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Similar answer to: https://www.reddit.com/r/wotlk/s/l2YaDWOZFx It’s doable if you’re 74 but very unlikely if you haven’t raided Wrath previously. These fights are mechanically complex and while they’re not that hard (talking normal LK), the fact it has taken you 4 months to go 1-74 tells me that you likely don’t have 120 hours to throw at this game to be ready to kill LK. Also very dependent on what servers you’re on. Best bet might be to find your server’s discord and post an appeal there and hope a guild offers you a carry.


It may sound stupid, but the reason it took me 4 months to go from 1-74 is because I was 100%ing every vanilla zone, completing all of the quests (even if they were gray). I did this because I wanted to fully enjoy the game and get immersed in the lore. I now learned that this was a huge mistake and I should've been worrying about that on Vanilla Classic servers instead. However, I'm going to go full no-life on power leveling now. My server is Ashkandi btw.


https://discord.gg/NYYfvH6U Ashkandi is fairly small and tight knit. I’d focus on hiring 80 ASAP and then trying your luck on the runs advertised.


Thanks for the link!


Hey, Ashkandi is closing. Horde are moving to Mankrik, Alliance can go to Pagle or Atiesh. Those servers have more folks too, might be easier for you to get caught up!


Hopefully you are horde. Alliance on ashkandi has a fairly small population even compared to the generally small horde pop. There are plenty of alt runs or 5k+ gs normals runs happening at times, so just keep an eye out in /4 and definitely utilize the server discord.


I am indeed a Horde player. Sorry for the stupid question, but what is the route to take and how long does it take to hit 5k gs? I just recently learned what gs is to begin with lol.


When you hit level 80, queue for dungeons until you can do Heroic dungeons (or do pvp/wintergrasp and buy honor gear to help your ilvl), then queue for gamma dungeons to get even better gear. Once you have mostly gear from gamma dungeons you could probably get into some 10 mans. Then 25 man ICC ezpz. You can also circumvent some of this process by buying high ilvl Bind on Equip (BoE) crafted items from the auction house at level 80. Good luck!


Thanks for the info, I'll keep this in mind once I hit 80 and try to follow what you said!


Are you in a guild?


I’m on ashkandi and there are usually icc groups looking for dps. You just may need to gear up in gammas a bit before they let you in.


Good to know, I'm glad to hear it from someone who's also on Ashkandi. I'm going to try my best to figure out how to get to gammas and gear up as fast as possible before cata drops


Not currently


You shoulda did that stuff at 80. Its much faster


Mechanically complex ? Lol its from like 2009/2010 😂😂😂😂😂


Notice how I said they’re not exactly hard. But to a fresh player who has never played WoW? They’re not gonna be something someone picks up in a week. Their origin date has zero importance as you can easily find video games either mechanically complex fights from the 90s— the fact things are solved don’t take away from their inaccessibility to fresh players.


If you have to ask this question, it's probably too late


Quest -> dungeons


It will take A LOT of work ingame so id recommend you just work irl, buy gold and kill him in gdkp. And sure, getting boosted doesnt provide the proper satisfaction but neither does getting there in prepatch with other people probably geared to the gills and killing him in less time than the cinematic lasts.


It's easily possible during prepatch... Finish 80 and start gamas asap.


Do you think once pre-patch comes out, it will be harder to find people to raid with? Also, another stupid question, but once pre-patch comes out with the class changes, will it be harder to raid and everything?


Once prepatch drops there's probably going to be a bump in players, and people will want to test their new Cata skills by stomping ICC (which gets considerably easier in Prepatch). The naysayers saying you can't get a normal Lich King kill in before Cata are stupid as hell. With Joyous Journeys you can power to 80 in a few days to a week tops if you wanted, just by questing. After than you can gear up for a week or two in Gammas and then... Just find a group to do ICC, lol. You have plenty of time.


Thanks for the encouragement! It definitely makes me feel a lot better. The whole situation is stressing me out, which probably isn't good 😂


What class/faction/server are you on? I could give you some further pointers for getting to 80 and into ICC.


I'm a level 74 undead affliction warlock, horde, on Ashkandi


Okay, so you're on a decent server (for Horde). My advice would be just keep questing. Questing in zones you're a bit overleveled for (like Borean Tundra or Howling Fjord) is actually very efficient because of the huge XP boost, so don't be afraid to clear out every quest you see. Obviously any dungeon or group quest is going to be MASSIVE xp. The different wanted quests and arena quests alone are over an entire level of XP all together. Once you hit 80, get into Gammas ASAP. If you have some extra gold to spend, buy some cheap epics off the AH. Lots of the ilvl 264 ICC BoEs are dirt cheap, like 1-2k. There's also the badge gear people sell (bracers, capes) that are dirt cheap (sub 1k). Don't bother buying any BOEs under 245 ilvl, they're just not worth it. Don't be afraid to waste your money right now, you'll make a lot of it back just questing to 85 once Cata hits. Once you can do Gammas, start doing your daily (picked up at Archmage Landolock in Dalaran) for your daily 5 Badges of Frost. Badges of Frost can be used to buy ICC-tier gear from the Frost Badge vendor, and your Tier 10 pieces from the cloth armor merchant. By far the easiest way to get your daily Gamma run in is to specifically queue for Trial of the Champion. It's literally easier on Gamma than it is on base Heroic, lol. Doing any Gamma you can will be useful though, because each boss drops 2 Scourgestones which can be used to buy catch up gear from the Scourgestone vendor. Gamma dungeons all have a gimmick mechanic. Some of them are easy and ignorable (like Trial of the Champion or Halls of Stone/Lightning) while other Gamma effects are a fucking awful nightmare (Azjol'Nerub and Old Kingdom), so be prepared to learn how to deal with the different Gamma affixes. The ICC dungeons (Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron and Halls of Reflection) have no affixes, which make them very easy Gammas to run. My advice is don't random queue for Gammas. Specifically queue for the easy ones every day. Trial of the Champion, the ICC dungeons and Halls of Lightning/Stone are the ones I'd do on my alt. It isn't that the rest are really hard, they're just considerably more annoying. Basically just hit 80, get into Gammas as quick as you can and once you're like 5.7k GS or so, start getting into ICC runs. 25 normal or 10 man heroic. You can very easily and realistically score at least a 10 man normal Lich King kill, if not a 25 man one.


its hard to say. when prepatch comes out there will be fewer people than now, but they will probably care less about the quality of pugs they invite. and hlk will be easier to kill (?).


Good to know!


When TBC prepatch came, I was still raiding untill like week before Wrath release. No difference.


Course you can bud if you get to 80 quick enough and work on gearing


Will do!




Took me 9 days to reach 80 from level 1. Should take you two days from 74 to get 80 easily. The real issue will be farming gear. I would just skip the rep, professions and anything else. Find a 25m pug to be carried in. 10m although easier, each individual carries too much weight for you to be carried.


without heirloom gear?


Yeah was my first toon on classic


Here is how I would do it with a warlock assuming you have no gold to buy some free gear. Get to 80 fast and start gearing up. You might be able to sneak into a friendly ICC at 5k gearscore, but aim for 5.2k+ At 80. You are gonna wanna respec to demonology. Guilds specifically look for demo locks for their raids quite often. At 80 start gearing up. Try to move up from normals to heroics to gammas as quickly as you can. The three new ICC dungeons are also high priority for you, they drop 232 gear that is usually uncontested. If at the end of your play night you find yourself with 'only 3 more dungeons in you' then specifically queue for these three heroic dungeons until you do all of them. Try to get into VOA10 and VOA25. You have a 'chance' at getting free loot here. Also try to get into a raid running the daily raid boss. You might even get lucky with some gear drops from it. Spend your badges/emblems wisely: First two purchases should be Reign of the Dead/Unliving, and a Flare of the Heavens. It's very very unlikely you will replace either of these before cata launches. Get into a ICC Rep run. 20-30min of a rep run will get you a free 251 caster ring. Spend your triumph emblems on a caster ring, then start getting 245 tier. It can be pretty expensive.


Buy a token and join a GDKP. Idk if you were on my server I’d see about getting you an invite for a kill. I grabbed a buddy for a normal LK kill Monday and we summoned him and had him his kingslayer title in the time it took him to log in and accept a summon. It can be done. Good luck my friend!


Let me give a person anecdote I started in December as a complete WoW noobie with the sole goal of beating the lich king.I hit 80 about late January, and I've been running ICC raids since about late February every week. I have still not beaten the lich king. Why? Because I can't join 50% of raids, because they have such steep entry requirements. 50% of people demand good "logs" which you get by recording yourself while in raids. But you can't get the logs without joining a raid, but nobody wants to raid with you if you have no logs. Plus they demand like 6.3gs+ min, which takes weeks of daily quests, plus raiding. Fair enough right? What about the other 50% of raids? Alt runs, low entry requirements, no logs, etc, etc. these are the raids I (soon to be you) have been joining to try and get logs and better gear. The problem is they're complete cluster fucks. You have people signing up for FULL RUNS and then halfway through, "sorry guys my wife called I've gotta go", or if they don't get the loot they want- "something came up, I've gotta go", wipe on a boss twice? "Alright that's it for me, gl boys". Then it sets off a chain reaction of "I also suddenly have to go" as people start dropping like flies. Which means you never finish the raid. It also means you can't get full logs, which means- uh uh uh! No higher level raiding for you! Try again next week! And on top of that, you're paired up with THE stupidest people known to man. On my last Raid, we got to Sindragosa, and half the raid just completely ignored the mechanics- 16 wipes in a fucking row. I literally said in chat after the 4th time "whisper me if you don't understand, I can explain it quick, in private, no judgment". ONE guy replied, we went again- half the raid ignored the mechanics and died immediately.


You can't find a guild that is recruiting? On my server all sorts of guilds have attendance issues. For example on my guild's clear tonight we were 3 players down (ie. only 22 in raid) for half of it and got 2 guildies in late so when we killed LK we had 24. I personally can't help you or OP because I'm on Oceanic and you probably don't wanna raid at 8:30am American time XD but its strange there's no recruitment on your server.


So in conclusion: Unless you have friends, or are in a well organised guild with good communication. Probably not. I mean, if you want- try. But don't hold your breath. But on the other hand you could get lucky and find a good PUG raid and beat it first try, who knows.


Hoping to find a PUG or a guild willing to recruit a noob!


What server are you on? If you're looking for someone reliable to play with, I could join, if you don't mind, of course! I don't understand the mechanics (since I haven't done it before), but I am absolutely more than willing to learn and improve. At this point I'm feeling desperate. Even if I don't kill the Lich King, I would feel satisfied fighting him and raiding for the first time. I would feel like my entire 4 month journey was a waste if I got this far leveling through WotLK and I didn't even get to try any of the end game content.


gehennas eu > If you're looking for someone reliable to play with, I could join, if you don't mind, of course! Don't mind, but the thing is though, you also need 8-23 (depending on 10 man or 25 man) extra people also on board, and those people also have to be in a similar situation. >At this point I'm feeling desperate. Even if I don't kill the Lich King, I would feel satisfied fighting him and raiding for the first time. I would feel like my entire 4 month journey was a waste if I got this far leveling through WotLK and I didn't even get to try any of the end game content. I feel you man. This is how it feels every time you get to the second to last boss and everyone starts rolling loot and quitting for the 3rd week in a row.


I wish you the best of luck as well! I hope you can kill the Lich King before Cata!!


Wtf everyone Here is kind of delusional... 6lvl are like what? 10hrs with the right addons? Gearing is just spamming dungeons so another 5-10 hrs. Then go take an id waste run and gather some nhc gear or even take down Lk. Its not that Hard. And i am not even playing on a full realm. We did the same with a friend last week. 10m 11/12 HC He didnt know an tactics. He wiped is a few Times with tombs and stuff but honestly who cares. Just play and dont worry so much. Nhc is easy to clear.


If you don't mind me asking, what is NHC and 10m 11/12 HC Sorry if that's a stupid question, but that's how much of a noobie I am lol.


Raids have 10 man modes and 25, both on Normal or Heroic difficulty, the 11/12 HC here means going 11 bosses on hard difficulty followed by Lichking on Normal difficulty


Oh I see now, thank you!


No Problem in that question its the difficulty and Player amount Nhc means non heroic so the easier Part 10/25 is just the Player amount. Different loot and some bosses are easier or harder depending on Player size. This can come from coordination/damage needed etc. But to be fair the 30% buff makes it possible to have a fair amount of newbies in the Raid


Thanks for letting me know! Now it's easier to understand what everyone is talking about


Is it too late to wipe my ass after taking a shit? Idk, I’m sure you’ll figure it out bud.


You wont get it done with the pity me attitude you got going on in your post.


Start January and you still can't reach lv80 after 3 months. Either you suck or you only have less than 5 mins to play the game each day.


I work and go to school both full time, and also have a family. Not only that, but it's my first time playing WoW. I have a life.


If you have to condescendingly protest you have a life to excuse your poor performance that is the death knell of your wow career. "I have 5 wives and 24 kids" is a meme around here


"I have a life" = I suck and I don't have time for playing games. Well, the best bet for you is boosting to 80 and pay a GDKP to carry you killing LK, if you will to pay, it would be done in less than a week then you can cancel sub and delete the game, because you won't survive the phase 1 of Cataclysm raids.


Swipe your credit card like the rest of the wrath player base and you’ll he fine


You always this bitter or is it just a Wednesday thing