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Check out the escalation achievement. You need to complete 3 of the listed objectives and are awarded a trinket with 3 sockets. As soon as you can queue for scenarios it’s worth doing as there’s 3 specific scenarios that are listed. Way better than waiting til 70 to get a trinket


Does the trinket scale with the level you obtain it? Or does it just come at a pre defined item level?


the trinket has no stats, just 3 sockets for (i think?) Tinker slots. those scale with your level/stats, so it keeps up with you


They are prismatic gem slots. So just a stat stick.


i think also the amount of stats you get from the gems depend on the ilvl of the item they are gemmed into


Afaik the trinket literally only has three prismatic sockets


Only one of the scenarios is doable before 40 it seems. But you can get at least one of them knocked out almost immediately. And they're pretty fun.


You can get exalted with golden Lotus in 5 minutes (one of the requirements for new astral serpent mount) Go to golden stair and kill the mobs that keep spawning infront of the gate. In MOP I think you only got 10 rep per kill but in remix I was getting 160. Very fast and easy.


Pretty sure rep gain is boosted in remix. At least when I played it on the ptr the dailies gave a lot more rep than they ususally do. So it's not specific


It is. I did the intro Cloud Serpent quests and a daily or two and I’m half way through revered


Want a chance at instant exalted? Zandalari Warbringers drop rep tokens that give 10,000 rep. If a few drop.. gg.


Can confirm. I was getting 1800 (+600 bonus) from a daily from Order of the Cloud Serpent. In a single round of dailies, I'm now 12450/21000 Revered with them, from Friendly I believe


I don’t know if the August Celestials fall under this rule, or if they’re bugged, but I did some of their dailies today and was only getting like 250 per quest. Meanwhile with the cloud serpent dudes I was getting a shitload per quest (+1500 I think, don’t remember atm).


I was getting 250+250 but I think that's from a rep increase I bought from them back in the day?


Just do the dailies and kill about five rares and you’re done


Going to get fixed now lol


Still works. The rep is supposed to be boosted, just like the XP gains


Good looks. Much appreciated!


Takes about 30-ish to get the Order of the Serpent done too. Search the mountains for eggs to make it go faster.


Golden Lotus dailies also give 4800 rep


Wait till you find out about the scrolls around pandaria that give you rep. Collect all scrolls, get exalted without having to farm.


I would like normal rep grinds to be this fast.


Just did this. Wonder if they’ll change it


Well, reputation gain is universally boosted by like 1000% (10x). So its probably intended. You pretty much get exalted with a lot of quest factions by just doing the quests normally. I'm halfway towards Revered with the Cloud Serpent order after doing 1 set of dailies.


Search the mountain things where the serpent nests are for the black eggs to turn in. 1500 rep an egg when I did it this morning.


Oh I had no idea about the rep boost, that’s really nice!


Fun detected


People probably know this already (i found it just now lol) but there are bronze orbs floating all around just like the dreamsurge dust thing. You can fly through them to get some additional bronze


They can also give you threads for your cloak.


They can WHAAA?


It's like 1/10, not really worth farming them just for threads.


But if you're flying somewhere might as well pick a few on the way.


Not worth farming, but I'd you see em out and about they're worth passing through.




They also give 1 vigor if you are dragonflying


There are larger, shinier, bronze orbs that have given me up to 25 bronze per orb


They can also, occasionally, contain threads for your cloak. It looks to me like the orbs are slightly bigger/have an additional effect around them if they do; I've gotten about 5 threads from it


I went to bed at level 20 and woke up to my wife already couple hours back into playing her character: she was up for 2 hours and had gotten 2 levels on me and about 10k bronze just from dragon riding (dragon riding is basically the only part of WoW she currently really enjoys).


I played about 4.5 hours today and made it to level 29. Not bad really. I also sort of missed out on endgame Pandaria so I’m enjoying going through it again with the goal to do some raids now that I’m over 25.


They’re completely free. You can take as many as you want.


And they can respawn!


I still do the dreamsurge just with the orbs, it's fun flying around to collect them


I do it when im bored and the surge puts them all over Valdrakken. I just do loops around the city. Flying through that damn alchemy/scribing crafting area with the greenhouse roof is still my flying skill check.


There’s no class restriction on some of the xmog sets (bought the dark blue korkron shaman and the dark monk set, both work on hunter and paladin).


For normal characters or remix?


Both because they are given as cosmetic items.


That’s how I interpreted it, I just wanted confirmation before I went on a spending spree.


Able to join guild from retail is a cool feature


Ahh, I was wondering why I've gotten spammed with Invites from random Guilds with 0 Achievements every time I do a Timerunning Dungeon. I thought it was just people being weird and making Timerunning Guilds. But Bots /who'ing leveling-Dungeons and mass inviting like they always do, makes a lot more sense. ... Guilds in general need a fresh overhaul. It's been since what, Warlords of Draenor Expansion since the Guild-perks were last changed?


Sometimes it isn’t even bots. There are just people who prefer to have a 999/999 player count in guild for some reason lol It made sense in like 2008 because it did create a big pool of players you could level or dungeon with, always easy to pick up someone but nowadays no point


It made sense in the past because the guild leader got free gold every time someone in the guild did a quest, raid, or dungeon too


Ohhhh yeah I forgot about that one lol


It's because these are just retail characters with temporary special rules and they decided not to block guild access. There's no "from retail" because they are retail.


Are we able to trade/mail or use AH? I just got on for a bit to make a toon and save a name, haven't looked into much at this point.


No. Basically all equipment and items are specific to this mode. While the event is active remix characters cannot interact with normal characters outside of chatting.


Timerunners are self-made (or if you're familiar with RuneScape terminology; Ironman). So no AH etc. Its also not really needed. All gear, gems etc. are untradable, and specific to this event. Quest (and dungeon/raid?) items are obtained as transmogs but not as actual items.


You can trade gems and gear drops


Only if you partook in the content though, right? Like with raid drops.


didnt know that


There's a bag vendor and working bank in the Shrine of Two Moons/Seven Stars All Infinite Bazaars sell the exact same things You can buy starter weapons from a vendor in Infinite Bazaars if you want to change specs There are barber chairs and a Rostrum of Transformation in the Shrine


I've been googling how to get a shield to go Prot spec since yesterday, and this finally is the answer I've been looking for.


You can also upgrade your gear with bronze. It is an insignificant amount at low levels. Vendor is right next to starter vendor


You also get a bag with all the possible starter weapons your specs need when creating your character.


And you can scrap them :)


Is it like a normal retail barber? I can change my Druid forms??


It's the exact same as a retail barber, yep!


Man the infinites are so much more organised and doing a better job than bronze Sorry chromie but thats true. I know its just gameplay technicalities but i like to headcanon that because the bronze struggle to keep the “one timeline” it always ends up in time shenanigans while the infinites just go with the flow and we can do whateve. Its ironic (and funny) how bronze suddently create murloc azeroth and timerifts while infinites have a nice organised pandaria run.


You don't need to use the Extract Gem skill, you can just open any gear's gem slot interface and left-click the gem to remove it! Edit: Changed right-click to left-click.


And if you scrap gear with a gem the gem goes back into your bag.


Also if you need to switch a gem in a piece of gear, don't take the old gem out first, just drag another gem on top. It'll pop out the old gem automatically.


Oh shit! This is an absolute game changer! Best tip in this thread by far


Narcissus (addon) is also already updated so you have special section in the character loadout screen to pick gems. Without having to go to every piece of gear individually


Pets are the only typical reward type which cannot be purchased for bronze.


So do you mean there are no pet rewards at all, or do you obtain them differently?


There are hundreds of transmogs, 50 out so mounts, heirlooms, and toys. All obtainable from achievements and bronze. Some new models, some reskins, some rare drops currently available in live made obtainable in a grind-able way. All of this in remix. With that all in mind, there are two pets available from just playing through the story through timeless isle. No difficult to obtain pets from pandaria made easier, there are no "no longer obtainable pets purchasable with bronze, no reskins or recolors obtainable from a bronze vendor, pets that exist in the system but were never made obtainable during mop are all also still absent. For the system that introduced pet battles as a box feature, all trainer battles also seem to be turned off. For instance, you can speak to the celestial tournament NPC and see his vendor list, but your unable to battle him to receive the currency.


I believe all pet rewards are achievement related, but there are a few.


Your not wrong, as the dictionary definition of "few" includes 2. 😂


As a pet collector, this makes me sad


The reputation boosts you can buy from the MoP factions are account wide (always have been), and still work in Remix. So buy them on your preexisting mains if you haven't already. Edit: to be clear the items are account wide buffs that boost rep gained. Not a token consumable you mail to alts. Can't mail stuff from the main game to time walking toons.


Is there a way to find out which ones you've already activated on your account?


Besides either doing a quest and looking at the chat log for the bonus exp, or taking your main to each vendor to attempt to purchase and use the items, I am not sure there is. Possible there is a script you can run in the chat log to check each one, it may track it like a quest credit. You'd have to check wowhead to see if the item page or the comments on it mention a script.


Not only for Remix, but also in DF, all raids are on daily lockouts now. This does include non-remix as per the blue post. So for those that may not want to interact with Remix, but still want some old transmogs, you can just go on your DF character(s) and farm daily rather than weekly. (Atleast until Remix ends and they change MoP back to weekly resets).


Wait - what? All the old raids I can run once a day? Dont need to wait for Tuesday reset???


Correct for the mists of panderia raids only.


Same for the world Bosses?


I believe so


God to know, ill give it a try


MoP world bosses as well


Ahhhh ok!


Ahh this makes sense since Remix is just on the Retail client. They’re just sending Remix characters into the regular MoP raids, so a change to the lockout structure affects both.


Raid bosses give you 12% XP bonus to your cloak every kill, I thought it was coincidence but I went from 70 to 160% in one clear of vaults on normal mode. Great way to steroid the XP bonus.


Group finder? Or premade? I’m assuming MSV on the group finder is LFR level, and that one doesn’t drop those XP boosts that’s I’ve seen


Premades/Normal. All Normal Raid bosses always drop 12% EXP.


Transmog doesn't cost money because transmog costs are based on the item sell price, which is 0. (although Weapon Enchants are free which still shouldn't be the case) Relatedly, since items have no durability, using the Spirit Healer resurrection has very few consequences and may be faster than flying to your corpse as a ghost.


When you swap characters, esp if you gained a new thread achievement, remove and reequip your cloak as the tooltip will be wrong (didn't check if the stats looked right or not). INT/STR/AGI threads are actually 'main stat' threads and will become whatever is best for your spec/alt. I have no idea how it decides what threads to give to your alts. The only threads my alts get from my main are some main stat, Stam, verse and xp even though I have a bunch of haste and crit. You are probably better served getting one character to max out the threads achievements than farming threads across characters. (Esp since it sucks so bad to have 30-50% xp buff on the main and only 4-5% on the alt because of how threads are translated to alts). I don't know of the max thread achievement is 100% transfer or not, but the higher the better (and higher level characters get more stats off of threads).


Wait, is it NOT the same cloak on alts?


Sounds like alts get specific number of threads upgrading clock depending on achievement clock progression.


This. As you get a certain amount of threads you get an achievement that gives you so much for alts


That is stupid and not at all how this was described originally.


There are like 3 achievements that reward increasing amounts of threads to alts. I would assume, it's like 33% each? After getting all the achievements you might get full access.


Not the case. I got the last achieve in that series, and while my main gets 119% exp, an alt I made had ~50% Not to mention 0 secondary stat, just a bit of primary/stamina


Same I thought the cloak is sharable , like u only grind one cloak, but it seems your alts only get some base stats and XP gain from the cloak, also minimal. My cloak on main gives me 50% XP gain, just created an alt and the cloak only gives 9%. It probably wont be as efficient to level alt as we thought and as was firstly advertised.


Main is 299%, alt began at 100%. It’s very very fast to level an alt


The threads achievement just function as a slight catch-up mechanism. All cloaks are entirely character dependent and threads aren’t shared at all. The achievements just determine how many threads a fresh character will start with


Where can I buy a shirt (for the shirt slot)?


And a tabard? Can’t find guild tabard even…


Order of the cloud serpent exalted takes a day


How, I did the quests and got my egg, then did the 3 dailies and…they said to come back tomorrow What did I miss?


the Onyx eggs for repeatable 1k rep, before any bonuses


Ah thanks :) I saw people say you could do it in a day but assume that was questing


Asking the important questions. (I also want to know this)


You can buy the Korkon shaman full transmog as cosmetic for just 2500 bronce. I can't Streiss enough how happy i was with those pieces as a main warrior.


As a long time shaman player with the OG set I definitely need them recolors


Same here, I love the darker one! Edit: grammar


Can you buy sets that are not your armor type and still get them unlocked?


I buyed the shaman one as a DK, so yeah, they are cosmetics.


And at least the warmer tone one is equippable by all proficiencies. It's under 'twisted elements' once purchased. My warrior is currently wearing it.


where is the xmog vendor?


All of them are in the infinite bazaar. Halfhill and tian monetary are two of them.


You can use the Yak. There's also a transmog guy in at least some (possibly all) of the Infinite Bazaars. And there's one in your faction's Shrine in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.


If I'm playing monk in remix and I buy a warlock only xmog ensemble, can I use the item on my monk to unlock the xmog to then be used on my retail lock?








100% this has already been said but don’t attack that zandalari warscout rare! Swooped In on em like a bat outta hell yesterday and he just bonked me 1 shot ko lol was awesome.


I killed one of these guys at around level 60~ish for funsies, only to be met with a swarm of level 20 players tagging the mob for the loot. I was those people's king for that moment, it felt glorious.


I feel this, me and my boyfriend are running a brewmaster monk/ele shaman duo and we realized we could kill the Zandalari Warbringers around level 57-ish (even if it took a long time) and we fought one in Jade Forest yesterday and watched as like 5 lowbies came outta the woodworks to fight it with us. It felt so cool.


Man I just started and it was the first rare I saw haha, reality check.


You get a good discount on upgrading a item if you have already found a higher level item of the same type.


There are banks in the main faction areas where you can stash things. There are also vendors selling bags for 10 bronze. Not that you normally need it. But I like my bags emptier so I put gems I won't need in there.


Since the characters become normal characters I just treated it as a free set of 36 slot bags for your bank. Not worth a ton of gold but free is free


If you go to the bank, there is an npc nearby who sells bags for 10 bronze, which you can use for your bank bags.


`/console missingTransmogSourceInItemTooltips 1` Type this in to get the "you have not collected this appearance" and "You’ve collected this appearance, but not from this item." text on items, no matter what class you are on. Really helps with what your need to collect. You need to do it on each character so I just chucked it in a macro, and I drag it onto my bar each time I make a new alt, press it once, and then chuck it away. (Works in retail as well ofc.)


Scaling messes up raids at level 65 and up - so under would be fine, but 65 and up gets hit much harder. I heard sweet spot for farming bronze is 50-60, just raid log if grinding Edit to add: looks like scaling is broken at 65 and up [https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/i8lxbtnnhG](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/i8lxbtnnhG)


How can you find raids? can you use the group finder? How difficult are the raids at 50? How much bronze do you get from each raid?


Group finder starts at 25, but more raids unlock as you get more levels i think for LFR. Can also manually search raids using the finder for normal. LFR difficulty isn’t too bad, seems like you can ignore mechanics except a couple bosses (Galaron, Durumu). Not sure on amount of bronze it drops atm but was told 50-60 is best range in terms of difficulty / amount you get, because raids hit hard at 65 and up, scaling is crazy


The difficulty in LFR appears to currently be that a lot of people are trying out new classes/roles and generally aren't very good at them. I've been the only paladin using auras in all but one raid I've done, for example.


In general people aren’t even using the gems from what I’ve noticed lol


Also healing sucks as you level. It feels like the loss of mainstat is so punishing to heal - some of my heals hit well but a lot of them seem to barely move health bars. I'm 55 and rocking mostly blue gear, upgraded to the max, with a 12 or 13 or so cloak.


The earliest point you have your main healing spells /rotation will be the point you are the strongest, with the current scaling. Every level past that dilutes the power of your core rotation, by incorrectly assuming you will make up for it with the additional abilities you unlock. In general the scaling is just way too aggressive to try and make sure you never just start 1 shotting things with all the extra rng power available vs normal game. For some classes, there really are talents/spells at 50+ that massively improve healing power. But for others, the core is there around 30 or whatever and that is the peak. Finally, your weapon is the biggest source of primary stat by far so getting an epic vs green for that and ilvl of course can make a huge difference.


Glyph of stars can be bought in the infinite bazaar for 5 gold.


Gems are color coded by type. Meta purple, tinker green, cog blue. If you salvage an item with a gem it goes to your bags.


Is there anything you can do with the excess tinker/cogwheel/meta gems that you don’t want to use? I can’t scrap them or sell them, they are all soulbound so I can’t mail them to alts either!


Just put those 36-slot bags to good use. There's no random vendor trash, so it's not like they're wasting space.


Another thing worth keeping in mind is that you can’t get duplicates, so keeping gems you don’t want to use actually keeps you from getting it again in the future


Clearing MSV while leveling boosts your cloak.... Like a lot.... I went from 29% XP bonus to like 102% in the 30 minutes it took to clear.


What's MSV


Mogushan vaults, a raid. You can use raid finder for it starting lvl 25


How much grinding can one expect for the Mannoroth Tusk shoulders?


They cost 38500 Bronze and 20 of the items that drop off of Garosh. Im level 28 and have about 6k so it should be pretty reasonable if you make the effort.


You should have all the bronze you need by the time you hit max level. You just need to kill Garrosh a few times, about a week of farming if you do Heroic mode.


Person saying they got 22k bronze their first day is very uncommon. 6k is more like it. Though it will probably go up a bit as you level


I got 22k bronze on my first day by mostly questing and doing a few dungeons. Meta achievements are key for the big 1k bronze drops you get. Need 38.5k bronze, so I'd expect to grins for a couple days at a good pace. The harder part will be the 20 tusks from Garrosh on Normal and up. Not sure exactly how many drop per Normal run, but I'd imagine it'd be roughly 1-3 per kill; considering it's daily lockouts, should be fast.


You don't need to replace gear, only the quality matters. You can upgrade your gear with very few bronze to level with you.


No loa shrines for zandalari players


There’s a barber next to the rostrum of transformation in either of the shrines!


There’s a vendor at the Bazaar that sells the Glyph of the Stars for just a few Bronze (like 5 or 10) if you prefer Blue’mkin form over the standard Moonkin. If on retail you’ve already purchased the Rep Commendations the bonus rep is applied already! I got to Exalted with the Cloudserpents in just 2 days worth of quests. Thanks to the speed of Dragonriding it’s pretty quick to just get the zone exploration achievements for some quick bronze.


For hunters, the Trailblazer cogwheel gem stacks with the Trailblazer talent giving you 160% run speed.


If you dont complete the tutorial quest before opening another box you get the chest piece for the quest again and you cant complete it again and it cant be destroyed. So you lose an inventory slot




Didnt think of that thanks


You can use the bandages while moving


Little known fact: You become the timerunning equivalent of a garbage pail the moment you hit level 70.


I would like to know of there's a guide made for the stuff that is going to be locked after the period. I did see the grand Marshall stuff for example. At least some weapons. But I'd like to.know what's going away that's unobtainable onge again after this expires


Make sure you open the caches often. I was cruising along just fine, and decided to not open the caches until I had my entire bag filled. I got about half way but started to feel a bit weak so I thought I needed new gear. I start opening all the caches only to realize you also get a direct stat bonus, along with the loot. I had thought it was only loot, so after opening and equipping new gear I was back to being strong.


You should open these immediately as they can contain threads, some of which are %xp gains. So you're losing out on tons of XP by leaving them unopened for any period of time.


Took me a bit to see you track cloak stats by a buff on your character


Yeah I kept hovering over my cloak and not seeing it, then looking in my bags and not seeing the Threads that my chat was telling me I got, but hovering over the buff shows the full stats :) You can see them as a "+1 Speed" etc popup sometimes too - tho annoyingly those are often covered by the loot popups :(


Azure water strider doesn't walk on water.


I am also disappointed by this


DK's dont need to death gate to do a weapon enchant you can do it anywhere.


You can fish up Bronze, dropping in higher amounts with your fishing skill. You can learn fishing from a quest giver at Halfhill in Valley of the Four Winds. Around 30 skill I was getting 7-10 bronze per fishing line. At max you'll probably get much more. You CAN still catch fish, but you catch fish less often as your skill goes up. This makes the fishing quest hard to complete because you'll get most of your fish at the start, but then you'll catch bronze more and more and every time you catch bronze you're even less likely to catch fish. It took me longer to catch my final fish than it took to catch every fish before it.


You need a script from the limited searching I did, but you can allocate all your dragon riding perks from the start. /run DragonridingPanelSkillsButtonMixin:OnClick()


There is a lady surrounded by the DF mounts (found through that first portal in Jade Forrest when dragon riding tutorial is offered) that you can talk to to enable people to ride with you and also open up the talent selection tree. Wish I knew location or NPC names to make this clearer.


The monk specific teleport works and you can do questing there as well.


You can use the toy which explores every flight point from pandaria to get the achievement which offers you alot of bronze orbs. PS.: Damn i just used it yesterday and it worked. Seems like they patched it… sorry guys!


I was unable to use this. Maybe very early on it was bugged but they definitely fixed it by late last night


That might've been patched out, as it just told me I couldn't use it yet.


Sadly this is no longer a thing. I attempted it last night and got a "you cannot use this item" error message.


There's no durability on items so feel free to die as much as you want. Or get one shotted by some random enemy spell that doesn't seem to be scaled correctly.


As a mage, when you do the “Landfall” campaign, when you get to Darnassus, you can go to the portal trainer and train all the portals. you can only use the Vale portal tho, but it is handy.


Not at all important, but still a fun, probably little known fact; every time your cloak of infinite potential upgrades (from what I could tell), it changes into another item. How do I know this? I have AllTheThings installed and I keep getting a ding for getting a new item when it is upgraded 🤣


You can get exalted with Nimbus Dragons rep easy once you are done the Quest you are revered. At that point fly to the island and get some onyx eggs 1800 or rep per egg


I did the dragon flying quest but I can't see how to access a dragon, there's no mount or collection tab bottom right yet. I'm level 12 What am I missing?


Shift + P


You can use the disenchant ability (whatever it's called, it summons a portal and you throw your gear in it for bronze) and if any gear is socketed you'll be given back your gem. Saves some time in needing to manually pick the gems out.


stat gems are tradeable, help your friends!


Ward meta gem is utterly broke right now. You can have everyone in a raid place it on one tank as you pull, overheal him to hell, and boss dies in seconds. I kinda hope they just leave it. This content isn’t meant to be hard- it’s a fun little gimmick


Posted in another thread but some facts and tips for the fellow Monks: * [Tiger's Lust](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=116841/tigers-lust) works on a lot of npc's to get them to move faster * [Provoke](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=115546/provoke) with the "[Hasty Provocation](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=328670/hasty-provocation)" talent will allow mobs to move faster when they're doing something movement focused (e.g. Striker Ga'dok during his bombing runs, Armsmaster Harlan's Bladestorm, or Garalon/Thok's focus abilities) * [Transcendence](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=101643/transcendence) can save some time, especially underground locations like Dread Wastes or Valley virmen quests * [Zen Pilgrimage](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=126892/zen-pilgrimage) - quick travel to Kun-Lai Summit * Spinning Crane Kick spam as a Mistweaver in the early levels is faster due to it costing Mana, vs Energy or Chi from Brewmaster/Windwalker plus the weird ranking of spells early on for those 2 specs (like Blackout Kick costing 3 Chi until 17) * Despite Haste the least favored stat for Windwalkers, it is very good for leveling to keep things fast and flowing while something I recommend going towards until talents fill in mostly towards max level * [Touch of Death](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=115080/touch-of-death) is very weird with the "[Slay](https://www.wowhead.com/item=216626/slay)" power, as they will both deal damage if the target dies, just good luck trying to get a ToD off most of the time with other Slay users; highly recommend using this Cull effect for any and all classes honestly * [Quick Strike](https://www.wowhead.com/item=216625/quick-strike) is mostly a dud for the class as it's channeled melees do not allow for auto attacks; decent early on


Armor ensembles for raid tiers include "shirt" and "pant" versions of any robes and kilts. There's also an extra tint of the [Battleplate of Resounding Rings](https://www.wowhead.com/item=215341/ensemble-battleplate-of-resounding-rings) tier set available from the Normal Raid vendor. I have yet to find any indication of any other tier sets having additional recolors available, which is unfortunate.


Idk but one thing i do know is that it’s unplayable at 70 atm due to scaling. Last boss in HoF normal is impossible to kill if you have lvl 70s in group because of a spell the boss casts on a player.


If you're leveling, drop your questing and do heroic scenarios/dungeons and raids now. 70 scaling is scuffed, it'll be way harder when you hit max level. You can upgrade your raid loot to 346+ for pretty cheap by that point, so don't scrap blues.


I had never played mop so I’m enjoying the campaign. Would it be better to make another character after this one and only run dungeons and raids? What is the problem of doing that kind of content with the current character at max lvl after the campaign?


Can you Queue into heroic scenarios and raids? I didn’t think that was a thing


yeah, and very early in the leveling process too. I'd do it. My alt war with a souped up cloak can practically solo it.


I understand now why horde players come when i shout out a rare in /3 chat


Will gems in items be destroyed when crushed?


No they go in your bag


Good to know. I was removing them before scrapping but this saves a step.


No, they pop back into your bag. Tried it myself last night.