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Can't wait for another week of memes about this


Which class are we going to crown most neglected and forever forgotten once Shaman get their patch notes? What's going to happen to the meme econony then?


its probably still gonna be shaman considering its been going on for 20 years at this point


The echoes from bus shock still reverberate two decades later!


Tseric still down!! .


Probably rogue, but let's see those Shaman notes first. I wanna be optimistic but it could absolutely be some other effect crammed onto primordial wave and some 2% RNG based damage reduction as a "defensive".


Cast time on primordial wave. Bosses and mobs prioritize totems over tank. Cloudburst totem now has 30yd range and requires aoe targetting. Effect reduced to 10yd to match other totems with similar effect. Ascendance capstone also has 9% chance to end early when casting empowered spells. Ghost wolf now has chance to clip through walls like real ghost. Flametongue totem is back, replaces fire elemental. Same damage and cooldown. Cannot cast fire spells underwater and all lightning spells turn into aoe damaging enemies and friendly shamans. Astral Recall now instead brings you back to last location where you used hearthstone, randomly. Ankh remains mostly same, but has tooltip error saying reroll instead of rebirth. Vespa totem is back. Now available in mount section. Healing rain is now targetable, incoming healing extends duration. Casting healing stream prioritizes Healing Rain. Bloodlust only availsble to orc shamans. Other races get their own version of spell. Pandaren get reverse version called "Slow down, life is to be savored" UI will now display your most used spell instead of specialization icon. Chain heal now has 2% chance to jump to additional target with each bounce. Base healing reduced by 20% to compensate. Lightning bolt can be used while moving, but not while stationary. Shaman defensive is now baseline instead of class talent. Now causes hearthstone to uninterruptable.


This year's scrapped April Fools patch notes leaked


I kind of gave up on rogue the moment they started to number tune deathstalker. It already was hard to believe that anyone who played rogue this expansions could come up with the hidden blade on feint trigger for trickster (which they changed now to CP builders making the entire thing arguably pretty passive... eh). Then coming up with deathstalker, where the capstone somehow manages to be dysfunctional for both specs, is honestly quite impressive in some way. I mean, not like the rest of the tree is better (with 10% damage to random stuff and an irritating amount of FoK buffs for ... some reason, I guess). The moment they started to work on numbers of the hero talents instead of moving back to the drawing board it felt like they just "locked in" the design for launch, despite all three of their hero specs being some variations of burning dumpsters when it comes to "feeling heroic" and their gameplay implications. A rework of those feels inevitable, if not for launch I'll dig out my rogue again once they tackle that in some later patch (as usual). I mean, not like the core of the class is any better. Removing the reliance on stealth windows with SD, what's a good thing, but not adapting the spec trees so they're still highly dependent on stealth interactions is quite dumb. It's like they had some idea, made initial changes and then just gave up. Also, adding cut to the chase to trivialize slice and dice is a *WAY* worse solution than just making it passive altogether. With all the maintenance bloat rogues kit is buried under that dumb ability really has to die again. Idk, unfortunately rogues hero talents and the class itself far up there for the big design cycle losers this time around...


If it's rogue I will be disappointed. They have been very good for the vast majority of wow's life time (there's far worse specs even this expansion, rogues by far worst treatment ever). I'd rather we start circle jerking about why mages are so good almost every single patch and how we can get them into the bottom 1/5th for one single patch (especially for m+).


Rogues performance isn't the issue. You can make any class perform good just by number changes. Problem is, rogues design has been lacking since like legion imo. Every expansion since then, the class has become less fun than the one before If you follow this subreddit, any time some post like "what class would you like to enjoy but just can't", "what's your least favorite class" or any other variation of that exists, rogue is always one of the top comments. Wonder why


Watching a guide and they say “ok this is the Assassin rogue AOE opener. It’s 20 globals long….” what the actual.


I really don't think they actually have much in store, so it's probably going to just be Shaman lmao


I mean who hasnt recieved a rebuild in ages? Warrior could do with more things to make Fury and Arms more unique - honestly they should rebrand Arms as Valor (like Combat to Outlaw) and lean heavily on Odyn, Valkyr and all that jazz. I know its kinda funny - but Evoker will need a look at soon to remove the Dracthyr specific elements from it (the racial talents), if they ever want to spread it around.


No more abilities, only totems. It’s just you putting totems down. That’s it


Also you must dance around each totem placed to activate their powers.


It’s a rhythm game, if you fail to dance properly for your totem it explodes and kills the tank.


It opens Osu! In a different window


Im not mad as long as its OP 😂


You just gave me a flash back from when they did their April fool's joke about implementing bards (it was just guitar hero). I was so young then and believed for a whole 5 minutes before I realized the date.


Still dreaming of a real bard class tho. :3


Can't find your rhythm without a bard so the jokes on you!


Sachet left


It also turns all your healers heals into team damaging spells If you fail.


Orc players [like](https://media.tenor.com/3WbmJIWX_lgAAAAM/wurrzag-total-war-warhammer.gif)


Enough for do my power.


World of Warcraft 2: Dota of the Storm Silencer edition


alright yeh 13 mana boi


Truth be told, that would be very realistic, considering it's what irl shamans usually do.


The totems don't actually do anything. You just place them down so you feel like you're supporting the team.


Emotional Support Totems




They give the rest of the abilities to pallys and mages


And now I am become totem, destroyer of class fantasy


After you drop 5 totems, they swirl around you like Voltron forming and you become a [Totem Golem](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/hearthstone_gamepedia/images/c/ca/Totem_Golem_full.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20150817193934)!


I actually wouldn't mind this one


Lol, amazing


If it’s less god damn buttons I’d still consider it


Also your keybinds no longer work. You will have to go outside, grab some wood and carve out four totems, one of each element and paint them their proper colors in order to activate them. If you want to access your inventory, you simply need to drum them like it's Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.


Not gonna lie I'd be happy. I would totem SO HARD.


I used to love tower defence games!


Shoutout to Wintermaul!


Totem ranged spec. You're just chucking totems and screaming and there's pretty elemental effects popping off. Disco totem on CD though.


Is it bad that I would be somewhat okay with this compared to the treatment we got over the years? I mean it would be a major change. Not saying it's a good one but ya know.


What do you want to see? Personally, I think enhance has way too many plates to spin. AOE is an absolute fucking mess. Trying to spread flame shock to 6 targets, and the 6 targets you WANT to spread it to, is extremely frustrating. EDIT: For the people who haven't done high keys, it absolutely matters. I hate seeing my flame shock on useless minions(efficient damage is more important than pad). It happens. There are easy ways to fix this from Blizzard's perspective. Uncap flame shock maybe? I'll give an example though. Having your flame shock applied to flowers in Everbloom was terrible in those massive pulls. That was useless damage.


When I'm throwing lightning around I want the whole continent to know that the storm has arrived. I want earthquake to feel like it could actually tear down Durnholde the way Thrall did it. If I'm throwing magma around I don't want to just keep doing it over and over, I want that one blast to matter and melt them. When I play Shaman I want Storm, Earth and Fire to *heed my call* and melt faces.


Best we can do is 5 targets max and you need to use 7 abilities to approach the damage of 1 AoE spell of other classes.


Ret paladin wake of ashes go schlongschlongschlongschlong


Enhance AoE: Prim Wave -> Feral Spirit -> Lava Lash to spread it -> Flame Shock on 6th target who did not get the spread -> Lightning Bolt. Destrolock AoE: Rain of Fire go brrt.


Easy there Ororo Munroe.


You know what happens to a hexed caster when hit by lightning?


a little tickle, then a dispel?


I only ever played shaman starting with remix, and holy hell you've summed up every bit of ele that I've found satisfying. If they can implement something half as effective as this I'd probably turn it into my main. Or at least a very strong second.


YES 1,000% and please, no ice.


I personally think earthquake should be removed and replaced by a storm aoe of sorts. It just looks too much like an area friendlies don't want to stand in and can throw people off


Forced screen shake, scaling exponentially with more earthquakes.


2h Enhance (not gonna happen) Make totems more than just a few kinda weak sauce cooldowns (probably not gonna happen) Elemental Shields are dumb. Make them not dumb. (Difficulty level: Beginner) Improve spell vfx. Lightning Bolt sucks. Earthquake sucks. Elemental Shields suck. Ascension sucks. Elemental summons suck. (This is the least they could do) Alongside just streamlining the rotation. I kinda enjoyed my Enh shaman early DF... until I played some other classes.


The fact that 2h enhance isn’t back yet is crazy tbh lol


The shields really are garbage, lightning shield should be enhances aoe ability and work more like warcraft 3, not the flacid garbage we currently have that does nothing more than insist that the skill is represented. Every core shaman mechanic is defunct,  totems, shields, shocks, weapon enchants etc are all crap that nothing short of some major vfx and functional changes will fix.


Tbh I really enjoyed playing Enhance in Amirdrassil. Just don't play any content where you ever need defensives or the ability to hit more than 5 targets :)


Up the target cap and more defensives. Elemental needs some thematic help too. It should feel like you’re utilizing a mix of the elements instead of just playing a fire mage who sometimes does lightning stuff.


I've mained Enh shaman since 2004 and at this point I only do M+ as my end game. The prep time aoe takes is way to much I will 100% agree. I wish Crash Lightning was just better at what it does. It's much more thematic and cool for enhance. Apart from aoe ramp time my only other legit critique of the class atm is that we are wet paper. We wear mail but have 0 talents or interactions with armor so even in the best IL gear possible you have less physical damage reduction then cloth wearers. On top of that we have 1 single defensive that while IS powerful, the CD is simply too long to make sure of in current m+ design. Earth ele is a fake cd at best with HP increase. I feel like they are balanced this way simply because of maelstrom weapon interactions with healing wave. Using maelstrom to heal and have it actively take away your damage output is really unfortunate.


I want to see a return of actually being an elemental shaman into the "ELEMENTAL" tree and not just lava/lightning mage. I want the cool talents that make the spec interesting actually worthwhile and not just throwing meatballs nonstop, I want lavaburst to be a punchy button and not something you spam. Seriously playing Ele rn is like having ascendance up at all times and not in a good way


The problem is that a lot of people *do* just want a lightning mage with elemental, and I'm not sure how you really reconcile that. It would be cool if it felt like we were actually using more elemental offensively, though.


...huh. That's a good point. I have two wolves inside me, one wants to cast every element in harmony and the other is **made of fucking lightning**. *Those* should be the builds, really. One uses every element as a tool, and the other, fuck it, is a storm mage. Zap everyone. Every spell is lightning/storm themed. Now everyone is happy


Maybe elemental's thing could be using opposing elements? Like, lightning damage causes earth vulnerability, frost damage causes fire vulnerability, and consuming an earth/lightning vulnerability gives you a buff to fire or frost at random? So you'd be switching across all four elements chasing buffs/vulnerabilities


I mean they kinda have a thing like that going rn where a talent makes earth shock empower one of your next abilities in different ways, and another where lvb makes your next phys/nature/frost spell deal more damage but you don't play around this system at all, you just throw lava burst. A system where you utilize all the elements in interesting ways is everything we want for elemental.


For me it’s simple: make flameshock not annoying and I will main shaman. Keep it annoying and I won’t. Goes for all specs. It just makes the whole class feel like I constantly have a tedious chore to be doing the whole time I am otherwise playing an awesome class. I can do it, it just puts a damper on the whole experience.


i mained enhancement for all of DF, the lava lash spreading makes it slightly less annoying but still annoying. At least 3 different times over the expac I farmed a shield and 1h int weapon to give ele a try on a training dummy and my guild's normal re-clear/alt runs and all 3 times I ended up bouncing back to enh almost immediately. The cooldown on flame shock for elemental needs to go, let us just tab and apply it. Or, better yet, update that 10+ year old mechanic.


Lava lash spreading it is broken design too imo, apply flame shock once per fight and have a dead keybind for the rest of the battle, or 2 gcd to start aoe. Either make flameshock aoe baseline, and it can keep its cd or make Lava lash apply it in aoe baseline and remove the dead keybind. The interaction is cool in theory in practice its button bloat and the exact kind of thing the game needs to remove. I wouldn't bother trying to fix it in elemental, ele needs a full rework


I mentioned this before but why not just copy the lava lash mechanic and let chain lightning spread it to every enemy hit?


It had no cooldown in legion. Never understood why they brought it back. It's not like you'll spend 5-6 gcd applying it to different targets


Yeah it's silly. Warlock and Shadow priest can spam their dots everywhere, and warlocks have short cooldown (<30s) methods to apply their core DOTs AOE. No cooldown, shorter magma totem cooldown (or 2 charges!) and spreading via chain lightning would make flame shock equivalent to other modern DOTs.


Its miserable to use in PvP too. Every healer, DH, and Dwarf can dispel it with virtually zero downside but it makes our damage useless until its reapplied. If a monk uses revival we cant immediately get dots back up like a shadow priest. We have to cast it once and wait for the CD and then again and again


I'd like to see the target cap removed or at least increased. But as for the rotation, Dragonflight has been the most fun I've ever had on Enhancement, or any spec really. If people want a similar style of play with less buttons Ret is there for them. It's the depth of the Enhancement rotation that I love about it.  Would be nice to have some sort of survival though, it's crazy how squishy we are these days.


That's what I don't get about people complaining about the number of buttons... yes, Enhance has plates to spin. Yes, Ret gets the same damage with fewer buttons. They're different playstyles. I like pressing more buttons; it was cool having my damage come from like ten different sources in MoP. I hate to say "just don't play Shaman," but it's like when someone makes thirty different homebrews in D&D to make their Fighter have a Cleric feel... after a certain point it's easier to either play Cleric or just flavor your Fighter instead of mechanically forcing it to be something it's not.


100% I actually really like the design of enhancement, it just needs help in the defensive areas - I love that its one of the harder classes to actually play, and honestly I feel like people that keep saying its just hit the flashing buttons don't really know how to play enhancement. My one gripe I think they need to fix is you honestly need WA to even play enhancement to track maelstrom stacks to make sure your spending it near cap, theres no way people are tracking that in default UI (but i hope they don't remove that)


Big agree. Enhance’s depth is what attracts me to it. I hope they fix the issues it has but please don’t make it braindead like ret…


Enhance most fun spec in the game right now, it just needs another defensive and some way to do uncapped damage so it isn’t just useless in high keys. It’s got great low target cleave and funnel but nothing spectacular in single target or large AoE and it falls over and dies to anything since it has 1 real defensive.


Its so sad going in Algathar Academy and seeing a BM hunter press 3-4 buttons and do 3.5 million uncapped DPS on adds before the Tree boss then I'm over here juggling flame shocks and frost shocks to do like 900k dps. I don't understand the logic behind some classes having zero cap and others can only do 4-6 targets


I just want lava lash spreading flame shock to be consistent. My setup is already so long before I can start pumping and then lava lash just refuses to spread to targets sometimes?? Very cool.


Enhance is the most fun it has ever been right now. I just want Totemic to actually work for and favor Elementalist talents, so the current talent build has hero talents to support it. That change making it so you have to manually target your Surging Totem ain't it though. Give me auto-targeting back. Neat for Resto though.


I havnt explored the beta yet, but I agree that elementalist is one of the most fun specs I have ever played. Ive been disappointed to hear that neither hero spec works well with it. I just want to see them address aoe target caps and and survivability for elementalist. Lightning builds need the dre slot machine fixed. I've heard it's a little better with the hero talents, but it still ignores half your abilities because dre proca.


Man , less is more . Too many elements . Adding frost was a huge mistake . Earth air lightning and fire and then maybe do like a fire and earth build and then a lightning and air build . There's so many possible outcomes from 4 different elements which makes super subjective as to what combos people would even wanna build or maybe they just wanna use one element type . It's just so fundamentally screwed


air=lightning frost=water 4 elements are air water earth fire


Massive disagree I think they should make some elements exclusive or optional but the shaman is the elementalist class. The talent tree should have pillars that focus on each element in the middle so you can pick up spells from any of the 4 and make supporting talents for each, make flameshock and Lava burst its own branch, lightning buffing talents a other, give icefury some proper supporting skills and add some proper earth skills. You can go full storm (ice and lightning) Lava (earth and fire) fire and lightning,  earth and lightning or whatever combination you want, even do all 4 with few supporting talents to really be the avatar and make the capstone talents bring the builds together. The only thing I can really agree with is wanting a pure lightning caster but you will need at least one other element, frost is probably the least offensive atleast, current storm build I cast Lava burst as much as I cast lightning bolt which sucks.


I agree completely! You could also roll frost stuff into some passives on the talent tree that turn certain spells into frost spells that either slow or increase crit chance against them or something. Anything to prune a little bit.


I dropped enh shaman in S4 for ret paladin and the fact that they are even from the same game is hilarious to me. Enh takes 3-4 button presses to do what Ret does in 1.


I really hope they don't model every class after ret. It's fun and all, but it's braindead easy and has a skill ceiling so low you can barely stand. Classes can and should be very different


Fs, Pwave, LL, wolves, LB, spreading lashing flames, keeping crash lightning up, all of this just to be beaten by a monk spamming spinning crane kick or a ret with divine storm lmfao. I love enhance's gameplay but we need to work really hard and play perfectly all the time to have competitive damage lmao. Ig I'm not good enough to play this spec on a higher level, having so much more fun on my monk now haha Also 6 target cap sucks


To me its's not the number of button presses, it's that ret doesn't have the target cap, and ends up doing more damage in the process while having insane survivability.  Up until midway through s3, my enh dps felt great in m+, and then every pull was 2-3 packs on average. Flame shock cap just needs to go, and CL needs to do something to scale up in larger packs. It's really the target cap that caused problems, which wasn't a huge deal in s1 and s2 since big pulls wernt as common. Enh was A/S tier for most of s1 and 2, and started up in A teir in s3 untill people started pulling bigger.  Raiding wise, I much prefer enh to ret. Ret is kind of boring in raid, it's all just lining up cd every 30sec and 1 min. Enhance elementalist feels just dynamic enough, while feeling fast paced to be super satisfying. I wont talk about how much I disliked lightning dre build st in s2 though. Fuck slot machine builds though.  Both enh and pally very good utility, just very different utility (I prefer enhances mob control to rets party support). Survivability was also a major issue across the class that needs to be addressed when they dint seem to be doing anything about survivability bloat in every other class.


Agreed, I made the same switch. and I sometimes worry that I’ll get my new favorite spec nerfed by bringing attention to it, but it really is insane how much easier and more fun ret is compared to enhance. It’s crazy how much can go wrong for the shaman, too. Spreading flame shock sucks, you’re way squishier than ret, you have a shorter range than ret, your sprint and snare removal has a longer cooldown, the list goes on. Shamans really only have their lightning visuals going for them right now, and warriors can get that too soon!


I honestly really love enchance as it is, only needs some minor changes. It's the other 2 specs and especially elemental that needs the most help.


I never felt like that was a problem. Tabbing to do more damage with it was annoying though. Most of the time I'd just funnel one guy and flame shock spread from that easily enough I was never concerned about it being on the wrong target or whatever. It prioritized the lava lash debuff too. Uncapped shaman AOE.


As always, I want shaman tank.


> What do you want to see? As much as I like that LB & CL are a part of Enhance, I wish they weren't an outsized portion of damage for Enhance; multiple talents buffing Stormstrike to lose to Lightning Bolt for example. More imbues would be cool. Not the 'Sassin Rogue route of applying multiple on but just some variety like a Cold or Nature (member Hailstorm, just not that kind of interaction again though), or a combination (e.g. Flamestrike, Frostfire, etc). Also, Stormbringer do something with Imbues too like Totemic does. Feral Spirits to more of a cooldown for Storm builds; I recall a suggestion for Wolves to proc Windfury like an older tier set (BRF), just make Alpha Wolves baseline. Icefury being next to Hailstorm/Fire Nova is illegal - should be able to take Hailstorm without having to path into Lava Lash anything, so hopefully that gets changed next week; I'd take Icefury being a choice node with Lava Lash after playing the Elementalist build this season, what a clusterfuck of buttons holy. Windfury Totem just becoming an Aura for the class, make it Haste if need be. Obligatory 2pt talent reductions for all classes, and AoE moved higher up the tree or baselined.


I agree aoe cap is a problem, but spreading fs is easy. The problem is capping it at 6. I also don't think they necessarily have all that much plate spinning. Are there a number of buffs/debuffs going out, yeah, but they arnt exactly work to keep up and you don't really track most of them. Like I'm never worried about is crash lightning buff is up or not, It's hit frequently enough ut probably is, and it's not a major part of my dps that it not being 100% is a big deal.  Ice strike is pretty much just use on cd, it's not worth gaming your stacks because I probably have 5 stacks of hailstorm, and not maximizing isn't going to majorly change my dps vs hold the frost shock.  Flame shock is generally applied once during a given pull and just taken care of through LL from there. The only "plates" i track is msw to make sure I'm not over capping, that my wft is down when speced, that I have wolves up when hitting EB, and hot hands.  Couple basic weak auras take care of this for me. Other wise its is just a mental priority for abilities that are off cd.  The rotation has a decent number of buttons, but if we're gonna remove any, I would want to see cd on abilities changed so I don't have down time. I personally dislike specs with downtime in my rotation. You can get into keeping the lashing flames debuff up on 6 targets, which will give you the most over all aoe damage, but it's also valid to funnel into a priority target instead. It's rarely anything you worry about in raid fights, and at most is like 2-3 targets your tab through a bit while doing your normal rotation.


Spreading FS can become a problem if lava lash is on cooldown as well. In hectic m+ situations, I’ve definitely wound up with 8 seconds left on my lava lash while I want to spread flame shock to some new targets and it feels so bad. It’s just weird for that sort of dynamic to exist when my ret Paladin just spams divine storm without a care. And then yeah, the feast / famine situation where sometimes you have no buttons and then others you have 4 to hit at the same time also feels bad.


Spreading flame shock is a very different issue for enhance and elemental. Enhancement needs a higher cap and they're good. Elemental needs something that resembles 2024 vs 2014.


yes, i agree, but i was responding to some one speaking specifically about enhance.


Mostly some talent tree rebalancing/pruning/shuffling


Ele suffers from really bad tree design that forces you into gutting/favoring only half your kit. I'd honestly like a restart where the rotation is built into something more complete: * Reduce access to lava surge, and give big buffs to lava burst and spenders. * Lava Burst should scale with crit at this point. Bring back the WoD passive that gave an extra overload chance based on crit. * I'd like mountains will fall to be more accessible, considering it "fixes" one of our secondaries. * I'd personally like to see icefury removed, maybe to make room for some other frost source - but I'd also be fine if it were more optional. * I'd like to see primal elementalist made actually usable again. * I'd like a proper way of spreading flame shock other than a 54 second CD - in addition to the target cap being removed (a target cap on a DoT is one of the most awkward things I've had to play around in the game, you tab it onto one mob and it just vanishes from another). * Not a major gripe for the start of the expansion, but figure out what to do with our mastery past 100%. We were already capping out in s3, and remix has made it painfully obvious how much of a scaling problem we have. As far as the class tree goes, we could use some cost reductions so taking extra utilities like tremor or earth ele aren't so expensive. I'd also personally like to see all of our capstones reworked, none really feel like a major pick up.


I just want enhance to be able to use 2H weapons so my Tauren shaman can wield the totem weapon from Dragonflight.


Can we please make wind fury totem baseline for enhancement, and make the talent cause it to affect the entire raid instead of just the group? It would make the extra melee in my raid so much happier that were the case. Also, feral lunge needs to be near the top, and easily accessible as a node, not buried behind a path that we basically don't even go. You shouldn't need two talents to spread flame shock to four targets. It should just spread it to four targets every lava lash, and why not also let a elemental blast hit on a target with flame shock also spread it? Doom winds should not do damage on cast so it's off the gcd. The entire crash lightning making lava lash and storm strike hit everything for pathetic damage needs to be removed or reworked entirely into a more meaningful button. Why not change it from crash lightning to the searing axe spell from plunder storm? Your lava lash now deals massive AOE damage on cast. Deep rooted elements should be based off of how much Maelstrom spent instead of a random proc chance. You should never balance a class based on RNG, much less allow an entire bill to be called "gamba" because of its incredible, high and lows.


Delete wf totem, make the effect passive Make feral lunge baseline, why is utility in the spec tree? The Lava lash interaction with flame shock is kind of clunky, why not just make flameshock aoe baseline? If it's going to be a keybind it should be pressed more than once per battle, otherwise make Lava lash apply it baseline and delete flame shock. Off gcd just makes it macro reliant, I'd rather it have gcd and feel good you press Agree with the other two, I hate lightning crash, I'd rather our aoe not have a lazy fury whirlwind effect, maybe using chain lightning casts a lightning shield on yourself and make Lava lash aoe baseline. Fire axe sounds awesome, I missed plunderstorm. Tying Dre to something you can control would increase skill over luck and turning into a wind Elemental after dumping a lightning spell would feel good.


I think the ability from the plunderstorm (forgot the name) where you cast lightning, earth and fire ability one after the other would be cool if implemented into shaman's kit somehow, as it fits him perfectly


Agreed! Lightning Bolt & Lava Burst essentially serve the same purpose, they could combine them into one ST generating spell that rotates through the elements visually with each cast. That would certainly make Shamans feel like masters of the elements and not just Lava/Lightning Mages.


Meatball spam is fine if we can rotate frozen / rocky / thunder/ spicy meatball






please make windfury class wide please make windfury class wide let our shaman be a healer without feeling bad all the time that he cant bring the frking shaman raidbuff


It’s insane that THE premier buff class in the entire game has been reduced to being the only one without a buff.


make windfury an aura


Remove primordial wave


add chain harvest


Off meta chain harvest build for ele in late shadowlands with the FS tick reduction legendary was fun as hell and I miss it every day.


Chain harvest is the prince that was promised


Imma be honest I liked vesper totem more but chain harvest was kinda heat too. Add both.


This so much


Wait.. Are you saying a death-themed, black and green DoT doesn't fit into the shaman kit?


They already changed all the covenant abilities to fit in better into the core classes thematically. It's got like an Ele Blast animation now.


Appearance was changed months ago


He would know this if he actually played Shaman.


People bitching just to bitch, nothing new there.


Ehh, I finally noticed it but it’s not as big as ele blast and the icon is still weird deathly sludge flavored, so I get it.


Pretty sure they updated the visual to be element themed.


And an emotion-vampire themed red chain lightning/chain heal fits so much better into the shaman kit.


One step closer to voodoo shaman / shadow hunter which I actually always wanted


I like primordial wave


Good for enhance dogshit for ele.


I hope everyone pumps the break a bit. They very clearly don't say rework but updates. I think its going to be less then what everyone wants but at least its something.


Honestly, Enhance's spec tree only really needs "updates". There's a lot of good there, but a few things should be baselined and/or moved ot the class tree, and the 2 pointers need to be brought in line with the rest of the specs (who have seen their 2-point "tax" nodes reduced to just 1 point). A few of those changes would fix a lot. Then they just need to work on the Shamn defensive problem that plagues all 3 specs.


They also called the new Hunter trees 'updates' so I don't think Shamans should be that worried.


It likely means large scale talent movement/changes that amount to a much healthier talent tree overall but the basic gameplay of the specs changes little (with the expectation that they probably make ele care about more buttons than lava burst even if you go fire build). Enhance is overall one of the best trees in the game imo, only real issue is that currently elemental build is a decent amount stronger than storm build, and some people don't like primordial wave. They should probably address DRE vs Ascendance as well. If they manage to make Ascendance actually a viable option in some way and tune stuff decently they could have 3 pretty distinct playstyles. (hero talents especially for ele could def use serious work tho still)


I'm fine with bringing parity for lighting, but I will drop the spec is the current lighting dre slot machine build is the spec to play. Some people.may like smashing 1-2 buttons and gambling their performance on dre procs. But it puts me to sleep and I hate my performance being based on when and how often dre procs and not how well I executed my rotation around the fight.


I think it's interesting how excited people get at what would sadly be called reworks. Shaman don't even dream anymore. MoP has me playing resto with a troll and his witchdoctor gear with a staff transmogged into a voodoo two handed mace really got me dreaming of way to fix shaman. The brief version is blow past the four druid specs and go 5 with shaman. The main tree can be 'nature' power focused while the spec trees can focus on an element. Rename resto to water and have it be the healing tree. Have fire be the ranged dps spec. Give wind a dual weild spec. Make frost a two hand spec. Give the mail wearers a tank in an earth spec. It's way too late for TWW but maybe we could see this kind of evolution for the next expansion.


>I want this talent update to give shaman 5 specs I know you're just daydreaming here but that made me laugh.


I mean I'm gonna base it on what hunter got. It wasn't enormous but it focused on all the problems and they are all the better for it.


Paladin certainly got a rework when they didn't NEED it, yet Shamans have had to slug through content with some of the most poorly designed trees, spell bloat, incoherent messy rotations for far too long. They'll update it and make it op for s1 just to shut up people without actually fixing the main issue with the class. Then nerf them once wowhead has written articles about it like they always do in the meantime provide the next class with something more substantial.  🥱 I'm used to watching this cycle.


Yea im expecting a repeat of, no major reworks at this time. Some number changes and thats it


They did say "package of updates" and made clear that upcoming tuning was *not* the updates. So these should be moderate (at a minimum) rather than minor.


They called the hunter ones an update and it completely reworked survival, how it does aoe, how it's builders work with the rest of the spec, completely redid how it's main ST spender works, redid the capstones and just made everything flow better. I'm getting my hopes up way too high for shaman :(


Exactly my thoughts. We have 4 weeks before pre-patch don't expect crazy rework.


Here is the issue though. Each xpac they update shamans last so they are always running out of time and just botched the whole thing. Ele spec needs to be properly looked at.


Tbh even though sham is prob going to be the worst class, I just can't see myself not enjoying ele. The sfx is just too good and overload chainlightening is the coolest


Please remove or rework Icefury :D


Just remove it. Using frostshock for dps is bad and it should feel bad.


Best of luck for you shammy bros


Can't wait to be disappointed.


Finally, new icons, yay.


So, as you all know, I play a Shaman. I’m currently the best geared Shaman in the world (http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Aerie+Peak&n=Darkness 17) and I have multiple world DPS records on WowMeterOnline. So I go into this Battleground because I feel like gracing my battlegroup with my presence, right? Everyone is cheering as I enter. They don’t bother putting down a mage table or healthstone because they know that they’re not going to need it–I, the Darkness, has come. So I cast Lightning Shield on myself, because that’s what Shamans do. They call down MOTES OF ELECTRICITY FROM THE HEAVENS and they SURROUND THEMSELVES with DEADLY AMOUNTS OF LIGHTNING! All of my teammates are instantly electrocuted to death, but me? I merely bathe in the energy; it is my plaything. Even though my teammates are now charred corpses, they continue to cheer, because they know that I can solo this. The gates open. I run in. With Ghost Wolf, my movement speed is increased by 40% PERCENT Horde sees me run by but they can’t do anything about it because I’m a ghost and I’m wolfing at 40 PERCENT a Blood Elf Paladin with Crusader Aura on bubbles and flees in terror when he sees me traveling at 40 PERCENT They can hear the howl of my ghost wolf. They are all cowering–no, literally, they type the /cower emote and just stand there–as I cap the Stables. I cast WATERWALKING on myself–WATERWALKING, like Jesus, and I careen towards the Blacksmith. The Horde there see me coming and they just /afk the !@#$ out. I put down my totems before I start capping Blacksmith’s flag. A Rogue tries to sap me– BAM! The Rogue is engulfed in flame as my Searing Totem SEARS him from the inside out! His leather clothing EXPLODES in a rain of fire that spirals around my beautiful female Draenei form as I continue to cap the Blacksmith. The fire rips through the Rogue’s bones, but it doesn’t even consider touching me–why? Because I’ve got FIRE RESIST TOTEM A Warlock swoops in in Demon Form and tries to Conflag me but his Conflag does 0 damage to me because of FIRE RESIST TOTEM A Troll Mage Slowfalls in and he Pyroblasts me but it is ineffective because of FIRE RESIST TOTEM Blacksmith caps. I mount up on my KAEL’THAS MOUNT–no, literally, I ride Kael’thas around, the Blood Elf–and head over to Farm, because I feel like eating some potatoes. POTATOES. BOIL 'EM, MASH 'EM, STICK 'EM IN A STEW. AND HEARTS. SHAMAN DESIRES PALADIN HEARRRRRRRTS. Just then, I see something through my Sentry Totem. It’s the WoW General Forums! --People are complaining about how overpowered I am! They’re saying that Shamans need to be nerfed. I smirk. That’s when I decide to take out my HAND OF RAGNAROS. EIGHTY POINT FOUR DAMAGE PER SECONNNNND I slam the Hand of Ragnaros down into the ground. Arathi Basin shatters like glass–the ground falls out from under me. The fabric of SPACE itself CRUMBLES beneath my feet. I cackle as I enter the REAL REALM, becoming a TRUE ENTITY existing ON THE PLANET EARTH. I am a Draenei walking around New York–the cops try to stop me, but they forget all about me when they take a gander at my STONECLAW TOTEM STONE AND CLAW COMBINED. CAN YOU TAKE IT? But then, in the spaces between the gathering crowds, I see something. Someone. The smirk on my face deteriorates. … it’s one of the Horde. A Troll. I thought I had destroyed Arathi Basin. I thought I had won the Battleground. But all that time– –But all that time–… … there he was. Just standing there. Regenerating 5, health, per second. I glared at the Troll. The Troll glared back at me. Silence flooded the world. “And there’s nothing you can do about it,” the Troll whispered.


I’m ready to be mildly whelmed. Literally the last class to be updated, a few weeks in to the beta. Not holding my breath for anything decent.


If I expect disappointment, will I actually be disappointed when the changes drop?


What class will people complain about next to farm interactions with pessimism??? My money’s on rogue or DH.


As an assassination main I am genuinely baffled Blizzard chose to respond to "Deathstalker literally does not work and is actively counterproductive" with "okay, we're buffing numbers!🙂"


Lol i was one of the ppl being giga-pessimistic about shaman changes, so fair is fair, but at least people should understand shaman specifically (along with 1 or 2 other classes) has had a history of getting literally shit on and no dev attention for multiple expansions. So as much as all the "I told you so" crowd is jerking itself off right now, at least we had ample good reason to be pessimistic as fuck.


Tbf shamans had received 0 changes and no indication that changes were coming. The pessimism was 100% warranted.


1000% There was absolutely no reason to expect this given that hunters were in a similar spot and they got their "we see you, we are still cooking" post weeks ago. Literally zero mention of ele/enh in the entire development cycle and zero mention that they were even considering changes until this exact moment a few weeks away from prepatch. You were a fool of you *weren't* pessimistic.


they could have said at any point that they were actively working on a large batch of changes instead of just saying nothing and pumping out empty shaman patch notes non stop they don't have NEARLY the amount of community trust that would let them say nothing and have people just assume good things are coming


Shamans literally got told to wait for the first patch to fix your class in BFA cause blizz ran out of time. Not to mention what changes they ended up getting weren’t particularly substantial. Imo the only class that actually has the right to be eternally pessimistic.


Shaman and monk pretty much. Although monk is looking good so far next expac.


If classes didn't need work ppl wouldn't be like this . Everyone and their mom knows shamans issues . Imagine the class fantasy you enjoy most just has some dog shit gameplay loop .


Rogues still need a lot of work tbf


It will definitely be rogues


Not only has rogue just been nerfed going into TWW, they’ve also gotten the least inspired, shittiest Hero talents.


Still shaman, their design philosophy doesn't align to what's required to play high end content so they won't actually fix anything despite over a thousand posts on the forums literally telling them exactly what needs to change and for the first time the vast majority of us are in agreement.


Havoc has essentially 0 changes besides hero talents though to be fair they got a rework far more recently than shaman.


we've went years and years and years of blizzard leaving classes to be absolute shit on .0 patches. i don't think the solution is "Blizzard will fix everything!" because they never have lol


Watch it be the OP class this xpac 👀 Hope it’s as good as Monk changes.


Shaman will at best be OP for a week before Blizzard's dedicated shaman haters nerf it into the fricking ground. It's happened before and it'll happen again.


Thankfully with dragonflight Shaman rode the A/B tier on dps and avoided the nerf hammer. Were not allowed S tier dps. The issues with shaman are *not* tuning problems though.


Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in an *earthquake*, no escape from reality Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see I'm just a poor *shaman*, I need no sympathy Because I'm easy come, easy go, little high, little low Any way the *wind rush* blows doesn't really matter to me, to me


Casting earth quake on your target vs reticle would be huge to start


Having earthquake do enough damage to (1) justify it as a spender and (2) not compete with a prot paladin's consecration for damage would be a good second change.


why not add a new feature that would work on all reticles we already have @cursor, they could make it work with @target (maybe with a new keyword since this one already exist)


What? Do you guys not have totems?


remove icefury


im gonna stay skeptical. really all it would take for me to come back to shaman (as a lifelong shaman main) is a raid buff for ele and resto, icefury rework, maybe axe primordial wave and then some much needed visual updates especially with ascendance. we are just asking for a smidge of the same respect that warlock/mage/paladin have been given over the past 2 years


Hopefully Ele feels like a complete spec after this. Shit feels like it's missing so much


Worst spec in the game right now. Lavaburst is a builder and still accounts for 75% auf our damage. Why? Because the spenders are completly undertuned and not worth priotizing against a new Lavaburst proc.... 1 defensive that does not really help at all in a gamestate where you actually need 2-3 defensives you rotate arround at bosses and dungeons otherwise you are fucked..


Not to mention it basically doesn't have meaningful damage cool downs? And they don't actually do anything to your playstyle. When other classes hit a CD, something changes for 6-15 seconds. Eles just try to cram stormkeeper awkwardly into their rotation, and even then it like, doesn't fit and only serves to basically give you so much blue bar that you can't even spend it fast enough to be able to use all of storm keepers without over capping. Your rotation is three buttons. Oh and primordial wave is probably one of the most wet noodle buttons in the game. I get that maybe it's supposed to be the simple caster class, like arms warrior but with lightning, but it really just doesn't work for a whole bunch of reasons. And arms sucks too so.


I genuinely do hope that they keep Primordial Wave, as I do really like it, but make Chain Harvest an option for those who want it.


The update: We've decided to change the shaman class color from blue 0018f9 to blue 000080. We feel this new color really brings out the best shaman qualities.


Please just give Ele a raid buff. My dream is that they give like 4 or 5 totems of windfury and other class' buffs that you can only use 1 of at a time. That way we can fill the gaps with whatever buff is missing


I bet they spent more time writing that post than actually looking at the class…


Inb4 all they do is trashcan number tuning an leave them as the worst defensive class in the game with the most clunky AoE, and the most terrible ST rotations.


Not sure how I feel about the Totemic change yet. 3 random 8 second healing rains was bad. 1 healing rain for 24 seconds and I can choose is the location seems better, but if the tank moves the mobs, then it’s useless. Would prefer a shorter CD and shorter HR imo.


I think Totemic Projection fixes this issue somewhat, but being able to do this with Totemic Recall could be fun - 2 at a time or back to back


Fair point! Honestly haven’t taken that talent in forever in PvE, mainly only use it during PvP, forgot it existed.


Shaman patch notes: 1. Lightning Shield now has three and a *half* charges. * *developer's note: this feels overpowered, will likely be rolled back. 2. All specs will now be able to dual-wield shields.




Hell, it's about time.


clearly getting mad on the internet has worked. keep doing it!


Defensive updates: Earth ele is useless. Remove it with a 1 min CD. Ghost wolf should instantly give a 20% DR, similar to bear form. For ele : EQ is on your target and moves. Flame shock auto spreads with your spells. For enh: hailstorm is now "frost shock does X% extra and hits ALL targets in a 10 yard radius around the target. The hitbox and target count is too small. Chain lightning should be at least 8 targets. Dre should be gone and based off number of storm strikes. Hit hands should start on your next lava lash so if a fight has phases you can not have the boss fly away the second you get the proc.


Earth Ele should just be a 1 min CD but instead of tanking mobs its should either give us an absorb or reduce our damage taken while its alive.


Swap primordial wave for vesper totem and make it synergize with totemic


Gimme 2h enhance


We're back


Xalatath: If Blizzard were to rework shamans, they'd give me some trouble. But would you lose? X: Nah, I'd win.