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>I really miss the days before the dungeon finder, when you needed to know a tank, or a healer I don't miss having to look for a group for 10-15 minutes to run normal dungeons lol


And that was the quickest, it sucked wasting an hour or so, getting frustrated because you were almost out of playing time and just giving up.


I also don't miss someone needing to go alllll the way back to your closest capital to LFM when someone leaves mid-dungeon lol. Needing to do it for Stratholme or Dire Maul as Alliance was just the worst.




Is this in regards to remix? I haven’t had this experience in endgame dungeons in retail, but definitely in remix. People are just trying to grind out their dailies in remix and be done at this point, I think.


Could also just be some over geared player steam rolling heroics for their call too arms


If this is about remix, then well yeah. If it's about retail that's exactly what to expect right now because of where we are in the expac, it's mostly just the nonstop grinders playing now because everyone is breaking for TWW. Not a lot of new people sightseeing


I always say GG at the end but sometimes the whole group leaves before I can hit enter lol.


Since you are automatically banned after too many reports with no way to appeal, the best way to play WoW has become to talk to as little people as possible.


I think the problem is you’re playing non-competitive content that people want to push past. They are rushing to get past the grindy stuff because they want to network and play with friends in the parts of the game they enjoy. You can make friends a lot easier when doing more challenging content. It is not like this in higher raiding, M+, 3s, 2s, and rbgs.


I'm not in the instance to chat or make friends; just need to get in, get the job done, and get out. I do think that speed running through and not giving time to loot or complete quest objectives isn't cool, but I don't mind the "no socialization" part of instance running


I mean when I do dungeons like Azure Vault on my priest I will typically ask if we are going to do the slow fall skip on the trash before the second boss.


I never cared for the social part of wow. Other players are basically badly programmed bots to me. The less I need to work with them, the better for all of us


Me doing BRD speed run in 2005 reading this going HUH? you sure about that . Doing every single possible skip in mara or DM . you sure we played the same game .


Woah don’t post that in this subreddit or the minmaxing fun haters will get upset


We need to turn back to the days where most content was made with guild-mates. There are too many dead guilds starving at less than 10 active people… we should gather up and try to avoid pugging as much as possible


Yeah some way to merge guilds would be awesome - so many guilds die with too few really active people after everyone has left


There is a way. You can just merge.


Finding guilds in similar situations is the hard part. I meant some in-game tool


I mean, is it? Message a guild and say "Hello, we are 5-6 people from this guild and would like to see if you have space for us". If it's about raiding or something, check WoWprogress and you can kinda tell if they had an exodus based on extremely varying progress between tiers.


"Message a guild" <-- that is the issue, there are thousands (millions?) of them, and no way to see which others are in the same situation. Even a flag you can set at the guild settings page to say "looking to merge" would be super handy.


If you go to the official guild recruitment forums, you can often find posts like this. There's also recruitment discords, websites like raider.io, warcraftlogs, and wowprogress with recruitment tools. The tools are out there, maybe not in game tools, but the tools do exist. At the end of Legion my guild server transferred from a low pop server to a larger population server, I went to the server forums, made a post, found another guild to mythic raid as two guilds at the end of Legion while I recruited up for BFA.


Will check out those resources - thanks!