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Another good tip is you can drag and drop gems to replace them without having to use the extraction.


Clicking the gem also auto-extracts it, no need to use the ability.


1) Big ups on the info that putting a gemmed item into the sand grinder gives the gem back; I was too scared to try that 2) What's the cutoff for xp drop-off? Like what lvl range did you notice the xp goes to shit?


Thanks brother. Yea I had to take 1 for the team on the gems. 2. not sure exactly but I ran my first raid at lvl 50 and got like 120 exp from each boss. Someone who was lvl 38 also reported getting close to no exp there as well.


Damn ok. Since you can only do raids starting at 25 it sounds like the raids just aren't that amazing of an xp vehicle.


While the raids themselves might not offer a lot of XP, on normal difficulty the bosses drop permenant exp boosts for the cloak, that can be farmed daily


I just finished Mogushan Vault (both parts) on my Monk. Bad experience, but I got multiple threads from every boss, plus a meta gem and some gear.


So raids arent for leveling theyre leaving them as gearing content.


Nah, doing MSV at level 25 is the single best thing you can do at 25. At least on your first character.


Apparently on LFR they give next to nothing EXP. Normal and up do give more exp. At least that's what it says on wowhead. Every boss on normal drops an epic exp thread as well, so definitely still worth doing


Yeah, they also drop a good chunk of experience. I gained like 4 levels by doing a full normal run.


Can you even get to normal runs as low lvl?


Yea, you just make a group at the level the raids unlock and fly there


Yeah I've been taking the gems off just in case lol


So, I think you kinda do want to hang on to blue rarity items and up and upgrade them because instead of just having +secondary stat like greens, they have +primary and +secondary. Granted I haven’t done the math on it but even if they end up a few ilevels under the curve after upgrading I think the +primary stat still probably puts you ahead a bit.


The upgrade cost is negligible too. I got a pair of purple pants from LFR, and it only cost me like 12 bronze per upgrade level to bring them current to the rest of my gear.


You'll probably get replacements at max level easily enough without spending bronze.


Nope, scaling is still extremely broken so it’s not really possible to raid at max level.


I guess I should add next week when this is fixed


Do items get more sockets if you upgrade them? I've found green items with more sockets than the blue I had before, but I don't know if the sockets are random or if it's because the greens were higher level.


Yes it will add more sockets at the appropriate item levels when you upgrade.


I’m pretty sure I had a 1 socket ilevel 40-something that I upgraded to 70-ish that gained a socket but I’d have to double check. I’m not at the computer rn.




The word “prismatic” is a lie, right? I thought it meant ALL gems would slot in, but it’s just its own sub category of secondary stat gems, it seems?


Basically yeah. Prismatic is a specific type just like Cogwheel/tinker/meta, rather than a catchall for multiple "colors" of gems.


It's a holdover from the days of yore when gem slots were red, blue, yellow or prismatic (technically also uncolored and meta but those were different). In order to slot a gem it had to match a color with the slot (so yellow slots could slot yellow, orange or green gems). A prismatic slot could slot any gem color. It's as good a name as anything, but calling them attribute or stat gems would have made more sense.


Little correction, you could socket every color on any slot, you would just not get the socket bonus (which most of the time wasn’t worth putting a worse stat in anyway).


>You can buy Rings and Trinkets from the Gem Procurement Vendors however you need to complete certain achievements before you can obtain them. For posterity this is mostly a bug fix from the PTR where getting the achievement was supposed to give you the rings and trinket but sometimes didn't, which effectively bricked your character. Now that it's from a vendor, no bricking.


Ah that explains the low bronze cost then for epic ring and trinket


I got mine from the achievement, and alts can't buy the item from the vendor.


This might not be the best take, but since there are a bunch of achievements, my main goal was to do all of the dungeons and raids as soon as I can, in priority to just leveling. Was hearing that the scaling at lower levels is really strong, so you may have a lower toolkit of abilities, but you do big damage, healing.


I'm just stuck at what to do after hitting 70, everything takes forever to kill, Every mob in heroic scenarions 2-shots me, it was NEVER this terrible to be a fresh maxlvl lol


It's doable, I've gotten everything but the Raid achievement Amulet at this point, it's really advised to have a Tank for those - did them with a DH tank this morning, and while some stuff was still very sketchy even for them, we managed. For those that intend to take advantage of the event to level characters, probably more fun to just start a new character and do those things early until the scaling is adjusted to be *LESS* Challenge Mode like.


well seeing as levelling here is slower than on retail, I don't see much sense in it tbh, I basically wanted to farm tmog here but i think I'll limit myself to garrosh shoulders since its SO unfun at maxlvl


I was under the impression some of the transmog stuff required being that specific armor type or class to get, such as plate ensemble (but I've only seen it in passing so I could be wrong) - thought we had to level all armor types during the event. Edit: Still fair though, do whatever is fun 👍


Dont roll a priest thinking you're going to be OP for levelling so it won't matter if it's your first character. It's a slog in the open world as per usual.


Good Tips in general. One note about this line though: >They drop loot based off of your Level at the TIME that you acquired it NOT when you open it. You emphasized the wrong words and it made that bit confusing. IMO it should be: "They drop loot based off of your Level at the time that you ACQUIRED it not when you OPEN it."


Bruh I hate WHEN people do this and I SEE it all the TIME


lol true. Was trying to push this out as soon as I could


Seems like a lot of more of us for the event there so here's some Monk tips: * [Tiger's Lust](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=116841/tigers-lust) works on a lot of npc's to get them to move faster * [Provoke](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=115546/provoke) with the "[Hasty Provocation](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=328670/hasty-provocation)" talent will allow mobs to move faster when they're doing something movement focused (e.g. Striker Ga'dok during his bombing runs, Armsmaster Harlan's Bladestorm, or Garalon/Thok's focus abilities) * [Transcendence](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=101643/transcendence) can save some time, especially underground locations like Dread Wastes or Valley virmen quests * [Zen Pilgrimage](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=126892/zen-pilgrimage) - quick travel to Kun-Lai Summit * Spinning Crane Kick spam as a Mistweaver in the early levels is faster due to it costing Mana, vs Energy or Chi from Brewmaster/Windwalker plus the weird ranking of spells early on for those 2 specs (like Blackout Kick costing 3 Chi until 17) * Despite Haste the least favored stat for Windwalkers, it is very good for leveling to keep things fast and flowing while something I recommend going towards until talents fill in mostly towards max level * [Touch of Death](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=115080/touch-of-death) is very weird with the "[Slay](https://www.wowhead.com/item=216626/slay)" power, as they will both deal damage if the target dies, just good luck trying to get a ToD off most of the time with other Slay users; highly recommend using this Cull effect for any and all classes honestly * [Quick Strike](https://www.wowhead.com/item=216625/quick-strike) is mostly a dud for the class as it's channeled melees do not allow for auto attacks; decent early on


Here are some MORE PSAs: 1. DO HEROIC DUNGEONS AND ALL OF THE HEROIC SCENARIOS AS SOON AS YOU CAN. They get exponentially harder later in the game and you need them to unlock trinkets and Rings. After lvl 60 you will need to constantly update your gear or u will be 1 shot from a lot of stuff.


Is there any sweet spot for not having the heroics take a painful about of time? The elites in scenarios were giant damage sponges.


Lvl 35-40 is the sweet spot where you blitz through it and you have good utility.


I've tried to do a heroic dungeon twice, and the tanks just gets killed repeatedly and everyone leaves 🤷‍♂️


Yea it’s nuts. It took me like 30 minutes just for a heroic scenario and we were sweattting


Is there updated dungeon/raid guides or their mechanics are forgiving on this? Never played mop, so I'm taking my time with everything.


I just did the first wing of mogu'shan LFR at Level 25, I forgot all the mechanics, mostly stood in one spot DPSing. I never died, didn't see anyone else die. So LFR at least is pretty easy at lower levels. I've heard it gets harder at higher levels since the scaling is messed up.


Good to know, will try them later, ty


Pretty sure that your gems are not scaling differently based on the items stats. If you have on pants with a haste vendors stat, the gem just adds its haste to that number so you don’t have haste listed twice. The gems bonuses also scale with the item level or the piece you put them in. That’s why they just use the + signs instead of a number.


I’m 99% sure it’s a % + increase


It’s not, it’s a flat amount based on the ilvl of the item it’s socketed into.


What's happening is mastery and leech are doubled vs other stats (and speed is halved). The bonus from gems is always the same regardless of stats on gear.


I didn't even know you could do raids before max level. Is there a ilvl requirement? How's the scaling? I'm just wondering if I'd be useless going in at a lower level.


It scales pretty well TBH. As soon as you are eligible for it I would get in there.


Starts at like 25? But its pretty well scaled i went in as a 25 healer, i didnt have tok many problems


LFR wings give cache once a week. There is a daily quest for killing 2 raid boss. So…. While leveling only do 1 LFR a day, or not at all, just to do the daily.


Hit level 25 today. Ran LFR for the 2 wings of MSV. Can I get into these raids for normal mode too at level 25? If I technically can should I? I heard something about 12% xp increases for your cloak off each NM boss. Sounds juicy. I also heard about some wonky scaling stuff that made me wonder if mixed-level groups were something to avoid in the non-LFR raids…


You can do normal and heroic as soon as level 25. There's a bit of a dance because you lack talents/abilities, but in theory your gear is actually stronger at lower levels.


Cool! I’ll give it a shot.


I primarily want to use remix to level some characters to 70 that I plan on playing next expac, so is there any min maxing I can do there for xp? And can I use the cloak with xp buffs on it on other characters?


Level one character to max and do raid every day for the exp gain, then you alts will level much much much faster


Once 70, cloak stops getting xp stat


My goal is to experience the mop campaign. If I do the campaign, do I finish at lvl 70? If yes, can I still do dungeons and raids later? Or maybe can I make an alt and level that one too through dungeons instead of quests? If not, is it advisable to run some dungeons and raids now and finish the campaign later? I want to enjoy the story most of all


You'll hit 70 way before you finish the full campaign. I'm 68 after 4/7 zones, no dungeons, since I also wanted to experience the quests/story most on this first character. Dungeons and raids will scale up to you just like the quests, though, so you won't miss anything focusing on one or the other.


As other people said, scaling is currently bugged at high level and it's WAY easier to do raid and everything as soon as they become available They'll probably fix that soon enough tho, and you can create an alt to explore these aspects of the mop remix


> (Im not sure why but If I put different gems on different pieces with different stats it gives different numbers all the time, if you add a +++Haste gem to a "Haste" Item it will give it 130 haste instead of 56 so the +Number scales with what numbers are already there.) I'm like 90% certain that gem stats scale off of the ilvl of the piece they're socketed in


I disagree about upgrading gear. It’s 100% worth it just to skip tedious gem management.


What are you meant to do with gems you don't need? I have loads of tinker gems that aren't relevant to my spec.


you can just stash them in your bank if you're not interested in them.


What are y'all spending your bronze on? I'm still lvl 20, and I only bought 1 meta gem.


Nothing yet lmao. Mounts eventually. Not much worth spending it on beyond cosmetics pre-70


The shaman transmog from SoO, and toys. That's what I'm mainly focusing on right now. I wanted that mirror toy so bad in MOP but it was farmed so heavily I couldn't ever get it. Couple other ones like that too. I love my toys.


For minmaxing, you should be spending the Bronze on the random Tinker draw to get all the tinkers you need for your spec.


Be cautious about this, you'll unlock them all by the time you hit 70 just by playing


Any tips on good tinker gems?


Mounts and transmogs


Saving around 80k for transmog pieces i want after that i will start using it on gear


The reason you’re seeing different stat values on your gems in different items is because it scales with ilvl.


Okay I have a bunch of gems on my inventory, how can I remove then from my inventory to free up some space?


You can put them in the bank.


I can't find the bank in mop, first time playing this expansion


nevermind, just found it


Sorry about that, I answered you over my break at work lol and just checked it now.


Don't worry, I managed to free up some space after putting the gems in the bank :) Thanks for the help!


Do you think stacking trash prismatic gems (speed, armor, etc...) to max tier (chipped->perfect) then recycling them (sands) into bronze gets more bronze out?


Is it better to have 3 ++ gems or 1 +++?


3 ++ and then upgrade as you can.