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blizz vastly overestimate how people value pet bandages.


I pet battle regularly as one of my main forms of content, and I don’t value the bandages as much as Blizzard thinks I do 😭 I have hundreds of them just piled up.


Somehow only a handful of toons actually keep and use them lol the built in every 8 minute rez is enough unless rotating tons of toons through a daily quest that kills your Ikky.


Iron Starlette is the one I find dies the most. I guess the strategies are built around their mechanical resurrection ability a lot.


One of the ducks is a good replacement for Ikky, and that Wrathion Pet from the cata bundle is also nice.


Don’t give blizz any bright ideas…


According to altoholic I have over 3 thousand of them across all my alts. Even using a lot of them to heal during squirt battle days I still end up gaining a crap tonne of them every month. I wish I could trade a couple hundred in for pet stones or something.


Theres a Trader in Oribos where you can trade the pet battle coins with but I don't think that there is a use for the bandages other than healing


Yeah and they annoyingly only stack to 200 !


I think they would be more valuable if you couldn't game the raids with a skunk or the tree. Also if they didn't constantly give them to you for old content.


have they published any stats for pet battles? i always had impression that noone does them Oh and they could make pets sellable at vendor - they are so annoying to deal with when making mog runs


This reward looks like that one drawer everyone has in their kitchen filled with pens, paper clips, a staple remover, a few pieces of mail, a few coffee beans, buttons, a spoon that doesn’t match your regular set, a dull pair of garden clippers, a few nails and screws.


A Little to the Left: Azeroth Edition


Don’t forget the random foreign quarter you keep meaning to Google.


Junk Drawer


I can't find it but years ago someone made an ARK meme about supply drops. It was a janitor inside the obelisk sweeping trash into a hole labeled "Supply drops".


[Third Drawer Down](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpnxedNxK3o)


Well, yes, it's meant as that "little extra" when you keep earning reputation. OP is basically complaining "before it was mandatory to farm paragon caches, and I hated that, now it's just a bit extra, and I hate that, too"


It's weird how we went from getting 3.5k gold in every paragon cache in SL to 1k in DF.


And you still get that same amount of money in the current patch. In SL you have the ability to get rep from the command table too, so you can passively get the rep gains without doing much of anything.


I still do the old tables for the pet tokens and timewalking badges.


Didn't play too much during SL so don't have too much table progress. Is there any story you have to progress to get good troops or upgrades?


Different tables have different ways to level up but you can get started with just the phone app (although I heard recently they aren’t gonna keep supporting the phone app).


Honesty unless you want to go through shadowlands I don’t think the tables worth it


Prolly not worth it just for the tables alone.


You know what though, with war within coming all armor pieces will be unlocked from one character, there’s a lot of decent mog in the class halls. Something to think about if you get bored between now and then :)


They're kind of in a shit situation, and the only real solution is to add a ton of assets. What I mean is - if these reward a lot of gold, people will hard farm them and cause a ton of inflation. This creates the situation in BFA, where reward gold is super low and all the fun stuff they add is gold-sinky to remove the excess from the economy. That, frankly, sucks. But then, you have completionists, who want to own all the mounts. And if you make the mount a random rep reward at max, it feels awful too. I only see two ways to solve it: Paragon boxes drop a mount, but they also drop currency for a mount as bad luck protection. I.E. five bags and no mount = you buy it. That, OR mount rewards from paragon boxes are a 50% drop rate, but each time you "win" a mount, you get a different color, with five~ mounts per box. They want the reward to matter for a while afterwards, but they also have to please collectors and not cause hyperinflation. It's not the easiest task.


Hot take: they should sell everything with garbo drop rates for farmable tokens. RNG can be a real bitch for collectors/completionists. 


Not a hot take to me. I 1000% agree.


They desperately need to hyperinflate gold. I’m willing to bet most of the gold in the economy is still from fucking mission tables.


where? SL missions give like 30g a pop now


I meant back in the day. I coasted for multiple expacs on just WoD gold.


WoD mission tables were out of control. I know a number of people that gold capped from doing them on alts.


yeah pretty much everyone with ah mount in my guild are all the people who played in wod.


Back in WoD if you invested in the garrison you could easily make tens of thousands of gold per toon per day by stacking followers with +gold traits on treasure missions (which gave gold, now they only give supplies). You wouldn't even have to log in either - you could just use the phone app to manage your missions.


yeah i know that, i was someone who gold capped doing it, just the way it was worded i misconstrued as them saying that it was still being from current gold out of mission tables, not hoarded gold from back then.


Simple. Remove paragon boxes. If you rep is full done.


They want there to be some sort of repeatable content at max level for these things. Maybe add in tenders? You're sort of gated on how fast you can earn these paragon boxes, and a small amount of bonus traders tender might be a good reward here.


> Maybe add in tenders? Hell yes, then I'd actually spend them instead of just stockpiling cause there's nothing I *really* want.


I'm not sure what gold cutoff would make me fill up the emerald dream rep box once a week. 20k? maybe? But 3-5k, no shot am I doing a grip of world quests or a super bloom every single week


Could just add some rare drake manuscripts, I guess. Honestly 12 pet charms is what makes it bad. Bump it up to 50+ or somethin. Even some rare pets, or materials you can only get in the boxes to make other pets/mounts that need crafting orders or somethin


>That, OR mount rewards from paragon boxes are a 50% drop rate, but each time you "win" a mount, you get a different color, with five~ mounts per box. This was basically the logic behind the drake scrolls.


You forgot the third option: delete paragon boxes. When you're maxed, you're maxed, and don't need to grind anymore.


I didn't forget, that's simply put not an option. They want content that is repeatable for a long time to keep WQ folks invested. Simply not having that content isn't something they'll do.


I'm pretty sure it was that gold amount ever since they first added the boxes in legion, the DF nerf to paragon boxes was crazy.


You also get like 5x the gold per world quest in DF. I’m not sure how it compares in the end but just pointing out it wasn’t like they reduced this and didn’t provide other ways to get lots of gold.


In SL you had callings giving you around 2k every single day, to complete the callings you had objectives such as loot 5 chests in a zone, each of which could drop 250g or 750g, you had wq which often times gave 250 as well. Or you were asked to do an elite wq which regularly gave +750g. Was an average of 2750g a day per character in like 10 minutes of gameplay. On top of that you got so much rep that every other day you got several paragon caches which had another 3500 in them. It was grindy and boring, but I made a lot more from world content then than I do now.


Currently you can get 12-16 times 500ish G per week per char for flying around for 20 minutes.


I don't know why you are being downvoted, races reset twice a week and most give a gold cache. Then there are other WQs with almost 700g rewards and Fields of Ferocity giving 1.1k.


I have 20 alts parked next to fields of ferocity when the dreamsurge is in the zone & gives gold. 3300g x per Character and that's 66000g for 15 minutes of work.




All the dragon riding races give you a satchel with a little over 500 gold. They reset twice a week on each char. Sometimes the races in the zone that has the dream wardens event doesn't give a money satchel.


It annoys me that they removed the dragon race WQs from Thaldraxxas though, that's two less per week per character. They did add a 2nd race to whatever the current dreamsurge zone is, but it's often not gold.


Too many world events in thaldrazus or something


yeah i made thousands almost every day by just doing rep table missions + the callings and it was always more satisfying to get a paragon chest than it is now, i got them much more often as well. i wouldnt even say doing 3 callings every 3 days was that grindy... most of them are fast and easy to do its not like doing a gold world quest tour every 2-3 days now isnt grindy, imo its much more grindy actually and takes longer per character. id rather do 3 callings every 3 days and have my 3.5k gold paragon + a chance at an actually good reward like a mount than have to do 500 world quests and have 1k paragons with nothing rare to look forward to. it was the best when all 3 callings would be in the same zone. overall i miss the legion callings/emissary style the most.


SL paragon chests (the 10k rep ones) are still 3.5k, I run them regularly and the anima weekly quest still gives 1.6k The daily quest chests are worthless (200g) but with a fully setup farm it's like a rep chest a week per alt (maybe even more since Korthia has 2 more reps if you can stomach it). The "elite" weekly in the maw (if you bothered to unlock it) gives 2k! (if it rolls gold). Guess I won't bother attempting to max SL then.


American politics have invaded Azeroth. Big farm-a hates us having gold


oooo ... 12 polished pets charms... the opulence..


Puts a solid dent into that 30,000 you need for all of the collectibles


Hell, I'd be fine if they just gave everyone like 100 charms instead of all this other stuff. If nothing else it would reduce the grind on all the pets that require the currency (35,000 or so total needed).


dont forget the blacksmith item that needs you to visit a forge so you can turn it into incredible 5 xtier1 quality ore thats the real opulent reward


What do you mean? My warrior loves getting a single bronze quality mana potion and enough bandages to mummify my Pokedex.


This expac has the worst rep chests ever. Less gold than before and only junk with the rest. It should at least have a chance for one of their transmog items. Increase the gold as well to match or exceed what it was before.


The paragon chests should just have a chance of dropping any of the cosmetics/pets/toys you can buy off the rep vendor. Since you need specific mats to get everything, I still have a bunch of stuff I'm not getting unless I dump a bunch of gold for Primal Goat Asshair or whatever it is


“Primal Goat Asshair” got me to burst out laughing… at work. Have an upvote. 🤣


Not only are you rewarded something you probably don't want, it takes up bag space on top of it. That out the pet stuff and the loot haul looks so much worse


Eh, they kinda went to the other side of the spectrum to send the message that these aren't anything you should want to explicitly farm.


This. People complain when there's little rewards, but people complain even louder when it's a rare mount drop that they "have to" farm for the next 5 years to get.


I feel like there's an easy compramise where they give a reward like a mount but make it about 20% or something.


Or even Bad Luck Protection like they do with other forms of content. Or token to build up to said thing, like the recent legendaries. Or tokens in general and a vendor that rewards doing more than 1 paragon. There's definitely a lot of solutions than going Paragon Rewards -> No Paragon Rewards.


If these people "have to" farm every shitty mount blizzard adds to the pool - their complaints don't matter. They will play and farm regardless.


Just because someone will do something doesn't mean there opinions don't matter, and content shouldn't be balanced to make a better experience. You could use that same argument for mythic raiding, a few people will raid no matter how imbalanced the content is so why bother balancing it. Some people will do M+ no matter how shitty the affixes or imbalanced dungeons are, so why balance it for anyone.


It does feel a little passive aggressive. "You think you do" vibes.


Idk I think it’s good game design. Rewards should align with what the developer wants the player to do. Clearly Blizzard wants these to just be a small bonus for playing the game normally.


I mean it's not really a reward. It doesn't give anything the player is trying to optimize for. It's basically useless.


Its just a free 1k gold imho. I will say though, id prefer to get resources instead of all the other crap. Like give me 1k gold and 1k resources. Lets me go buy more of the cosmetics and stuff.


I was baffled when I didn't see any dragonriding supplies in my cache. The main currency to purchase all the cosmetics from the different factions.


Right?? Like it gives a tiny amount but not enough. I will admit, compared to the old caches, the DF ones are easy as hell to get. Rep is so easy to farm in DF.


nice, 3 gigantic dreamseeds!




They need to just look at what the popular consumables are and just give those out as rewards along with random mounts/cosmetics/gold


The Emerald Dream in general is one of the weakest end of expansion zones ever. It got old really fast and felt dead very quickly


The Mana pot & Pet stuff in particular...I haven't played Pet battles since it was a thing, please Blizz.


As a pet collector, I actually like getting the tokens. That being said, the amount of tokens you get is a joke because WQs offer pretty much the same amount (sometimes more) and reset daily.


I don't think I've needed a mana potion since Legion


What would you want it to drop?


Augmented runes could work. But I agree, it doesn’t really need much. If you give it anything desirable it then becomes an additional grind and defeats the purpose of having it as a bonus


At max rep you already have an unlimited augment rune unlocked


Totally, but these have been around the whole time, no? They could be provided from the other reps too…


It'd be nice for my alts. I don't really feel like spending 100k for my alts to get maybe a couple thousands DPS increase.


A reasonable amount of Flightstones


This is the question I want answered. What do people expect? Only thing I would say is more gold.


More gold and random pets would be a good middle ground to the mounts from before. But to be honest, the mounts aren’t bad either now that they’ve added bad luck protection.


Random collectibles would just be toxic, and essentially force people into grinding these. More gold, idk, we get enough gold as it is for doing basically fuck all. I think these are fine. Most of it is junk. The charms are great if you care about it. It's just free stuff, not sure what else to expect considering you do nothing to get these caches.


Forced to grind collectibles? How is that forced? If you want the collectibles you get the rep, if not, other players aren't getting any sort of advantage over you.


The "forced grind" brainworms that so many WoW players have are so weird. "Make rewards in an MMORPG shit so I don't have to play the game".


Please never ever add any form of collectible from these paragon boxes. It's the worst fucking gameplay experience they have ever put into the game.


More gold and resources for renown shit.


Pets, mounts, transmog. Essentially what it was the last 3 xpacs


At least a chance at some DF xmogs you don't have or drake customizations in addition to the extra gold.


This.. you get 1K gold and some niche items you might want or otherwise can just delete? I get bad gear all the time from random stuff. Just vendor or destroy it lol. Its 1K gold for something you're just passively getting after finishing the content. Its literally free money. I don't see the issue here... Assuming people aren't actively grinding these lol.


Upgrade tokens would be nice. Like 15 of each wouldn't be too crazy, since there are weekly caps anyway it's not like you would get an advantage out of it. Maybe leave off the aspect crests if they want to limit those to high end activities exclusively.


That rep is extremely easily maxed after just 1 character does it though.


I wish they would give chances to drop old tier sets. That way it isn’t really a grind for cosmetics, but a bonus chance at old stuff.


What would you rather see RNG for highly sought after items or basically gold? Give me the gold. More of it though. More consumables maybe. In short, I’m very ok with the rewards as is.


Yes, thank you. I’m perfectly happy with these as a *bonus*, not something to actively grind for like in Legion. “Oh, apparently I hit another paragon level? Nice, some free gold for something I was doing anyway” But yes, preferably *more* gold. I’d get more than that for doing two *minor* gold reward WQs


As far as I'm concerned, it's just a bonus. I spent most of my time playing WoW with Reputations that capped at Exalted and didn't give any other rewards if I came back and did content in the area for any reason. I just consider this something you passively earn, and I'd much rather prefer to have it this way than the mess that was rare drop Paragon mounts. That system *sucked*.


Yeah its dogshit If it gave better rewards, I would legit spend hours more playing clearing WQ's


I had to train myself to stop doing weekly quests *because they just dont fucking matter.* I had been religiously doing weekly quests on multiple alts for multiple expacs. They lost tons of play time to this choice and I'm sure it shows.


In centaur rep satchels as a BS (or miner maybe) you can get white items that have to be melted down at a forge to give you like 8-10 ore. It's barely worth the clicks.


Did you steal a screenshot from my account?


I hate the concept of the Dragon Isles supply cache. It's literally just resources. Lame as hell.


Oh the mounts aren't going to be a thing anymore? I came back to the game really late in the expansion and never even got to max rep :(


Give me some curious coins at least :(


I only ever worry about flipping paragon if I'm 500 ish exp away. And hey, there's always a chance I'll get the big bag, 15k's nice. I've definitely made more gold blacksmithing and selling augment runes during S1 and S2 this expansion.


Just give me a few thousand gold. 3 to 5 thousand. It can be empty otherwise.


And still you did it.


Still farming for Khadgars head pet, so I'm glad there's skipable garbage in these boxes nowadays.




I still appreciate the pet charms and bit of extra gold just for doing other stuff.


They are like this because there is also a chance to get a satchel of gold which gives around 15k gold.


Half the reason I stopped playing retail , open 10 of these in a row for big nothing and a trinket youll never use


I don't mind some extra gold but that pet stuff is worthless for some of us. Rewards for a game mechanic which is not played by the majority of players? Heck no!


That's the idea. Grinding rep for paragon boxes just for a chance at a mount sucked. The mounts were removed so there's no reason to grind. What you get in the Dragonflight boxes aren't designed to be worth grinding for.


You will take the rank 1 potion and you are going to love it


It’s definitely not good, but the mounts were so much worse. Paragon mounts were probably the most demoralizing farms because the grind was ridiculous and there was never a guarantee you’d get anything. They should just make these drop much more gold and expansion currencies or something. I don’t think they should be something you’re forced to grind, but just extra loot for getting rep.


Yeah they're kinda running out of rewards for a lot of kinds of content. Solution: player housing with new furniture items you could farm yippee


I think its fine. You are not supposed to grind out past max renown it is just supposed to be something to not feel the rep be completely wasted like it was before.


I hate this ngl, I loved the rare mounts, and idk how hard it was and how much grinding was necessary to get one


The random low rank mats and potions from Paragon boxes and treasures are actually really annoying, I am never gonna use them, please stop filling my bags with random crap.


They reward you with whatever trash they have on their pockets at the time


The rewards for max rep chest have been atrocious - they should atleast 10x the gold. Or give some rare reagents... or atleast something useful.


How kind of them to give you their seed


I'm glad the paragon rep chests this expansion is mostly garbage because grinding them for a chance of a real reward is hot bullshit.


I liked the days when you did dailies, hit exalted, and then bought the mount and never had to do the dailies again. But Blizzard likes infinite content.


Me: Can I have some flightstones Blizzard: hahaha flightstones


The mana potion should just be a note that says "hah loser, go outside."


These rewards are crap. But I'm not making the connection to the complaint about mounts


The pots are nice for alchy. You sock them away and break them down into mats once in a while. I honestly don't understand how people have so much trouble with bag space. My main is a tailor, so I make max sized bags every expac for all my characters. My bags and banks are massive. I've been raiding and collecting junk for almost the entirety of wows existence, and I still have plenty of space. Make a bank toon that never leaves town, equip them with the biggest bags and bank bags you can. Send everything you mean to sell, or store for a long time, to the banker mule. Put everything that you are just keeping for fun in void storage. It still won't accept absolutely everything but they've opened the limits on what can go into void storage. Finally, go find every one of those random currency items that we all have in our bank from old expacs and look them up. Either make a plan to go use them or dump it. Everytime I head back to town after a round of play, I immediately empty my bags. Vendor the crap, mail off the stuff I don't need on that character, and bank what little is left. We all had to know that bags couldn't keep getting bigger forever. It looks like we've arrived at that time with the new bags confiring buffs instead of more slots. Time to get organized.


Idk why you're downvoted, but 100%. Idk how people have bag issues. Granted, I ain't a farmer, or engage much with professions (besides Alchemy and Engineering on my main). I don't hoard random crap. [This is my (semi)organized bag right now on my main. Random junk on top, useful stuff, currencies and consumes below. Gear in the middle. Plenty of space for god knows what.](https://i.imgur.com/XUBYQAY.png)


I got a cool raptor mount from a dreambloom earlier


I think it’s just so that the rep doesn’t feel wasted. I’d rather that run Death’s Advance again.


If you have max rep why keep doing the content? If you have all the rewards you're done. Like if you enjoy it or whatever then go off, but then you don't really care about the rewards if you're just doing it for fun?


I've gotten hundreds of paragon bags just doing the gold quests/races on my 12 toons. Doesn't take long and previous to this patch you also completed the aiding the accord passively which yielded more rep.


Ah, I don’t do any world quests and only really play one or two characters. Generally skip aiding the accord too. 


Yeah I don't even wanna turn the quest in... it's more work to delete those items.. at least have 1 mount or pet


They've stripped so much fun out of the game because the fanbase wept over "FOMO". Horrible shame.


I'm very happy that there aren't unique rewards we have to farm from these. The rewards could be a bit better, but I'll take this over SL or Legion paragon boxes every time.