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Zu minere ziit hämmer däne eifach hipster gseit


True. 0815 Berliner Hipster sit gfühlt 15 Jahr gsend so us


15 years? My mom went out like this.


Zu minere ziet hämer dene eif flätter geh


wo el tony mate?


ide ZW gits flocka mate


Passt doch perfekt, ich kenne eine vo de flocka soda gründer, er ish en rechte huso.


don‘t be scurrred


I‘m just an old fart but this look… I just can’t get over it. 😂


Whats a ZW?




Was isch det?




Wow das hilft ez mega. Danke /s


[kennsch google?](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=zentralw%C3%A4scherei&l=1)


nothing more uncool then being scared of leftists lol <3


nothing more uncool than judge a personal attitude by a sarcastic comment <3 ly


top g


loool nice sarcasm you got there xD


thanks :)


its a noncommerical alternative social space with private and shared ateliers (like the CCC for example), a nightclub and bar/restaurant. its a nice place to chill right next to hardbrücke. its run by their own collective consisting of vatying types of leftists (who would have guessed by the concept lol) you should check it out for yourself.


Is everybody welcome there?


Zurich West?


Züri Wiedikon?


Plus rolled cigs, vintage bike with a züri autofrei sticker, moustache for dudes and septum piercing for the ladies. I'd say the shoes will be Salomon rather than NB though. Great starter pack (and great people usually!)


let me complete this for you: 'vintage bike with no lights'


i think you've got it all wrong, its not moustache or septum, the real deal is wearing both!


the real deal is girls wearing both


unshaven armpits...


mer dörf alles gärn oder ungärn ha aber i verstahn lüt nöd wo meined haar bi fraue seg öppis dreckigs oder unhygienisch wenns uf manne ok isch isch es au uf fraue


blieb dehei




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this is how farmers user to dress when going to disco in the '90s in my backward country


This is the average ZH nonbinary look


You are forgetting black mocassins with white socks


Im old enough to dislike mullets the first time around, now they’re funny


i love how everybody is hating on the look if that wasnt the whole idea of it lol. not like people dress to impress their own niche and not the median redditor


People can claim this as much as they want. Of course to an extent you are dressing the way you do for you. But if you wanna claim you are dressing that way only for you, you are lying to yourself. That goes for every single style, not just this basic hipster look. You are literally choosing how you present yourself to the world. Sorry i read this wrong, nevermind


This image is so accurate its making me nauseous 


Was bedütet ZW?


Zwickmühle Wiedikon


\^\^Ja so




Lustig ds Freitag-Täsche wieder aktuell sind 😆


I gwüsse Chreise (links, öko?) i minere Altersgruppe (35-45) sinds nie us de Mode cho. Het mich überrascht wievil i mim Alter so eini hend.


Ich weiss no woni vor 15 jahr mit mim lehrlingslohn damals mini erst gchauft han


Ich hasse Freitag Täsche


Gäll?! Eifach wüescht 😆


Und nach 200 Jahr schmöckets immer no wie en alte Velopneu.


It's so funny to me that these people always want to be "different" (nonbinary, hipster, anti-capitalist etc.) but in the end they all end up looking exactly the same (blue/red hair, messed up haircut, oversized jackets, nose piercings, pride flag etc. ) and you can spot them a mile away and immediately and know to which group they belong, even though they are the first ones to say to not judge based on appearances. They probably just want some attention, be acknowledged because they think they're "special". They probably grew up with no father figure around or gobbled up too much social media indoctrination and want to compensate now.


People from different subcultures dressing in certain ways is nothing new and nothing wrong, it's a way of showing your identity and not as deep as you try to make it.


this is what you call "identity"? lol no wonder its fucked up


It's a part of it, like wearing a nice suit and a watch is in other social groups. Of course it's not the whole identity.


People under 18/20 don't have an identity of their own. How even could they? They've only been around for a few years, know nothing of the world etc. They mostly copy their social circles and what is perceived as acceptable and are mostly the same, which is why most get along with each other at that age. The older you get, the stronger your identity comes forth. That is why many older folks don't make friends easily because they'll find things in others they don't like more easily and in return they aren't ashamed or don't suppress their own flaws/personalities as much as when they were young because at a young age, you want to fit in and be part of a group, which is exactly what the "ZH nonbinary look" is for. It's just to fit into a group, nothing more. If you ask any of them who they are (a.k.a what their identity is), you'll most likely get very broad and superficial, meaningless answers. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad thing because 18yo's haven't had the time to develop into full-grown adults yet with purpose, responsibility and meaning in their lives. They are still children inside and outside because they'll only get their identity by achieveing responsibility for others and themselves. It's made much more difficult for them nowadays because of the nanny-state, the constant focus on rights but never on responsibilities, absent parenting, social media, the lack of self-initiative, "end-of-the-world"-fear-mongering, the suppression of pride for our own culture, victimhood mentality, feelings over facts etc. Those are the same people you'll see at the pride parade, holding up "down with the patriarchy" signs because it's such a hollow and meaningless event at its core. It only focuses on narcissism and self-loathing behavior. Why? Because it's easy. It doesn't require any deeper thought and it makes you part of a group, something they desperately are looking for instead of putting effort into something productive and meaningful that'd make western society move forward. You may proceed to call me "something-phobic trash" and downvote me if you feel like this is BS (notice I used "feel" instead of "think"), but I know what I wrote is true, because it takes a lot of personal development, asking the right questions, talking to mature/experienced people and self-reflection to come to this conclusion and to actually really, truly understand these things. Something that the average "ZH Szeni" probably has never undergone and moste likely never will due to peer-pressure and group-think.


Of course you won't have a very developed, clear identity with 18, don't have to either. Disagree with the last two paragraphs, has nothing to do with growing up without a father figure or a "nanny-state" or whatever. It's just a group of adolescents and young adults comparable to many youth cultures since the 1950s. I do think that your political rant is quite polemic, superficial and not really thought through, but hey, call me a naive snowflake if you feel that way ;)


>I know what I wrote is true, because it takes a lot of personal development, asking the right questions, talking to mature/experienced people and self-reflection to come to this conclusion and to actually really, truly understand these things. Something that the average "ZH Szeni" probably has never undergone and moste likely never will due to peer-pressure and group-think. r/iamveryspecial Also the irony of proclaiming yourself to be so self-reflected while undifferentiatedly dismissing a whole group's ability to do so themself. Truly the only people who can be mature and self-reflected are people who think and look like you and everybody who doesn't is trapped in a group-think bubble.


LIFE HACK: no matter when, where, who or how, when you hear the word combination "THESE PEOPLE" it 100% means that you are listening to a racist sharing his prejudice.


Oh yes, the almighty race card, when someone doesn't have any arguments, they just have to pull it out and they automatically win. Even when like here, it had absolutely nothing to do with race in the first place. People who use it are mostly very unhappy and frustrated inside and often are themselves racist.


the truth


Es paar Sache änderet sich nö. Früeher i de HipHop-Szene fascht s gliche treit. Eifach en Iro anstatt die neui Mode-Frisur😅


I'm reminded of this gem [new age fun with a vintage feel](https://youtu.be/lVmmYMwFj1I?si=Jv9m1EbVSVYtCIU3)


en alti dächlichappe fehlt


And everyone thinks to be so orignal