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I think the pvp currency system gets an overhaul in cata, but I imagine it will be purchasable in some way much like the TBC and vanilla stuff still is


If it is not during the pre-patch which it almost certainly will, then it will definitley be during cata.


I believe it will be purchasable with honor in the prepatch, but honor cap changes from 75000 to 4000 honor.


Can you remember if honor gets converted 1:1 or is it scaling so that if you have like 37.5k honor you'll then have 2k new honor? I see on the Twinstar Cata DB that a typical Wrathful 2h weapon costs ~1800 honor and a cloak for example ~700 honor. https://cata-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?search=wrathful+gladiator


Scaled. See conversion table in the post below What you can do is pre-purchase the Stonekeeper things and keep them in your bag to use later, as the Stonekeeper Shards also gets converted to honor in the patch.


Ah smart, I guess you mean converting the Stonekeeper's Shards to Wintergrasp Commendation, which currently give 2k honor. Already a nice trick to give honor to alts.


Ye, get honor cap and as many commendations as you can.


This is not correct. 75000 = 1800, as can be read here: https://www.bluetracker.gg/wow/topic/eu-en/14574620792-cataclysm-currency-changes-explained/


You're correct, ty!


I don’t remember retail, but every Cata private server has had it as being purchased with honour


>Wanting the full set for my alt for transmog in cata, but idk if I want to grind arenas every week if it will be easier to obtain during cata It was in OG, and it is on the beta so presumably yes.


They released all PVP gear as purchasable with honor and no arena rating in OG Cata prepatch. It'll be the same in Classic.