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I am loving fire mage right now.


Came here to say this. I think I got 5 or 6 other classes to 70 first, working on fire mage now and it's such a blast (lol) to play.


Fire mage just feel right and fun to play.


Same. I've dabbled with fire mage before, but this time I feel almighty with 100% crit.


I 100% agree with you.


I imagine fire mage in mop is really pyroblast spam with all the crit you have.




Yeah I agree. Mage was one of the classes I just couldn’t bring myself to level and fire mage is in the running to be my main in TWW. Tie between fire mage and brewmaster


I think Im switching from Feral to Fire main. It just feels so good


Fire mage and Assassination rogue have been two specs I've enjoyed in remix on classes where I haven't enjoyed the other specs I've played


Fire is totaly oposite on retail, crap dmg in low content, hard to master in highest content, pretty bad spec if you are not high end player on retail.


Remix really skewed my view of classes I hadn’t played before just because of the nature of Remix. Had a lot of fun then went to Retail and was like “oh…this is a *completely* different experience.”


Yep, its a case for most classes on retail, slow, boring outdated playstyle, pve content and pvp went like 20y ahead mechanic wise and yet our classes feel like its 2008 😂


No offense but this feels like a regurgitated streamer opinion


It’s better in TWW. Much more enjoyable.


I just hope people have their expectations set. Remember, each class is boosted beyond anything we have ever seen. They WILL NOT play the same in retail. They will be similar, but just remember this is not how they normally play.


Yea I saw somone talking about how much they loved ww after trying it in remix. With all the gems and tinkers, I feel like you cannot tell how a class actually works in remix lol, gotta set it all aside.


Yeah, and it begins immediately since you start getting stats for your cloak right away.


I agree. You blast everything in MoP and if that's the the main part of the fun you experience, just know that your class might fall flat in TWW.


pretty much my exact thoughts. a lot of these classes feel easier/different/more powerful with the remix stuff. i have no idea yet if i'll bother playing the DH i made for remix, cause with how all the instanced content is a speedrun and with tinker gems doing a lot of damage, it's hard to actually get a feel for the class.


Yeah, DH is completely different. People like how zoomie it is but the issue is that's because you get speed based on mastery, well you'll never be 200% mastery in retail :D Also remix really doesn't have a rotation I find, even on bosses for heroic raids I barely even use my opener as a UH dk before the boss is dead.


yep, very much why i went into remix purely with the intent of playing through mop quests/getting some cosmetics. dh is def a beast with the maxxed out cloak, but as it won't stay that way.... also why i'm not intending to power level any alts for the next expac with it, cause for all i know i'd hate how the other classes play without remix stuff and then i'd just end up with deleted chars or chars collecting dust. I only choose to pal around with demon hunter on the slim off chance that maybe i'd like it outside of remix


Hazelnutty said it best: “Remix is not real life”.


If I like something, I just make a max level version in WW beta to validate.


And thank God. I tried arcane mage on remix and I never got to cast anything. Had a boost for retail so used it and arcane mage is actually a ton of fun.


Great point! I didn't even consider the fact it could be opposite as well. Originally, I only meant every class will feel stronger in remix than the same class in retail but you brought up a good point, boosting with all this power might actually make you think a class is not fun, but if you were to play it on retail it would actually be more fun.


It’s even worse right now because of the stats feeling miserable in beta! I hate how slow classes feel in the beta and that’s just coming from retail. I can’t imagine coming from remix lmao


Feral, never knew or even thought I could love this spec! I’m also a Transmog guy and couldn’t care less while behind a cat


Get those cat skins! Like the fiery one it’s insane!


I thought that some legion cat skin are not available anymore. 😕


Just the neon colored ones (cat version of the neon bears). All the others are attainable. And the fire one is from Firelands in Cata.


I had the opposite experience tbh. Tried it, hated it. I think I'd like it better outside of remix so I'm keeping the character but it felt kinda meh.


Still Ret Paladin That said, I decided to level a Pandaren Monk (original, I know). I’ve done this before but the class never really clicked for me. But spending this much time with it, I actually like it now.


Demon hunters, which obviously didn't exist in OG Pandaria, have been SO MUCH FUN in remix. They feel like they break a lot of the content, you can do things that players weren't intended to do, and that's fine, because this is a novelty mode that will be gone in two months. If you feel you've already beat Pandaria into the ground years ago, you might have a lot of fun experiencing it through a class that didn't exist when MOP was released.


It's funny, I refused to play VDH for another season on retail, but for some reason went DH on remix and it's just bonkers what you can do. So much fun.


Honestly this is so true. I rolled a rogue but it became sour very quickly because I also played a rogue in mop (shocker I know, playing the same thing again isn’t as fun the second time) Then I rerolled a demon hunter and it was night and day. The movespeed from mastery in remix is insane capping out at 81.6% or something and then you have the 49% actual Speed stat on top of that so you’re literally running past people who are on their mounts because you’re over 100% LOL


I'm having so much fun full clearing troves on my demon hunter


I never played a Shaman before, and now I have a new level 70 enhancement Shaman. It has been so much fun! I definitely fell in love with this class.


Same! It’s the most fun I’ve had. Even though I’ve never played one until now and took about a good 12 years off from WoW I’m offended that this class is so overlooked lol


Relationship with classes ended. high ilvl scaled Tinkers are my new best friend


I made a brewmaster monk and I’ve been really loving it. I never managed to stick with them past like lvl 40 in retail but now I feel like making it my main alt in TWW. I just hope I enjoy it as much when I’m not flying around the map at 200% speed 1-shotting bosses with a keg smash to the face while meteors and lighting shoot out my ass


It was my experience. Now I finally have a monk spec I like for when they get a season set I want to get. Fistweaving feels good for me... Until things go south.


Exactly the same for me


Yup I just spam the spinning crane kick. It's fun just spamming dungeons helping out the lower level players :0


Priest! First toon I made back in Vanilla played until Wrath. Then switched for guild purpose. Stopped playing for 10 years. Leveled everything in MoP. Shadow priest changes are awesome. 2 healing specs always been nice to me :)


Never played a priest before remix and I also may start maining one


I'm trying a priest for first time and so far really surprised how good the dps is


Evoker and Survival Hunter.


Evoker, dev and pres both. I tried one when Dragonflight first dropped and can’t remember for the life of me why I didn’t hit 70 with it, but man I’m having a blast. Oh and Blood DK. Oh and Vengeance DH. Oh and…


I went off the deep end on monks. I've got 3 monk timerunners at 70, one at 476 and a retail guy at 62.


I finally tried out Evoker and really like Devastation, I’m thinking of trying the other specs now


I have maxed a Paladin, DH, Warrior, Hunter, Shaman, and Rogue in remix. I absolutely love playing a Fury Warrior right now! I think i enjoy it more because of the cloak movement speed. I had a 55 warrior that was such a slog to play. I'm loving DH for the same reason. I have mained a WW monk since MOP originally dropped, so fast mobility has always been a major factor for enjoying a class. I thought I'd love Shaman but damn they hit like a pillow fight.


I made a Dwarf fury warrior and it is so fun just stomping and jumping around lolz


I fell in love with ret pally during DF… but now I don’t know, I like DH, Mage but class that surprised me most is Dracthyer


We are over powered in a lot of abilities in all classes and specs right now through out remix. It wont be the same when TWW hits.


Leveled an Arcane Mage in retail with the intention of it being a main in TWW. Coming from a tank background, leveled another Brewmaster Monk to really hit the “vibe” in remix and now I’m doubting my resolve to main the Mage when the expansion drops.


Windwalker Monk and Destro Lock.


Demon Hunter because I can literally be Sonic the Hedgehog and Lightning McQueen combined and say "I AM SPEED"


Shadow priest


I main shadow, it's been my main for many years now, but for remix I went with shaman and monk. Both soo much fun!! I don't see me changing from shadow as my main, but I am definitely going to take my monks into retail.


I could never get into an alt for long in retail. Just got bored going through it all over again. Would just stick with my Warrior main. Then for Remix, I started with a BM Hunter and really enjoying it. Since then I’ve leveled another 4 to 70, my favorite being DH. Plan is to have a 70 for each class before War Within.


Well honestly I tend to switch mains from one season to the next and I've played most of them with a few exceptions. I've been using remix to get those classes to 70 and also level some I already have but trying different builds. So far I've really been enjoying two that I hadn't spent time with... Arcane Mage which I hadn't tried since probably vanilla or tbc. And it's even more fun on the Beta with all the splinters that go flying. And Devastation evoker. I know people have very mixed feelings about it but it's honestly been more fun than any other class I've leveled so far. It may very well be my main for season 1 of TWW.


My new main will be monk (never rolled one before) and mage. Bad ass! Third is probably paladin or warrior. Then I’ll find a mail wearer as my 4th main later in xpac.


Pala main at core but will deffo keep a mage now as well!


Shadow Priest and Disc Priest. I've never cared for Priests for the religious implications and never gave it a fair shot. Shadow priest is so damned fun and rewarding and disc priest has been a blast to nay when I actually have to heal.. We'll see what happens post remix but I may move to priest as my main.


Gotta be mage - last time I played this much with them was towards the end of cata whilst I was bored and going alt crazy. It's just a lot of fun to play in all specs so they're my ranged dps pick for TWW now.


I don’t see how you can decide if you like a class or not - I’m messing around with a demo lock and everything dies before I can get a cast off. Occasionally I get a low powered group and I can use Hand of Guldan and another summon (fel guard or pups), but then everything dies again.


hard to say? i've liked toying with DH, but with how fast instanced stuff dies and with the tinker gem effects doing a lot of damage, i can't really tell if i'd actually like playing the class outside remix. Killing stuff in the open world has never been hard so that's not much of a indicator. i think it would be the same deal with other classes.


It remix really a good place to figure out if you like a class? With enough stats you become op and can almost 1-2 button entire raids


As a Mage since wotlk i tried Warrior and omg so much fun.




This is probably a very naive take, but I got addicted to Survival hunter's mobility. Double trailblazer is already magical, and with the grappling hook I feel like I'm at top speed constantly without having to think about it.


I never realized how neat Balance druids are. Shaman are still my fave.


I’m in love with Warlocks for the first time ever


Tried disc priest and then immediately rolled one in retail so I could try it out in the real game. Its going to be my main for first season of TWW now


Dk because of the mobility I get from gems


Frost DK was pretty fun, and I am having an absolute BLAST with Arcane Mage. I don’t think I would main either of them in the coming expansion, but it’s definitely made me enjoy both specs


I’m liking the little bit of arcane mage I’m doing in remix. But I know the rotation is so much more complicated than it needs to be in retail. Hopefully it gets cleaned up a bit in TWW


I think that’s part of the reason I couldn’t main it. In remix, I basically JUST spam arcane blast it arcane explosion. And that’s it. Everything turns to dust in front of me, and I’ve not invested a single thing into this mage (like how people purposely make level 20 priests that destroy dungeons). Legit just whatever gems I’ve picked up. It has, inevitably, slowed down as I’ve hit higher levels, but I’m still destroying elite enemies in like 4-5 button presses. I know it won’t play the same in retail at ALL, but I’m just enjoying how INSANE it is in the mean time. This is how remix should have felt the entire time.


Never played unholy DK, and now I'm probably going to main it in TWW.


I have yet to do evoked and monk. Retail or remix. But I’m reminded how much I love BM hunters. Honestly though, I’m ready to be done with remix (and new alts) so I can go back to retail and finish my real alts before TWW


Destro lock is pretty fun.


Death knight and always death knight.


I quite like Fury Warrior. I don't like the amount of 1-2 minute cooldowns I have that don't seem to do much but eh, I'll live and learn.


I'm a DH onetrick since day 1. Tried DK, managed to get lv67 on remix but it bored me out of my mind. Tried Dracthyr and Rogue, same results at lv40 Now I'm creating a pally and it's been much funnier - at lv50 and it did not bore me at all. And yes, I have a 476 DH on remix as well.


Simple answer? No. Still gonna be a hunter main in TWW. Mop Remix doesn’t let you experience the classes properly. It doesn’t matter what you do, or what talents you choose, or what your rotation is, everything just gets cleared in a couple seconds. So you’re not actually experiencing how the class plays.


Remix made me understand how rogue work. I've leveled many rogues before but could never understand how they work lol


Enhancer shaman


I’m not imagining Paladin in remix is anything like retail, but I am loving it


Paladin is so fun! I’m really gonna miss heroic leap… lol


Trailblazer, no other special ability will ever be more useful than that


Retention Paladin


I am currently leveling my third monk by running mogushan normal once a day with +450% xp now 2 quests get me from 60 to 61. Sadly remix monk is more fun than beta monk, so it won't be permanent. Currently mainless :( Send help


destro lock for me, warlock is probably the only class i’ve never played (having played on and off since beta) and i really quite enjoyed it in remix


I quest leveled a monk dps, healer in dungeons, for the very first time before all players were superfrogs, and I have to say I enjoyed learning the dps playstyle very much. I have a max monk but that is because of legion pre patch, and every expansion pre patch since. It won't be my main, but it may make the warband home screen.


I've been trying classes on remix but there's literally no fucking substance to the game mode. You just fly around with infinite speed, damage, and hp. I can't tell what abilities do good damage because even my auto attacks 1 shot everything. I was expecting to use it to test classes for TWW but I find myself even less incentivized to touch those classes again because of the jank that is MoP Remix.


Being OP is kinda the point of remix though. Just take some gear off and solo some dungeons or make a trial character on retail if you really wanna test stuff out


The exact reason you hate it is the exact reason most of us are enjoying it. Nice to take a break from the min/maxing and just steamroll old content with friends. I'm having some of the most fun I've had since Legion class campaigns.


Enjoy them as long as you can, the hero talents suck balls atm :(