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I’ll stay evoker since I absolutely love what the hero talents add. Just from looks and how it affects gameplay. I’m just a bit concerned about the recent changes to dragonrage extensions. So further negative changes could still tip me off the edge to another caster. Shadow priest, mage and warlock are all possible.


That one change alone is the reason I’m not going to bother playing evoker. It removed the last interesting interaction the spec had, and they nerfed it because of power infusion (according to Blizzard at least)… They should just remove power infusion at this point if it’s going to be this controversial that other classes are being changed around it.


Some dev or designer has a major hard on for power infusion.


Malicious compliance: all us priests just refuse to spec into Twins of the Sun Priestess. MY PI! 😤


Demo mains feel the pain of a spec being tuned around PI


What changes did they make to Dragonrage?


It can only be extended 4 times. So 2x eternity surge and 2x fire breath. Many times, with PI and lust, you can get another extension beyond that. Now it’s capped at the absolute minimum


I only play dev as an alt but I think they did it so you don’t feel like you have to line up all your empower spells back to back. Feels less punishing if something desyncs your CDs or if you want to use a flamebreath early on a big pack of mobs when rage isn’t quite up yet. Definitely lowers the skill floor but (in theory) should make it feel a little least rigid to play which will probably feel more fun overall. At least that’s my take.


Another factor are talents that significantly reduce eternity surges cd (like mass disintegrate itself). I’m okay with the change, but since we’re being tuned around PI, I fear we might get nerfed for a spell that’s not even ours and that would suck


Yeah I can’t believe they haven’t just removed PI yet. It’s just bad design in this kind of game and it’s strange to me it hasn’t been changed. I’m not a fan of stuff like blessing of the season or just Aug in general but at least those don’t functionally change the way specs can perform.


They basically changed the empower skill DR extension mechanic so it's capped at 4 extensions. This means that regardless of any haste buff (such as lust or PI) you should always get the full extension benefit. Good if you want to lower the skill ceiling on the class (ADVANCED class am I right?), really boring and basic if you want to do anything actually interesting with it.


I'm really torn. I really enjoy devastation and the tww talents look super fun. However, I fucking HATE the shorter range. There are certain fights like Nymue where it is just brutal. Your raid has to play around you like your melee. I also can't stand the stupid walk animation for dracthyr. Clomping all around while like half skipping and hopping on the end of each step when the foot leaves the ground. Can't stand it. And I miss full xmog. Really wish you could just stay in visage form. Luckily there are appearance toys but still. I also feel pressured to play aug constantly, and I don't think that changes unless they are awful or there are other support specs. I was thinking about playing elemental and hoping they got a cool rework, but that doesn't look to occur. It's really not that hard to make an amazing lightning build where you're basically exploding with lightning or a fire build where you use lava burst to get next to full uptime on your fire ele. Or an earth spec where you're like an earthbender......seems like those abilities go to Aug though.


The shorter range is the stupidest shit ever. Another dumbfuck gimmick that they can't just admit they are wrong on. Ele might've also been my main in TWW if only it would ever get any attention ever, but no.


as a hard core pvper, if devokers had their current kit AND 40 yard range, i’d end it all. they’re already impossible to hit and slow, it’s just be pure pain


They can (and should) nerf the slow immune, CC immune talent, and the “can’t be interrupted while obsidian scales is active” talent. The only reason they have that is because of the short range, I’d gladly lose time on hover as well for at the very least 30-35 yard range.


I think the massive slow from disintegrate that you can cast while moving would have to go too. That’s the thing I really hate.


Agreed. I play dev all the time in PvP, and I just know the entire spec must be annoying to play against. Its entire kit is built in a very toxic way. Constant slows that go up to 80% movement reduction, can’t slow them, they get CC immunity (granted this can be countered, but it’s still toxic asf), and the obsidian scale interrupt immunity is all just toxic design built around the 20 yard range. Easy solution is to remove all of those, give evoker at least a 30-35y range (only reason I do not say 40 is because of hover, but I’d be okay with hover not lasting as long if they did this), and give some better PvP talents built around their moves that are not built in a toxic way. I think a good example of good PvP talent design is something like “you can cast empower spells while hovering” or “tail swipe now has 2 charges, but also has +45s CD” or something that can be utilized but not in a toxic way that has no counters.


It’s gonna be even worse next expansion when I lose skyreach. I literally cannot touch an evoker with hover up right now, but next expansion is gonna have me feeling like a death knight.


In the end it's the 20 yard range that's killing it for me. I did it all this expansion as my evoker, had a blast, but I'm going to actually do my first time in 20 years as a hunter main. I've had one since my second toon in vanilla... but always an alt. Pulling the trigger for TWW.


I think I read that you'll be able to play fully in visage form in tww. Edit : nvm you'll stay in visage form while playing other classes when it will be added.


Regarding the range. There used to be a spell in the augmetation tree that improved your range and that of a nearby healer, while letting you 2 cast while moving for like 20 seconds. In the beta, that spell was moved to the evoker general tree, as a choice node with the spell that gave everyone a bonus stack of their movement ability. That might aleviate the range issue


Yes, but it's a three minute cooldown. Evoker's range is an issue more often than every three minutes. And if you're playing in Mythic, taking it (Spatial Paradox) for this reason means that; * A. You're not taking the extra movement ability charge (Time Spiral) for your entire raid, on a lower cooldown (2 minutes) * B. You're using it selfishly, rather than for a healer when they could really use the ability to cast on the move.


I've never understood the people that want visage form stuff. That's like rolling a Worgen and wanting them to not force you to play....as a Worgen.i get it's the only class for the race so far but the rotation has gotten bland-ish because talents don't offer any different spells so I don't get why people stick with it if you don't feel incredible with it. Though the multi-chaining Disintegrate during Dragonrage is super super fun when you get like 4 proccs in a row as you're chaining it. As for Ele sham, as an ele sham main S3 tier set burnt me out of it and S4 made it worse. Farseer Shaman in TWW has exacerbated the Primwave problem and the rotation is almost literally a 2-button sequence outside of Magma Totem. They have so many ways they could go w/ Ele sham and yet they choose to make it none of them, and can't seem to find a balance between Fire or Lightning build so there's no healthy balance of both and you only get 1 or the other and it sucks. EDIT- I mean you can downvote me but is evoker the race or the *class*? Because wanting to play Dracthyr as a different class than playing Evoker is different than wanting something else as Evoker, which is a class in and of itself. . . And also, asking to play in visage form isn't asking for more transmog, tell me how you want to play Evoker as a Human model the whole time. Because even their comment asks for visage form not more transmog.


The difference that you are not noticing is that as worgen you can equip armor and look like a badass armored wolf while you can't equip armor as an Evoker in dragon form and it kinda defeats part of the reason for finding new items too since you can't ever visually equip anything apart from I think shoulders and belts?


It's about the transmog. You cannot mog the true Dracthyr form very well, hence why people prefer visage form - at least Worgen have full mog capability.


If thats the case then it boggles me why people are clamoring for other classes for dracthyr as well


Visage form has a lot more customization options than most races have, so I could understand people wanting to play it.


There's two parts to this: the first is that Dracthyr get unique appearances. Worgen don't, their human form is just a human. So people want that but don't want the dragon form, which is the second part of this. It's atrocious. It doesn't fit into the rest of the world. Even though they have added newer models (like dragonriding mounts) that share design language, they never backfit that to the actual dragon models all the dragon npcs have. It's poorly animated and lacks the ability to transmog most slots. The colour choices are precisely calibrated to not fit with the transmog you can use. The design choices they made make me want to avoid it at all costs. You can disagree with that, it's an opinion, but that's what it comes down to: I think the visage choices are cool, I think the implied promise of many visage choices is cool, there's a lot about the design of Evoker I think is really cool, and what's really standing in my way is that I don't want to, ever, be in dragon form.


I'm rerolling the second Dracthyr get more classes, it was fun but I'd rather melee or have a full forty yards range.


Dracthyr warriors are gonna go crazy


I'm looking forward to Paladins myself, a bronze Dracthyr Paladin for a real Hearthstone vibe.


They won't get Paladin.


If they get pala yeah 🤔 personally I hope other races who waited far longer at this point get it first tbh 😅


On one hand, that would be cool On the other hand, mog restrictions :(


Didt they say that dracthyr would be allowed to fight in visage form for other classes?


Hmmm, the visage restriction thing was mostly because eof the draconic abilities. They won't have them as another class so theoretically it's a good possibility. Already you can stay in visage form during combat if you don't use draconic abilities like deep breath, so it shouldnt be out of the question.


Should be, but can you imagine dragon form with full plate? Now that would be glorious


I was leveling a Draenei warrior with the intention of making it look like a draknoid, that idea is out the window now!


If they don’t nerf the racials Dracthyr gonna be the meta pick for M+


Considering the 2 big Dracthyr racials (tail swipe, and wing buffet) are affected by talents in the Evoker tree, it's likely they will be moved off of racials and into Evoker only.


They will remove them all, and give Dracthyr 10 heartstones


They probably will get messed with when the other classes are added, probably sharing a cooldown or something along those lines.


They will make them baseline for the evoker class and make new racials for dracthyr


Disagree, the point is they’re dragons with wings and tails. I would guess this person is probably right with them sharing a cooldown she the cooldown not being reduced like the evokers have in the talent tree. A 2 minute cooldown stop is the same as other classes so it’s not some op thing.


Why is that, for the knock up?


Dracthyr able to impregnate enemies is OP! :)


Two aoe stops and mastery


Why is mastery more critical than the other secondary stats?


The mastery racial is nothing special. Its all about the 2 CC racials and the double jump ability


dracthyrs dont have double jump. just jump into glide. it is still big ms gain though:d


Mistweavers do have double jump, tho'






Lighter Than Air: Roll causes you to become lighter than air allowing you to double jump to dash forward a short distance once within 5 seconds.


Explain mastery


Mastery is a stat. Every class spec has a mastery ability that grants a passive that improves a main aspect of the class by the mastery% they have (e.g. arms warrior gets a mastery% damage increase to damage on targets affected by their bleeds). Dracthyr have a racial called Awakened that gives them +2.5% additional mastery. Racial and talent bonuses are applied after gear bonuses, and are not subject to Stacking penalties. So if 30% mastery is where you start to suffer Stacking penalties (and should instead have other stats) a dracthyr could have 32.5% mastery vs another race having 30% with the same gear. Mastery's value is highly class dependent (and to some extent raid set bonuses changing play style).


Usually survivability is the big problem in M+ so I doubt dwarf/NE is going to get dethroned. Bleed removal is just so clutch and shadowmeld is situationally game breaking. 2 extra stops on a 1:30 CD is amazing but it doesn’t help people live. I could see some classes with limited stops but good defensives switching if it’s an option though.


I believe they said in one of their interviews recently they're trying to reduce the value of AoE stops by make the mob continue casting after. Probably still useful, but not as much as it could be


Hard pass over NE or dwarf.


I’m hoping for them to be able to be monks myself. Spinning crane kick with a tail and wings gonna look pretty funny


Hoping they spin on the tip of their tail, like when a kangaroo kicks


Watch them not want to animate all the monk animations for the dragon form and force us into humanoid form at all times


Range is the reason I dropped my pres last season. Which sucks, cos it's fun otherwise


Dracthyr being able to be something else than evoker is going to provoke full Dracthyr groups... The racials are too strong man


Don't act like its my decision, its coming sometime during tWW whether you like it or not. Also this is nothing new, there used to be full competitive raid teams of Goblins just to get that rocket jump for a mobility aid.


If they give Dracthyr more classes then the limit of one Dracthyr per server will obviously be applied to the Evoker class not the Dracthyr race, so you won't need to "reroll" per se.


that limit wont exist in the next expansion regardless, its only for now so you dont get to make a bunch of lv60s for free


True but I will drop my evoker alt for a new main so yeah it will be rerolling.


I love evoker class and how it plays, I hate drachtyr.  Sadly my evoker will be an alt next expac. Edit - that's unfair to drachtyr, I don't hate drachtyr I hate their tmog options. Tmog my visage, my drachtyr looks goofy with mix matched armour. Let me tmog my drachtyr and visage form seperate.


Transmog is the real endgame content. Without it its really hard to want to actually keep playing the character.


It's a dragon that uses time magic to heal, I don't think I'm ever changing away


I mained one in Remix and enjoyed it, mostly being able to FLY with your own char is just incredible. Really love the RP side of it. I enjoy the Dragonflight lore a lot so I always wanted to roleplay as being a dragon. Idk, it's nice. They do feel...cheap sometimes though. The fact there's such limited transmog options for them just plain sucks. For a million dollar company like blizz there's no acceptable reason for that I think.


I was a monk main since MOP and no longer liked the changes they made to its spec. So i switched to evoker and I’m not going back. Preservation is such a fun and rewarding healing spec, dev evoker is a fun and mobile caster, and aug is a fun new way to play the game.


If on the other hand they gave me dracthyr monk i'd be immediately back on monk haha.


You don't like the monk changes in TWW?? Hadn't heard that from most monk players.


I think they are talking about current monk, but yes the TWW monk feels very good


While there is a lot of good stuff in there I still have a lot of concerns about monk, which sucks because they’re getting changed at a glacial pace at this rate.


I love my prevoker and would love to keep playing it, but the range issues just makes some dungeon fights so unnecessarily stressful. The way healing in general is going, I’m not sure I’m going to stay healing, and if I do I might try a Druid or monk again instead. If not I think I’d prefer to just get a simple melee dps or maybe a hunter as I’m tired of ability bloat. If all your buttons are great and add a ton of dps, none of your buttons are… I feel like prevoker for me plays perfectly and is so much fun, but on fights with range mechanic limitations it’s just near impossible to correct for a team who don’t know/realize your limitations, and it feels so bad to fail because of that.


I mained an Evoker for Season 2*, and the new hero trees for Evoker look really exciting to me, so I'm coming back for TWW * Devoker and Preservation. Augmentation is one of the reasons I moved away, because it started feeling mandatory at one stage. Not the case anymore though


It's gonna stay one of my side classes until dracthyrs get proper transmog


It 100% depends on if Deathknight or Warlock get opened up for them early. I wish to join the dark side on my good dragon boi.


Oh I'm 100% staying on Evoker in TWW. I fell in love with the class, even more so since they added a third spec. It's the chronomancer type mage class I always wanted thematically (minus the lizard/dragon part) and I absolutely adore the healing spec. I think it's fun everywhere. My raid is stacked with healers and I usually flex dps and this is the only healer class that has not one but two DPS class I can play and have fun with.


Only healer class wi the two dps classes? Feral and moonkin druids staring you down… ;)


Also Shaman, although I will concede that the qualifier "and have fun with" may rule it out.


They just need to bring chain harvest back


Only healer with 2 DPS specs I enjoy is what I said. I don’t enjoy boomkin nor feral.


I was just teasing man


I’m locked in. Love all 3 specs as they are now, love the look of all 3 hero trees. I share the same frustrations as everyone does with evoker (range limit, transmog in dragon form etc) but no class is perfect in that regard.


Evoker has all the fun tools I want in a class :) .


Definitely not switching off pres for the foreseeable future. The specs design is just way too much fun for me. It’s the only spec that has REALLY clicked for me and feels fluid for me to play. Not saying I havent had a ton of fun with the other healers over all of these years.. but something about preservation just feels right. I’ll probably mess around with all of the healers but main preservation.


I'm so sick of the range, switching to mage...


Yes, I'm staying as deva/pres for tww. Tmog doesn't matter as much to me as it does to others though, so that part doesn't bother me at all. So long as I look decent enough to pass I'm happy, and evokers look neat to me overall.


Rerolling off back to my mage, will still main alt it but I don't really like progging as evoker due to the limited range. Fights like Dathea, Sennarth, Nymue, Tindral etc you can really feel the range limitation.


I was looking for a new main since I left my warrior at BFA. I wanted to switch to something different after 10y with it. I tried several thing but it’s the Evoker that did it for me. It’s the first time I’m healing and I’m loving it with preservation and the DPS spec is pretty simple so it’s not hard to switch for open world content. It’s the first class where I know how to play all 3 specs and I can switch on the fly. Also being able to hover is amazing. I’ll be staying with it for TWW no doubt.


Augmentation ruined any chance of me playing this spec. I was super hyped to play evoker season one but was forced to reroll tank in order to play with my m+ group. Played almost every tank throughout the expansion, and when word was buzzing that evoker was getting a black dragonflight spec, my mind immediately went to tank and was super hyped and then just as quickly let down after the release. I’m currently eyeing survival as a main but will probably be forced to play blood dk if my buds come back for the expansion.


Same, even for the rerolling tank (and finding it fun) part


Aug is my jam and Chronowarden feels great, so I’m just going to keep on keeping on 👍


The recent change to tip the scales makes it feel sooooo much better, it's fun going into a pack excited because that ability is off cd


What change did they make? I've only been playing Aug in Remix so I haven't had seen what's old/what's new.


They basically made it a CD within the Chronowarden talents, so when you use it you get a decaying lust buff. Essentially let’s you extend Ebon might a ton just spamming eruption after everything else is on CD


Holy shit let's go new main! That sounds great!


I'm staying, I love playing Aug and I'm way better at it than I was at mage


My guild's evoker is going back to shadow priest in TWW.


Not an evoker main. But def playing pres as an alt for pvp. Their kit is just so fun.


If i dont have to fight as a dragon, i actually would love to play Evo. Love the lass design


Until the range restriction for preservation is fixed, it will not be my main. I'd need range limitations lifted on at least the dispels, echo, and reversion at minimum. Living flame is of request but If blizz really really really wants to keep pushing this dumb archetype, then I'd be okay as long as it would still hit my echo outside the 30 yard range. My view is that it should not be on the rest of the party to monitor their range to me for heals. It's my choice to play the class, so why should it be their problem? The range needs to be consistent across healers. They can't tell they are 32 yrs or 30 yards away from me. Only I can.


Not an Evo main, but if they get new classes, I might make a rogue or mage Dracthyr


I was going to swap back to monk or warrior, but the Dracthyr elite specs look really great to me, especially Scalecommander. But now there's even less reason to commit to a main with warbands, so I'm sure I'll play everything.


Evoker as a class just didn't hit for me. It was fun at launch and I leveled it as my first character, but I just don't enjoy them very much. Maybe a little bit when you have that firestorm proc thing going on, but outside of that it just feels clunky to me. The new playstyle of them feeling like more action oriented in wows design space is just a bit awkward. But I do like Dracthyr, so as soon as I can be them in any other class that would be nice.


Really not sure just yet, mained evoker since dragonflight start but warlocks fel machinations are whispering to me and I haven't mained once since cata


I only played evoker healer in 10.0 when it was strong haha. The only reason that stop me from playing this class/race is that, man, they are a bit ugly. Mine is a bald ugly lizard.


Devoker during whole DF, I really loved it but I really want my range back, I am considering either going back to full melee with Enchance Shaman or getting back to mage as of right now. Playing Devoker is really fun in mythic plus dungeons to be honest, it's very versatile and has such nice bursting window. During raiding it's a bit less funny, always the same thing except when you have the season 2/4 4p tier sets nothing changes and it's boring. Also low apm spec make it also boring.


I main swap every expac so it's not the evokers fault. I just like to change it up


Lizard Wizard for life. Converted this Feral druid main after Shadowlands and I'm happy flying on my own wings with a different class this time. It also lowkey scratches that Wildstar itch on my soul.


I kind of rotate between my Evoker, Fire Mage and Destro Lock, and that will continue through the next expac.


Not right not just because I don't think the hero talents seem super interesting compared to my other class options.


Devastation is the most fun i have had with a DPS since Cata or Mop. Will 100% be staying with it but transmog problems are a huge annoyance along with its running animation. With how many classes/specs feel like they are getting bloated with just excess spells atm and seemingly not a lot of actual design thought into how they play with all these buttons Evoker stands out as something that feels simpler to play but is very fun.


Teach me how lol, I suck at Dev


A bit of the order can change based on some talents you take but for a basic non optimized simple explanation. Dragon Rage on pull Fire breath empower 1 Shattering Star Eternity surge empower 1 Disintegrate. If its up cast it Filler is living flame Once your used to that you can look into some of the better ways to get more DPS out of it.


The empower is so interesting! Thank you 🥹


Probably should have said its empower 1 if your going to get the full dot duration for breath. If your doing AOE packs or things that are going to die sooner you can do a higher empower for more base damage with a shorter dot. Eternity surge if you have multiple targets you can do a high empower to hit more as well.


I love playing preservation. The healing feels unique and it's a ton of fun. That is until I'm in a M+ group with two ranged that like to stand on opposite ends at their max range. Or if I'm in a raid with groups that just spread around everywhere. I get that is slightly annoying for most healers, but it is devastating (hah!) for an evoker. Also for the, you have to dispel someone, but after they run away mechanics... I have to chase the dps as they run, and then I can't heal the rest of the group. It's not the dps's fault, they're doing the mechanics correctly. It's the range restrictions that are having me not continue to be an evoker.


Me, I love dev evoker (I want to learn aug but it's much more involved)


I started out as Dev and then bit the bullet to try Augmentation. Holy shit. It's like the spec was built for me. I played Ret and Enhancement when they were melee support specs back in vanilla and BC so Aug feels immensely familiar. It's a really simple rotation and you're absolutely swimming in utility. It's easily my favorite spec, and I've played them all!


I really really enjoyed pres evoker but for some reason I just wasn't a fan of the other specs. I'm debating swapping back to DH main again because I enjoyed each of those specs


Evoker playstyle, specifically Augmentation, has been a godsend for keeping my ADHD brain engaged in gameplay. It's the same way as WW monk where I am actively planning ahead my next couple of moves, and I know a lot of other specs are similar but nothing gets me that feeling more than Augvoker and WW monk. Evoker is def going to be my main going in, and I'll be leveling my monk with the bf's hunter as an alt.


I mained Dev Evoker for the first 3 patches of DF, but have been back to Mage in S4 and intend to keep with Mage in TWW. As I said in another thread yesterday, I am not enthused by the changes to Evoker talents, nor the hero talents. Conversely, I am pretty happy with the changes and hero talents for Arcane and Fire Mage. To elaborate further, the below is a quick summary of my thoughts after testing it out on the beta. Personally, I felt using engulf felt awkward. It didn't seem to have a satisfying fit into the rotation. Mass disint was pretty cool when fighting 2-3 enemies, but not noticeable versus one. I didn't love that deep breath empowers bombardments and your abilities reduce deep breath cd, making it seem like using deep breath will be part of the rotation. I found maneuverability somehow made deep breath more awkward than before. I think firestorm is the worst ability in the game, and the push towards it with the talent changes has me concerned. I think the change to Animosity is a poor choice.


I'm definitely sticking with my Evoker. Usually I don't go past the expansion with a hero class but this time I'm making an exception. Devastation is so fun, but maybe I'll even try out Augmentation in TWW.


I heard that dracthyr will be able to stay in visage form even when im combat. Is that really a thing?


Was debating swapping back to maining my shaman, but given that Blizzard seems to have forgotten they exist, looks like I’m staying Devoker. Not complaining like; it’s the most fun I’ve had in a class (shaman aside) for a long time


I played pres for CE in vault, devastation for CE in aberrus, aug for CE and key title in amirdrassil. I will not play evoker in TWW because Aug is insanely unfun particularly in raid, and the risk of Aug overshadowing and invalidating other evoker specs is too great. Also dps evoker is extremely jank in PvP. Just sayin.




Cutting Edge aka mythic raiding.


Unfortunately think I’m dropping, I like devastation and when they announced augmentation I got excited because devastation was so cookie cutter I was getting burnt out but I find Aug just so boring which is a shame as earth based moves are my favourite. And as for the hero talents they just don’t do enough to change it up in an interesting way for me, will likely be one my go to alts though o


I'm switching to Evoker for launch actually, but I have a very specific list of priorities. In order: 1. Fun dungeon healing 2. Fun raid healing 3. Playable DPS spec Paladin had 1 and 3, I played it in seasons 1-3 of DF, Holy Priest has 1 and 2, which is what I play now, but I tried Evoker cause of Remix and I think it might be the full package for me. Hoping I'm right, really don't wanna switch mains every season again.


How is Shadow Priest not playable? If it's not fun for you I get that, but it is certainly playable. It's one of the best dps specs right now, and it is better than Devastation for solo content which is what most healers use a dps spec for the most.


It has perpetual relevance because it’s reworked if it’s ever bad.


It will probably stay as my main healer, pres is the most fun healer imo


Staying Augmentation. I like being a buff boy and it pairs well with a buddy who absolutely pumps on Unholy DK


Staying, Dev getting threat reduction is a huge quality of life improvement!


Was sold on evoker from pre-patch to the point I even grinded out the S4 shadowlands m+ portals on it, after a whole expansion of 3k m+ and CE raiding I'll either be going mage or druid for TWW. The transmog restrictions I can live with, that's no big deal to me but the range is killer. You just don't really notice it until you play another caster/healer spec and then feel how gimped you are because of it. There's nothing you gain in terms of gameplay by restricting you and requiring everyone else you group with to play your game just to be as effective as anyone else would normally. Hearing that they doubled down on their decision because we're "a MoBiLe ClAsS" was just the icing on the cake, very disappointed.


Im having a hard time deciding between evoker or priest :)


I love the evoker but sadly my group needs me to play tank for TWW. My DK will be my main but I plan on playing BDK and Devoker at the same time. I hope I will be able to gear them without too much difficulty


Imagine playing what you actually enjoy more


After healing on it for the last two seasons, I have finally had one too many team mates die standing 31 yards away from me, so I'm going to reroll to another healer with better range (but I said the same before this season, so who knows)


I absolutely fuckin love the (dungeon) healing. It's soooo fun. It feels like I have an answer for every situation. It's super dynamic, the stasis spell where you save 3 spells to recast back to back has so many potential different uses. The lack of transmog doesn't take away from how much fun the class plays. Raid healing however blows, it's basically just spam healing blossom, boo


I'm planned to be the DPS Evoker guy of the roster for at least the first patch since I'm the only one in the guild playing a lizard wizard, but I hope they revert the Animosity change. I don't like that I'm tied to PI to perform at my best as a Devoker, but they should punish priests not evokers for that. Other than that so far so good on changes, Spatial Paradox available to all specs and another round of AoE aggro generation reduction on Devastation is really neat. Both Hero specs are pretty flavorful even if I wish Scalecommander had nothing to do with Deep breath but lack a bit of visual punch


I dont know how big the changes for evoker healer are, but loved the spec and probably stick with it.


Scalecommander feels really good


I haven't looked into anything for TWW so I've no idea what to expect. Going in raw and lookng forward to just playing instead of overthinking it. I love my auggie evoker.


I had fun with Evoker, but I rarely main a class for more than one expansion straight these days. I'll probably start out with a mage or shaman, then after they reveal the new Dracthyr class list I'll go from there.


im gonna play dev and see how fun it is, if its too easy or just boring im gonna switch to either warlock or mage, if all casters arent scratching my itch im going back to surv hunter or arms warr


Not my main, but my main alt and yeah I plan on keep it as my main alt for now.


Me. I love the changes they have made so far, making paradox baseline, and tweaking the class tree. Preservation's hero trees are both good, particularly Chronowarden.


I don’t Main any class but Evoker was probably the class I played most, at least in seasons 1 and 4. I can’t see myself putting much into Evoker except to level it to 80 (as I will for at least one of each class again). I really only went back to it in season 4 due to the Meta Achievement…my Evoker had most of the progress on the renown and Primal Storms.


This is the first time i'm learning there are changed to evoker in TWW. I love my Dev. Evoker so hopefully it won't be too much of a disadvantage. Here are things that make me happy: * Point and click \`@cursor\` macro for fire breath * Being in visage form and bursting into Dracthyr. * Flying without a mount, especially in war mode and dismounting players while chasing a crate. * When i play an alt i forget I can't glide and jump off cliffs and die. * Wing Buffeting players off cliffs during PvP * Being able to hover and fly while casting. I feel like everyone is standing there fighting a boss while I'm circling it while casting disintegrate. idk I play some alts but It's hard when you get used to the mobility of a Dracthyr.


I'm an enhancement main.... I'm tired. I might switch to evoker if I can get more transmog options.


I really enjoy the movement, its really hard to go back to my pally after having jump glides.


I'm switching over to Pres evoker from Resto Shaman. I don't like Primordial Wave (was venthyr in SL), and Blizz seems locked into never looking at Shaman again. Echo is like if Pwave was actually fun!


For real! I hate PW too, I don’t get the fixation on the whole kit being built around what was a covenant spell. No other spec has that.


Mw granted it’s at least based around a fun mechanic. I wouldn’t complain if shaman became a chain harvest spec tbh


I might switch to Evoker as my main after leveling one in MoP.


I mained an evoker in DF (it seemed appopriate) and I dislike every single aspect (pun?) of it. If I continue playing in TWW it will not be as an Evoker.




I’m torn myself. Pres doesn’t feel too bad on the PBE gameplay wise, not much has changed, but the state of healing is such a farce right now that I’m not sure I’ll continue to main heals. I’d also love for the Emerald Blossom route to be viable for M+, it’s a bit of shame when a big visual like that doesn’t play a big part in a core game mode.


Unless you are playing 16+ keys, emerald blossom build is actually pretty viable. It’s really just a full green spell prevoker build isn’t viable. I do think the visuals are pretty cool.


Alas I push keys so running a sub optimal build doesn’t fly 😭 It’s a shame because I LOVE the full green build and visuals


No plans on changing, which is new for me. After 16 years as a healer, and 18 as a player, I finally found my perfect fit.


I would if they get 40yrd range spells


i am thinking about picking up evoker as an alt who can wear mail since blizzard just doesnt give a shit about shamans but the low range kinda repels me a bit... i wish they would just change it


While I’d like range, I think it’s less important in TWW with the affix changes plus extra mobility and fluidity in casts Only thing I really think we need range wise is a hunter nerf. F those guys


Unless my guild really needs a tank, I'll likely be maining Preservation/Dev Evoker for TWW. Preservation, even with the reduced range, is one of the most satisfying healers to play. I haven't had a chance to test any of the TWW changes, but their base kit at 70 has so many neat interactions between abilities. Ramping everything into a large damage event and popping off just feels good in a way that other healers haven't. This coming from someone who has mained Holy and Disc Priest, Resto Druid, and Misteweaver at some point in the last three expansions.


not an evoker main but I really am excited for when dracthyr can be alternative classes!


The second they introduced augmentation is where i quit playing evoker, I was maining preservation and was hoping for a tank spec but support spec isn't my thing and it seems it will always be the dominant spec.


I’ll be moving away from evoker to find more of a challenge. Just not interesting to just press a few buttons. Pretty boring actually. 


I’m a mistweaver main switching to evoker. Preservation looks and feels SO good


I’ll keep on playing deva because I love how the spec plays, they’re fixing the threat issue and the hero talents are so good, new deep breath is satisfying to use but kinda concerned about how it’ll play if scalecommander ends up best in ST. Really disappointed about the dragonrage extension change tho… We already have so little skill expression to begin with… like what’s left? Hover uptime management? Not like it’s particularly hard anyways. The change also guts us in extended aoe situations where we don’t need a PI to extend more than 4x, for no reason at all. They’ve said that they are monitoring feedback on this and I really hope they go back on this decision and maybe try to address the real problem, the PI itself 😬


I love my Evoker (I love both Aug and Dev) but I'm considering both my old main (Blood DK) because I love the class fantasy of San'layn and also considering making my Shadow Priest my main because it's just so thematic to TWW and Midnight.


Haven't looked too much into TWW, mainly because I don't know if I will play the expansion. If I do and they maintain a similar playstyle for Aug, I will definetly main Evoker.


i'll probably jump between my evoker (I love devastation simplicity and being lowest apm spec in entire game mean my hands hurt alot less often if play for long time which is becoming something i need to watch out for (rip my fury warrior, my hands wont miss you) and hunter, my og main and also on simpler side (bm hunter). Though i always keep my goblin rogue around even if i'm not most competent at the classe, i just can't imagine my goblin being anything else but a rogue so she will stay around top 3 even if she will never get half the play time others 2 get.


I'm a proud scaly gal! Staying as an evoker because i fell in love with it. I always had main issues, i would swap chars all the time until evoker came out and i finally had a main. Hero talents looks great and i hope they wont give more races to visage form. (Keep my class fantasy thanks Blizz)


I'm staying Deva


I'll main Evoker. Lock and Mage are also tempting but they'll likely be alts since I don't like all of their specs and they can't heal. I enjoy all three Evoker specs + all three hero trees are solid.


I really want to like dracthyr evoked as an alt, but I have iffy feelings about the range (and world first Raider maximum agrees) and I also feel like it’s easier as a raiding class than a m+ class, and I prefer m+.


I think the bigger question is are they going to do what the should with the race and make the Drakonid body style an option for like Warrior, DK, Pally and the like as a beefy tank option. There are multiple forms both slimmer and thicker that they could give as options for different class combos that would really fill the race out well.


I still have zero interest in other classes.


Scalecommannder looks like so much fun


all the evoker hero talents look super fun to me


im an aug, and i love aug. Zephyr is a crazy good CD, i love adding to tank/healer's main stat, so they can heal and tank better, i love adding 5k+ armor to a tank, i love off-healing, i love source of magic, i love how many choices i have for defensives, and right now within current season, i really love running Ward from nelth in 14-16 level keys to basically save someone's life with a 700k+ shield, or making it so my healer doesn't need to worry about healing me, or someone who didn't have a Def CD for the incoming mechanic. Chronowarden is looking pretty damn good for aug, but is obviously kinda a boring choice for a hero talent since it's all just passive effects, i hope they add something to make it so the "feel" of aug changes slightly as i feel most classes deserve that for a new expack. i love aug and unless they nerf it further due to its strength in world top keys, i'll see you in TWW as one.


Im prolly staying on Aug. It kinda hit a sweetspot for me. After all the adjustation, you are pretty much a glass-canon- like supp with tons of utilities, which just fits my style of playing jungle/supp in League. Im really close to hiting 3250 and making top 1% this seasson in less than 40 runs overall, so I am probably doing something right. I mained Prot War and Ret Pally in the S1, reached 2.5 and 2.2k respectively but i didnt feel like playing more. Created Aug S2, reached 3k and had a blast. Didnt play that much in S3, but I did 3/9M Raid and 3k rating again, this time 3k was much lower treshhold. Now on aug in S4, I just run the high keys for fun. Its really nice one you get to know the dungeons, and more importantly, once you learn WHEN to use deffensives. It might be just me, but there are ton of abilities that OS me, if I dont use scales. Cant tell you how other classes have it rn, but I feel like im more prone to getting OS than other classes. That also might be because im using 535 cloak, that lacks any stamina, but still, thats just 4-5k-ish HP. I usually play like 2 hours every other day and sometimes 3-4 hours on weekends. I am almost 28yo and the fact that aug is so wanted in higher keys is also a bonus to me since 95% of the runs I PUG it and it would be a pain in the ass to be hunter war dps .Also, for some reason my friends, that play around +10 range, dont like me to play aug, because they feel like I will "carry" more on something else and also that I take too much dmg. Acording to recount I dont, usually bottom 1 or 2 at worst. Its just the glass cannon factor I think, but could be delusional, dunno. Aug seems decent enough to PUGs, though I feel like in 17+ range ill need team to know when I NEED someone to use deff on me, since I am really just straight up dead if i dont have some kind of reduction on Anyway, Aug is decent fun to me, probably most ive had since making DK back in wotlk. What I would LOVe and what would make it 100% is if they implemented changes to visage form. I have absolutely sick mog, that Ive been farming for a long time, with Hounds of Sargeras mount combo, that just hits the right spot for me.


I'm staying Evoker because Preservation is *so* uniquely interesting as a healer, and the lower APM of both Pres and Dev are easier on my wrists. That said, I'm extremely concerned about the class' range restrictions and how that's going to feel going forwards. The Pres population is already really low, and the glaring range+transmog restrictions are going to keep it that way for the foreseeable future. As the population shrinks, fewer and fewer people will understand how to play around a Prevoker's positioning requirements, and Prevokers will become overall less skilled as its theorycrafters, guide writers, and otherwise very active community members inevitably leave for other classes that don't have to bend over backwards to reach their party. And don't get me started on the transmog issues. What a disaster. Blizzard ought to be ashamed of themselves for the state of dracthyr cosmetics.


Until they add another support spec that \*isn't\* a healer, Evoker main is where I will stay. Aug is such a good spec in that it achieves much when played right and is packed full of utility and survivability. It's sad that players seem to be receiving Support specs - at best - with mixed feedback. And I get it - if you're not one of the regulars I'm Prescencing/Augmenting, you can play your class amazing, Details is still going to put you middle of the pack... so in a raid of 20, only a handful of people are enjoying the Aug evoker being there while everyone else who cares about their damage is a bit demoralized.


I tried evoker last week, it cured my altoholism, best class ever, not gonna change in TWW