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this is... painfully... relatable


For sure. Along with rolling 97ish and still losing the roll to 2-3 ppl magically just rolling higher 98-100


What really stings is those rolls **always** come in late somehow. You roll when the items drop and like 2 minutes later, this doofus clicks need on everything and somehow wins.


I miss personal loot... worst part is that EVERYONE rolls on everything (in pugs) so they can sell it to you if they win. in personal loot i felt like i allways got atleast 1 item for a full raid... since expansion launched i had multiple weeks of 0 drops if i went LFR/normal/HC. feels like personal loot had somekind of bad luck protection going for it.


I still feel personal loot is sort of still functioning, it’s why we still lose rolls at 98etc, some random dude rolls 100 not because he rolls 100 but rather that the game feels it’s his turn to receive loot. Ive been wearing a tinfoil hat since tbc though


if that was true i would get atleast 1 item for a full LFR/Normal/HC this week..lost all rolls . when personal loot was a thing i never had a FULL rotation wtih 0 drops, id usually get a drop every 2-5 bosses.


>i never had a FULL rotation wtih 0 drops, id usually get a drop every 2-5 bosses There were definitely times when you wouldn't get any loot after a full run, while other guys got two or three items. But people were less of a dick about trading loot, since you couldn't sell it, so it was kind of easier to gear up in pugs.


Im not talking about a Single full run , but whole 3. LFR followed by full normal followed by Full HC ,and 0 drops, ive never seen that happen when personal loot existed.


I feel personal loot was a step back. It kind of felt disconnected from everything, didn't promote interaction between players. I personally like the new system, I'm seeing a lot more interaction between random folks who don't know each other in LFR since it's implementation. Also, the new bullion system is a great addition, hopefully it stays.


by interaction you mean selling the drops?


No joke every item i rolled on this season in lfr i lost to a 100 roll Guess i am cursed


After Fyrak was open in the LFR I lost 2 chances for a omnitoken with a 95 and a 97.


But you can always buy it from the winner for $500k!


I have 300k on all my characters combined, so let's say 50k OK?


Did an awakened raid last night and on the first six bosses a priest won 8 items. Everyone saying personal loot is the same it’s just “now the rolls are public” doesn’t seem to understand reality. In SL I wouldn’t care what the raid composition was when I joined a raid and I’d usually get 1-2 items per clear. Now I frequently leave raids thanks to mystic tokens having 3 of the most popular classes on it and seeing that 9/16 players are for my same token. And even when the odds are more even I am lucky if I get one item the full clear.


[Link to comic.](https://www.darklegacycomics.com/901)


Don't worry keydar now nyte doesn't need those pieces and she'll be able to help make the raid go smoother while you're on the ground




its okay my bench warming friend, ill let you in on a secret you serve a great purpose in raid, giving me avenging wrath when you die and everyone else a proc of ret aura when you get hit so... just "touch the fire so we can dps higher"


And just wait till everyone buys their grieftorches from the Bullion vendor. People will just be asking people to suicide for their dps.


I'm not doing grief torch, I basically always broke the channel immediately. Going anvil and cataclysmic signet


Don't forget the Grieftorches making their return this season!


except the sad reality of those will never drop again.


And the people who got it either stop playing next id or still do the same amount of dps


It’s great when you lose to another player that you know won’t login again as soon as you get AOTC.


A friend of mine lost a tier set piece back in ulduar to a guild mate who then a few days announced that he retires from WoW Naturally my friend was really really not amused and i shared that sentiment I tried to talk to him and told him that he should have been open with at least the raidlead about quitting wow. Or not roll on stuff until he was sure he would continue playing the game. He did not see my point and left never heard from him since maybe for the best.


Now when nyte gets geared she’ll bring her alt.


But how does he get the loot when he gets benched again?


In my experience, the one who got the loot stops showing to raid because they're finished now.


"Father! Is it... over?" "At long last. No DPS raids forever, my son."


using his time on the floor to learn up on mechanics so he provides more overall dps to the group while alive than as an impromptu pally buff so he doesn't get benched...or i guess cast arcane ignorance of the raid lead again edit: downvoted for referencing 2 of the last 3 chapters ?


I would really like a 100% token system for getting loot, or at least go back to personal loot only and also add bad luck protection. RNG loot *and* having to roll on loot is the worst thing about this game right now, for me.


They just need to add something like bullions to every season. You still have to put in the work to upgrade the item since later upgrades still require aspect crests and they could even lock higher ilvl upgrades behind achievements or m+ score like with valor.


Im a new player and I gotta admit I LOVE rolling on loot


It comes down to how you feel about gambling. This game is the thrill of gambling for a lot less risk, $15/mo and it's gambling for gear upgrades and cosmetics not money. I personally am not a big fan of gambling, I liked when the game had the badge system you could use to get pretty good gear. But I believe even back then if you wanted the best gear you had to raid and gamble on loot. I was disappointed to find out the Awakened token system (bullions) was only for some pieces of gear, not every slot. And even then bullion drop is RNG, high chance but still a chance, so still gambling to get loot.


As someone who's played since vanilla and seen every iteration of the loot system, I like the current rolling on loot system a bit more than anything they've had in the past. I enjoy seeing all the cool stuff that drops, it's more in your face, you get a bit of that gambling rush, and I think it encourages people to interact more, which is always a good thing in a game where player to player interactions have become less of a thing than before.


I once lost the Garrosh mount on a 100 roll to another 100 roll. That stung for a while.


I legit have not gotten a single piece of loot from a competitive roll this whole expansion. All my upgrades come from the Vault, Mythic+, or because Pip's trinket dropped and everyone else already had it. Thank fuck for the vault.


Heh, i ran VotI on 3 toons in LFR this week to get my feet wet in raiding. All 3 wings on all 3 characters. I could not believe my eyes on all the 90+ rolls. I got 1 belt out of all of it (24 boss kills iirc). And i'll do it again next week too


I rolled a 93 on the Eranog ring in Normal. Someone else rolled a 99. Ah well. There's always the bullion.


I rolled a 99 and beat 15 other people, last guy just rolls a 100 lol


My IRL friend did that to me once. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnzMkJocw6Q) was pretty much my reaction.


As a casual raiding just seems like a massive waste of time for gearing. Not going to spend an hour or two on a run only to MAYBE get one piece. Too much stress and headache for no gain most of the time.


raiding for gear is absolutely inefficient since they removed personal loot, UNLESS you have a static or somewhat static group. Because even if you roll low, each week you're rolling against less people. Pugs it's almost impossible to gear up outside the vault fishing for BiS pieces.


Yeah this season I’m just gonna get the achievements and not worry about it. Any gear I’d want from the raids I can just buy with bullions so I can just do my couple kills to get the drop and just fuck off


I have a raiding group where we prog Heroic. My main character I did LFR, Normal full clear, 20 mythic+ keys, and Heroic through Broodkeeper stopping at Rasz because fight hard. My main had zero drops except for an LFR piece that I simmed and realized wasn’t actually an upgrade and a trinket from M+. I ran on my alt through literally just a normal full clear and got 2 tier pieces and another decent drop. My alt has almost caught up to my main in gear level despite starting the season as a basically fresh level 70 with only 431-ish ilvl. Sometimes I hate this game 😂


Done VotI lfr this week, full clear, 0 items, so I feel the pain. Honestly only worth it because it's tied to this week vault, otherwise chances to get any upgrades are miniscule


did full clear normal and up to dathea on heroic, no gear lol, rolled a 3, 9,11 and a 12...felt bad


keep going bruh one lfr isn't anything to feel down about, it's literally the tutorial stage


I swear the loot gods play favourites.


The item should dupe when two people tie for the highest roll


Nah otherwise you’d get shit like the entire raid rolling just for a chance to dupe and then trading


bring back personal loot


bringing back regular rolling in LFR has to be one of the most baffling decisions they made.


Weird we gotta roll in LFR but while doing mythic plus dungeons with my friends we can't.


When you're trying to gear up alts and people with massively better gear just need everything anyway so they can vendor it for less than the value of a single world quest.


LFR is for transmog. not gear.


Idk, lfr helps at the beginning of a season.


A lot of players use LFR as endgame. Either for thier mains or for alts they don't want to push higher.


good for them. it's still for transmog. if looting heroic/mythic peice gave the lower tier mog along with it, we would have another argument... but as it strand now, anytime you see someone with half decent gear in LFR ( the people who are hard carrying LFR)... there's a high chance transmog is the only thing they are there for.


great for them. no one said people don’t use it for tmog only bc they’re overgeared/decently geared. not a single comment invalidated this experience of those players. but since you mention it, the concept of lfr wasn’t literally /only/ meant for tmog nor was that the case when it originally released. that’s why others in this comment section are illuminating that yes a collection of players have a need for lfr for gear, contrary to your limited concept of “it’s only for tmog not gear”. and those players aren’t invalidated for their needs/desires, otherwise the content wouldn’t continue to exist in its iteration.


people who need LFR gear shouldn't complain geared people are carrying them through content.


you missed the point by an insanely massive margin, just to come to the conclusion that people are complaining that “folks are carrying them through content”. big oof, my goob.


you still complaining that people who dont need lfr gear are rolling on it?


You can't transmog rings/necks/trinkets, yet there was always some 485+ in LFR needing them in ATDH and immediately just dipping once they won.


the transmog is in our hearth


In personal loot, people could get gear they didn’t need all the same. Your odds are actually better under group loot because people can’t roll on tier pieces if they have higher ilvl ones, and they can’t roll on pieces of gear they already have. You had to ‘roll’ against them under personal loot as well.


And in personal loot they would've gotten the item anyway since personal loot doesn't care whether or not people have better gear People really have no idea what they're talking about when it comes to PL vs GL


How would you do that, realistically? Not let people roll unless ilvl is same or higher than current highest ilvl in that slot? Then what if items drop that are better such as tier, trinkets, etc. Just bring back personal loot


Your comment makes no sense, and again, it shows that you don't know what you're talking about All personal loot does is that instead of rolling on an item, instead you watch it go into someones backpack and then you have to whisper people asking them if they're willing to trade it Its so dumb that people want to go back to that, but whatever


What personal loot does that group loot (rolling) doesn't, is guarantee that over time, you will get a certain amount of pieces of loot. With personal loot that has bad luck protection (which personal loot in WoW did) you always received an item after X amount of boss kills. In the current LFR system, you can go multiple resets without getting a single piece. Furthermore, group loot inherently punishes you if there is an abundance of your class/role, etc. Say there's a total of 15/25 players in the raid who want your token in LFR, you are now rolling against 14 other people for your token, vastly reducing your chance of getting loot compared to a personal loot setting. While the system mentioned above is fine in settings where you make your own raid comp, it is entirely random in an LFR raid what sort of comp you end up with. These are some of the most obvious reasons why personal loot is objectively better than group loot for LFR, especially given players roll on pieces they don't even need in LFR.


> With personal loot that has bad luck protection (which personal loot in WoW did) you always received an item after X amount of boss kills. In the current LFR system, you can go multiple resets without getting a single piece. Some people say this but they're unable to provide any sources, can you? >Furthermore, group loot inherently punishes you if there is an abundance of your class/role, etc. And it inherently favors you if there isn't >Say there's a total of 15/25 players in the raid who want your token in LFR, you are now rolling against 14 other people for your token, vastly reducing your chance of getting loot compared to a personal loot setting. So what? In personal loot you're rolling in the background against all 25 players for each item > especially given players roll on pieces they don't even need in LFR. Again... Personal Loot doesn't care about peoples ilvl either. Someone could be full BIS and they would still win LFR items under PL. The only difference is that today they can just pass on it if they don't want it, and in PL it would automatically go to their bags and you would have to whisper them for it and do /rolls against other people This is assuming the person that won it would even care to respond


> Some people say this but they're unable to provide any sources, can you? In fairness to the argument I tried to see if blizzard had made any statements regarding bad luck protection for personal loot, but it seems this was only ever answered regarding bonus rolls in MoP, etc. Seems to be a general consensus in the community that bad luck protection for personal loot was a thing, but that is still anecdotal evidence. Can say with 100% certainty I never went a single LFR raid without any pieces of loot during personal loot. This has happened multiple times in Dragonflight already. Most relevant source I can find is [this post](https://www.bluetracker.gg/wow/topic/us-en/7592802590-analysis-of-lfr-loot-system/) from 2013 where Bashiok states they're looking at it and working on some form of solution for bad luck protection/consolation > And it inherently favors you if there isn't Yes, but the key information here is that normal + raids generally tend to balance their raid comp around having different speccs for the sake of both optimal raid comps and loot distribution. In LFR this is entirely random. Play a class from a popular tier token? unlucky. > So what? In personal loot you're rolling in the background against all 25 players for each item But it works a little different. For example, with personal loot, there aren't scenarios where you have 1 hunter in the raid and 2 bows/crossbows drop, etc. This is currently possible with group loot. The best system is/would be: Personal loot with no minimum/maximum amount of items per boss. You get a 20% chance to get an item from each boss with bad luck protection ramping up with each unsuccessful attempt. Items only tradeable if not an ilvl upgrade to eliminate "boosting".


There's nothing wrong with rolling, they just need to make it so people can't do that.


I just noticed this yesterday when did they do that? Some guy was in my lfr with mythic track gear and they literally rolled need on every single thing they could. Group loot is so much worse I don't understand.


unwritten rule of LFR. If you can roll need you do.


It got rid of annoying bot-like whisper "May I please have that" like 1 second after I looted it.


We're back to the Cata days with this one boys


So I've been out of the loop for a decade. What's personal loot.


You kill boss and the game automatically assigns the loot to players instead of rolling for it and you don't get any gear drops your party can't use, ie no bows if you don't have a hunter.




It's the same system as we have now, except everyone automatically need rolled on everything they could by default, with no option to pass.


It's the same, just hidden behind the scenes


No. It's not.


I hate personal loot with a burning passion, too many raids where I get jack shit the entire time


I remember playing Classic BC when it came out, and was rolling on a melee weapon for my Enhance Sham. I rolled a 3, and everyone was like "LOL" "grats other shaman" then THEY ROLLED A 2. I couldn't believe it.


I really didn’t think I would miss personal loot so much…


I've been there. It was made worse by the guy who beat my 100 had a better weapon and for me it was a major upgrade. Bring back personal loot dammit. We moved away form this shitty loot model for a fucking reason.


How did personal loot system look/work?


You have your own personal loot drop table that's tied to your character's chosen loot spec, and if you didn't roll an item, you get some gold in exchange. So let's say I'm going to go kill Aggramar in a raid, every player in the raid gets a chance at their own item. If I see my tier piece, I win the tier piece, no ifs ands or buts. You still have the 2 hour trading window, but it's no longer a case of fighting over a single item.


This confuses me. Please help me understand.


In the rare instances that two players roll the exact same highest number, the game does another roll to decide who gets the loot


That's not actually what is happening. The numbers you see in the UI are rounded. Two players can appear to have the same number in the UI but internally one can still be higher.


Wish they'd just distribute the item twice when that happens - it'd make doubles exciting, and it doesn't happen so often to where it can be broken nor can players manipulate it to happen.


Lost a tied 99 roll in VOTA Heroic today but had already won a shoulders so can't complain. 😄


Had a great laugh in my guild this week as someone rolled 100 on a brood keeper ring and began celebrating their victory, only for me to roll 100 and get it.


I swear we had a run off where 3 guys got 100 rolls twice in a row. All 3 of them, rolling straight 100's twice. I think the third roll off the guy won with a 5. Man Trello was blowing up from that.


Can anyone explain the rolling and greed system? Or even link me to a video. I can't seem to find a good visual tutorial on what is going on


Simple, everybody roll à dice to decide who gets it. Higher number = you get it. If multiple people have the same (highest) roll : the game randomly pick one among them.


My guild has the silly ruling that if you roll a 100 its beaten by a 1. It adds so much extra stinging to the situation. But everyone agreed to it and with the rule existing for something like 12 years now, it has only happened twice.


I won an Amani War Bear back in the day like this, both rolled an 88 and the game graced me with good fortune that day.


Had a 3 way tie of 100 for the eranog rinng earlier this week


Earlier this week in a pug, a tier dropped. Someone rolled a 97, got beat by a 98, then i beat them with a 99. We were the only ones rolling...


Its 50% chance to win


Honestly would be fine if the game actually displayed the second hidden tiebreaker roll that occurs when this happens.


My anxiety just kicked in high after seeing this. The ptsd of wow loot is real


I'm not sure how I feel about personal loot. Take the Time walking Black Temple raid for instance. I love the raid, but I also generally end up with 2 capes or 2 shoulders from the personal loot. If it were normal loot I'd be able to choose what I might have a shot at getting and not be stuck with 3 cloaks that I won't be using lol.


The thing i hate the most about WoW loot is that the worse you perform the higher you roll, the better you perform the lower you roll.




On a raid boss two good healer trinkets dropped. Dude managed to roll 98 and 100, on the first one I rolled 64 tied with another healer and on the second I was.the lowest roll. He didn't win the 100 roll item. I didn't get one. It was so saaaad and unfair


They should duplicate the drop if it’s a duplicate roll


The tragedy of `ceiling()`.


I once won every roll for loot in 5 low level runs. Ended one of my friendships because I got lucky around 20 times in a row.


it seems like its always 1 or 2 people that win the rolls. i really think the game should take into account who has won a role and make it less likely for them to win the next few, even more so if its not a bis and its other peoples bis. its happened a few times to me, even ones on a bis i rolled a 100 (i normally roll in the mid to hrh high teens) and then some durid also rolled 100 in the last few seconds and won the loot. they go on to win half the rolls, most of the stuff being sidegrades (when for other rollers it would of been upgrades/bis) or "my other spec can use it" need rolls


A triple 100 roll tie has happened a few times in LFR. The amount of QQ because someone lost with a need roll of 100 is insane. They seems to think if more than 1 rolled 100, everyone who rolled 100 should get duplicate loot. Sucks to be them, RNG happened.