing politics is on the rise in a lot of places unfortunately. I’m Canadian, and the nation recently had its own issues with elected individuals bordering on treason.


Because of the way British elections work, Farage and his Reform party are not likely to get many seats. They've got some support, but its spread out and not likely to lead to them winning seats, just them taking votes away from the Tories. Unless something insane happens in the next two weeks, Kier Starmer and the Labour party are going to absolutely obliterate the Tories. The Tories might not even be the main opposition party, some polls suggest the Liberal Democrats might place second in seats (because they're good at focusing on winnable seats). The danger with Farage is that in the long term he might force the Tories further right/populist as they try to win over the voters that they've lost to Reform.


Again? He's never been in power.


How Russia infected so many western politicians and pundits is incredible. It's not like he ever eased off the terrible behavior of murdering journalists and political opponents. They've never been a friendly nation. They are always either... currently not hostile... and hostile. Yet here we are... in our vastly more wealthy and successful democracies finding folks begging us to be a like that pauper nation of oppression. Sickening.


Politicians are cheap and can easily be honeypotted into blackmail situations.


Ah, Nigel Farage, long time no see. I'm really wondering why this guy is still not in jail for being Russian agent


Farage is a grotty little parasite.


Clearly he should be under MI5 monitoring and not allowed to be in politics


He's such a scumbag.


Fucking Nigel.


What a turd.


He's gonna lose again. Fucking loser.


Seems like Mr Farage received a second “anonymous donation” on his cayman account. That, and some juicy Kompromat. Just in case


As if there needs to be more evidence that Farage and Brexit were funded by Russia lol


Hasn't he been so for years?


Infected or funded?


"Infected" is far too kind because it implies a lack of choice, even something in opposition to one's wishes. Farage is an eager lickspittle for Putin.


Nevil chamberlain 2.0


There's a reason this man is not in the UK Government


Never having enough people voting for him to become an MP or not being in a party that has majority support?


Farage is basically a ruzzian agent at this point. Why are we letting them infest our politics and influence our country?


Just from the looks of him, knowing practically nothing about him, it's blatantly obvious he's a prig. I'm guessing he's escaped a well deserved beat-down by having gobs and gobs of money.


He voted against freedom of movement for the British public, and then applied for a German passport the very second it was taken away from us


That sounds on-brand for a prig.


he's a fucking traitor to UK and all of Europe. i'd hoped to never hearing from this fascist fuck ever egain, but alas...


Brexit was a Russian job.


He better get vaccinated




As a Brit I’m confident in saying that we overwhelmingly support Ukraine in this conflict. If Farage is elected (and he won’t be) he’s going to look pretty stupid when the British public force him to hand over the proverbial cheque to Zelenskyy 👍🏻


I'd say it was Cretinism and Onanism myself


Is he like the UK Trump?


Putin puppets are un-British. Surely even his own supporters see that.


Ah, but don't you see that we provoked Russia by building defences and alliances against Russian invasion, THAT'S why Russia invaded. Therefore it's our fault!


That's funny, that's just what I was thinking. Putin's got to him.


He got it off Trump because he didn't keep his distance or use a face mask.


Farage is a fascist, and anyone voting for him ought to be ashamed of themselves.


For those not in the UK, Farage was one of the people responsible for tricking people into voting for Brexit. This dude has a long history of tricking British people into doing shit that works in Russia's favour.


Please UK don't elect this man. Canada must not elect Poilievre. France must not elect lepen, America must not elect Trump, and UK must not elect Farage. These are Putin's puppets. Like Orban and Lukashenko.


Why is this pos getting airtime still? He should be on the decks alongside Boris, hung for treason, drawn and quartered.


It's time to arrest these people and detail them for the rest of the war. Just as we detained the members of the domestic pro nazi party's in 39.so they can't spread evil annymore until the war is done.


Farage is a Putin agent, just like Trump and his MAGA members of Congress


Farage fascist scumbag. Of course he supports fascist aggression across the world.


~~infected~~ paid by Putin~~ism~~


He’s been a Russian shill since his UKIP days. Britain leaving the EU was part of the “foundations of geopolitics” book that Putin’s pretty into. Russia believed pushing Brexit would cause a domino effect and collapse the EU. It didn’t work.


Very misleading headline


Its Reddit, what do you expect, the truth?


Farage has been a Russian asset for years. Kompromat must be fairly gross.


Nigel is a twit


Russia wanted a soft takeover of Ukraine. that worked for a bit, the west stood up a bit but mostly the Ukrainian revolted. given putins focus on Ukraine joining NATO would be the obvious move when you're bloody well worried about that very thing. but ah sure, the middling opposition from the west was the trigger. Nevermind that it's unlikely Ukraine would have entered NATO if Putin had left well enough alone. But he didn't want it as a buffer state, he wanted it for historical and strategic reasons. So any resistance is triggering, sure. The whole premise is silly. NATO is a defensive alliance with some peacekeeping one-offs. It doesn't have any territorial goals and isn't an entity that itself could hold territory. This whole sphere of influence stuff is nonsense. I get concerns about missile placement not that it matters much at this point, but fine. Putin doesn't really think NATO or any of its member countries have their sights in Russia. Part of the whole Russian chip on the shoulder is hey we have cool stuff over here too stop looking down at us we don't want to be European but just so you know we're very European. Putin thought the west was averse to any conflict and drank the Kool aid on his invasion. He wanted to be invited in, then wanted a quick invasion. Accepting Ukraine as a buffer state was never on his list of options.


Truth hurts


I wonder if this is going to hurt his party, we'll see the polls in the coming days.


What a load of rubbish


Disgusting human. cares nothing about his people


Farage? … For sure.


There is Toxic Masculinity with Putin’s Russia which is why Farage and Trump know there support will like this stance, but it will weaken his profile for others who although politically illiterate will not feel comfortable with this obvious diatribe


"Reform" is one word for what Farage is. Not one I'd personally use, but it is a word. So is "nazi".


Wish my bank account got ‘infected’ lol


I think what's mind-blowing to me is that Farage was always a cretin and someone who held reprehensible views.. but I sort of assumed at least British right wingers all accepted the universal truth about Russia and what they have done in Ukraine. Yet here we are.. turns out he has fallen for that as well. Unreal. I genuinely think his opinions on this are going to decimate the support he was building..


Putinism spreads through the infected $$$.


While he is talking this nonsense, Russian nukes are pointing at us. I live not far for where the nerve agent deaths occurred and I’m disgusted that he is saying this. I’m even more disgusted that the press are giving him a platform for his bile.


I would bet Farage parachuted into Reform solely to help Reform draw votes away from Labour and LibDems. This could let some Tory win some races they ought not to. The question I have is who paid him? Tories or Russians... too close to call.


No, his core are right wing. He pulls votes from tories. Thats why everytime he pops up with his racist bullshit you see the tories pull to the right to try and stop him. Hence Brexit. He's likely paid by russia though, they love nothing more than meddling in elections and causing problems in countries with stuff like brexit.


Are the Reform Party and the Nazi Party the same thing?


They have members that openly call for concentration camps, that say the UK should have accepted Hitler's offer for neutrality, and are friends with tattoo bearing neo-nazis. Never again.


Yet again more reasons why WW2 veterans should've been allowed to keep their Lee-Enfields


Farage comes from a long line of chinless, inbred English twits… imo


Fuck the mutated giraffe that is Nigel Farage.


Just going to leave this excellent video created by Led By Donkeys here as to the extent of this bellend's depravity: https://youtu.be/mfyiSk8Rjc8?si=JpQVIv7j_DGyJ6Kz


Zelensky’s correct.


Why are traitors allowed to have positions of power and actively work against the country. Makes no sense.