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Why even have them on a vendor if this wasn't the plan? You are rewarded the item when completing the achievements, so literally no need. Unless it is purely informational.


Apparently in PTR, the items weren’t properly being awarded when people got the achievement so this was a quick solution for those people. At least that’s what I’ve read.


Ah yes that makes sense then. Hope they make them acct wide I have the neck left. It has been a slog doing these at 65-70. If I would have known I would have done the heroics right out of the gate.


Yep, agreed! I also messed up how to play remix somewhat but was able to course correct a little after reading up on multiple threads saying try to get jewelry as soon as possible because hitting 70 is going to hurt otherwise haha. If I knew then what I know now…


> messed up how to play remix This right here, is something that should have never been a thought when it came to remix. Really should have kept it on ptr for a while longer


Or they should have just left it how it was, fast, easy and fun.


Same old song; Fun detected, fun nerfed.


You still aren't 70?... I got there first day and yes 60-70 was the worst part.


Not everyone has the privilege to play 12+ hours launch day lmao


What a way to tell people you have literally nothing else happening in your life


I also have an enormous penis


Insurance in case somebody accidentally deletes them for some reason, most likely.


I got the beacon awarded for the achievement. I didn't notice it for like a whole day


I might end up using them for off specs and easy gear-/stat-swapping once I have enough max lvl gems. The re-socketing for every specc (I finally tried out monk) is incredibly annoying. Edit: someone said that doesn't work because they're unique.. well. F me then 😂


Get the addon called narcissus, it lets you socket/unsocket gems with a click on your character pane. It has saved me so much time.


maybe as safty choice for ppl that sold / lost theirs ..


What achievements award them? What should I be focusing on to get them?


Of the four I didn't get one of them from the chieve, I had to go buy it


In case people delete them, or want second sets for off spec builds.


They’re unique so you cannot get a second. Basically “in case shit goes awry” with deletion or achiev not rewarding properly.


They're unique, so you can't have a second.


Not unique equipped?


[Nope, plain old unique.](https://www.wowhead.com/item=208554/timerunners-beacon?bonus=9601)


At least at level 70, but preferably at level 10. Kinda wild to ask that alts re-clear every Raid, Heroic Dungeon & Scenario in a Limited Time Event imo.


Especially for the event that was supposed to be about making alts for the new xpac. I would like to see the neck have its requirements dropped to lfr instead of normal, but that's just for ease of doing it on an alt while doing other things.


> Especially for the event that was supposed to be about making alts for the new xpac. Tbf you can still get to 70 plenty easily without these pieces, and from what theyve said the gear you get on Remix doesnt have an effect on what your toon will end up with after its over. You can easily just level the alt to 70 and let it rot. This gear helps a lot more with dungeons/raiding.


I think the main reason is that otherwise those activities would be abandoned and people starting later on wouldn’t t have anyone to run them with


Yes, I don’t think LFR should be incentivized over Normal. It’s good rewards for it are nerfed a bit. Actually working through these raids in full is such a better experience than queued instanced content. LFR should combine all the wings. One queue.


But none of the jewelry require lfr. It’s all about scenarios and dung


The neck requires normal raids


Isnt this the optimal leveling for alts? My alt has 6 hours played, is lvl 60 and already unlocked the heroic scenario/dungeon items What are you doing leveling alts????


Agreed 100% Why the f would I level multiple alts for "remix endgame" I plan to level multiple alts, but not for the end game... I should be able to use these items during my leveling process...


Endgame is the transmogs/mounts that are only available during remix. My only question is it worth the grind of doing the raiding to get the bronze for stuff, or just make another character to go through the quests again


Yea I’m just planning on doing raid finder stuff, heroic dungeons and reputations on my main time runner for completion then just making alts to get extra bronze and the last few heritage sets I’m missing. If they buff the cloak or something to make endgame stuff considerably easier I might try to get into at least heroics but if not then whatever.


The only reason you need these are for remix endgame, leveling is already trivially easy


I can't even bring myself to do all the dungeons/scenarios on my "main" remix char, I sure as hell am not doing it on multiple.


It would help if you wouldn't have to wonder if the scenario now is a breeze or might just contain that one or two mechanics that are tuned for murder.


Ragefire and the ship ones are pretty doable.


I'm still trying to find these scaling issues that are so often mentioned on reddit. I'm sure there's some specific mechanics which are just plain overtuned, but when I'm actually playing the game, I'm just not seeing anything that couldn't be solved or avoided. I feel like people just want to be glass cannons and then wonder why they're dying, while the solution to any problems is just hiding in their inventory. * If lvl 70: upgrade your gear to 346. Equip 2-3 defensive tinkers, preferably ones that give absorb shield. * If not lvl 70 but doing heroic content: same as above, but upgrade your gear to whatever your current limit is. At the beginning you just have fewer tinker slots (and don't yet have all gems), which can limit your options. Heroic dungeons don't even need a healer, if all players equip a couple of defensive tinkers - namely Vindication + practically any tinker which gives an absorb shield (Cold Front is cool). Ankh for a cheat death effect (2 min cooldown), if you want to be sure. There's 12 tinker slots, and with 3-4 defensive tinkers per player, your group is practically invincible in all heroic dungeons/scenarios. --- I have ran all heroic dungeons in all 3 roles as paladin, done all Heroic scenarios as Retribution (a couple of them multiple times in other roles), and yesterday I finished the last normal raid - haven't done Heroic raids. In all content I've been in, the only people that I saw having issues staying alive were lvl 70 people running in ilvl 200-300 gear and zero defensive tinkers.


I did all of the heroic scenarios last night and 3 heroic dungeons. Im kinda in the same boat as you (trying to figure out where the 'massive issues' are at this point). I did die several times. Every time it was from my own stupidity. Theres mechanics that will one shot you or at least global you (the sha thingies in ToJS that have the frontal breath, for example). Theres lots of mobs that hurt that youre not supposed to stand on (dogs in Scarlet Halls). Several boss mechanics *hurt* if you do them wrong/ignore them.


The only two that seemed overtuned, but not impossible, to me were Brewing storm and Dark Heart. Brewing storm though the first part was really hard because those mobs are ranged and hit like a TRUCK. Falling behind meant you just got destroyed. But you could brute force it if you managed to delay death enough. The final boss is unforgiving. Do the mechanic (coordinate zapping adds) or you die. Dark heart though, THAT is tuned to just absolutely destroy non tanks and even the tools you get are not enough to just overcome it easily. I as a shaman had to take every CD reset buff to keep putting up earth elementals, because when the adds come out they hit people for like 1/3 their health pool EACH. The slow hot the other buff gives you just wasn't enough. Had to use earth ele, kite, and burst every set of adds. The rest of the scenarios were mostly a joke, with the goblin one being hilariously easy (the on use explosion one shots EVERYTHING even the final boss)


The goblin one was definitely fun once i figured out the jetpack lol


I'm definitely not doing these on my LVL70 main. On an alt I only need two scenarios. And then I just hope than they make the achievments account wide. If not... then I just pass on the raids.


The dungeons are super easy on low level characters, you actually should be doing heroic dungeons on your alts. My resto shaman was top dps every heroic dungeon by the time i got the achievement.


Worst part is, they are unique. Meaning you can't even buy em to have in backup for quick swapping between stats.


If only we had some kind of unique equip tag....oh well.


Just do all the heroic scenarios, all heroic dungeons, and all raids on atleast normal on every alt you want to make. Easy! /s




Guys, is there a subreddit for people who *like* World of Warcraft? No, I don't mean people who enjoy WoW and want to have fun with it, I mean a subreddit for people who believe in Ion Did Nothing Wrong?


What better way to bring in an expansion where everything is account wide, than giving a final F you to alt friendliness smh.


till it unlocks for alts I wont go out of my way to do those achievs lmao


They really do help with player power, even on your main. I kinda had the same attitude, but last night in probably 2 hours worth of play time i did the scenarios one and got 3/8 heroics done as dps. Queue up for a heroic dungeon, then queue for a heroic scenario. The scenario pops in about a minute because it doesnt require tanks/healers. While youre in the scenario, your dungeon timer keeps going. When you finish the scenario, queue for another one. I was finding i could do 2-3 scenarios before i got to the ~15 minute dungeon timer. At that point just wait for the dungeon queue to pop (or keep doing scenarios if you really want to) Once youre out of the heroic, rinse and repeat.


wait, i have unlock to buy these slots to be able to have rings/neck?


Yeah you need to do achievements to unlock those slots. Also trinkets. You don’t need to buy they give em to you when you unlock it. Heroics scenarios, heroic dungeons, normal raid, ones an achieve that gets done while doing heroic scenarios, hitting 70. Each one of those unlocks a slot


If they don't make them account wide I'm not going to bother grinding them all out. I'm primarily using Remix to level alts.


They really should, and it's beyond stupid - or maybe just a massive oversight - that they aren't available account-wide after they've been earned legitimately on any timerunner.


The more I play this the more it feels like it was done by 2 random developers in their spare time and not a polished game mode (or worse outsourced to the cheapest devs they could find). Plunderstorm had the same feel. Great ideas with underwhelming execution.


Remix is an excellent V1 though. Blizzard needs to iterate and improve on their new game modes, instead of abandoning them half baked. Seriously, Torghast and Warfronts had such incredible potential. But they were almost immediately abandoned.


They were hated because they were used as the mandatory gear treadmill. I loved warfronts and torghast. I loved the concept of a shared legendary whose stats grow with each of your characters (warbands meshes so well with that idea). It's depressing that they keep getting close and falling flat on their face.


Which is the philosophy they’ve said they’re moving to since dragonflight came out, ever green features- which we can see with the expansion of dragon riding. We now have delves, which will likely stick around for every expansion moving forward


WoD remix would be amazing, good leveling, good raids, good dungeons, without having a year with a selfie stick being the main update.


It was done well, the PTR was fun and OP, then the day before live they nerfed it (probably some upper management doof crying about player retention).


(More likely some MBA crying about lost profits from faction change and boosts)


Other things that should happen on alts: * Discounted gear upgrades up to your main. * Some level of proportional cape scaling. If the tech isn't possible, add way more achievement ranks. If that makes fresh characters too powerful, make ranks beyond 12 not apply until you hit some level.


> Discounted gear upgrades up to your main. > This really, really needs to happen. Maybe not the full discount you get when you have a higher ilvl piece of gear in your bags, but there needs to be a *significant* discount for alts.


Botched fun game mode is botched.


Also. You should be able to send gems and stuff to alts


Just finished raids: Idk if I'd unlock them all again for a 3rd+ time, and I'm iffy on a 2nd, but I've done more foolish things with my time before.


I thought the point of the vendor was for alts. How disappointed was I when I ran over there on my new little paladin...


They are %100 going to make these account-wide and will probably make achievements account-wide and also bronze and the cloak stats, but when? Who knows. But, until then I'm not making an alt, because this mode was falsely advertised and it's super duper not cool.


They should be account-wide even if you have to wait to certain levels to get them or even max. The neck should also be for completing one normal raid or all LFR raids seeing as flex is only an options for SoO.


Wait they don't? lmao


True, especially since they're working on making game more and more alt friendly (referring mostly to changes coming in TWW)


Oh crap. I was excited about the idea of getting to use all of these items on an alt along with the fully upgraded cloak.


It's already rough trying to get groups for Siege of Orgrimmar and Throne of Thunder normal (much less completing them) to get one of my slots on my main, but also trying to do it on alts I can't fathom being pleasant


Stop making sense pls


Agreed. I wont be running alts really because of this.


Yeah I’m annoyed cus I’m 30 hours deep into Mage and just not vibing with any of the specs. Happy to level again but annoyed of barriers like this.


Wait they don't? lmao


Where do you buy these? I'm level 38 but I have 0 rings and 0 trinkets.


The accessories in the screenshot are unlocked via achievements; reaching level 70, all Heroic Scenarios, all Heroic Dungeons, 3 of your choice from the Escalation achievement, and all Normal Raids. The vendor is Lidamorrutu at any Infinite Bazaar, after unlocking them you can purchase them (but they are unique so you can't have more than 1 at any given time); atm only good for replacing a lost one.


Wait they don't? lmao


Wait they don't? lmao


blizz has made it perfectly clear that player power will be locked to characters. thats why flight stone and crests will not be account wide in the future for example.


I feel like that shouldn't be the philosophy for Remix due to its limited time and limited carryover once it is over


But this isn't real player power. At the end of the event, everything's wiped out and replaced with gear that's likely not as good as you'd have if you just leveled a character to 70 in Dragonflight and did world content alone. So it doesn't matter if there's fewer roadblocks to acquire the Remix gear. It might make sense to take that attitude with characters and *real* gearing, but this is just event gearing that we won't be able to take with us. (And I'm fine with not taking it with us... but then that makes it more questionable why they start us down at 346 and expect us to actually grind up like crazy even to the bottom level of the current season of DF.)


These things have a grand total of 0 stats on them on their own, you need prismatic gems for them to have *any* stats on them at all, meaning if they *were* account wide you'd still need to re-obtain the gems for the sockets.


This is a meme event, where if you upgrade everything to the max you can solo the hardest raid on the hardest difficulty level. This isn't meant to be competitive game play. Sure items like crests and flight stones won't likely be account wide for a competitive retail season, but MoP remix is nothing of the like.