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Oh thank god. Now i only need them to combine old reps and I might actually start rep grinding


They said they would do this but it would take time and they will start with DF renowns and then work back through the expansions


But remember, you won't be getting the sum of the faction's rep across all your characters. Instead they're just going to take your highest rep level on any character and give it to all your characters, after which your rep gains go into the unified pool.


I wonder how negative rep will go. My bloodsail hunter might finally be able to enter booty bay again? Maybe?


They said for some specific RP reps they wouldn’t make them account wide, so you can still make choices per character


It's only a couple hundred gold in cloth turn ins to get back to neutral, did it last week


So in the future any one my new alts will have all reps maxxed right away because my main is exalted with like everybody and Garroshs mom


Eventually. I think the unification is starting with the Dragonflight reps and then adding more over time.


Hopefully they make the main "Horde" and "Alliance" race reps a priority as well.


I think they will be the first priority honestly.


Hey, Garrosh's Mom has got it going on! 🎵


I know it'll probably be literal years for what I'm looking for, but I am absolutely jittering with excitement for when they get to Wrath account-wide rep. Kalu'ak fishing pole on ALL my characters, infinite waterbreathing without being an undead or warlock, forever! Mwahahahaha xD




Not in the new zones, only first char to do a quest gets renown.


It's not account wide sum. It's highest rep on the account. 


I'm now imagining a surprise gimmick to punish those players who ganked the hell out of players in the Goblin cities logging in and finding themselves hostile to all the neutral Goblin hubs across all their characters 😅


You can get those neutral for like a few thousand gold now with a turn in for mageweave cloth


So if my warrior is rank 23 with the centaurs everyone will be ?




This may actually make me pick it up again. Always felt lame getting my reps to full on my main and then having to either do it all again or feel incomplete on my alts. I main fury warrior but love healing with disc priest. Feels like I lost progress switching characters and I don't like that. Ultimately what made me stop is that the group I played with stopped, but this would open the sp avenue for me.


I Believe it when it hits live but it would absolutely get me to start completing old addons


Did they give a time frame at all? All my good rep is on a priest I played from vanilla until legion, but I don't really play anymore. It will be nice to continue the grind in my lock or paladin.


I just hope they do all that in a timely fashion. Like over the multiple little patches of War Within. I don't wanna wait another 10 years for them to do this, ugh.


I hope they also include mop remix when they merge. I want that shaohao farm runs not to be wasted :D


This may actually make me pick it up again. Always felt lame getting my reps to full on my main and then having to either do it all again or feel incomplete on my alts. I main fury warrior but love healing with disc priest. Feels like I lost progress switching characters and I don't like that. Ultimately what made me stop is that the group I played with stopped, but this would open the sp avenue for me.


I can't wait for that too. My first main is really low rep with all the goblin cartel since I got the bloodsail buccaneer title and farming the pirates to regain the rep without losing whrh the bloodsail just take way too fucking long lol


Sounds like it’s time to push for the insane title! Dire Maul North runs and bank the tomes with an engi mailbox


The only reason to keep the bloodsail rep is for completionist purposes. Once you hit honored, you don't need to keep it there to maintain achievement credit. The meta just tracks whether you've got the admiral achievement - if you got it, you're good.


Oh, I know xD


Yeah, people will be a bit confused until they start playing the expansion and realise that those four characters on the warband screen are just those you select to be there. You can select any character from your list to play from that screen.


Yeah but the 4 are the leaders and in my head are better than everyone else


What I do in the privacy of the Inn outside Stormwind is none of your business


I was afraid I would have to choose four classes for my Warband in order to maximize the transmogs I'd get, but this is awesome to hear. Wait...How did you know about the secret Worgen I had on Moonguard?


Who do you think you've been spending your Saturday nights with?


This is a love story I can get behind.


Guess I'll take the chair then


We all know about the legendary Mistersnuffles of Moonguard and his red rocket.


He is knotty boy, isn't he


>How did you know about the secret Worgen I had on Moonguard? They didn't know about \*your\* secret Worgen on Moonguard. They just know that \*everyone\* has a secret Worgen on Moonguard ;)


[Gnomish]: Wait, what?


I have none, think this is the time to make one ☝️


I guess the guild I created for my toons years ago is no longer needed then, eh?


No , why? You still get the perks of lower hearthstone cd and fast mounting


The oppsite, that guild is even better in TWW, guilds become cross-realm!


[It also combines all of your characters onto one screen.](https://i.imgur.com/2PqJgTr.png) No more swapping servers. [Source](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24061008/the-war-within-warbands-preview)


Makes me wonder if eventually they will combine all the WOW accounts into one screen, and you just get to login to the number of characters as the number of active subs you have.


That what happens when people don't read official announcements and just assume things.


it's also what happens when a feature is named in a misleading way. they give it a specific name like "warbands" and then keep showing a character select screen with a handful of characters and it make it seems like a system where you'll be swapping characters into the limited slots to form said warband. in reality it's just "unlocks are account wide", but that's not a sexy enough way to frame it as an expansion feature.


Meh, no offense to those people but if you are going to freak out about a feature of an expansion that you spent $60+ on, and the only research you did was reading the name of the feature you are spending time complaining about online, nobody should take your opinion very seriously. I know it’s a lot to ask for online but people should read more than a single sentence if they are going to drop multi-paragraph rants on Reddit.


You'd think with the hundreds of millions Blizzard invested into it, they'd have better marketing skills for this kind of situation.


I don’t know what exactly you want from them. We are talking about people who literally look at a screenshot/name and don’t read anything else. Do you want all marketing materials to be in the form of a .txt file? I agree that their team could be better about sharing information as it is finalized as opposed to when interviewers ask about it, but nobody making these posts is religiously reading WoWHead.


> Do you want all marketing materials to be in the form of a .txt file? that's too much reading, it needs to be a series of MS Paint pictures


I love how redditors keep dreaming up reasons for why Blizzard is at fault that half the community is illiterate


it also lets them reframe 'account-bound' in a more thematic way.


It’s also because it isn’t limited to one account. If you’ve got characters on multiple WoW accounts you can link them all (as long as they’re in the same region; EU/NA, etc.).


i actually read a guide somewhere that said it was your 4 strongest characters. it was quite old but still it gave the impression that it was. i did read wowhead so i got the updated info, but others might not have


Sounds like a dumb guide, tbf. It’s been clear since the feature was announced that it was for all of your characters. It’s shoddy journalism like that that muddies the waters and confuses the playerbase.


I generally don’t ‘watch’ the showcases for new expansions, I just put them on my second monitor and listen. During the Legion What’s Next showcase I heard about double jump and thought that would be awesome for our characters. When the PTR came out I tried double jumping on my paladin… nope Demon Hunter only. I promptly watched a summarised video of upcoming Legion features and realised I missed that point entirely.


Thank you for posting this, I feel like this headline should be in all caps and Bold on every post blizzard makes. Even if it's about something as small as "hey we're updating the appearance of the mouse cursor!", because I am \*tired\* of seeing people having a canary across every social media platform that it's "so unfair only 4 chars can be in my warband, wehhh" 🥴 As follows: "**YOUR ENTIRE ACCOUNT IS YOUR WARBAND.** We're updating the beta client tomorrow, watch this space!" Although, these are WoW players we're talking about, that's probably still not clear enough 😂


So if I have gold on one server can I send it to another server?


You can place gold from any of your characters on any server into your Warband bank. However, they don't yet have automatic spending or depositing for that bank, so you have to do it manually.


You can indeed


so that also works cross faction, right?


You already can send cross faction on the same server


You already can send cross faction on the same server


You can already do that. You just need a friend you trust, or a second account. You can trade anything between servers now, you just can't mail things between servers.


I just want them to make retroactive warband bound cosmetic stuff. Like unobtainable pre-cata shirts, Arcanite Fishing Pole, Arcanite Ripper, etc.


omg you just reminded me i have an arcanite ripper on my rogue because bmah gives no fs thanks!


They technically are if you still have them


The fishing pole isn't. And I can mog the Ripper but can't use the on-use on other characters.


If you still have those things you still get them. It seems like a nightmare from a dev perspective though to add things to your warband when you deleted the items and maybe even the characters they were on years ago.


I still have them but I didnt see anything about changing old soulbound items to warband bound yet. My fishing pole is on a druid I havent played in years and my Ripper is on my shaman but I am probably retiring her for an evoker.


>Arcanite Fishing Pole Still obtainable isn't it?


Ok, that does help clear it up. I still can’t find an answer to my burning question. For the achievement based on how many mounts a single character “owns” or whatever the wording is… does that change? Or does it remain the same as it is now where my mount Pokédex might say I have 715 but when I check the achievement progress for a specific toon it will say I have 399 (no it’s not this drastic for me irl but you get the point I hope)


The mount achievements are "mounts useable by a single character". So, warbands probably won't change this much since mounts are basically all account-wide already anyway. For example, if you have 10 "generic" mounts that any/all of your characters can use, but you also have a paladin with the paladin class-specific mount, your total will be 11. If you then also create a warlock and get that class-specific mount, then your highest total is still only 11, because no one character can use all 12 mounts.


That specific achievement is "usable by a single character," but most achievements will have progress shared between all


I was pretty confused about that, however after messing around with the beta for a bit I realized that was not the case.


Honestly, I also thought that was the case until I played the Alpha. I know they've clarified it a few times, but I think the way Warbands have been advertised with the four-character selection screen has confused a lot of players that don't keep up with the news


There have been so many changes and so much information. It's easy not to know what the hell is going on, especially when life gets overwhelming.


This has been my remix secret. Make characters on dead servers knowing I can get the name I want and they'll be in my warband soon.


...those characters will still be on dead servers. This doesn't change that


Guilds are cross server in TWW, there will be little issue with being on a "dead server".




The warbank bank should allow you to trade across servers.


They did confirm that you will be able to place crossrealm crafting orders within a Guild tho


Dead servers are the best place to be to farm anything in the open world. With gold soon being account wide, you can farm herbs/ore with little competition and not have the gold secluded to a dead realm. I transferred to a dead realm at the start of dragonflight and have not regretted it at all. Only downside is work orders may take a couple hours to fill, but they still do get done. What server you are on barely matters now and wont matter at all next xpac unless you really want to see a ton of people everywhere.


I keep a character on a low pop RP realm for legacy expac rare farming, since RP realms don't cross realm shard for anything except current expac. I got my Frightened Kodo that way!


And you can use the warband bank to craft stuff and make bank


How are you finding dead servers? Are you just sorting to low pop?


Great shout, I only realised that from Kelanis video the other day.


It's wow account wide or battlenet account wide? . I have several wow accounts on my battlenet account. And yes I have problem


Battle.net within the same region from what I understand


Thanks, now I one less problem.


Aww damn, was really hoping my eu and us accounts would link. Vanilla through to wod on eu. Have a lot of good old transmogs and mounts over there.


Brilliant Public service announcement. Thank you


I feel like to go along with this we need to normalize the naming of 'Warband bound' items to "Warbound" and the 'Warband bank' to "Warbank". Its way less clunky.


They already use the term Warbound btw, e.g. [Warbound until Equipped](https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/content_entry_media/XUREUTST6FBC1713370376261.png) (from their [Warbands Preview](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/world-of-warcraft/24061008/the-war-within-warbands-preview) article).


Jokes on you, all my characters are on Moonguard EXCEPT my secret Worgen. Shes on Wyrmrest.


why the fuck do you have a worgen on wyrmrest


Its a secret!


I wonder if choosing servers will still be a thing with warbands? Im assuming on the character select screen we can mix characters from any server since theyre just supposed to be easy access to our most played toons but with crossrealm guilds and stuff choosing a server doesnt seem to mean much anymore? Aside from pve/pvp/rp server options? I know some mmos just have you choose a region and then you get placed on a random server when you login which can change each time, like they're basically all load balanced so you don't end up on a dead server - wondering if something like thats gonna happen or not


On the Beta, they're still separated on the select screen like they are currently


Hoping there will eventually be exclusive features for the four you pick. Even if it's just unlocking poses and camp site decorations. I assume that's coming, but you never know with Blizzard.


Those cosmetic things (poses/camp sites locations) are supposedly coming, but sometime \*after\* launch


At Blizzcon they said they were already planning to implement unlockable camp scenes based on the feedback they were getting, but it wouldn't be ready for launch. Holly also apparently hinted to Taliesin and Evitel that they want to make your warband characters usable for follower dungeons. In which case maybe that feature would prefer your favorites?


the amount of people misunderstanding this is unreal.


Sweet my 4 hunters can sit around a fire polishing their bows


What about chars on otherw wow accounts that are linked to the main. On my second account that’s connected to my main account I have all my mounts and transmogs from my main account. Thought it was weird


I believe it's all WoW accounts on your [Battle.net](http://Battle.net) account within the same region. I only have the one, though, so can't confirm


Yeah, it’s beyond just “account wide”, a point I tried to make to someone before being blocked. lol


Any words about having to still pay a sub for the separate wow licenses under the same bnet acc?


Nothing changes with that


When they add older renowns depending on whether it just takes the highest or adds them, it'll save so much grinding.


It takes the highest rep.


How does this interact with having multiple wow accounts on the same bnet account. Current state they share MOG can mail account wide etc. Same for Warbands?


From what I've read, your Warband includes any other WoW accounts linked to your [Battle.net](http://Battle.net) on the same region


how did you know about my secret worgen


My biggest question is if we're only gonna get one backround for the 4 characters or no


No, they have already said they are looking into addition backgrounds and ways for us to earn them in game. Will not be at launch, but is planned.


can we get more groupings.


what do you mean?


Does the Warband bank go in-between servers? Or are those server specific?


Everything to do with Warbands is cross-server and cross-faction


did they confirm if crafting will pull from your warband bank?


Yes. You can craft anywhere, any server, any faction from the war bound bank.


How will names work since servers arent a thing anymore


Servers still exist


But everything is connected now?


Between your characters, yeah. Servers still function the same way otherwise


Correct. Warband connects everything together. Servers are still a thing, so you can have Bobby-Moonguard and Bobby-steamwheedle Cartel. The two Bobby’s will just be able to trade or share rep, Etc


Maybe a stupid question - is it just a physical representation of how you can share items, gold, and rep across all your characters and a new login screen but doesn't really *do* anything? It seemed like the opportune way to re-introduce table missions for your followers, with your followers being your actual characters now


It implements a lot of long-requested features and massively streamlines how alts work. Shared rep, currencies, and transmog is absolutely huge - but it is a QoL system rather than a gameplay system They are looking into expanding it in the future, though. Warband dungeons will likely be a thing eventually


Warband dungeons would essentially mean running dungeons with your other characters instead but AI right? Cause currently the AI follower dungeons are good, but bad for like damage and tanking ability when you pull a lot. I’d prefer to dungeon with my druid as he’s a beast.


That's fair. I made assumptions about it based on the screenshots I saw but that's on me for not digging deeper. Wouldn't mind cosmetic stuff for the camp eventually, that could be fun.


Secret Worgen on MG 😂😂😂


Oh shit, so if I have a toon on Sargeras with a lot of gold and a toon on area 52 with none, can I now give him that gold?




gatta love tramsmong hunting. hell, its why im holding a few things like the soo tusks on character that cant use it. when wm comes ill just trade them over if they dont atto unlock


Remix! I have so many spare husks. o.o But same - so many things being held onto for that glorious day.


So it's also cross server? So I am not fucked if I start some alts on horde server instead of my main alli server?


Yes. Entire Account, regardless of server or faction (some restrictions may apply here and there, not sure)


This is fantastic news. My old druid did Loremaster before Cataclysm, that toon alone will unlock SO MUCH.


I hope we can have more than just one four character scene on the character select screen...


What if they just called it account wide...?


So uh... what 4 classes do I pick guys? I'm still at a complete loss.


Dang, I was sure I remembered some old promotional material showing that you could maintain multiple "camps", and assumed that each camp represented who would join you for Follower content in-game. I've been planning which character would go in each "Warband" and theming them like D&D parties. I've got my Blood elf Warband, my Monk Warband, my Loyal-to-N'zoth Warband, my Horde-defectors-from-BFA Warband... I knew that account-wide meant account-wide, but I thought "Warband" referred to the camps and not a new term for account-wide.


Does it include other region characters?


Sadly not


whats wrong with moonguard? or are you implying that worgen is a little to friendly with a tavern outside of stormwind...


:^ )


They should add a small pop-up with Chromie explaining what the warband is, because to be honest, I don't find it different from saying "account-wide"


There's a tutorial and short questline in TWW


Oh okay then. I hope that helps clarifying things up




Is it your entire bnet or just all characters on a specific account. I have two accounts under the same bnet and I am wondering if stuff will be shared. Things like pets and achievements are shared, but want to confirm.


As long as they're the same region, it's shared between all WoW accounts on your Battle.net


So, if the four on my screen are all on different servers, is it seamless when switching characters?




I wish you could put more than 4 on that screen lol. I wanna make it an old mains museum but I have too many of those to fit :<


Is it per wow account or battle net account?


Battle.net provided the WoW accounts are in the same region


So today i Have about 30 lvl 70s across servers, ally ans hordes, all of them will be my Warband?




Do characters share xp with war bands?


No, since you'd be able to have a massive number of max level alts


Gonna be funny seeing my DK and Shadow priest with my pally. All have themed tmogs.


Do I need to login into each char to add them to the warband? Asking for a friend because his WoW 1 got banned and now he’s playing on WoW 2


Nope, but I doubt things will transfer if he's permanently banned


What secret Worgen on Moonguard?? I don't know what you're talking about. But I still wonder how you found that out...


Thanks god i thought i will be forced to lay down one of my plate char to max tmog runs.


WoW players and reading comprehension challenge


yeah the nomenclature change is silly and confusing. in reality, all it is is control+h, find and replace "account" with "warband"


When people say account they normally mean one paid battle net account. This will cross over between several battle net accounts one person owns. That is why they went with a different name. 


I knew this but fuck if this isnt super important!


I feel like the name is unnecessary. They could have just said we are expanding what is account-wide or account-bound. Naming it makes it seem like it’s something you have to opt into or manage


Doesn't have as snappy a name for marketing spin that way.


So what is the difference between those 4 characters and the rest of my characters? Just the war band bound items? And then can I simply swap out who is in my warband to give that to whoever I want?


You can just choose four characters to access easily and hang out on the menu. Warbound items are account wide There's no in-game difference between the four characters and any other


Oh no shit? So the 4 characters are just a cool log in screen?




The 4 characters on the screen are just favorites for easy access, not your warband. Your warband is your entire account. Mentally, just replace "Account Bound" with "Warband Bound".


You’re still misunderstanding. The four characters have nothing to do with warband bound items. They have nothing to do with who’s in your warband. The four characters on the login screen are the four characters you’ve picked to look at. *thats it*. That selection has nothing to do with the actual warband system. Your warband is every character in your account.


Functionally, the only advantage to the top four characters is they can be from different servers. That means less menu navigation to switch between those servers, albeit limited to the four characters. Edit: hearing the beta does not yet have that functionality. Hopefully we get it. Otherwise it's purely cosmetic. Your favorites.


I thought this is how it was supposed to work but on beta it looks like each server has its own set of 4. A minor QOL issue, but I'm hoping cross sever login screen is either implemented yet or I'm misunderstanding something


Id love to get an answer for this. Is there only same server for 1 log in screen warband or cross server. In the alpha every server has its own 4 Band but i cant get my toon from off server to my main server log in screen


Oh wow I hope that's just a feature yet to be implemented. Bit of a letdown, granted I only play on the one server. Figured some people would enjoy it though.


But why not five!? And why I couldnt choose them as my dungeons companions!?


Damn thank you, they did not make that clear


Oh I'm really glad for that. I'm an RPer and actually have characters that are in a "family" of the family head and their three children, so I was going to be kinda disappointed if I had to slot them in and out with randoms that weren't part of the "family" just to gear up alts and stuff. This is honestly really good. I was starting to wonder how slotting characters in and out of the Warband would work if it was the big four on the top, like cooldowns, restrictions, etc.


Will the warband also include permanently banned accounts under the same bnet?


I doubt it


I've been away from the game for awhile so forgive me if this sounds stupid but every character on your account could already earn transmog for other characters. How are warbands different? Can I earn cloth mog while playing a plate user now?


I entered a raid on a mail user to check this out, I was able to learn every single drop, cloth, leather or plate it didn’t matter and every weapon even red ones. You can also press on red gear and learn the mog even if you can’t actually put it on. But it does bind to you.


Thanks for the info.


I just did another testing of this with a green plate item that dropped on a moonkin. It binds it to your warband, so you can use it on like an alt, you simply can’t sell it anymore.


... with the exception of tier tokens (account/warband bound to send to the correct class) and class locked items (mainly tier set items, still only learnable on the correct class)


I wouldn’t know I don’t raid anymore. I entered an older raid and learned everything though which was enough for me, it was exactly what I’ve wanted for years.