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If she knew he couldn't swim, is this not just attempted murder?


> friends told police he 'just kind of fell face first into the water' before one admitted she had shoved him off the pier they're trying to blame horse play, hence why someone hasn't been arrested and charged.


If I had to pick between a "female friend" and a pit bull in the woods, I'd pick the dog. At least there would be consequences if it tried to kill me.


Well you’re not a toddler so it’ll probably just leave you alone.


Wild. Wild.


Now you're getting it!


Pit bulls if treated and trained rightly arent angry or dangerous. Same goes with rottweilers and dobermans. It's just that the breads have a reputation so kind and nice people stay away and angry loners love em. Also they are fiercly protective but thats not a bad thing. My English setter was fiercly protective of me.


I love that you came to this comment degrading women and pitbulls and chose to defend the pitbulls.


Do you really believe that? Every single pitbull that kills a person just wasn't trained, and on the opposite side, every single golden retriever does get properly trained, which is why they NEVER kill anyone(you have to go back to 2009 for a golden who killed a literal infant).




Jesus can you morons ever just stfu for once?


I understand living in reality is tough, but I believe in you.


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Ladies on the other hand, am I rite?? Lol


Well duh you idiot, you can say the same about bears. You train one good he wont do anything but if you leave a shitty trained one he will rip you apart.


No. Bear is a wild animal. No matter how good you treat the bear it can and will eat you.


What I’m trying to say is, sure pitbulls can be trained well, but a shitty trained pitbull does a lot more damage than a shitty trained chihuahua or a golden retriever. That is why you see one mauling kids every other day.


Ofcourse a dog that you can kill if you squeeze a little too hard is less potentially harmfull


Great point if the person didn't also say golden retriever. You're disingenuous


What kind of people get goldens and what kind of people get pibulls. Dogs mimic their owners and enviroment. And yes goldens are less agressive than pitbulls but rough collies and germans shepherds are both way more agressive than pitbulls. Havent seen kill all collies post yet.


Sounds like manslaughter






So his "friends" didn't get him out! It was strangers from the restaurant?! I read a bit about the story a few days ago but didn't know it was patrons that found him Ffs those "friends" need to be charged


- [News Article](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13383497/louisiana-Gilbert-drowning-pushed-lake-ddarbonne.html) - Youngsters watched medical student almost drown for 20 minutes after he was shoved into lake.


[I was happy to learn that he's making a decent recovery.](https://www.ksla.com/video/2024/05/05/chris-gilbert-is-off-life-support/) He's off life support and looks much to be in a much better condition. They've changed the story slightly, saying it was around 10 minutes underwater, which makes a lot more sense instead of 20. They're also suggesting there's a racial aspect to him getting pushed in the water since he was the only black person in a group of white people.


I knew it when I didn't see any pictures.


“Friends” with assholes gets you this.


Shit. All my friends have assholes. Should I be worried?


> All my friends have assholes. Should I - depends, if they start talking out it.... everyone knows the a33es in their circle of "friends", but don't care until it affects them - went out drinking with friends one night, shared a secrete about a hidden amp in my car trunk, woke up the next morning to find the car "broken" into [never locked car] and the amp gone.... and for less than $100 that friend, who didn't know i knew it was him... burned a bridge.


So many things to be annoyed at. The title says he is braindead even tho he has regained consciousness. The terrible friends watching him drown for 20 minutes. The restaurant being sued for negligence. Wtf is wrong with this world.


He was not brain dead. There is no coming back from brain death. Either he was misdiagnosed or this video is using sensationalized language. Edit: if you are downvoting this then you don't understand brain death.


No he was obliterated but hes ok now.


People are brain dead on ventilators all the time. People so.etimes call it being a vegetable. What do you mean? I really do hope that it's a misused word of the article but I have always heard.od brain death being a thing.


>People are brain dead on ventilators all the time. It's pretty rare, but this is otherwise true. >People so.etimes call it being a vegetable. That is objectively not true. A vegetative state and brain death are completely different. Brain death is exactly what it sounds like; the cells that make up your brain are dead. It is legally recognized as death, there is no coming back from brain death.


Those so called friends not even had the balls to help him, poor guy


I'm not a violent person. But if someone did this to my child, I'm not sure I would wait for the law to intervene.


"With friends like these, who needs enemies?"


Those ain't friends


I hope they press charges on that “friend”. Sounds like negligent homicide at the least.


Arrest and charge them. This is not horseplay. If someone didn’t know how to drive, would you put them in a car on the highway with your baby? They need to be charged with attempted murder at least.


Link to petition: https://www.change.org/p/justice-for-christopher-gilbert


From what I understand, he's not actually brain dead,he just has brain damage.Either way,praying that he recovers eventually.


No idea why the civil lawsuit would target the restaurant for this guy having the shittiest "friends" in the world who pushed him into the water and literally watched him drown for 20 minutes.


Probably because there's more money to be had from the restaurant's insurance than from a bunch of good-for-nothings


20 minutes???


I mean this with sincerity, if you do not know how to swim please take lessons. Swimming is a survival skill and if you think there is ANY chance you will be by a body of water then you should learn. Stay safe everyone


Are you kidding me, charges should be laid


Why didnt they help him?


what a friend.


Pilot episode of the alternative "Friends" series. Never aired.


Literally the first thing I ask myself when I saw the headline was "are these friends white?"


How do you spend 20 min underwater and not die in this case?




“I took my keys, wallet, and phone out of my pockets and took my shoes off. I knew Cassidy wanted to push me in for messing with her, so I kind of played into it,” said Gilbert, 26. https://nypost.com/2024/05/11/us-news/aspiring-doctor-christopher-gilbert-who-was-pushed-into-louisiana-lake-speaks-out/