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Hi, all. This post is now locked and no further comments can be posted. Please keep in mind the /r/xxfitness rules about being civil to other people who comment here. Respectful and passionate arguing is always allowed, but name calling is never acceptable.


this thread is so great, thank you for posting!! I'm 5'9 and 158-ish. I've been at/around this weight for at least 15 years (excepting kids and coming back down) but i've looked VERY DIFFERENT despite it. Current goal is to add some muscle. I'd like to weigh under 150, but that's just so they don't have to go to the 'next slider over' on the scale at the dr office, haha. It's always so depressing when they start at the 100 one and then keep inching up, up, up before going to 150 haha. Although digital scales make that easier now.


5'9 and 153 lbs. I have been (unhealthily) at 120 and (also unhealthily) at 175 in the past. My goal weight is 140 but its been incredibly difficult for me to sustainably stay below 150 these past few months.


I’m 5’9” and currently 160ish. I’d say I look “average”, I have a lot of curves and a large chest. People tell me I look healthy and are surprised that I “weigh so much”. My goal is 145 purely for aesthetic reasons. My lowest weight ever while suffering from an ED was 112 pounds and in retrospect I can see that I looked like a typical skeletal anorexic. Gotta keep fighting the good fight!


I'm 5'10" and range from 148-153. I am happy but certainly less so when I wake up in the morning to a 15- rather than a 14-. Ideally I'd like to be in the 145-149 range and add more muscle. From doing more yoga over the past year, I've noticed a nice toning in my back specifically and arms and torso a bit. That's the look I'm going for all around, skinny but toned and defined.


5’7 and 153 but I’d like to get to 140 or 135


5'9'' here lol


Hi! 185cm (5'11"?) and 70kg/155 pounds. I've actually been trying to gain weight, and have a healthier lifestyle. I would like to gain a few more kilograms. I was trapped in the idea that thin means sexy for a long time, and just in the last year have been pushing to be healthier.


Glad to hear you are pursuing your health! Are you planning on gaining weight by lifting & gaining muscle or just in general gaining weight with a healthy lifestyle?


Thank you! Still doing aerobics. I've had a routine for the past decade that I really enjoy. So it's mostly having a healthier lifestyle; getting enough sleep, working less (no more 14 hour work days), and eating correctly. :)


5' 9" (or just under), 27 years old and I am now right at 147-150 lbs which is what I seem to fluctuate naturally, daily. I am quite happy right here but I do struggle with body image and body dysmorphia. As I get older I tend to worry a bit less about the little things. I was heaviest at 187 lbs in my early 20s, had gotten down to 140 lbs and held that for a few years. In my mid 20s and then bottomed out at 130 lbs a few years later after a tonsillectomy. And now I hover around 150 lbs which is fine, and easily sustainable with eating relatively well, meal prep, minimal processed foods except for treats and snacks on the weekends.


I’m 5’7.5” (the half inch is important!) so a teensy bit shy of what your asking about. I’m 132 and happy about it. I’ve only been lifting since May and have seen some great newb gains in that time and look better naked despite not having lost any weight. I have a history of disordered eating so I don’t feel comfortable cutting or bulking, but I seem to be on track for a nice slow recomp while making sure I get at least 100g protein a day.


I'm 5"10 and sitting around 225 right now. My ideal is somewhere around 150-170, but I'd honestly be happy around 180. My body carries most of my weight in my butt/thighs/hips, and I'd like to keep that shape if I could!


159 lbs at 5‘9“. Not completly happy and currently working on it. I used to be fit a few years ago and was down to 130. I don‘t need to completly go back to that, I guess anything between 130 and 140 would be fine for me.


About 5'8 and ~150 lbs, though I havent weighed myself in a while. I weighed about 125 in college but I was super skinny and bony. Now that I'm almost 30 my hips have definitely gotten wider (wear between pant size 6-8 now) and I find that my weight has actually increased as I've gotten in shape over the last year. I'm happier with my fitness and how I look though which I why I stopped weighing myself! I was about 145 a year or so ago but I felt like a flabby mess in comparison.


5'9" and sitting right around 130 right now! I've always looked and felt my best about 5-10lb below that but as that's underweight by BMI I try not to actually get down to that level. Tbh it's mostly because I have a HUGE butt and hips which I feel like look very disproportionate to the rest of my body and make it difficult to find clothes that fit me -- every pair of jeans is loose around the waist and skintight on my butt/hips -_-


SAME HERE! Someone just recommended jeggings that lool like jeans/ work pants. Look into some good quality ones!


I’m 5’9”-5’10” and 150 lbs right now. I’m looking to put on some muscle so that number’s going to go up a bit (long term goal is probably like 160?) but I’m pretty happy with my weight right now. If I drop below 140 people start making comments about me getting too thin/wondering if I’m sick or something and I start looking too skeletal upper-body wise (I carry most extra weight in my lower body) I think people regularly underestimate how much I actually weigh since I am so tall and they’re basing their estimations on what someone much shorter or with much shorter legs would look like at my level of body fat, I’ve gotten guesses 30 lbs off my actual weight.


60kg/132lb Right at the cut off 172cm/5'8


6', 254 lbs, down from 381. I am not currently happy with my weight, but I am MUCH happier with it now than when I started. I feel like getting somewhere under 200 but with a lot of strength training to get there. I like to think more in terms of physique as opposed to numbers and Its currently somewhere around "death by SnuSnu" I have a fairly broad bone structure and if I were to get down into the 160-170 range I don't think I would like the way I look.


I'm 5'10" and I'm 63kg/139lbs. Can never decide whether I'm happy with my weight or not!


I’m 5’9 and about 170 lbs, my ideal is probably 155 ish, I do 1500 calories a day for quick weight loss. It’s really interesting to see all of these, thanks to everyone who is posting!


Late to the party but I am 5'9" and 143lbs, I eat about 3500-3800 calories a day. Currently on a bulk and I have a very active job!


Almost 5'9" and I weigh 152 lbs. True ectomorph!


I'm 5'10 and I do my best to keep my weight between 147-152 lbs. I start to feel uncomfortable if I go above 155. I wear small or medium tops and anywhere from size 4-7 pants depending on the brand/style.


5’8” or 173cm and today I weight 66kg or 145lbs. I’d like to get to 64kg ideally. Tbh I think I’m kinda chubby at the moment, I’m almost at my all-time heaviest and I’m not happy, I’ve been lifting for almost a year consistently now and have gained 700g but don’t look muscular, just bigger. I’m getting married in two months and I seem to be carrying so much fat on my arms. It’s always a struggle because my brain really wants me to get to below 60kg or 130lbs but I know that I’m not healthy there. On the plus side I can deadlift 70kg now.


I’m 6ft and 143pounds, I’m a size 10-12 AU I don’t like being much heavier then this as I hold all my weight in my arms, stomach and legs and it never goes to my chest or butt so I look a bit out of proportion.


5'9 here, 52 yrs, 147 lbs. Very very happy where I am right now. Since starting keto 2 yrs ago I dont have much belly fat anymore- one of these really annoying side effects of menopause. I started lifting 6 months ago and LOVE it! Before that I was a runner for two decades, but it was time for a change.


I'm 5'10" and 144 lbs. I used to sit at 130 lbs pretty consistently but I bulked earlier this year. I think I look pretty good at this weight. Some of the weight gain was fat for sure but apart from a significantly larger booty I look similar to before, just a bit more muscular and healthier.


I’m 5’10” and weigh about 130-135 depending on fluctuation from various things like food, hydration, etc. I wear a US 4/Size S. I definitely carry more weight in my hips & thighs than anywhere else! Edit: I am happy with my weight, I don’t feel I need to weigh less or more. I’ve been working lately to get much more toned & strong, though!


I’m 5’10 and 167. My goal is 155 and my starting weight was 205.


5ft10 135lbs. When I was a teenager I weighed about 180, but I didn’t exercise and had a very poor diet and was an emotional over eater. This is the lowest weight my body is happy with. If I drop any lower I start to get insatiable hunger until the scale dips back to the 135 mark. I’m pear shaped, which makes things a bit challenging. At my current weight my legs and butt still jiggle more than I’d like, but my chest and shoulder area look emaciated if I drop any lower. I have zero boobs. I’m trying to work on building my shoulders and toning my legs so I’m a bit more proportionate. I feel like because my frame is small (despite being tall) a couple pounds is noticeable to me quite quickly.


I'm about 5'11/6ftish and I weigh 123lbs. Too low I know, but I cannot put on any weight whatsoever it seems. Most I've weighed is 130 :/


I’m 5’9” and stay around 145-150 lb. I’m mostly happy with my weight/size. I don’t really focus on the scale but instead how I look. The times I’m not happy it’s usually due to bloating and I remind myself it’s temporary. I used to maintain around 140, and when I gained the 10 lb a few years ago it went to my butt/hips so I can’t complain.


5’8 and 125ish. I’ve always been on the lower side of the BMI index. Because I’ve always been thin, I’ve never had to deal with the negative pressures of society that women that weigh more than me have had to deal with. Ergo, my weight has never been an issue for me. (Granted, I would get the occasional “eat a sandwich bit,” but that’s WAY different than having a doctor ignore my ailments and tell me to lose weight instead. Thin privilege is real, yo.) I work out, mainly yoga and swimming at the moment, but I work out to feel better. I rarely check the scale. Sometimes I’ll be at 127. Sometimes 123. Would I like to gain weight? I’m not opposed to gaining five to ten pounds (I’ll still be at a healthy weight) but I am not seeking it out. I’m not seeking to maintain either. I’m just letting my body do it’s thing.


6”1 I weigh 78kg


I like to say I'm 5'8" and a half because I'm marginally over 5'8". I fluctuate between 130-145lbs depending on diet and exercise. I used to be super obsessed with weight because all my friends were <120lbs, but I managed to train myself to be more concerned with what I can do and how I feel vs what's on the scale. I find my healthy weight is 135 so I guess I'm happy.


6', 150. 20.5% body fat per DEXA. Constantly told I should "eat more" by men or that I might blow away in a stiff breeze. Insert eye roll.


6' and 150lbs. When I was lifting 5-6 days/week I was stalled out at 145 / 18-19% body fat. Found I needed 2800 calories to day to put on any additional weight (I was aiming for 155lbs). I took a "break" for about 5-6 weeks over the summer, now I'm at 150 and 21% body fat. Doubt I'll have time to devote to gains this fall so I'd ideally get back down to 145lbs and a lower BF%, but I'm okay where I'm at too.


6'2" I am 164 around and I would say a skinny fat body type. I am considering bulking to build up my base muscle!


I'm 5'9" and 148ish. I prefer to stay under 150. I really need to work on some body fat reduction rather than any weight loss. Just haven't been super motivated to hit the gym. I mostly do barre, spin, and outdoor soccer.


5'8" and 170lbs (clothed, i don't own a scale at home). I'd like to be down to the 150-160 range but I dont really have a goal weight. I wear L/XL tops depending on the cut, size 10 pants. Lowest weight was around 145-150


5' 10" and 135lbs! I have always been on the thinner side, probably from staying fairly active growing up and genetics from my parents (my brother has a similar body type). I was dealing with an intense mental illness situation a few years ago and dropped down to about 107. It was super scary, my clothes stopped fitting and I felt extremely tired all the time. After working with a good therapist and a physician, I was prescribed an SSRI that really helped me. One of the side effects of was weight gain and an increase in appetite, so once I got the all clear from my care team, I started working out again and was able to find back most of my weight in muscle. It feels wonderful to be in good shape and taking care of myself, physically, mentally, and emotionally.


Im 5'8 and 140-145lbs. I do orange theory 4-5x a week and run usually once besides that. When I was just a runner a few years ago I got down to about 120, but looking back that was too thin. However, because Im lifting weights now, I fit all the same clothes ... Im just a lot more toned looking than only thin.


5’9 (does that count?) and 180! I’m trying to get down to 150. I’m a dancer, so I have a lot of muscle mass!


5'8", 117. Betting my bf % tomorrow because I'm usually 113 :/


I’m 5’8 and I yo-yo anywhere between 125-140. But I look and feel best when I am around 135.


I’m 5’8” 120lbs. I just had a baby and lost a lot of muscle. At my fittest I was about 140.


When you're a solid 5 inches below being considered tall.... :( lol


5’ 10” and 127 lbs. I’m 38 and this is what I’ve weighed for about 15 years + or - 5 lbs (not including pregnancy).


5'11" and currently at 220 which I am not too happy with. I'd like to be back down to 170/180 since that's my ideal weight. At least being tall has it's advantages - no one can really tell how much you weigh because it distributes well haha


Im 5'9 and about 122 currently. I have a small frame and have been as low as 114, but with no muscle. I started working with a trainer in June and have put on about five pounds, hopefully muscle.


5’8 and currently 142. I feel best 130-135 but it’s hard for me to maintain.


5'10". Was 166 two and a half months ago. Was doing crossfit 3x a week regularly, for the last 4 years. Taking a complete break from everything to focus on renovations. At 158 now.


6'6", I fluctuate between 250 and 270. I put on about 50 pounds in the last year and a half, some muscle, some fat. I'm a size 18. I'd like to get back down to about 220 and get some more plastic surgery to cut off more excess skin (used to weigh over 520 pounds).


5'10" and 190. http://imgur.com/a/L81JmTg I'm not unhappy at my weight (down from 268) but I would like to see 170 on the scale.


I responded to a few comments but never actually responded with my stats. I am 5'8" and 179lbs, but I am still working on losing after losing 150lbs in the last 14.5 months. My goal was around 150lbs, but looking through the responses in this thread (and a lot of the great photos on /r/progresspics) I think I may be aiming for around 140lbs (average seems to be 135lbs) instead, to account for a few lbs of loose skin that I know I have. I am not building muscle yet, since I found lifting on a deficit to be needlessly challenging. I am looking forward to getting down below 150lbs and then starting to shape my body, though!


I'm 5'9" and 164lbs. My ideal weight would be to try to hit 155lbs, but I'm half-heartedly trying to hit it... Strength is much more important to me. Recovering from a back injury, so strength training is slow, but progress is progress! I'm ok with my weight, would just like to be a bit more muscular looking in my lower stomach and upper thigh area.


Oooh my upper thighs need some toning! Have any exercises you find especially helpful?


Sumo squats are super helpful for the back of your thighs, hip abductor and adductor exercises are great (I don't know any free weight stuff really, mostly just on machines!), lunges, and any glute and hamstring exercises! Soccer and hockey probably have lots of exercises to help with thigh development, too. Many of the muscles in the thighs rely on each other for efficiency, but most people focus on using their quads. You want to balance your quad strength with hamstring (and glute) strength to prevent injury, and to get that fine shape 😍


I'm 5'10 and weighed in at 184 today. However, body weight is not really how I assess my fitness. I find body fat percentage (currently at about \~24-25%) and waist-to-hip ratio (currently at 0.74) to be a much better measure of my health. I'm fairly athletic and incorporate a reasonably intense lifting schedule into my fitness regimen. As such, I have a good amount of muscle mass and tend to categorize as overweight just by the scale alone, though I would not describe myself as overweight and look fairly fit. ​ I'm generally happy with my weight, though ideally I'd like to be in the body fat range of \~19-20% body fat (which at my current muscle mass means about 170 pounds). ​ ​


5'9" and 170#. We recently did a body fat submersion test and that put me at 13.9% body fat. So I'm larger, but look smaller. I wear size 10 pants and dress. Still rocking men's medium shirts.


5'11 checking in. I started at 330, went all the way down to 140. I looked like a stick but I was happy at the time. Went up to 165 once I started lifting and built a booty. Neither skinny enough nor jacked enough at that weight and never happy. Now I cycle between 200 (feeling/looking bloated but not strict so yay) and 180 (feeling lean and awesome but can't eat a cookie every day) and I'm comfortable here. Gonna stick around.


5'8" and 190. I've put on a lot of weight in the last two years, now I'm trying to burn it off!


I am standing at 6'0" and weigh between 172-177. My ideal weight is probably 155 but I once got there when I was ill and it looked too gaunt for my frame so my mentally comfortable place is between 165-172!


5’11” and 188 currently down from 206. My goal weight is 170. When I was playing competitive sport I got down to 152, but that lifestyle is unsustainable. It is tough adjusting my mindset knowing how I used to look not too long ago, but I will eventually get to my goal weight along with having a more balanced lifestyle.


me reading all the comments: er....how many kilograms is that?


I'm 189cm and 77.7kgs! Comment just for you <3


I’ve seen a conversion bot before. Where is that bot now?? You can just divide by 2.2 also


Thanks! Now to work on those feet and inches. Hahaha


I'm 5'9" and my current weight is 142 pounds with a goal of 135!






What....?!?!? Are we twins?!? Seriously. Like to the T!!! I just weighed myself this morning. 158.3. I ate a LOT last week and this weekend because I rode 22 miles of hilly gravel and ran a 5k race. I weighed 135 in high school and I was a twig. Being 5’11” only helped me look like I was starving despite being able to eat non-stop.


I was only 135 in high school because I didn't eat much at all (eating disorder). I started to slowly gain weight when I began eating normally. My body isn't meant to be below 145 I think


I'm 5'8" and I weigh 200 lbs at size 16. Ideally I'd like to be a size 10, which I have been before, and I was about 165 lbs.


Check out mybodygallery.com And contribute if you can! It is wonderful to see so many different ways people of the same heights and weights appear.


I'm 5'11" or so and weigh 191. I'm down from 211, but looking to get down to 160-165. I'm happier with my body now than I was at 211, but I'm looking forward to my goal weight.


5’11” and 285. Gave up drinking, weight stopped climbing. Now I have to start watching my food intake and get off my butt. Goal weight? Right now? 199. Just to say I made it under 200. I might revise if and once I get there.


5’7 and I’m 144 pounds. I’m pretty happy where I am.


5’9” 141ish. I’m down from 191. I feel much better and more comfortable at this weight but I’m not happy with my body composition. My next focus will be muscle gain instead of fat loss.


I'm 6'1" and I weigh 140. I would consider myself [quite fit.](https://i.imgur.com/IMdFUyu.jpg) used to be very skinny (sub 100) and then I was very fat (200+). I lost 60lbs and gained a ton of muscle (for me) and now I am very happy with my body.


5’10” and 165. Ideally, I was happiest at 142 but 150 looked great, I’d be happy with either one. I’m athletic but I don’t lift because I don’t know how, but I do boot camps, run, bicycle. Down from about 230 at my heaviest. Currently losing quickly.


I’m 5’11”, 44 years old and I weigh between 155 and 165 on any given day. Less if I’ve just gotten back from vacation, and haven’t been working out, go figure ;) ETA that I’m happy at these weights but I like the look of 155 a bit better because there is less back fat haha. In college I weighed 128 and was too skinny.


Adding another data point. I’m 5’10”. I currently weigh 155-160. I’m trying to add muscle though. I still look quite thin. Before I started powerlifting, my “set” weight was about 125. (I was a dancer.) I wish I could gain muscle more easily and look more muscular. I’m around a US size 12 in pants. Sometimes a 10. That’s the most annoying thing about having muscle mass! Pants are even harder to find.


6'0" and ~158 pounds, almost 29 years old. I likely have a genetic condition that makes me extra tall. I'm reasonably happy with my weight but I recently lost 5lbs, that helped.


5'8" and 128. I'd love to gain more muscle!


5’10’’ and 175. In high school/college I was 135 and felt like I was too thin at that weight. 155-160 is the weight I feel healthiest and the weight I was at before children. Each kid seemed to add 10 lbs that’s fucking hard to shed.


I'm 5'8" and 190 pounds. Not happy with my weight but working on it! Goal weight is around 160! :)


I’m 5’10” and my LEAN body mass is 145.8lbs. At 17% body fat, I’d weigh 176 lbs. That was from a dunk truck test.


I’m 5’8 and weigh 155. I’ve cut to 145 before and looked too thin. Otherwise I stick between 150-160. BF% is 20


5’9” 163lb now. Happy will be when I’m back at 140.


i'm 5'10 and about 160 with a slightly athletic build


5’10” 175 currently working on bringing that down. Not sure how much though as I have far more muscle than the last time I decided to loose weight. I wear a size 12.


5’8 and 130 lbs.


5’8.75”. 140. Pics: https://imgur.com/a/9wwWF18 Not fully satisfied. I’d want to lose ~15lbs. The downside of being tall(ish, I’m not really that tall) is that you have to lose a solid amount of weight for it to show at all.


I’m 5’8 145ish. Up from 130, still trying to but on muscle by lifting after being a restrictive runner for awhile.


5'8" and 165, keep bouncing between a few couple of pounds because of good weeks/bad weekends. I would love to be 130 lbs, not because I don't love my body now, but I'm actually really curious to see what I would look like at that weight!


5’8” and 51 years old. I have lifted weights for 4 years and I weigh 145. Measurements are 35/27/38. I am happy as long as I am in the 140-145 range.


5’11” I’m usually within 5 lbs of 155. 145 looks way too thin. Sizes are all over the place, depending on how the clothing is cut.


(Actually, these days I’m probably closer to 5’10.5”. 😜)


5’9” and 163 currently. My goal weight, which is where I was before I got pregnant with my second son is 145. Maybe a little more if I had more muscle. But I run mostly with light weights so I get pretty lean.


I’m 5’8 and 120lbs down from 140lbs. Not sure if this is considered to be too thin...


I'm 5'11 and 145. I was 132 a few months back but I'm on a bit of a bulk right now to build some muscle. Plus I was sick of only eating one meal a day with only a small snack.


I’m 5’9” and 172lbs (down from 187!). I had a very large ovation tumour at 18 (I’m 28 now) it weighed 17lbs by itself, and was roughly the size of a 6 month pregnancy. and have 0 idea what I should be and due to the way the tumour messed with my head (I had the evil thing for 2-3 years) I have no idea what i should even aim for.


5’7 (not so tall but not so short) and I’m 150. I’m comfortable but would like to lose 10 lbs. I’m pretty muscular too though.


5' 8", currently 165 lbs, down 10 lbs from 175 lbs. I'm a bit of a leaner build, kinda runs in my family. 175 just felt heavy on me. I didn't like the love handles and being tight in a size 12. Definitely transitioned from skinny to skinny-fat to a little chubby through the 1st half of my 20s. My goal weight is 150-145 lb, depending on how I'm feeling when I get close. I'm paying more attention to my figure more than the scale though. I've been running 3 days a week and lifting twice a week. I feel happier with the small of my "waist" no longer on my ribs.


6' and been everywhere from 200 (too much fat) to 150 (too little fat) 165 seems to be the sweet spot, imho.


I'm 5'11 and I've been between 165 and 180 most of my adult life. Sometimes I think I might get down to 155 like I was during my last year of high school cross country, but realistically I'm happy with my weight and wouldn't actually want to be that skinny.


I'm 5'9" and about 155 pounds. I'm trying to lose 10 or so pounds to get to 145 for pure vanity 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m 5’10 and weigh about 125-130. I’m overall happy with my weight, I think I look just fine. I am a very active person who ran cross country and track all throughout college.


5'10 and I average around 145 lbs. I'm pretty happy with my current weight, I was around 155 in college and lost around 10 lbs in the year after graduation thanks to drinking less/no longer having virtually unlimited access to free pizza. If anything, I'd like to gain a few pounds back in the form of muscle.


5’9 and 125ish. Not happy—would rather be around 115 (my natural weight until I gained muscle and then stopped working out).




Yes, I have a small frame. I was frequently under 115 naturally—but once I gained weight due to weightlifting and bulking, I’m finding it hard to lose now that I don’t enjoy that kind of exercise anymore. I guess I just need to track calories, but it’s hard for me to cook one thing for my husband and another for me all week!


5'10 and 163. I've been 135, thanks to eating disorder and drug addiction and honestly I looked and felt like shit. 155 is my goal and I have no desire to go lower I never ever want to feel like that again.


Sounds like you are in a much healthier place now! Eating disorders & addictions can be so terribly brutal so I can only imagine the toll it would take on you mentally and physically. Wishing you all the best moving forward!!


6'0 and around 170lbs down from 195lbs. 170lbs was my goal weight and I feel pretty good with it! Might try for 10 more just to see how I feel. Not in any rush to do it since I'm pretty happy with where I'm at.


5’10 and I’m 127! I’m pretty boney and could definitely afford to gain some weight


I'm 5'11" and 158lbs right now. I'd like to get down to 145! I just feel like I look heavier than other women my size, but that might be all in my head, haha. It's something I'm working on. I do definitely carry most of my weight in my midsection, so I think that's probs the issue. I started at 180, my heaviest weight ever.


We're pretty similar! I'm 5'10" and dropped to 150 from nearly 180. I also felt like I carried the weight more visibly than others? But I have thick thighs & a juicy booty and it's something I've accepted and now love about my body lol. But I'm sure you look great right now- sometimes we can be too harsh and become our own worst critics.


You’re absolutely right! There’s no one way to have a body, haha. And I’m sure you look amazing, too! Self love is a long-ass, difficult journey, you should be proud of that! -an internet stranger


I'm 5'10" and I currently weigh 153. I look good. 150 is a great weight for me. I look fantastic at 145. I lift and I've got a naturally awesome butt and broad shoulders.


I am 5'8 and currently 150lbs and overall satisfied with my body. Most of my adult life I was a slim 125lbs due to very little musculature and thin bone structure. Since I started lifting I've gained bout 20lbs of muscle and clock in around 155 most of the time with \~30% body fat. If I cared to have abs I'd be around 140, but I like having boobs more so 150 it is.


5.9", 190, headed down from 200 to hopefully 165 ish. I've honestly been happiest in my life at about 173. But that's "overweight". So 165 is the arbitrary target instead.


I’m 5’8 with a goal of 175, currently sitting at 203. At 175 I was the happiest with my body I’d ever been. I’ve weighed less and was not as happy and looking at old pictures, I looked way too thin, like one of those big bobble heads people put on their desks or car dashes. I like to be a little thick to balance out my big head, I guess. My sister is a lot shorter than me, and would look kind of chunky at 175. But it spreads out pretty nicely on my tall frame.


6'0 195 from 274. Keto,IF. 14 months Dress size 10. Pants depends on spandex 12,10 or 8(thats crazy). Tops mediums. http://imgur.com/s32M09r


5'10" and right now at about 200. Went from 213 to 193 in the last half of last year with keto, but for the entirety of this year I kept gaining and losing the same 5 lbs, said fuck it, and have started lifting 5 days a week and eating at a calorie surplus doing iifym. I'd ultimately like to get down to 175-180, but that may not happen for a while!


I’m 6’0 and probably weigh around 155. I gained about 25 pounds over the past year. I was veeeery thin, and I’m a bit curvier now but I’m hoping to keep putting on muscle (and fat) as I’m still pretty lanky.


I'm 5'8" and 165. I was 180 at my heaviest and that was a turning point for me. Right now I'm size 14 and working on getting more in shape. Measurements are 40 31 41.


5’9 and 130lbs. My ideal is around 125, I’ve been fluctuating around 130 for the last two years.


5'10", 134-139lb. Growing up, I was always above the 90th percentile for height and below the 3rd percentile for weight. I'm a runner, but I'm lifting now and trying to gain some muscle. My lifts aren't anywhere near what some women with bigger frames can do, but I'm progressing at my own pace and happy with my results.


I'm 6'4". Right now I weigh 152 and I'm not thrilled. My ideal weight is 148. And yes I can tell the difference. Edit: the most I've ever weighed is about 173. Which was okay but I'm happy I lost that. I don't gain weight well, I get lumpy not curvy.


I’m 5’10”, have been 160-165 most of my life, until menopause hit. Now I’m around 175-180😦.


5’10” I’m 160 now but 145 is my sweet spot. I’m pretty thin except my hips. So ANY weight after 145 is literally horizontal on me 😐 Super frustrating.


I'm 6 feet tall and bouncing between 212 and 216. I've been losing weight since Feb 2017 when I weighed in around 275, but I didn't start working out regularly until Sept. 2017. I'm fairly muscular, and I've decided to lean into that. I I joke that my goal isn't to lose weight, its to get dense. 😜


6'0 and 180 right now, I prefer 165 but have been on a chocolate cake kick.


I don't use freedom units but I am 176 cm 63 kg which is around 5 9 ish 135-140 lbs I believe. Yeah I am thin, but I am not skinny. I am decently muscular I think. You can see my collarbones, and a slight hint of hip bones but they don't stick out or anything. My obliques are just as visible. When I wake up in the morning I can see the beginning of a six pack (left right separation) central abdominal line is that the term? I can do pull ups as long as I don't start from an absolute deadhang.


5' 8" and currently at 196. Dress size L / 14. No, not happy. However I've been 318 and 170 as an adult and neither of those made me happy with my form either. I believe a muscular 160 or 150 is probably my ideal. My current goal, however, is to get back to 170 and see how things go from there.


You seem to have a ton of responses already but I'll throw mine in as well. 5'10, currently 173, down from 187. Goal weight is 155-165 range. I felt the best when I was 160ish. Slim but still curvy.


I'm 5'10" 190. I'm looking to get back down to 175 / to a point when I don't have inner thigh chub rub and I can do more pull ups. I still looked good, and was super strong, at my heaviest of 205. I am somewhat amazed at some of the light ladies out here.... I can't even fathom being 150 or below at my height. I guess I do have a bigger frame though.


I'm surprised as well! It's so interesting there are a few ladies in the 120s & I just cannot personally picture my frame & wide hips at that weight.


6'0" ( possibly actually 6'1") & 165. Would love to be down another 5. My body shape does not place fat well but I'm finally to a place where I'm happy with my looks!


5’9” and currently 152lbs. Trying to get back down to 145lbs. Was 160lbs a few months ago but in high school was 135-140lbs. I also struggled with an eating disorder during that time. I don’t have much muscle now, so I’d be fine as 150 with muscle.


I’m 27, 5’11”-6’ (depends who measures me lol) and I currently weigh 155. 160ish was my consistent weight since college, and This time last year I weighed 180 and hadn’t even realized I’d gained 20 lbs. I started working out and watching what I eat and got to where I am currently pretty quickly. I am pretty happy to stay at this weight and I eat probably around 2400 calories a day (completely estimating, I haven’t kept track well recently ) and run/work out 5x a week and it’s stayed pretty consistent. I definitely was uncomfortable when I weighted more, but that probably had to do with me not realizing I’d gained and still wearing my 160lb-self’s clothing.


5 7/8 (I think I’m 7 1/2 but whatever). I was 196 pounds last year, now I’m at 164 and trying to push down to 150s and then focusing on recomping :)


I'm 5'8" and currently 70kg. I'm my happiest at this weight I've ever been, since it's the first time I've had good muscle at this weight. The lowest I've been as an adult was 54kg and I was unhealthily thin with no strength or stamina.


6'1 and I weigh (*sigh*) 282. My heaviest was 340 in 2015. I'm still not happy with my weight and how I look. I'd like to end up between 190-210, but I'll be happy with anything under 225.


60lbs down is no nothing to sigh about! That is very impressive and you should be proud of yourself


I'm 6ft tall and I normally weigh around 150-155. I weighed 142 at my wedding but honestly I didn't feel like I looked much different than I did at 155. It all just depends on how much muscle I have at the time. Keep in mind that when tall women (or people, really) put on muscle, we're putting on a lot more of it as compared to a shorter person working the same muscle groups. Basically, everything we do is just more so. I CURRENTLY weigh like 185+ or something, but I'm pregnant with twins (fun fact: tall women are more likely to have twins!) so I can definitely confirm that when our bodies change, they change in big ways :P


5’8 and I weigh about 125 pounds. I’ve always been on the skinner side since I was 7 years old


I am 5’9”, and I weight about 145. A lot of it is muscle mass. I look very thin. I am very happy with my body currently, but I also am trying to gain muscle.


5'9 I was at my happiest weight between 170-180, I am trying to get back there now after pregnancy. When I was in high school I was really skinny and in the 160s.


I'm 6ft and 70kg which Google tells me is ~155lbs. I'm plenty happy with that. Any less and I'd start to look like I had an eating disorder


5"10 and 81kg (178.574 lbs) with 19% BF. I don't have an ideal weight as the number on the scale doesn't matter for me! But aesthetically I am very happy with the way I look! :)


5 8 1/2 and I weight about 122.


I'm about 5'11" (179 cm to be exact) and at my [heaviest](https://www.instagram.com/p/BEUZhikHLu7/?taken-by=devilbirdrobyn) ever I was around 300 lbs, as far as I know. I haven't weighed myself in a couple months, I don't own a scale and just get on periodically when I visit family with one, but afaik have [recently](https://www.instagram.com/p/Bk_5E6-AoIq/?taken-by=devilbirdrobyn) been hovering around [260 or a little less](https://www.instagram.com/p/BgW9se0hubK/?taken-by=devilbirdrobyn) - I'm working out consistently, but my dietary habits have been fluctuating a lot so I'm up and down slightly, not noticeably losing or gaining though. Recomping a little but I need to get my food intake consistently healthy to really make progress there. I'm happy with my weight as long as I'm healthy - if I can go for a hike with my dog, do athletic stuff with friends without dying, etc. and am in reasonably good shape, I really don't give a damn what the number on the scale is. I am probably going to be trying to cut some weight at some point, but simply for performance reasons - I'm a boxer now, and less weight = faster movement which is a good thing for a boxer. However, the way women's weight classes are divided, I think it is unlikely I would ever fight at anything lower than heavyweight so it's not a huge deal. I included pictures because I'm definitely one of those people for which BMI is a really bad estimate of health or ideal weight. I'm not in perfect shape by any means, but I certainly don't look my weight, at least according to anyone I've shocked the hell out of by sharing my actual weight - most would guess something around 180-215, even at my heaviest. I've never had a DEXA scan but would really like to get one done, as I'm interested to see just what the density of my internal composition is like. My doctor has estimated based on medical history and such (she's been my doc since early teen years) that a good *lean* or "thin" weight for me would be somewhere around 180-200 lbs, she has explicitly warned against ever trying to cut down to the "healthy" BMI weight range for my height, because it would actually be unhealthy on my frame.


I'm 5'11" and I weigh 150 pounds. It's crept up a bit in the last few years, (I'm 49). I'd like to get back to about 140, but my clothes still fit okay and I look slim so not bothered greatly by the extra.


6'1" and 174 lb! I'd like to get to 165 lb, highest was 210 lb.


5’9 and currently around 175 down from 222. My lowest weight was 149 a few years ago and I’m on my way back down there!


5'8! My weight usually sits comfortably in the 150-155 range when I'm doing my regimen, and I drop to about 143-140 during hiking season. My ideal weight was 145, when I was up towards 200. Now I'm really wondering 135, but I'm doing an organic approach of keeping up with fitness and a reasonable diet, and just watching where the numbers go.


I’m 6ft and this morning weighed 138. I want to weigh anywhere between 142 and 150 as this is when I am most efficient/productive/happy and still gave abs. However illness has held me back and gaining/slowbulk is harder than it sounds.


This reminds me of that scene in I Love Lucy where Lucy laments that she weighs 130 lbs, up from 110 lbs on her wedding day. Lucille Ball was 5'7" O.O


5'9" and 145. I'm a teacher so I'm always on my feet and not super hungry during the day. I am training for a 5k and I do abs and arms. I also love taking long walks (1 hour or more) daily while the weather is still nice.


I'm 5 ft 8 and 140lbs. I want to drop to 130 though. I feel a lot better at that weight. (I stress ate my way up...brilliant.)


5’10, I started at 298 but I’m now 262, still trying to reach my goal of 215...I feel like if I weigh any less I’ll look sick.


5’8’’ 170 size 8 pants size 6/8 dress and S/M