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"If you describe a person or organization as a Cinderella, you mean that they receive very little attention and that they deserve to receive more." "a woman who achieves fame after being obscure" Source - [meaning "Cinderella"](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/cinderella)


I wonder if this was intentional. If so, well fucking played to the artist. If not, that’s still amazing


She made the effort to find out who they were all, but until she lost it, nobody else made the same effort to get to know her.


I thought it was a play on how cinderella relates to cinders from a smoldering fireplace


That's how it is in the story I've read to my kids. It's what those assholes called her because she was always covered on fireplace soot, I don't think it's even her real name


It usually isn't, most of the stories has her name be Ella.


Her name is "ella," her asshole step sisters mockingly call her "cinder ella" because she's covered in cinders from cleaning the chimney. Edit: i just realized the irony of most people not picking up on this 😂


The story of Cinderella is so old that nearly every language has a version of it. Also, the Disney version is named Cinderella at birth.


Ella is Spanish for girl. Her name is cinder-girl.


Ella is spanish for "she/her"


Fuck. I’m dumb.


Lol. A bit less now


Is this why the guy was called "Cinderella man"?




Wait a second... That's an Eminem song 👀 time to listen to it again and see what I missed.


Cinderella story in sports. An underdog who defeats all odds to achieve success.


My mother in law called me Cinderella all the time. Jokes on her I guess.


UM ACTUALLY... It's just a way for Cinderella's sisters to bully her. It wasn't her real, but as she was often covered in cinder, she would be called Cinderella.


Fun fact. Cinderella or Aschenputtel as that's the title written down originally written down by Grimm brothers is really old story, that had many versions written down independently having different names. Most famous names from other versions: Ye Xian (Written down by unknown author in IX century China), Zezolla (Title: "La Gatta Cenerentola", written down by Giambattista Basile in 1634), Cendrillon ("Cendrillon" written down by Charles Perrault in 1697), Rodopis (Described by Strabon in first century BCE, this one has vague connection to finding beautiful woman by Monarch by trying the lost shoe), Kopciuszek ("Baśń o dziewicy Kopciuszku i o dębie złotoliścim",1853 ,Antoni Józef Gliński, name Kopciuszek was later used as translation of Grimm version and is used as such to this day)


"She burned the castle to *cinders* to tell us her name???" "Then we will always remember you... Queen Cindy."


"That doesn't sound right. It was something to do with fire as you said... Pyrella? Arsonette? Burnelina? Firessa? Yeah... Firessa I think..."






Fire. Wang Fire.


Must be Queen Elizabeth. All Queens are called Elizabeth, right?


*First phase boss music crescendos* Lady of Cinder, Ella


Are you sure it's not Sapphire Fire?


Nah, that’s her wife.


And this is my wife, Sapphire Fire


Flambelle! https://preview.redd.it/iftt17fgbuyc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19cee3e9fd751ad2b7baa7603aaa8d34a82091c2




She burninated a palace, not thatched roof cottages.




“No,no…I think it was, like, Sam? Yeah that sounds right. RIP Queen Sam”


Queen Sam-Ella?


Salmon Ella


Sam O’ Nella?


Hey kids.


Queen Sam Elliot?


Princess Ash


Scorchette Scorcese


Cinderella isn't her name, it is what her stepmother named her when she lived in the cinders. Her real name is unknown hence the comic here. She burns it down because everyone keeps calling her Cinderella.




I don't believe that's true in the historic literary versions, I think that explanation came later. The Perrault version of the story, the one closest to the Disney version never named her, and the older versions she was named various translations of Ash girl due to being found under an ash tree.


In Swedish she is just called “Ash Kid”.


And gonna catch all Pokemons


She knows it’s her destiny.


In the (at least to my knowledge) older German Version, she is called "Aschenputtel", sometimes "Aschenbrödel" where "Asche" means "Ash" or "Cinder" and the other part has no real meaning at all. It is certainly no name. In French, which Disney based his film on, she is called "Cendrillon", which is also not really a name, I guess, but I do not speak French. I guess that "-illion" became "-ella" in English. So, Ella might be her name in English, but I would not bet on it.


I suspect Ella is just a reference to the girl from the ashes, but I could be way off.


It's 'Assepoester' in dutch. It can refer to 'Ash cleaner or scrubber'. But looks like her name is actually: [*Rhodopis*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinderella#Rhodopis)


That's from the live action Disney version, and other films, probably because writers were frustrated that she didn't have a real name (or one that sounds pretty and English). Cinderella is an anglicisation of Cendrillon, the nickname given to her by her stepsisters in the Charles Perrault tale, which never mentions her actual name. Cendrillon isn't a play on an existing name, it's just a derogatory word you could come up with for someone who is dirty and covered in soot.


Queen Ashley was weird...


Cinder "Ella", Ella=She/Lady The cinder lady or Lady Cinder if you want to stick with noble titles. Or Lady Ash if you want to reach.


Queen dumbass, ruler of the region of trades who hate her, and where the taxes doubled.


That fairy godmother has her work cut out for her.


I like that on the final page it shows she knew the name of this seemingly unimportant... servant? villager? There are likely dozens, if not hundreds of different people that she has to interact with every day from the kingdom, but she still knows that is Phillip, despite being in the middle of a total breakdown. From her perspective, she put in the effort to know who they all were, but not one person did the same for her before she snapped. Small detail, but a very good one to add in.


The secret is that by royal decree, she has forced all her servants to be named Philip.


Mind if I call you Phillip, just to be clear? Also if you refuse, I can have you drawn and quartered for shits and giggles.


[Mind if we call you "Bruce" to keep it clear?](https://youtu.be/bNBy1D1Y0h4?si=1KCQWbIyC6sw1opF)


A portrait and free housing? Sweet!




It truly does add a nice touch


From their perspective they have a Queen who never gave her name. Asking a member of royalty their name when you are a servant is the surest way to go to the headsman. If she is only given as the Queen, and then she asks your name but doesn’t give hers then she doesn’t not want you to call her by it. Nearly every conversation she would have had as Queen would be her in a position of power over those she was talking too. At any time she could have gone “Please call me xxxxxx” or please call me Queen xxxxxx. That none of the servants or guards felt comfortable enough to ask such a question is very telling that she was not approachable.


Well, she did set the palace on fire, so they were right to be scared of approaching her.


What is possibly missed by this very correct analysis, is that neither the previous king or her husband, the current king, bothered to ask either and made her abusive nickname her official and royal title.


Not once in the process of marriage, day to day life, does she go, my name is “xxxxxxx” not Cinderella? She exhibits no agency until she burns down the palace? While proper context is hard from just a few pages of comic, my read here is more she wanted something, never told anyone, got madder and madder about it, then burned the place down. If they refused to call her by her name, and intentionally called her by the derogatory name her family gave her I would expect a very different response from the servant.


She calls them all.phillip, half the time shes right


This is "show, don't tell" defined.


"you never asked for my name" "yea it's pretty fucking normal to introduce yourself with your name, not other people's fault they don't remember your name when you don't prioritize it yourself."


Also she's the Queen. In most feudal societies it might be considered an act of treason for a commoner to address a royal by their first name.


Yeah. Even Prince Charles referred to his own mother as ''The Queen.


And she pinched and slapped his big old jug ears if he didn't.


See now I’m super confused on how she became queen. Like if we’re going by the Disney story she married a prince who had a father. So that’s what like 5-10 years for him to die, they get married and she becomes queen and she never bothers to say “oh hey my name’s not Cinderella” for that entire time? Fuck the fire. That level of passive is honestly more impressive


I guess it takes more than becoming princess/queen to get over trauma.


"Your name is probably Ella! Of course your name is Ella. It's Cinder - Ella because your family was a bunch of dicks... now WHY DID YOU BURN YOUR OWN CASTLE DOWN!? Do you know how long this shit takes to build?"




(how long?) https://www.guedelon.fr/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gu%C3%A9delon_Castle


Damn lady just get a badge https://preview.redd.it/mjwzlpbfgsyc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=cffc3576600e89bfd297bd8734f15b4119146b73


So, is she's mad that people called her Cinderella instead of her real name?


I don’t think anyone would be all that happy to only be known by the demeaning nickname that your abusive stepmother and stepsisters gave you to mock you.


I mean if you're passive aggressive enough to never once offer your preferred name, you don't really have an argument.


Lmao for real


She’s mad because no one knew her name. They all kept calling her Queen, and that’s all she was. She couldn’t be anything else, so she’s burning it all to CINDERs… hence the spin on Cinderella


I'm pretty sure they knew her as Queen Cinderella. The reason young Phillip doesn't say it is because she interrupts him so that the final reveal hits better.


Happy Cake Day! 🎂


In some stories, Cinderella's real name was Ella, and because she would always lie in cinders, her stepfamily would call her Cinderella. The Disney version her name is Cinderella straight up however.


This was pretty cool


Nah, I'd say it was pretty fire


it warmed my cockles.


More like pretty warm


[**Source**](https://portsherry.com/comic/the-queens-name/) [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/portsherrycomic/) - [Threads](https://www.threads.net/@portsherry) - [Webtoon](https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/port-sherry/list?title_no=812942) - [Instagram](http://www.instagram.com/portsherry) - [Subreddit](http://reddit.com/r/portsherry)


Pretty sure her real name was Ella. She was set to cleaning cinders out of the fireplace, thus Cinder-Ella.


Fireplace Jane didn't have the same ring.


What about Ashy Ashly?


Ash McAsh Face




Better than Jane Doe


Probably not. She’s not named the local equivalent of Cinder and then Ella in other languages. In Swedish she is called Askungen, which simply means Ash Kid. I think it’s the same in German.


Emberella, which doubles as something that keeps you dry in the rain


Her castle is .. not made of stone?


Stone does not burn but everything else in the castle does. In real castles pretty much every surface is covered with something that burns.


Plus several places where floors and exterior stairs made of wood will collapse, leaving people stranded if they're in a "safe"(oven-hot) stone room up high. I'm imagining getting stuck in the toilet tower at the Crusaders' castle near Gdansk.


Even if tiled all the floors above ground would have used wood beams for support, so in a fire all floors collapse.


Even if it mostly is, you will need wood for a few parts, some of them might be integral for the castle to remain standing.




Cinderella is not Cinderella's real name. It is a demeaning nickname given to her by her stepsisters and stepmother because she was always covered in soot and burnt out cinders from tending to the fireplace. In the story it seems no one ever bothers to learn her actual name and just calls her Cinderella. This of course would be rather upsetting for her considering the abuse that she endured before the fairy godmother came along.


The original story just says they called her Cinderella, not that they did not know her name. In fact no one is named in the story at all.


oh damn I didn't know that Cinderella was a nickname, the comic was confusing at first. I should probably actually read the actual Brother's Grimm fairy tales (or whatever) rather than assuming I knew them from pop cultural osmosis.


For sure it is quite darker than the Disney version... [https://www.grimmstories.com/en/grimm\_fairy-tales/aschenputtel](https://www.grimmstories.com/en/grimm_fairy-tales/aschenputtel)


At least Philip recognized her on sight, even when she was covered in soot and poor lighting conditions. She *married* the guy who only knew her by her feet.


Foot fetish guys are crazy


Honestly, I feel like if everyone calls a person by a certain name, it's understandable to believe that that is their name. I know it's an awkward situation, but I do feel that she would have some responsibility to make an effort to correct people on her name. Or ask the Prince to do something. Nobody else has the context to know why "Cinderella" is a rude nickname, to them it's just an odd name, so I wouldn't really blame anyone here except the lady lighting the palace on fire as a first resort.


And she didn't, like, tell them her real name?  If I were Phillip I would feel more than a little awkward going "hey your majesty, what's your name? No, not the one everyone calls you by, I assume you have another secret name that you've never told anyone for some reason. What's that? I, your servant, demand to know!"


Now let's be a bit critical here. This is her fault. If you want people to know your name, you tell them, there's no reason for you to have to wait for someone to ask, and even then, this is no reason to burn a castle to the ground. She just wanted to throw a tantrum because of her traumas that she never tried to solve and then tries to justify herself. And now, her whole kingdom has to pay the price, because they have to build a new castle, which, at the time, would take decades to build. I know this is just a comic, but I still wanted to do this.


To be critical: If I spend years going by Asshole, and never tell anyone my actual name or correct anyone in all that time, I lose the right to be upset that everyone calls me Asshole. You're a queen. You could assemble everyone of note in the kingdom and demand that they call you whatever you want. You could shove a message down the throat of every literate person in the known world proclaiming your name to be whatever. You're wealthy enough to hire ever minstrel, bard, crier, spokesperson, and clown to carry your name across the realm. You could have your name carved on the side of a mountain, or a sculpture of it placed in the capital, or placed on every sign, post, and wall in the nation. Or you could set fire to the castle, endanger or end a ton of lives, betray your people and those who trusted and cared for you, and accomplish nothing positive for anyone.


If this guy was trying to portrait a Disney villain in the 1930s, he did it **flawlessly**. It even had the ridiculous reasoning.


Unironically this backstory would do wonders for a early Disney villain


Yeah, that's what I mean. Remember Maleficient, who cursed a child because she wasn't invited to a party? Or the queen in Snow White, who tried to kill a teenager because she was more beautiful than her? Cinderella burning a castle to the ground because people called her a name you didn't like... **being the queen, able to change the entire kingdom if she wanted to**, is 100% how a movie with Cinderella as villain would play out.


>Remember Maleficient, who cursed a child because she wasn't invited to a party? There's actually a lot more behind this one. It's not *just* pettiness. First of all, this was the *king and queen's* daughter's christening. This would be the biggest social event of the year, if not even longer - a prominent figure not being invited would be a significant social snub. Furthering the insult, three other fairies - Maleficent's social peers - *were* invited, so it's not just a case of forgetting them or not thinking they should be there; Maleficent was *deliberately excluded*. Finally, when she shows up anyway, she's directly told "You're not wanted". While this line *did* come from one of the other fairies, the king and queen made no effort to contradict her, which is as good as a confirmation they felt the same. Together, this presents a **grave insult** to Maleficent, and the fey will not (and, in some interpretations, literally **can not**) let such an insult go unrepaid - at this point, the curse was not so much an an act of deliberate malice as, in Maleficent's view, an inevitable consequence of the king and queen's actions. The *rest* of her behavior is much less justified, though.


You’re 100% right. The Queen in Snow White is a perfect example of this as well.


Or Malificient. She **cursed a baby because she wasn't invited to a party.**


Don't forget she cursed the baby to DIE. She went full punisher because she didn't get invited.


I think it has far less to do with the literal "I want to be called Cinderella, damnit!" and way more to do with the "Literally nobody, in all these years, has so much as **attempted** to talk to me as if I were a human being.".


Thought the same thing about introducing yourself.


If people didn't know her name, it's no one's fault but hers. Your sisters call you Cinderella and people start calling you Cinderella because they don't know your name and you hate it? It's easy, just correct them and tell them your name is Ella. Although credit where credit is due, if Cinderella was a villain, with the Disney of that time, this would've been the reason no doubt. This guy captured the Disney 1930s Villain Vibes incredibly well, and even has the ridiculous reason for their villany.


She's definitely being a drama queen


Not only that, burning down the castle could also kill several people, including nobility and high ranking advicers. Which would hamper the kingdom. And could like in the case of the three crowns castle burning, destroy the royal library and hundres of years of history, science and such would be gone.


Yeah. She really is very stupid in this comic, and her actions are unjustifiable. By the way, happy cake day.


Thank you, didnt realize it was today


Cinderella wasn't even her real name. Her step-family gave it to her because she was always at the hearth. It's like if she was often dusting the house, she'd be called Dusterella.


WoW!!!!! Just wow. I mean feudalism sucked, but you didn't usually have to worry about the kingdom being sacked from within because the subjects didn't tack on the Evil Stepsisters' nickname when they addressed their "Royal Majesty".


"They called me, a medieval noble, a name I didn't like, so I burnt down the castle." Ivar the Boneless, Harald the Lousy, Charles the Bad, Ivaylo the Cabbage, Louis V The Do-Nothing and James the Shit of England: https://preview.redd.it/uy7sahjc9syc1.jpeg?width=536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6636ad54a9311e36093095db65eb6941c7431357


Aethelred the poorly advised, John Lackland, Ragnvald Roundhead, Erik the lisping and limping, Louis the Universal Spider, the list goes on.


Also might I add Constantine Kopronymos (shit named), named after he shitted himself when he was a kid.


How can they call her cinderella if she didn't tell them her name???


Because Cinderella isn’t her name, it’s a mean nickname her stepmother and stepsiblings gave her. Like if she was called Fatso and then everybody called her Queen Fatso because she never bothered to tell anyone what her real name was.


Like the kid in Lord of the Flies who everyone says was “the smart one”, but he wasn’t smart enough to just tell the other kids his real name and keep quiet about any nicknames he’d had in the past…so he was stuck as “Piggy” throughout the book.


I ain’t saying she’s wrong for that but if she never tried to tell anyone her name either it doesn’t sound like she tried to resolve the problem either


Side note: if the glass slipper fit her perfectly, how did it fall off in the first place?


RWBY moment


Dats good shit.


To cinder for everthing


Wake up babe, Gwyn lord of cinder had a secret daughter


That was pretty powerful stuff, well done OP


Damn that was a gut punch. Well done!


This kinda rules


Bitch, you're the goddamn Queen! If you want people to call you by your name, you ORDER them! Your dumbass deserves to die in a fire.


You don’t understand I’M the victim!!!! Living in a fantastic castle is really hard!!!!


Woe is me, I'm by far the richest and most powerful person in the whole country!


Well, if the shoe fits.


I know I'm probably one of many, but I fucking loved this!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) and now I'm gonna follow you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


what I read. Why did I read..?


Dude/dudette... This was fucking brilliant. Just amazing.


I dunno. If I went and tried to get to know a Royal on a first name basis during medieval times, my head would fly off. It should be the queen to take the first step because the help certainly can't. Is what I'm imagining.


The eyes really sell the mental snap. Real intense!


Ending = excellent Well done (kinda like the palace, now), OP!!


Another one that gets mad because one doesn't remember her name smh...


That's awesome, love it! Seen a few of yours now and thought every one was great.


Did you illustrate JAX' "Cinderella Snapped"? > I don't need no prince to save me > I'm a goddamn CEO > Don't call me "Baby", equal pay me > Snow Whitе said you tried to kiss her > So I'll just buy a new glass slippеr > And burn your castle down > And kids, that's how Cinderella snapped


It’s like a reverse Frozen! 🎶Let it go! LET IT GO!!🎶


I thought she was going to say Zelda.


Awesome. Loved it.


Lady Farnese had a haircut, huh


In the build-up up I was a bit bored until it hit that last panel and I went monkey face.


Peak fiction, I need more


skill issue


Funnily enough wasn’t that not actually her name in the story? If memory serves that was the nickname her stepsisters gave her, based on how she’d be forced to clean up all the cinders and the ash from the fireplace (along with all the other chores she was given). The idea she’d forgotten her own name and could only remember the insult/nickname she was given kinda adds an extra layer to this.


Isnt her name Elizabeth? Shortened to Ella Cinder Elizabeth Cinder Ella


> "What's my mother's name? What's her name? Easy question. Died in front of me. Killed by a goblin. Biggest part of my life."


Frickin awesome.


I support Women's Wrongs!


Everyone keeps calling her Cinderella, even though that was the crap name her abusive family called her. Her real name was ELLA.


Awful. Logic of a 13 years old.






... She literally calls him by his name in the comic.


OK that's metal as fuuuuuuuuuck!


I absolutely love it!


The folks on here trying to sit in judgement of a drawing of an imaginary progression of a fairy tale princess in the process of a psychotic break is really a fucking trip.


Cinderella, Ashen Lord


Calling it now, that’s prince Phillip from sleeping beauty


WOW! So great!


...and from that day on, she was always remembered as "The Mad Queen".


All hail queen Crazy Bitch the Delirious, royal arsonist and afflicted with delusions.


Most of y'all really aren't getting the point here. Cinderella was a nickname she got from her abusive family because of the ash and cinders that often stained her working garments. She also didn't really get to introduce herself, because she didn't want to be recognized at the ball, and her step-family gave the name they called her before she could give her own name. The royal family would have probably introduced her by that name at the coronation and in any other official announcements. It's not just the common folk that didn't care to find out her actual name, but the entire royal family. It's one thing to tell commoners to call you by something else, but to CORRECT the royal family, after going from commoner to noble overnight, is something else entirely. The only way for it to not go poorly would be, as she says here, to have someone ask. Instead, she likely tried to just keep the peace and tough through constantly being called a name that was used to ridicule her for most of her life, just with a fancy title out front, which probably did more to cement that she should keep the quo rather than make waves. In a way, it's like having her horrid step-family hanging over her head for the rest of her life. Frankly, I get where she's coming from in this comic. If you can't shake the name, take it back, on your terms.


yooo, thats fucking SICKKK


She kind of overreacting.


Interesting premise OP but just fyi, "your highness" is not used for kings and queens, it's "your majesty" for them. "Your highness" would be for members of the royal family who have lower ranking titles, like princes and princesses. Sorry if someone else already mentioned this


Really? TIL. Thanks!


This is remarkably dumb