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I want this. What is it? Where can I buy it?


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2799779462 It's a mod for tabletop simulator. Some insane person made the one in the picture.


Wasn't it Valefisk? Or did he take this and make it even worse for that video?


This wasn’t one vale made, he just stumbled upon it in the wild


Oh fuck not that game lmao that was funny video to watch that torture and I don't want any part of it


There also [The Campaign for North Africa ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Campaign_for_North_Africa), which *allegedly* takes approximately 1500 hours to complete.


Remember some valefisk video where they played a cursed version of settlers of Catan and on some case you would play a "quick game" of Campaign for North Africa


I belive it was if you somehow managed to draw.


You have been detained by this board game, await your sentence at the end of time


To support, here's the description from wiki: The Campaign for North Africa (CNA), subtitled "The Desert War, 1940–43", is a strategic "monster" board wargame published by Simulations Publications, Inc. (SPI) in 1978 that simulates the entire North African Campaign of World War II. The Campaign for North Africa has been called the longest board game ever produced, with estimates that a full game would take 1,500 hours to complete. Reviewer Luke Winkie pointed out that "If you and your group meets for three hours at a time, twice a month, you’d wrap up the campaign in about 20 years." It has also been called the most complex wargame ever designed, with the commonly cited example (noted in SPI's advertising) that Italian troops require additional water supplies to prepare pasta. The map board alone is 9.5 ft (3 m) long.


Never be friends with Valefisk


H: Oh shit. I guess I didn't get out of the way of that bus after all. D: IN A SENSE, YOU ARE MORE OUT OF THE WAY THAN YOU HAVE EVER BEEN. H: Wait! The ambulance is coming, I can hear it; and modern medical care is pretty good. I get to challenge you to a game, right? Maybe they can save me after all! D: IT IS TRADITIONAL, YES. GIVEN THAT YOU WERE HIT BECAUSE YOU WERE DISTRACTED BY A NEW ANIME POSTER IN THE WINDOW OF THE GAME SHOP YOU WERE CROSSING THE STREET TO GET TO, I SHOULDN'T BE SURPRISED BY THE REQUEST. WHAT IS YOUR CHOICE? CHESS IS A CLASSIC OPTION; I LIKE THE HORSY PIECES. H: Campaign for North Africa. D: EXCUSE ME? H: My game of choice is "The Campaign for North Africa: The Desert War 1940-43" by SPI. D: ARE YOU SURE? TIME HAS NO MEANING HERE, THE LENGTH OF PLAY MAKES NO DIFFERENCE. H: You're welcome to forfeit if you don't like my choice... D: NORTH AFRICA IT IS, THEN. WE ARE GOING TO NEED A BIGGER VIRTUAL TABLE. ... (Time passes, or perhaps doesn't) ... H: Well, that's that. I thought I was doing fairly well, but you managed to turn it around in the end. I think getting enough oil to keep your tanks mobile at El Alamein may have been the deciding turning point compared to history. D: YOU HAVE PLAYED WELL, BUT HAVE LOST. IT IS TIME. H: At least I finally got to play out a full game. No one I've heard of has gotten even half-way through the full game. D: SEVEN. H: Seven what? D: YOU ARE THE SEVENTH PERSON TO REQUEST CAMPAIGN FOR NORTH AFRICA IN FULL. I SUSPECT THAT MAKES ME THE MOST EXPERIENCED PLAYER OF THE GAME IN EXISTENCE, OR OUT OF IT. I DID ASK IF YOU WERE SURE.


Try [this one](https://youtu.be/QzihCxDRSII?feature=shared)...


You cannot tell me some Human wouldn't rope their alien friends into Twilight Imperium


"Don't worry, we'll be finished setting up in another hour."


Damn. I don't have enough friendships nor family bonds to ruin for this game.


You forgot 7 dimensions and multiversetimetravel




What about 5D chess with multiversal time travel, but you have to end all time lines in order to finish the game?


This looks like Monopoly and Talisman had a baby...and I'm sure it is just as torturous to play and effective at destroying friendships as they are.


Monopoly + Mario Party