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2024 is missing the FIRE part tbh, 2008 looks juicy


2008 is a frosty fireball. 2024 is a frostbolt with fiery energy.


Exactly. Frosty fireball looks visually more impressive, but the new one looks more like the spell’s name.


The older version looks like som very hot fire rather than frost-fire


I will never say no to light trails on animations, but I agree, needs more FIYA. Maybe they could add a little somethin somethin to the beginning of the fire swirls.


2024 is missing the fire, 2008 is missing the frostbolt.


This, just stick the 2024 ice lance inside the 2008 fire breath and you're good to go. I'd be totally fine with a giant hunk of ice on fire being flung at someone like a meteor too.


But it would melt :(




Something to note, this is a frost mage, the fire version the fire is much more pronounced.


I'd say 2008 looks more like a Frostfire Inferno than a Bolt. 2024 doesn't look like a Bolt either, more like a Frostfire Swoosh but in HD


More like Fiery ice spike imo. I prefer 2008.


Ever seen a ballista bolt or a crossbow bolt? The spell is very bolty.


but as a combination of frost bolt and fire ball the 2008 version is all the best parts of icyhot


I'd disagree here, in my opinion the 2008 one just looks like blue fire mixed with red fire. While the 2024 has clear ice and fire in it.


I’d say 2024 does look rather boltish


Modern leans too far Frost, and I think 2008 leaned too far Fire Agreed that both look kinda meh e: also as others have pointed out, the bottom looks way better in motion. The 2008 looks like a generic ass fireball with a blue center


>Modern leans too far Frost, and I think 2008 leaned too far Fire I agree, give me the newer frost spike with bigger fire effects more like the old version, and we'd have the perfect FFB.


As is traditional for a Mage - Pyro looks just like a bigger Fireball instead of being exciting, half of Arcane is purple fog without highlights (blue ones, or yellow ones like Diablo 3 did), so Blizz continues with "the least exciting least epic thing we can come up with for a Mage" game


Arcane magic spells should be about lots of spectacles, sparkles, and lightworks. Mage spells should be at least on par with if not better than Warlock and Shaman spells


Iirc the new appearance is impacted by spec as well.


It's a frost arrow lol.


I still miss the old blast wave instead of this fart cloud we have now


Those KFC wings hit different in 2024


Destruction warlocks incinerate: First time?


I miss the WIDE swirly fire.


the swoosh sound with fire and brimstone on aoe was so satisfying


They made my big poofy boy a twink?


People hesitate to kink shame, but not to twink shame 😔


They shrunk his flames, made him look soft...


Funnier than it had any right to be.


2008 got some OOMPH to it.   Meanwhile, 2024 is pretty, sleek, and toothless. If they were to play up the fire component, maybe it might fare better.


2024 is the armor piercing version. 2008 is high explosive.


Armor piercing for bosses, high explosive for packs.


This needs to exist


I wish spells in general had more oomph and a lot of it being player side only cause theyre obviously gonna bring up clarity and pvp for reasons to not do anything fun, despite simply not allowing it in it.


they should just have a frost bolt with fire aura and trail on it.


2008. Hands down. At least make it a Glyph to give people the option. Everyone is satisfied.


Blizzard and glyphs ate like water and oil nowdays


They should just delete inscription at this point. It’s so insulting when they add glyphs and they are not even craftable ...


crazy how the community loves the idea of cosmetic glyphs but bc it wasn’t blizz first choice for that system they just make em irrelevant. they could likely even sell us badass glyphs on the store and we’d buy em if they’re account wide.


Don’t kid yourself some people would buy the same glyph for multiple characters


Still waiting for a "glyph of old chaos bolt"


Now mages will feel the pain of nearly every warlock spell getting downgraded into weird sparkly flaccid goop over the past 10 years


I dont remember old FF bolt looking like that at all, it was like a red/blue cloud that flew towards to mob. It looked fine for 2008, but not really like the image above. Found a vid: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv5r9ondzdQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv5r9ondzdQ)


2024 looks sooo much better in motion.


Probably because you were playing on Low graphic settings tbh.


What does it look like on high settings?


If only there was an image of it


I'm hoping for footage, the image above makes it look huge then the video makes it look like a small bolt, does it look small due to low graphics or is the picture just a flattering angle.


Here you go. https://youtu.be/wTKBmSEpI0Q My thumbnail is a screenshot from the recording, it looks the same as OP's image.


Thanks bud.


Low settings + low fps will do that.


Yep wotlk ffb is awesome


I hate modern spell effects. Almost every spell since they started slowly redoing them all since WoD has been a nearly direct downgrade.


Personally I prefer the updated version, works better thematically, aesthetically and matches the more modern Shadowlands FX. Its a cleaner more readable shape, and I like how the fire circles the straighter frost projectile rather than just mashing them together with none of the behavior of frost coming through


Is it me or is there a hint of arcane purple in the trail? Looks good and will be using it for one of my mages.


Red and blue also makes purple, so that'd make sense art and lore wise


Fair enough.


Ye there’s some purple and it makes sense lore wise. Mages don’t actually use real fire and frost but manipulate arcane to create them. Shamans use the real stuff.


Meh, most of the art since BFA has been *okay*, but it's the sound that has been bad for a long time now. What went wrong with their sound design? Playing classic and retail at the same time, and its wild how much better the sound design is in classic. Abilities feel like they have *impact* and *punch*. Crits are *loud*. The balance / mix is much more dynamic and boomy. In retail, it's like the whole mix is super compressed, very little dynamics, all spells are the same volume so everything just blends and meshes in and your own spells all sound the same volume / same texture and stuff barely registers as impactful.


Yeah, i wish all animations were updated to new FX standards. Evokers have some of the best animations in the game, yet mages shamans, and priests (holy specifically and power word: shield) still have super old animations.


Definitely 2008. 2024 is underwhelming, needs more fire.


miss the cata lightning bolt animation so bad


Lightning Bolt was one I saw in classic and had that feeling for too and I really miss old incinerate. New spells sometimes feel a little too sleek.


Old chaos bolt went so hard in a way the new one just doesn't.


Yeah, that was the other one. Old Chaos Bolt really felt like you were *sinking* a mass of magic/energy into an enemy, especially when you were doing it over and over. It was slower and inevitable, new one just has never hit the same.


Getting rid of the arc was a fatal mistake. I creamed when I used aoe chaos bolts in WoD.


2008 is a Frostfire Bolt. 2024 is a sparkle stream.


Both are cool, but I definitely prefer the new one. It looks like something a trained sorcerer would fire off


Honestly I prefer the 2024 version. The icy spikes seem more on-point than that weird blue glowy effect.


It's actually a hunk of ice with fire on it.


2008, hands down.


Replace the 2008 ice/frost visual with a big ice spike, keep the flames. The 2024 version is very underwhelming in general.


Now I miss old Arcane Barrage...


2008 looks intimidating. The newer one not so much. It’s pretty, but not what I picture frostfire being


I think they’re both pretty cool, but they look like different spells, 2008 looks like a frost fire chaos bolt, a big nuke spell you don’t cast too much, the 2024 looks like one you cast all the time.


2024 might need a little more "fire" but I think it looks better. 2008 looks a bit like a Star Trek phaser rifle with fire around it and I can't really unsee that.


2024 needs a little bit more spicy but otherwise seems better.


2024 needs less arcane more fire and a bit of bulk


I’d take the new one to be honest. Old one just looks messy.


2024 better


2024 is really just missing more fire. I dig it tho


Join the chaos bolt club


I like my girls like I like my frostfire bolt...THICC


The new one, I guess. I mean, the old version doesn't even look like a bolt. More like a frostfire thrower


It didnt really look like a flamethrower ingame. It was a red fireball with a blue core that flew towards the mob like you expect.


If that's so and I trust you, the the image of the old version is not the best to show it, imo But either way, I'd probably still tend to the newer version. Tho the fire part could pop a bit more


Yea this is a weird way to compare them. A straight on shot that's taking up 80% of the frame vs a side view taking up 20% of it.


The Frostfire Bolt animation and action bar icon from 2008 look way better.


The old animation was literally just a glob of particle effects.


First one for sure. Second one doesn't really pop out at all. Kinda disappointing.


2024 is completely neutered.


It would be better if they mixed the two. Have the big plume of flames from the 2008 version, and the ice shards from the new version.


I am very partial to the original, because it's absolutely my favorite spell animation in the entire game. But I'd say the reality is that the new one looks much better, cleaner. It fits better into the current game.


Well now that old one with more polishing would he perfect


People really be picking 20 of the same JPEG stacked on eachother over a 3d model? I remember when I first cast the 2008 version frostfire bolt and thinking how lazy and garbage that missile was. Each to their own I guess.


Ask us to judge an animation, then post a single still frame from each animation? C’mon, OP.


Anyone else miss the old ice lance version


I like the new animations better. Less obnoxious and more slick.


2008 looks much more frost firey than this new one lol New one looks more bolty i guess


Combine the two of them and then you've got a winner.


I like the 2024 version. Not so flashy like the 2008 Korean MMO spell effect.


Gonna be honest i dont like either lol


They both look cool to me ...but 2008 just looks more kickass in my book :)


i feel like my current Pc wont handle the 2008 version if they 1to1 it to retail DX


Why are they like this? 😢


Old ice lance please.




2008 frostfire bolt was ahead of its time


The old one and it's not even close. Same with Incinerate. The newer incinerate animation is fucking awful. Absolutely atrocious, it looks like an animation from a ps1 game.


the 2024 one looks way more arcane than frostfire. Good job whoever designed that, you missed what the spell was called.


2024 for sure. I never lived these blobs of fire (looking at you blastwave)


I feel like both are kinda silly and it should look like firey ice instead of a mix of fire and ice Like the new one in game actually just looks like a frostbolt with fire spinning around it. The old ones kind of a blob of red and blue. Should probably just be blue fire the way fire looks when its super heated.


Frostfire bolt implies the existence of a cryopyroblast.


Obviously in the minority reading the comment I prefer the new one. It really looks like the intertwining of different magics than a smokey poofy attack. I'm a sucker when magic looks like it mixes. Makes me think of the attack Aang almost killed ozai with, a mixture where all the parts were visible.


The framing on these is completely different. Old FFB just looked like a two coloured blob, the new one is mostly better, but it could use a bit more fire than some spindly streaks of orange


Yeah, turn up the fire a bit, I could see that being a big improvement. I like it overall though.


Screenshots are a terrible way to compare them, should have side-by-side gifs of them in motion since that's what you'll actually see in gameplay.   This screenshot makes 2008 FFB seem cool, but in motion it was pretty meh


2024 is just sad. I mean, all spells are just sad nowadays. Just so small, minimalistic. Nothing too flashy. Nothing really intimidating.


The new one makes more sense with the modern visual design language of frost. Which is much more pointed and sharp than in the past. But the 2008 version does shine a light on the lack of fire in the modern one. There’s room for improvement, absolutely. Personally, if it were me, I’d have two different versions. Something like the 2008 for the Fire spec Frostfire Bolt and the modern 2024 one for the Frost spec Frostfire Bolt. Just to really show off which spec is dominant.


2008 looks more like “frostfire” 2024 looks more like frost + fire I’d imagine frostfire as fire that is cold. Not ice plus some fire.


2008 version did not look like that. That 2008 version looks like a third party model viewer with the particle effects turned up 100x, at best


That's what it looked like on max graphic settings with particle density at maximum.


2024 is straight gas 


'24 is very detailed. So it's prettier.


New one is def better, if they had kept the old one it would have looked so out of place. They could make the fire part more visible tho. Or maybe like they have for spellslinger where depending on ur spec one or the other element has priority


Stuff like this is why glyphs should be so much more abundant.


I'm for clean and to the point animations (minimalist), I'll go with '24


Same, I think everyone thinks they want something huge and epic covering but then they forget during a modern encounter there's A LOT of spell animations from pre legion taking half your screen looking straight garbage. This is a good step towards reducing spell clutter.


The 2008 one looks more spectacular but the 2024 one looks more like a "bolt" rather than a frostflamethrower.


Old. Old incinerate is also way better, it’s crazy that they destroyed it for no reason


2008 FFB never looked like that.


I honestly prefer the second one. Much cleaner


Giving me Mind Flay vibes, when guildies thought they had graphics problems after seeing the WotLK animation rework.


2024 cause it actually matches the frost bolt animation and doesn’t look like a fireball.


2024. 2008's looks like blue and red fire. where's the frost?


ones super zoomed in and one isn't, but I wanan say I like 2024 better. Those cloudy gas animations were overused back then haha


2008 does look cooler, but 2024 actually looks like a "bolt". The 2008 one looks like it'd be named "frostfire barrage" or something like that.


I'm split. I think I'm torn not because it's better but because it's nostalgic. Objectively new one looks better and feels great to cast but it's not the same feeling that I have for the last 20 years of wow. I dunno.


2008 is a torch/flame thrower.... not a bolt at all


2008 appeals to the flashy WoW-montage-video teenager in me, but I like the 2024 one. I do agree with some of the other commenters that the 2024 one would be even better with the 'fire' aspect being emphasized just a bit more.


If I were a frostfire frost mage? I think I'd be okay with 2024... but as a fire mage who wants to play frostfire? That's hella lame. Would rather have the 2008 one.


Old vs new Incinerate is also sad.


I like the new one a lot! Super excited to play this spec and try it out


i like em both.


From the picture I'd say 2008 version. But then I went on the youtubes and the new version is so fresh and so clean clean (i.e., superior).


I love that OP put the best possible angle for the 2008 one because they _know_ it looks like ass, but they are one of those 'nostalgia good' people. the 2008 one is terrible, and you only like it because your back didn't hurt back there


I dont think its actually comparable Imho the 2008v fits well into wows graphic at the time, meanwhile the 2024v fits well into what wows artstyle is trying to be nowadays, with a more sleek and "kinder" artstyle That said, I like wow in a more "gritty" tone so I would pick 2008


The 2008 Frostfire bolt looks like it could melt your face off! The 2024 looks like it would tickle your face a little bit off...


While my initial reaction is "2008", the new design will look and probably visually perform better in a raid. But, I do think it needs a bit more "fire" in the Frostfire bolt.


2008 looks badass. Plain and simple.


2008 all day.


oh brother, yeah that new one is not amazing to say the least really needs a glyph option, i can understand them not wanting to lead with the 2008 animation but give people the choice


Glacial Inferno vs Lukewarm Frost Arrow


Frostfire bolt? More like Frostfire Ice Lance


2008. Not even a contest.


Huh??? Mage got FFB back?!?!?!?


I like the new high res in 2024 but in general I think the 2008 one looks better. If they made the exact same animation from 2008 in high res it would look perfect


imo 2008 feels more uncontrolled and primal. 2024 feels conentrated or more focused. I like both.


2008 FFB is chefs kiss


I feel like the people saying 2008 is better are just thinking in terms of size and not aesthetics. Like its a big blob of red and blue vs fire balls orbiting a stream of icicles.


Blek, I detest basically all of the new spell effects.




Man, 2008 looks like the birth of the universe. Love it!


More than that, I wanna know how ridiculous the name in Spanish is


The older animation may be "prettier" but I'd prefer the new one. Over the top spell effects cause way too much screen clutter and I'd prefer streamlined effects that might not be quite as pretty, but improve game playability.


2008 is barely icy and 2024 is barely firey.


I like them both but for different reasons. 2008 looks more primal like a true mixture of both frost and fire while 2024 looks nice but it looks more like a frostbolt with fire swirling around it and some arcane on the tail end of it which makes sense given all mage magic is arcane in nature but being altered to either fire, frost, or staying pure arcane.


Remember ascendance stormstrike my friends. Remember what they took from us.


2008 is flashier, but 2024 is more appropriate. 2008 looks like blue and red fire, which while cool, doesn't really show off the frost aspect. 2024 has ice crystals, and stylised fire, so it looks more like a combination of ice magic and fire magic. That being said, I do like both as animations.


I like abilities and spells to be as dramatic and in your face as possible in gaming so the first one.


man I love the internet, the 2008 version looks like ass in motion and the perspective here makes it look bigger than it was


2008 looks better until you're trying to dodge boss mechanics


Wait....THAT'S the new one!? Dear God what have they done


2008 looks like some kinda shaman lightning fire tornado throw. 2024 looks much cleaner but needs more fire to it imo.


Tangentially related, but remember how that one dev, I forget who, justified the removal of frostfire abilities by saying "Well, what is frostfire anyway? It doesn't make sense, they'd just mix together and melt into a puddle". I'm admittedly paraphrasing, but that still sticks with me for being such a... *baffling* line of reasoning. It's *magic*, it doesn't need to make sense. When has making sense **ever** gotten in the way of something cool being a part of WoW? Anyway, I'm just glad that we true frostfire believers are getting the last laugh now.


2008 by far.


All the old animations have been better i have yet to see any real upgrade every time they update some old animation it has been a straight up downgrade and looked lame as hell. Sure the graphics of the new animations look sharper but that's it old stuff like old shadow bolt on warlock the screaming skull was so cool compared to crap that replaced it. New frostfire bolt looks incinerate all over again.


2008 looks and is dangerous


I like both, but I think it would be cool if the bottom one is what it looks like for Frost and the top is what it looks like for Fire in TWW.


2024 is a bolt. 2008 is a multicolor flame thrower. Both could be better. But the new one actually looks like a bolt it just needs more fire "umph"


2008. I think most of the spell animation updates were worse for casters. They reduced so much of the feeling of impact that the old animations had. Same with sound effects. Everything toned down and got quieter.


Lmao it didn’t look like that in 2008


2024 looks like such a downgrade lol.


the original animations for just about every spell in the game were better than what we have now. they completely destroyed incinerate in retail. cool wave of fire snaking across the ground? naw youre spittin fireballs like mario now


I like the ice spike flying. But like many said I do feel it needs a bit more fire effect added to it.


2024 one looks more like a bolt, but it's got barely ant fire.


Shame we can't Glyph all the older spell effects.


Classic spell effects are almost always better and it's true in this case as well


2008 looked more powerful


2024 needs more fire. it looks like the main damaging component is the spiky icicle. does not look like the fire is doing any damage, its just there to look shiny.


2024, i cast frostfire BOLT not frostflame thrower. BUT with that said, it does need more fire because thats just warmfrost bolt


OG is Frostfire Iceflamethrower or something. New needs more pizazz


I haven’t played my mage since cata and frostfire going away