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Kinda the opposite of yours here. Why would I nees chicken pox or help from the Light, when I can bonk existential cosmic threats my big stick?!


They think they can beat the zug zug with some light beams or a bad case of the sniffles. Nothing beats the zug zug!


Stick so big brođŸ’Ș Body so hard.đŸ’Ș Organism so strong, my antibodies bonk the sniffles easy brođŸ’ȘđŸ’Ș


Bro we're so strong bro đŸ’ȘAnd you can even use the big words bro đŸ’Ș(whats a orgamismum??) Brains 🧠 and brawn đŸ’ȘNo stopping us now đŸ’Ș Zug zug 4 life


Warriors are honestly conceptually one of the funniest classes on wow. Like here's a world where you can learn to fling fire, summon a moon, use the power of light to protect and banish foes but instead you Arms: are just really a good tactician Fury: half naked, drunk and really really pissed off with 2 big sticks Prot: protects your team and stares down literally gods with a shield, sword and being literally too angry to die This isn't to shit on warriors as i grow older they honestly appeal to me more and more but yea it's amusing to me they. Zug zug all the way!


The funny part is also the badass part. All the horrors and superpowers of the Warcraft universe against you and all you got is your weapons, armor and anger issues. While the shaman needs the elements and a DH has to devour a demon to fight all the horrors, a Warrior just has himself and his skills (obligatory "skill issue"). I guess this why I stick with my warrior(s) all these years... hell even monks, who are peak martial artists, need the mists, the Celestials or to just be shit-faced drunk to fight the dangers of the universe.


>be shit-faced drunk to fight the dangers of the universe. This is why the best comp would be brewmasters and all warrior. Not sure what the best mundane healer would be maybe shaman cuz it's just water


Healer?! Just another warrior with First Aid bandages


I unironically want a support/healer warrior who uses banners and shouts. Especially keeping in with the "warriors are hilariously and epically mundane" thing. "Oh you're dying FUCK YOU BABY BOY GET UP AND FIGHT"


You should read this while thread then https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/V1mpInU3o3


Shaman is just splashing water into the faces of these drunk bastards to sober them up a bit between fights.


The "healing" is just trying to hydrate them during a bender


Me angry, me go bonk on head.


>as i grow older they honestly appeal to me more and more Same here. I started as a Warrior in BC, went Mage in WoTLK, Priest in MoP and Paladin ever since. Now I am starting to think that the time might have come to return to fighting everything with my pent up anger, just as I do in real life as an old man


Oh, you infuse your very being with eldritch energies in order to fight at an elite level? I just don't skip leg day.


100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 10km run everyday *with full plate* Let's go bros đŸ’Ș


Oh, is 100 a lot for you? Do you even lift, bro? đŸ’Ș


Ya like I love how powerful DK and Paladin are. Feel great gameplay wise. But lore wise they’re like the bodybuilders in the gym hyped on steroids and focused on form while warrior has actual muscle gained through dedication and hard work. Can’t take em seriously


Shadow Priest and affliction warlock. SP just does it better


Feel like if you were a competent afflock, you become a way better SP. the transition is just smooth


Seconding this HARD. I remember making my SP back in S1 of Nathria after playing the entire tier out as Aff. I've never felt a more smooth transition than that. S1 DF SP though...was not my jam...current version does look super fun though :D


I'm a Lock main and bounce between Aff and Destro. While I love Aff, you're right that Shadow simply does it better currently.


Affliction isn’t really a rot spec anymore. Thanks to Malefic Rupture it’s all about putting a lot of dots up on a target to facilitate MR rather than have the dots themselves be your damage (as is the case for SP).


This is simply not true. Yes, many years ago affliction had even more of it's damage from dots. But tuning it in raid back then was impossible as it was either absolutely shit in single target but good in multi target, or good in single target and absolutely busted strong in multi target raid fights. They had to take power out of dots. That being said, it still does more % dot damage than any other class in the game right now. It's just been poorly tuned and had other design issues for a while.


This doesn't sound right to me, so I went and looked. For a single target fight (I took top damage to bosses parses for Tindral) SP does ~25% of their damage from devouring plague while Aff does ~20% from MR. Shadow Priest does less than 8% from their continuous dots while Aff does 30% of their damage (thats Agony, Corruption, SL and UA). Aff is much more a dot class, which makes me think it's just a performance issue, not a gameplay issue. Aff is 100% the premiere rot spec, it's just not doing the numbers to justify it. Gameplay out of cooldowns is 100% about keeping four dots spinning while SP is just 'refresh VT'. Even if you somehow think DP counts as a rot dot (it doesn't), Aff still does more damage through DoTs.


Evoker took over the niche and alt slot my shaman used to occupy. Elemental and spirit stuff, actually neat looking earth spells, mail armor so it reuses many mogs and it's a dragon. I like shaman and having a ranged and melee spec is neat but found myself being drawn much less to the class since I'm playing evoker more. Kind of hits a similar theme for me, in some odd, likely handcanonish way. I also like their utility a bit more, more stops, also lust, rescue will never not be funny, mobility out of the ass and empowering spells is fun. Just not a fan of their whole transmog shtick and the lizards look a bit silly but the class is rad.


Same here. Was a shaman main from the beginning but switched to evoker when dragonflight came out. I miss having a melee spec like you said but ever since enhance became all about pressing the ice strike/hailstorm spam loop in keys I don't want to play it anyways. And devastation has been more enjoyable to me than elemental. I do miss resto shaman in keys though. Preservation is so fun in raid but in keys it kinda frustrates the hell out of me with the short range and with the typical range DPS running around 40 yards away from the boss.


Feral druid and rogue. I simply dislike the lack of animations of feral, so I stick with the human feral druid aka rogue.


I'm the opposite. I love feral druid and that usually makes me not want to play rogue.


The versatility of movement options with druid just kills most other classes for me (except monk and evoker). Rogue felt so... grounded in contrast.


I feel the same when playing any other class I wish I could shift out of that root or go travel form to catch up with someone.


The powershifting of druids is great fun... just the overall increase in mobility when you can shift out of roots feels great and certainly missed on other classes. But I guess that is what makes druids unique... its always fun in PVP for having that mobility plus able to stealth and stuff. I love how they fit that theme of doing it all.


> The versatility of movement options with I'm gonna be honest I was convinced you were saying rogue reading this.


Yeah haha, was thinking "that tracks, with some variation on your spec you have stealth speed boosts, shadowstep, sprint, grappling hook, outlaw passive speed, etc". Rogue's movement is amazing, DHs in remix are always shocked that I can keep up with them during those loooong runs between bosses in SoO, and the ability to shadowstep onto friendly targets is so fun and has saved me countless times.


Grappling hook is a nonsense button and if Outlaw was easier I'd play it just for that. It's so fun.


I have the same thinking, druids have so many options in general that their sheer diversity of choice makes me pick them over a few other classes - feral over rogue, guardian over warrior, balance over mage (and i dont play healer). No matter the spec they also bring good mobility, flight/travel form as an instant swap mount, and as of legion they have better teleport options than many other classes via the dreamway portals.


Doesn't help that feral was a shitty rogue for a long time.


It's not anymore?


It still is. It also was a shitty rogue.


I'm detecting a Mitch Hedberg reference.


I know they have both been terrible forever, but we all know that one exception. My buddy has been feral druid since Cata, we can't kill him, we can beat his damage. We don't know what he is doing or how. He just mastered that class.


I call feral the 4th rogue spec


Feral feels like theme park rogue. It's not distinct, it's a mishmash of various rogue mechanics.


I'm tempted to make a worgen rogue alt but I hear mixed things about the class 😅


as a druid I feel this constantly hrm... I want to heal. darn that priest is so powerful! they are doing so much more healing! and I can lifegrip people out of standing in fire! maybe I should be a priest... hrm... I want to tank... but I can't see my character and my equipment, and it would be neat to have a shield equipped... maybe I should be a warrior or a paladin... hrm... I want to melee dps... but my group utility is terrible... and my single target damage is middle of the pack. I can't vanish and I don't have cloak of shadows.... maybe I should be a rogue... hrm... I want to ranged dps... but I still can't really see my character and my equipment... and BM hunter lets me do ranged damage so much easier while mobile... and fire mage has such a fun rotation and big crits and now you can even summon a phoenix... maybe I should play a mage....


On the other hand, with a druid you can do all those things in the same day.


yeah but the instant cast travel form and interacting with objects while in travel feels like hacks compared to the peasants having to constantly dismount and remount


Deep enough into gathering professions you can pick from mount. But for quests and other things it's all manual still.


Back in legion i created a druid just to chill on my class hall. It was a peaciful life.


Feral can Vanish - it's part of feral's Incarnation, unless they removed the free in-combat prowl from it?


You can also use NE racial and Prowl to “vanish”


Balance feels a lot like beast master for me


Mage is just a better shaman. Hoping this shaman rework is good because it’s still my favorite class. Mages have better survivability, better damage, I believe uncapped aoe?, they can lust, can cc, can decurse.


Literally everything shaman does, mage can do better (except heal and interrupt). And then they have all the extra amazing tools that shaman doesn't have: immunity, buff, mass barrier/inv, cheat death...


As a Shaman, I feel like we always at the bottom on the priority list and get screwed when it comes to class updates and reworks. Mages are certainly OP if you try to compare them, with multiple CC's and mobility options, immunity/defensive cds, and yes even decurse or dispel with spellsteal (technically a much cooler version of purge since u get to use the buff). I remember how annoying it was in the original trilogy of games being one of the few classes that had zero CC or stuns... like even warriors could fear or stun occassionally, and classes like pally or priest had some class lore specific CC such as turn undead or shackle undead. Shaman are supposed to be the elemental knights but we can't even CC elementals? But warlock can banish demon/elementals and hunter frost trap works on almost anything. I was so happy and boosted when Shaman finally got Hex in wotlk..... it was way overdue. Its a unique CC but I liked it. And then even better in Cata we got Bind Elemental, something that they could have easily given us from the start in classic vanilla as a class flavor CC like the priest shackle undead.... something that would have limited useage based on the targets enemy type but feel great to use in a dungeon/raid that is elemental themed or has elemental mobs. Sadly, Bind Elemental only lasted for like 2 xpacs cause I think after MoP they took it away in the spell trimming of WoD for no reason...... just Shamans losing some of their class flavor or their theme of having some binding control over elementals. Bring it back I say!!


As someone who mained a Rogue for a long time I feel like Demon Hunter is basically Rogue+. You lose the stealth but gain all the agility and mobility you wish a Rogue had.


That would make DH a monk++ i guess


i felt this even going to warrior ages ago, no need for combo points, more survivable, better mogs, charging everywhere


And if you're playing Alliance, you have the functional utility of Vanish anyways.


I love the flavor of dk and palidans but I play ele shaman simply cause I naturally seem to play better at a ranged class and shaman has been most fun to play


Shaman is my favorite class as well, I play Enhance mostly but Resto as well. I'll even go Elemental once in a while just for a change of pace. But it is great fun, love the support buffs we bring, and the unique utillity spells like Purge and eshock/windshear for that ranged interrupt. I miss those abilites so much when playing other classes. Just wish they had a tank spec... which atleast SoD has to play around with (but hopefully will be brought into the main game).


I main Hunter, but Shaman has always been my favorite Alt class. The utility is great and I love resto and like enhance as dps. Just have never liked having to gear up one Int spec and one Agi spec. I also really disliked Ele season 1 of DF.




He ment Polydance. It's a new Bard spec to keep up with the times.


It sounds like a company that makes generic versions of medication or something


Nah, he meant Palillidans, the new Paladin-Demon Hunter Hybrid class.


I fell in love with the entire shaman lore since I tried it for the first time in WotLK and haven't mained anything else since them lol


To me, monk is just a better disc priest.


As a long term disc priest main who played monk in season 3 I have to grudgingly agree, but I still went back to disc priest for season 4 because it's just more me..


What do you mean? I don't play either class..... u mean the whole do healing while also doing damage aspect that mw monks and disc priests can both do? I thought disc speciality is absorbs tho too, does mw monk also specialize in absorbs?


Yeah I’m mainly talking about dealing damage to heal. Monks have Life Cocoon but that’s pretty much it for absorbs.


As a MW main I have absolutely no idea how they are even comparable. It's near impossible to compare a melee healer to a range healer for starters.


They both deal damage to heal.


I’ve been a warrior main since tbc and I can definitely feel you on the flavor criticism. I’m always the fighter/warrior type class in the games I play, and I really love the aesthetics and hero aspects, but I think one of the weakest iterations of this fantasy is in wow. It’s always been a problem with the class imo, but it’s really weird - I don’t think a series like Diablo (also blizzard) has ever suffered from this issue. The Barbarian class aesthetics have always been really cool and can def compete with other classes in Diablo. The warrior in wow just looks and sounds so flat and boring compared to it
 Wish they would do something about it. It’s been so many years and the warrior is still the most uninspired class


Fully agreed. I mained warrior early in Legion and I feel that’s when we had the closest thing to warrior flavor with Valarjar, Odyn’s swords and stuff related to the Titans. But never anything close to Diablo Barbarian, for example. Well, I guess mountain thane in TWW would work with dwarf warrior.


Monk over rogue and feral druid..... "combo points" and "finishers" but it's SO MUCH smoother, has all the same utility (minus stealth), and is easier to play optimally for the same damage output as the other 2 putting in far more effort


Feral is constantly getting back to just being another lesser rogue spec because Blizzard is terrified of focusing on bleeds for some reason. Gonna be another expac of "just play rogue" because it's practically the same and Blizzard loves them more to make them at the very least decent all around.


Yeah - blizzard clearly loves the idea of dot classes - but a melee with bleeds is just out of the question. You could put your full bleeds on someone and they'd barely dip in HP. I've always loved the thought that bleeds from a feral druid is like a ticking time bomb - bandages should counter it - but it should absolutely be terrifying to have a full set of bleeds on.


It would be cool to do, but you can't give it to druids. Because of their class features, there's no counterplay to stopping them from getting their bleeds up. They're faster than you, immune to more ccs than any other class, and can shapeshift out of roots and slows. This kind of gameplay would be more interesting on DKs or something. I don't think this is the real problem, though, the real problem is m+. You can't tune bleeds such that they're good damage for low level trash and high level trash. Their solution for SP was to take a lot of damage out of dots and just make them builders for their real abilities (or anchors for spread cleave, now, sort of like mini-havocs). Aff hasn't been good for a while in m+, and not since they nerfed the spread cleave of MR.


Same issue affliction has. Seems like the only dot spec they have figured out is shadow


Shadow doesn't even feel like a dot spec, they have 2 dots which are applied on the same GCD and devouring plague could be swapped with an instant damage spell that applies a 6/12 sec debuff and nothing about it would change. Not sure they can even be called a dot spec anymore, DoT management was completely removed from the spec.


The DPS Spec of DH is non-existent to me as long as tank DH exists if that counts.


I'm a fairly decent DH tank but don't ever ask me to DPS, it's like playing an entirely different class


It definetly is I instantly lose all fun with DH when trying to dps with it


Paladin overwrote my bfa main warrior. Why play warrior if I can heal myself and also do damage from over there


I cannot play warrior in retail ever since monk became a thing.


I used to be a warlock, but then they gave everything I loved (and more) to DH, so now I am a DH.


Priest is just outclassed by everything imo. Shadow is an affliction warlock without a tank pet, and holy priest has 100000 buttons that resto shaman can do in half the time and also gets lust, and holy priest's spells all look and sound the same. Disc priest is (like someone here said) just a weak monk spec, lol. On top of this they're cloth wearers, and i also don't like any of their tools for CC - scream is awful compared to other options. No thank you across the board.


Destrolock > Mage Big chaos bolt make brain go brrr Love being a turret man with flashy spells


also 10 Fire rains stacked ontop of each other omg


Survival hunter and any other melee class. Surv has very good mobility, fast gameplay and bombs! We also have pets and can swap to a ranged dps spec if needed or if we just want to chill. Also, harpoon cd resets on kills.


This is how I feel regarding warriors, tbh. Death knight and paladin fill the role of “melee plate wearer” class with significantly more flavour for me, and I find it very difficult to make warriors because of it. Warriors are definitely more flexible in terms of what you can do with them, due to the relatively blank slate they have, but at the same time it also doesn’t give much of a.. hook, if that makes sense. (I also just enjoy the general lore/aesthetics of DK/pally more anyway over a more generic fighter)


Exact opposite for me, I don’t like the Runes/Runic Power combo of DK and I’m not a big fan of the whole DK aesthetic. Oddly, Fury Warrior does tend to eliminate a lot of rogue stuff for me (why get carpal tunnel spamming little stabs when I can get it spamming big stabs?), but then I think “why get carpal tunnel spamming big stabs when I can NOT get carpal tunnel spamming many whacks and lightning?” Then I make another Shaman.


I feel this but on the caster side. Sure mages and locks are great and all but chain lightning go brr and suddenly I have another ele shaman.


Yuuuuup. My big frustration with Ele Shaman is being forced to toss flaming meatballs all the time, when I should be THROWING EVEN MORE LIGHTNING.


You're gonna love stormbringer hero talent 😁


Why only hit you with a weapon. When I can have a giant hammer of light slowly falling on your head. You can’t run from it, you can’t hide.


before the "rework" of TWW, I hated playing Destro. It felt like a knockoff worse version of Fire mage.


For me it was, “why limited myself to 25yd range as a healer when I can just stay in melee and heal plus avoid both ranged and some melee mechanics because I’m considered a melee healer,” but then it became I, “why don’t I play a ranged healer instead of pretending to be one in PvP so I don’t get CCd to death whenever I try to channel Soothing Mist.” However, I’ll still main Monk in TWW I think and I may try to get 1800 on Monk now that I have it on Disc. 


Sadly it feels RET paladin just flat out invalidates warrior, like they feel like they do what warrior does, but better in every way with more utility, so it's difficult to find warrior fun after having played RET.


You're just not strong enough for the Zug Zug


Why play Destro Lock if I can be a Fire Mage and enjoy two more flavours of ice cream?


demon hunter is a better (combat) rogue for me. No fiddling around with stealth, mobility for days, plenty of burst DPS and a lot of utility.


The only real Holy spec is Holy Priest. The only real Protection spec is Protection Warrior. Why be a champion of light when I can be a Knight of Death. If you want one class that does all of the things Druids and Monks do it better. Friends don't let friends play Paladin.


Warlock, why would I play a mage or spriest when I could play warlock? It’s just a cooler caster why play DH when I can play dk. Both cool flavor wise but I mean, dk Rogue and DH, why play rogue when I could play cool demon rogue DH. But then see above âŹ†ïž


Rogue and DH is one of mine as well. I Main a DH and leveled a rogue through remix. DH just feels like a much cooler and just better rogue to me.


I feel that way specifically with fire & destruction


Warlock and mage mains both think they're the cooler caster hahaha


Back in mop, i was dk main, turned out as a newbie i have no idea how to play dk, then i picked up warrior, let that blade storm roll baby!


I used to care only about meta spec from TBC to Legion. Now I just care about the spec feeling good to play rotation wise aka fun. Flavor is good too, but fun definitely takes precedence. I’m not playing a spec where things aren’t flowing together or if the rotation isn’t engaging like pressing only 2 or 3 buttons outside of CD’s


stopped playing rogue when i started warrior, then stopped warrior for DK, now druid is creeping up the ranks; stopped spriest for mage, then mage for hunter


I can't play any other class because I could just be playing Devastation instead. The fun I have on that spec is just so far beyond any other in the game.


If windwalker had double jump and glide, I would never feel the need to play a demon hunter alt. Havoc feels borderline the same as windwalker but with fewer buttons.


Same for me with Paladins vs Warriors. Warriors are cool, I prefer plate armor classes. But Paladins are that PLUS they’re crusaders wielding holy magic. It’s like Warriors but better imo


In pvp survival hunter I think is more fun than any other dps spec the problem is playing it correctly each time and taking advantage of their utility that requires good timing


Monk feels like it replaces Rogue to me. Windwalker’s Chi resource feels better to use than Combo Points for Rogue. Also, Monks can tank and heal as well. I almost never log on my Rogue.


why would I need a sword if I am a whole chicken?


Ret in M+ makes Warrior feel redundant. Fluff and Flavor the opposite is true. Why put faith in the light when faith in my Biceps does the trick?


Evoker outshines Mage for me. Other than teleports, Evoker does everything better with more mobility, especially glide. And soar for flavor, yummy.


Rogue > feral. Lock > shadow priest. Ret > warrior. Rdruid > rsham. Disc > holy priest. I’m just talking about what’s straight up much more fun to play.


I mained a pally tank for a long time then started playing DH and I just can't go back. The leech and mobility are just bonkers with DH


I really feel like Fire mage but actually Shaman, Fire mange but actually Warlock and Fire Mage could use some work on theme.


Hunter for being based around archery, and animal companionship, I've also become fond of survival, even though it dropped the ranged weapon component, it has a nice guerilla warfare theme/feel to me, zipping around and throwing bombs, fighting side by side with your animal companion. Beast mastery is chill af, and marksmanship feels like it's namesake, a master archer or rifleman.


I mean the obvious answer is for me is Paladin over Priest. That’s just a Paladin without armor and a sword lmfao. BUT they do have shadow priest which doesn’t apply. If shadow priests exist tho when shadow paladin?? đŸ€”


Another one for me though is warlock over mage. Demonic magic > arcane magic. Idk why play wizard when I can play badass demon wizard?


I feel similarly about alot of specs to be honest. I'd rather play Unholy DK than Affliction Warlock. I'd rather play Shadow Priest than Affliction Warlock. I'd rather play Outlaw Rogue over Fury Warrior. I'd rather play Assa Rogue over Feral Druid. I'd rather play Ret Paladin over Arms Warrior. I'd rather play Dev Evoker over Frost/Fire Mage. I'd rather play Havoc DH over Windwalker Monk. Granted, I've been playing for fourteen years so i've played literally every spec and role in the game for a decent amount of time so my preferences are pretty set in stone since i've experienced them all. Things for me dont really become subject to change unless a spec gets a rework and I have to try it out again.


Demon hunter and any melee class. I do melee damage too! But I can move at the speed of sound and self heal myself constantly. Beastmaster and any range class. I can do range damage too! But I can freely jump on circles while I do it


Druid, why would I collect mounts when I am one?