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Probably because they aren’t getting enough dates. It’s funny though because if you’re conservative wouldn’t you also want a conservative girl? Like…I don’t get it. You really wanna date someone that drastically different?


Someone lying about their political stance to get more dates don’t care about what’s in the girls brain, they want what’s between their legs.


That's a bingo!


I genuinely think they do, and it doesn’t make sense. I’m a black girl and I worked with this conservative dude who also happened to be a crazy racist. Like, told my (black) ex-boyfriend, whose shitty (white) friends intentionally stranded him in a sundown town and he‘s genuinely lucky to still be alive, that he was racist for avoiding sundown towns because “not all the white people there would do that to you,” kind of crazy racist. How about he had the *biggest* crush on me and incessantly begged me to go out with him for all 3 years we worked at the same place. Even while knowing that I skipped work to be in the BLM protest in our majority white town, and he skipped work to counter-protest the BLM protest that my ex’s town was having (his town was majority black and Hispanic) where they planned to march through our town, and forced them away. I’d even ripped him a new asshole for basically telling me he assumed that because I was black I couldn’t possibly have grown up in the same town, even though, fun fact: he went to school with my older brother, was in his grade, and was caught on camera vandalizing his locker with slurs. How he could possibly have come to the conclusion that, “yes, that’s the one I want to date,” is beyond me. And the worst part is he’s not even the only conservative dude to do something similar to me.


Simple, that douchebag doesn’t see women, and especially women of color, as people. Women are “things” for him to dominate, control and submit for his own pleasure. I have known many men who think this way about women, and it is beyond sickening. And yes, they are almost always conservative. Sorry you had to go through that.


Him liking you was probably a power/control thing more than anything. Because he probably views romantic relationships as an unequal power dynamic where he (the man) is superior and in control...So being racist on top of that just extra means that he's superior in a relationship with you. Although even then, it's still really fucking weird. Like what is going on in his brain to make it all make sense? Also sorry if this is a dumb question, but what is a "sundown town"?


"You don't want to be caught there after sundown..." Historically, they are all white towns that had laws against minorities living there or even visiting. They had to leave by sundown or you can imagine what happened.


Power/control and possibly seems exotic to him too. Some people really wear it as a badge of honor that they fucked someone outside of their own ethnicity


Sundown town; all blacks & native Americans have to leave town by sunset otherwise the whites have free right to form a mob and lynch or jail said person they catch. Many southern and eastern towns near the Bible Belt area have a sundown “bell” that tolls in the late evening, notifying locals it’s 6-8pm whatever~ while for POC; it’s time to leave. There’s a recent NPR segment on it I think you can find. One of those ancient/colonial laws like every Englishman must practice the longbow and it’s not illegal to shoot a Frenchman if you’re on English soil back in the old world. Irishmen must have a letter of recommendation to work here. Etc.


Hell i'm a black gay guy and i've had these conservative racist white men try to get with me too. One guy acted totally normal at first and when I finally got him to take his shirt off...big ass confederate flag tatted on his chest. I gave him the benefit of the doubt (probaly aint gonna do that again) and asked about it, he went on about southern pride and its not about slavery or subjugation of blacks. How I don't act like most of them (I grew up in all black neighborhoods). Total turn off and ignorant.


Joke’s on them. Being a conservative gay guy is probably not going to work out very well for them in the long run


Oh that’s just fucked up and his agenda to date you was to only to have a taboo moment. I’m sorry you had to deal with a immature child like that.


No, they are probably also the kind of self-proclaimed alpha males who believe they can change their partner’s political views and turn them into conservatives.


That's what I think. It's the same people who think lesbians just haven't met the right man.


From what I can recall, there WAS an attempt at a full conservative only dating app, but basically no women showed up haha. Turns out that most "conservative" women who DO meet their standards get married younger and pump out babies quicker, so by the time most guys have their "lives together" and are ready to settle down (or after years of casual sex and/or dating), the conservative women they would be interested would have already settled down. This is also why some get bitter, complain about Western women, and then tramp off to the Dominican Republic, or Poland, or the Philippines to find some poor "traditional" woman they can take advantage of......err woo instead. (as a generalization of course, since the average age of marriage for men and women are both pushing mid 20s at the EARLIEST, with most people now getting married in their late 20s or early 30s in many places).


Liberals also generally don't want to date conservatives, while conservatives don't care as much if you're conservative or not. I don't get it either but we all need to continue to not date conservatives.


I think for a lot of leftists (as is the case for me personally) our politics are deeply personal and tied to our core morals. That’s why we won’t date conservatives. The conservatives I’ve met don’t seem to have this kind of connection to political opinions, and tend to mock it. They just don’t care. Or maybe they’ll just fuck anyone and don’t care but won’t actually date seriously after. I can’t say for sure. I do know that some Conservatives in the UK think “no Tories” in a Tinder profile or “never fuck a Tory” are some type of hate crime. And I find that extremely entertaining.


Same way we vote: liberals need to fall in love, conservatives need to fall in line.


Lmao, yeah that fixes it all. Breed them out right?


I saw an online discussion and some opinions were made that conservative men really don’t see women as full beings that can have their own views, so they don’t mind going for women that have different political leanings because they think that after they are together that the woman will be slowly worn down to conservatism.


That's it exactly


Idk man, I've found myself turned on by women with batshit crazy political views very different from mine. Regardless, I'd never put up a front about my political stance just to get more dates.


See but that still makes sense to some degree. But that’s a sexual thing not a “I want to be in a long term relationship” type of thing. There is a lot of discussion about how women can’t really fight the patriarchy. If they conform they fit into the classic view of femininity that is expected in a patriarchal society. Great for men cause they love that shit. Go against the grain and you turn yourself into a rebel and troublemaker which is another fantasy men have. You know “taming” the wild girl. It’s a lose lose.


I mean I see your point and I agree with you But thats not what I meant. I don't see a "wild" girl as someone to tame. To be quiet honest, I find a radical conservative woman as attractive as a radical liberal, maybe I just like crazy women. But let's say for example I enter a relationship with a crazy woman. I don't see the traits that drew me to her as something to change and mold, but I understand lots of people end up doing that. Idk, something about a wild, carefree woman is attractive, why attempt to take that away? And most men should understand that's a futile mission.


It's basically political catfishing


The one time I used a dating app I hit the jackpot. I laid it all on the line, what I was looking for and what were deal breakers for me. Then I started looking through profiles. I noticed a fellow who had the same views and opened his profile up. He listed his favorite book series as the one I was currently re-reading for the fourth time. Long story short, we have been happily living together for five years now. He truly is a Unicorn. A Southern man who is a liberal atheist nerd into sci-fi and D&D.


can i ask what the book series is?? lol


The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan


Good choice!


You have no idea the explosive nerdgasm I had when I saw his filled wall to wall bookcases! (One filled with cases of D&D minis! 😂)


As a leftist atheist nerd living in Oklahoma, I appreciate your appreciation.


Quite welcome. He’s the total black sheep in his family, as I’m sure you can understand.


This sounds exactly like how I met my husband! I live in FL and met him on OkCupid 5 years ago - it rated us 92% compatible and we had both answered all the questions the app threw us. I never expected to find an agnostic dude with the same political beliefs. And his bio said he liked women with my exact description. It sounds cliche but I knew immediately that if he gave me a chance we’d stay together.


OkCupid was the one we used as well! 😍


It was the best app! I hear it’s gone downhill since then but it made it SO easy to weed out the douchebags!


Damn I should use it.


Speaking from experience... those are the best types!


I met my wonderful husband on Tinder and laid it all out like you did. Also, in the south, we're agnostic nerds! We've been together for 5 years, and I wouldn't trade him for the world.




If you aren’t honest about who you are and who you’re looking for, it makes the search less likely to be successful, don’t you think?


Back when I was young and naïve, I went on a date with a guy who seemed very kind and hinted that he agreed with my political views. Later, when I’m talking to my friends about him, I search for his Facebook account to show them. Unfortunately, when I scrolled down, I saw pictures of him holding guns in each hand while proudly standing in front of Confederate and swastika flags. Needless to say, I bailed pretty quick and learned the value of thoroughly cyberstalking all potential dates beforehand.


Is it really surprising that conservatives would lie about who they are to appear better.


I mean conservatives seem very prideful of who they are


Conservatives also seem to be the type that would lie to get pussy


Or ass. Don't forget ass.






So thinking with your dick. We don't have to cope with YOUR problems.


Errr... what?


Because they know they can't get a decent date unless they lie.




The funny thing is, when I saw the title, before reading your post, I *knew* you were talking about a conservative pretending to be liberal. There was never a doubt in my mind. Odd that I would come to that conclusion 🤔


But but but ... how are they going to get laid? /s Seriously, just save us the headache and date conservative girls.


Conservative girls don't really exist like that and the ones online are fake


Exactly, that's the thing. Conservative girls also pretend to be liberal to get some dick. The whole conclusion is: people know conservativism is frowned upon online, so everyone's gonna conform for that "one time" just to get laid. Guys or girls.


Ugh that would piss me off too. I'm super liberal, and I would walk out on a date with someone that thinks the government should have more say over my body than me. Kinda funny in a sad way tho, they know what appeals more to women, but would rather lie about it than just be more open minded.


They have learned that being honest about their shitty beliefs is off putting to many people.


At least some of the morons on dating apps put a “swipe the direction of your political beliefs” comment in there. Little bit of common courtesy to tell you up front what the believe in lol


As a liberal male who lives in Montana. I have the opposite problem


I’m country-liberal too; stuff gets hard especially when the platonic friends I network through to find dates are by number conservative too. I need to move to San Diego or something.


From someone who lived in San Diego for 4 months. It’s fucking awesome😂


I’m sorry it’s your misfortune but I feel like this speaks volumes to how insecure conservatives really are.


Would coming out as conservative be called "coming out of the voting booth"?


I put inclusive pronouns on my profile and wrote that I was queer. I’ve never been on a date with a conservative after that.


* Non-Americans staring *


Are they definitely conservative or could they be central left


American dating seems like a fucking nightmare


Hilarious. this is going to keep being a trend until these dumdums realize that being a conservative today is anti-woman. (among other things)


Conservatives are too unhinged, they'll do anything to get what they want, whether it's with lawmakers or people's lives, they just don't care.


Sometimes Americans are frigging weird.


That we are! I like to think some of us are a fun kind of weird. Like Dolly Parton, Keanu, and Elvira, to name a few.


There are waaay more fun Americans who love life and doing good things than bad ones. The bad ones just scream and throw tantrums loudly and the media gives them attention.




Their shit beliefs aren't getting them dates. They think they are such a catch that once you know them, you will let it slide.


So they're aware that their political views push people away from wanting to know them. But instead of introspection and thinking maybe I should change my views, they do exactly what you'd expect a conservative to do and they lie


Yeah, liars always suck, no matter what they are lying about to get ahead. Super annoying and frustrating for people who approach with honesty.


they know that conservatives get no bitches


Lmao they I’ve to lie. That’s the best part. 🤣


I do the opposite. I say I’m a big trump guy, cause girls who believe that idiot will believe anything.


The math is pretty simple. It's easier to bang liberal women than religious conservative women. US, just because they want to have sex with you does not mean that they want more than a few dates. You cast your line where the fish are biting.


Have you met conservatives? Dude, they put out. They just may not be the type other conservatives want, but they put out. Me, who is super progressive, doesn't. And I can't get conservatives to stop trying. Even knowing I don't.


Oh, for sure. Conservatives, Republicans, religious people, whatever - they f@ck for sure. Then you get into the whole closeted stuff and cucking and stuff. That's not really what I meant. I'm my experience, if I want to smash tonight, progressive chicks are far easier and more quick. Like sometimes within an hour of meeting. All of my escapades involving 3 or more people (up to a 20-person goth blood orgy - but that is a story for another day) were all with what you would call "progressive" folks. I think the conservative types are just as freaky, it just takes a little longer to get there. Unless you are related or in a religious cult. Lol


If it makes you feel any better, at least it shows conservatives are aware of their reputation. They know they're duplicitous pricks. The culture has turned against them so much they need to lie. Also, they don't date each other because conservatives are BORING.


Don't give them any ideas. Seriously though, who talks about politics on a date?


I would at least bring it up casually after a little while, I wouldn't wanna get into a relationship with a secretly conservative batshit insane trumpster lol


Who doesn’t?


I don't. Most well-adjusted people don't really follow politics at all, quizzing them about it is going to seem like a red flag regardless of your leanings.


Most people don't follow politics? What planet do you live on?


Whenever I try talking to "normies" about anything overtly political, they usually just get confused and refuse to take a stand on anything. I think politically engaged people like us are a smaller minority than most of us realize.


People have political views, you're probably just talking about it in a way that isn't very easy to engage with for normal people


They have views on individual political issues, but they don't believe those issues are political in nature. If you tell them you're left-wing, you can tell they're thinking "Which one is left again?" only to try changing the subject before the discussion becomes too complicated. At least that's my experience.


> Most well-adjusted people don't really follow politics at all. That's easy for men to say when their rights and freedoms aren't on the line.


You need to be up front about your politics these days and rightly so. -And anyone who is "not political" is just as bad as conservatives.


I'll be up front about it, but no one has ever asked me about my politics, let alone a date. I would love being able to ask others about it, but 99% of people would see that as a major red flag, and for good reason.


I guarantee you 99% of people would not see that as a red flag. What you're talking about is an old tradition that parents used to tell their kids and it dates back to the days of mind your own business and don't ask don't tell. We're not in the era of looking the other way any more.


Well, I guess I shouldn't expect redditors to know social etiquette. For whatever it's worth, I wish you were right.


Historically speaking, you don’t talk politics, religion or money in “polite company” - which, one assumes, a date falls under. That said, as a GenXer, I don’t think that’s a truism for the younger generations the way it was drilled into us once upon a time. Furthermore, I may not come out and ask, point blank, “Are you *really* a foaming MAGAT Quistian?” but you can structure questions & comments in such a way that their answers suggest how they really feel about issues.


It would be my 2nd question.


It's really not difficult at all to stumble into it by accident, especially with the ongoing culture war. Just talking about your likes and dislikes could be enough to get a general idea of what kind of person you're dealing with. For instance, "what did you think of that new Harry Potter game.?"


That culture war shit is almost entirely online though. Most people I've met outside the internet hasn't even heard about the controversy surrounding the new Harry Potter game. Unless they're gamers, which most women I've dated aren't, they haven't even heard of the game.


That's not the point. I'm saying it's that easy to start talking politics these days. Even saying what you've just said about the Harry Potter game tells me a lot about what kind of person I could expect you to be, and I assume me bringing it up would tell you a lot about me.


The sad part is, political beliefs on their own shouldn't be that important. What is important is core values, and those need to be a good match with a partner. But core values and political beliefs have come so intertwined that it is impossible to put distance in politics. I wouldn't call myself one or the other because there's a time and place for (traditionally) conservative and liberal ideologies. Naturally, I've been labeled as almost everything under the sun, and usually the label is opposite of the one assigning it to me. And guess what? It's usually over some minor BS issue that neither party has any intention of solving. That alone means about 40% of the population is out of the potential dating pool, which sucks because the pool gets smaller every year as people become more and more divided.


A funny thing I've noticed is that the conservatives I know have very similar core values to the progressives I know, but they would never admit it. They know the working class is being screwed, but they blame the liberals for it. They know it's unfair they can't afford healthcare, but they don't think it should be public either. They're very aware that Big Pharma is bad, but they would never advocate for regulation. They recognize the problem, but they can't see the solution, and only resort to blaming "Liberals".


And of course you would be down voted for your common sense approach. Reddit in a nutshell


Yep, par for the course. But if anything, it just proves my point. Politics now is one of the most important things people judge you for. You must be perfectly aligned with your partner in all matters or you will be enemies.


I guess that putting conservative is the smartest thong to do, judging by this thread, even if you swing toward moderate or outright liberal. That way you can date only the potential that are open minded and who do not give politics such a huge importance and filter out the less pleasant ones. I think it is a matter of quality over quantity really. The only issue may be getting ladies who are a bit too strict or conservative, but you cannot really find a perfect solution for stuff like this.


This thread is proof on why I hide my feelings on politics to potential partners as long as I can lmfao.


It seems fair and reasonable to be honest about who you are and what your worldview is on a dating profile. I wouldn't want to date a religious zealot, and they wouldn't want to date me. We have utterly different worldviews. It would be disingenuous to lie about it. If period don't want to date you because of your political opinions, you might want to reconsider them. You shouldn't have to lie about yourself to get dates.




Please, continue to elaborate on what I believe. You’re just proving my point even further.




You’re probably not old enough to date anyway if you think half the population is inherently evil.


If conservatives really make up half the population, it wouldn't be that difficult to find a conservative woman to date and you wouldn't have to lie or "hide your feelings" in order to trick a woman into dating you.


They support politicians who are evil. I'm blocking you now.


Well, I'm old enough, and I think half of the population is inherently evil


I honestly feel genuine empathy towards the people writing some of these comments. Some people here have been truly wronged, and others seem like they'll never give another person with different political beliefs than theirs a chance again. ​ It's usually liberal people I look up to talking about how conservative leaders are leaching off of the division in this country to their own political gain. Yet, we have a thread like this where everyone agrees that someone is not worth the time if their political beliefs lean in another direction. Racism, bigotry, nhilism, etc are WRONG. But these things are not synonymous with a specific political party or affiliation. If anyone here wants to argue otherwise, just know that one could then argue that a liberal rapist pedophile means all liberals are rapist pedophiles. The conversation breaks down quickly. There are good people on both sides of the aisle. While I know this comment will get a ton of downvotes, I hope someone sees this and it stimulates some contemplation - perhaps on the fact that we're not all that different. I am an independent. I agree with pieces from different sides of the political spectrum. I don't believe either side is a "one-size-fits-all". My partner of 5 years agrees with some things politically that I don't. and vice versa. But we are always civil, and we love each other deeply. We do not condemn each other for our differences. We have honest, open discourse about why we feel the ways we do.


There’s good people on both sides of the aisle ? Ummm, one side wants to go backwards while the other wants to move forward and become better..


Do you genuinely think every human being that associates with the conservative political party is a bad person?


Yup. 100% especially those who think that the election was “rigged”


I disagree. I think there are good people on both sides. And I also think that aside from doing research and voting locally and nationally, life isn't all about politics.


I get that, but I refuse to date someone who would vote for politicians who want to take away women's rights. I just can't do it.


I get it. Therein lies the problem with what is essentially a two party system. Too many things get clumped into one basket.


That makes the choice easy: you either vote for bigotry and homophobia, or you vote for progress. So when someone puts conservative in their dating profile, it makes my choice easy.


Crazy how many people close their spheres to whoever has the same political beliefs as them. You miss out on some fruitful relationships and encounters if you live in a little safe space. It’s a shame politics has become such a personality trait. If you don’t have prejudice based on race, ethnicity, or creed, why have prejudice on politics? Shit is hypocritical.


I mean why would you wanna be with someone that wants human rights taken away? I could never be with someone like that


See, you could come up with negative connotations for race, prejudice, and creed as well and bubble yourself off from everyone who doesn’t look or believe in the same things you do using that logic. It’s flawed and detrimental to you and everyone else. Diversity is a good thing! Practice what you preach.


I refuse to associate myself with people who think going backwards is the way to go. Sorry not fudging sorry


It’s incredible, you are leaning into my point as I’m making it. Your version of backwards is different from millions of others’ versions of backwards. But you’ll never properly comprehend others’ subjective views when you cover your ears and say la la la. It leads to you becoming less well rounded and more intolerant.


People just shouldn't wear politics on their sleeves and pretend it's a personality trait.


I mean, politics does have a pretty large effect on people’s lives, though. For example, if you’re with someone who’s against abortion (and you’re not), what are y’all gonna do if you accidentally get pregnant? Or vice versa. What happens if you end up having kids and you can’t decide what values you want to instill in them because you both have vastly different values? Or, like my parents, what happens when y’all can’t agree on what area you’d like to live because different areas (at least in the US) have vastly different political beliefs? And regardless, would you really want to be with someone you’re gonna end up arguing with all the time? These are valid concerns that would affect a relationship. Regardless, people should just be honest about what they believe. If they’re not doing that, what’s the point of dating?


Reddits dumb. Meant to reply elsewhere


A person's political beliefs are a product of their moral values; it literally is a personality trait.




If someone thinks that me being conservative means I think they shouldn't exist then they are officially unhinged and I want nothing to do with that person anyways.


Honestly, I'm ashamed to admit it, but yeah I'd do the same thing. Sex is sex, and if that's what a man has to do to have sex then fuck it 🤷 I dont see nothing wrong with it. Just being honest.




I don't live in America. Forgive me if this comes as an uneducated take on the subject considering politics are a heated subject in America especially given certain recent events like the whole pregnancy thing, but I'll try my best. Tinder is, to me, a quick hook-up app or so it seems that most people use it as such.. Now in the context of a longer relationship I can understand eventually establishing with your partner where you lean politically for various reasons.. Just something you make sure of before committing, I get that. I get it, certain political sides might not be okay with things like abortion, I really do get that and why that'd be an issue. But to me it never really crossed my mind that politics is something to be unwrapped right at the beginning before you even meet the person, even for something like a quick hookup, like: Jason, 27, male, **conservative**\-- That seems so out of place, imagine this on a first date around a meal. "Okay? I mean sure but why the fuck are you telling me this right now we're eating?" lol Sure you're on X political side, but isn't politics something that changes over the course of your life, even a little? To get to the point I just mean that the side you lean to doesn't really define your personality or you as a person, you might see yourself as leaning on X side but really maybe that's because it's kinda all you knew growing up and that's that. I've met people with wildly different views than mine politically speaking, but that doesn't make them a lesser person or make me like them less, that's just their views and there's not much I can do about those views. They're still good people at their core selves. If they were assholes on top of that then there would be be an issue. I'm a European, I'm not trying to make assumptions, just kind of rambling about it because it's interesting. Never brought up politics in my 4 year relationship, but that doesn't mean I'm clueless about my partner's views or uninterested - It's just not a defining feature of them.




That's a very fair point, yeah.


That is the sane approach, however sadly America LOVES division and hating each other for even slightly differing views so yeah politics comes up a lot in dating. Personally I don’t even try to interact with anyone on any deep level that labels themselves as one of the two main political parties. They’re both crazy


finally some common sense... its sad that people take a political ideology and make it their entire being.


It’s because people hear I’m a conservative and think I hate black people and women. Neither are true I just hate the government and want it tf out of my life. The only laws I should need to care about are like 5 (non specific number) federal laws and then the rest should be the job of my local and state governments in that order. The federal government should sit there and do nothing


If you hate the government then you’re not a conservative. Given that the right is trying to create a big government that polices what people do in their own bedroom, doctor’s office, and with friends. Conservatives literally want fascism.


Can you name any specific federal laws? The closest I’m aware of is overturning roe vs wade which I dont actually agree with although it does technically give more rights to the states.


if you have to consider "states rights" against a woman having literal control over her body no woman is going to want to date you. The way your brain operates is why people turn you off when they hear you're a conservative and also because conservatives are internal thinkers. "My family, my house, my state, my country." Whereas Liberals care about people that aren't immediately in their circle. I'm not a woman but I care that they have rights. I'm not gay but I care that they have rights. Conservatives only care about what directly impacts them.


You mean the states that banned abortion as soon as it was overturned? .the reason it was decided on a federal level is because states weren't fair about it. And once it was overturned the same issues returned. They overturned it for a political agenda. Republicans politicians didn't even care about abortion until they could use anti abortion as a platform to keep votes.


>Neither are true I just hate the government and want it tf out of my life Then why are you voting for the party actively impeding on other people's lives? Oh wait that's right, you cons only care when it directly affects you .


So say that instead of lying and pretending to be someone/something you aren’t. I’m sure there’s some cornbread eating Daisy Mae somewhere that just can’t wait to meet you.


Maybe. Idk I don’t lie about my political orientation nor do I date strangers so ultimately I’m unaffected by what idiots do on dating apps. I do feel it’s a bit long to put all that in my bio tho idk I’d probably just put centrist or libertarian


Then why are you here commenting about something you have no experience with or knowledge about? Typical. 🙄


Idk it came up on my dash. I do have experience with being unfairly judged for my political orientation. Scroll up as see the downvotes for a reference. Just not specifically on dating appa


You ok? So here's the deal. YOU, a conservative who wants small government, aligns with the party who is anti anything but small government. They are banning books lol, DeSantis is trying to ban rainbows and wants to control Disney. Anti abortion, anti Trans, anti drag. Noone but you said that's what party you affiliate with. It's not an unfair judgement. That's your party.


Probably because you knowingly align yourself with the group that hates black people and women.


This is what I mean. I literally don’t I align with the party that wants to keep the gov out of my life. I don’t agree with everything the Republican Party does. Sorta why a 2 party system is bad. Either way I’m sure you’ll come up with some other reason why I’m a bad person for my political views so have at


So... you do align with that party then. Sure, it's for reasons of keeping the gov out of your life (and so you chose the Republican party? [odd choice but ok](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/sep/12/republicans-government-government-intrusions)), but the fact is you're still allying with the party that hates black people and women. Personally, I'm not going to cast aspersions on your character but you have to see why others reasonably would.


I didn’t say that, but go off. I’m saying you’re aware that identifying yourself as a conservative gets you that response, yet you’re still aligning yourself that way. You’re saying you “hate the government” and think they should stay out of people’s personal lives, yet you’re supporting the party that is trying to be in people’s personal lives and forcing them to have babies they don’t want, forcing them to die for babies their bodies can’t support, and forcing children to be born to parents who don’t want them. What am I supposed to think about you? That you “don’t endorse it” while you’re giving them your vote? Get real. Join the rest of us in reality. You’re saying one thing and in the same breath doing the opposite.


If you vote conservative you DO agree with what your party does. Your vote literally endorses that no matter what you say otherwise. The two party system does suck but you chose the anti-gay, anti-black, anti-woman party.


Did you know, if you go far enough left you get to hate the government again??


Hate the government but probably love the police state and love the government signing legislation that restricts what people can and cannot do with their body and lives. You don’t hate government, you hate anything that doesn’t align with the magic fantasy book you probably go to read every Sunday


Police are government? I’m also not really a Christian. But again because of political orientation I must meet every stereotype yeah?


Grow up


I consider myself to be a moderate Republican, but I do swing far left on some ideas. So I can see how the political thing in dating can be confusing.


It's not really that confusing. If you're a Conservative, you vote against the rights of women, side with politicians who refuse to denounce white power orgs and are anti-gay/trans. There's no confusion. If you vote conservative, myself and many others will not give you the time of day.


That's fine, that's freedom to choose.


People believe their vote actually counts?


The question I would like to know is why so many women are left, or far left? I think it's really a younger thing. People do move right as they get older. The left just starts to seem too crazy. As a teen, twenties, I was left then centre left, then centre right. I actually still support many "left" type polices, but the left is all identity politics and spend like a drunken sailor with money they don't have. Plus left candidates are all rich that really just support their rich friends, kind of like the right. So why worry about conservative men?


> but the left is all identity politics This is such a funny statement especially since right wing politics currently consist of doing nothing for people and then appease their base by taking rights away from the queer community. Their entire platform is "we hurt the minorities you don't like" so they don't have to explain why you won't get any medical help or explain why they can't do anything about stagnant wages or why they can't do anything about that shitty tax code change that gave the wealthy a permanent tax cut with the lower classes paying for it.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, you’re right


Too many people are going back and forth, mocking the other party. Yes, there is value in covering these positions, but it's overdone. You can stick to a job and really help your country if you learn the deep state roles for your chosen party. There's a lot to learn.


Half of it is your fault for going on dates with moderates.


This is true. Anyone that identifies as a moderate is a just a conservative in sheep's clothing. Or is it a sheepish conservative? Probably both.


Get fucked


Why the fuck do political view’s matter? It screams red flag all over the profile of entitled little children who can’t be accepting of other people’s opinions. When I was in the dating scene a few years ago I couldn’t believe the child like behavior going on with people and their inability to be respectful of others. Honestly how do politics affect your life and life decisions? They don’t matter. Get over it and start living in reality. Fucking mindless thinkers.


Conservatives politicians are pushing for legislation that would restrict my healthcare and ability to exist authentically. That directly impedes on my life. I’m not going to date someone who knowingly supports those policies.


Ok don’t date a politicians but what does a voter have to do with that? Nothing at all. Using political views to check someone off the box is childish behavior.


Lots of voters agree with those policies. I don’t wish to date someone who thinks my life should be more difficult. It’s common sense


Okay cool do your thing. Create walls and lock yourself in them because of fear of the unknown. This isn’t about politics it’s about using political as a wall of protection when you don’t know who is actually on the other side. I’m serious saying if I can sit in the same room with all types of political views and I can agree with them, understanding them, disagree with them and accept them for being human you can do it to if you try. Just because someone sees the world differently doesn’t mean they are bad people. I’m speaking from a very equally personal perspective I give everyone I come in contact with my 100% equality and their actions are what forms my opinion of them.


Their views are not unknown. Most of my family are very conservative and Republican. I know them quite well. And If someone makes it clear that they support laws that hurt me, why on earth would I date that person? That doesn’t make any sense.


And that’s what I’m saying people who use politics agendas to control other is immature. Allowing others to dictate your life with they political beliefs is baffling. Like I said to other my wife is super duper conservative and I’m very liberal and a part of the bi community we get along very well because we look past of differences as flaws and love each other for the fact that we think differently. If I dated myself I’d be board as fuck. I’m wild and free my wife keeps her life tight and organized we work well together to encourage better results for each other. I’m saying if we can do it, you can as well. It should be an instant brink wall from the beginning using political pressure to control your life.


I have not allowed others to dictate my life. I choose to not date those who deliberately support legislation that strips me of my rights. That’s me taking control. I also judge people by their actions. Voting for a politician who wants to pass laws that actively harm me is a clear action. I also highly doubt any conservative Republican who supports the legislation that harms me would EVER consider openly dating me. Lots of people of that political affiliation love to loudly proclaim that they would never date a person like me. If they would, I would be very surprised. But I still would not date them because they would be hypocritical, and that is not attractive to me.


You're a straight white dude aren't you lol if you can't comprehend why women and minorities wouldn't want to date a conservative and how unsafe they generally are to us, then I dunno what to tell you. Go outside your social bubble for once


No actually I’m a openly bisexual Latin male. Also my wife and I are very religious people. Yes I said wife, we are married because we have an ability to understand each other as adults. We love each other because of our differences. So nice job with helping me prove my point. You decided to label me without ever asking me a question which is a great way to expose your ignorance of your own agenda and also exposed yourself as a sexiest person against white males acting as they are the problem here. But yet you seem very suspicious to what this problem could actually be. Your entitled opinion is very wrong and a good indicator of your inability to think outside yourself. Its a red flag on your tinder page and shows how immature you can be.


You hear that u/queenexorcist ? You've exposed yourself as "a sexiest person"! I hope you're happy with yourself you sexy bastard.


You sure are full of yourself. You should read the parts of the Bible that tell how to treat people who don't want to be like you. WWJD


What? Yes I’m sure of myself it’s confidence. I get along with everyone around me . Because I can see outside myself and understand other people’s points of view. I do t have to agree with them and they aren’t being horrible human beings because of their views. Conservative don’t scare me and liberals don’t scare me into not being a good person to them. What scares me is angry people who just want to hurt others that’s a complete different story. And don’t try to patronize someone with a Bible you know nothing about. You don’t even know my religion views how educated in religion I am what denomination I am and how I treat others so go read the Bible yourself and learn that using Jesus as a metaphorical weapon isn’t okay. You also need to re read my statement and realize it wasn’t my point of view it was two different points of view I see and hear in America. Again you like others using their agenda without even understanding. This rant was about lying about politics views on dating profiles and I believe it to be very childish and immature if someone puts that information out as wall of protection without ever knowing someone.


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


We know you didn’t read anything to begin with you passed judgment without even knowing


I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


Because politics DO matter since governments would have the power to destroy lives if we let them. If you're liberal, you'd rather not date a person who believes that abortion is a sin and that it should be outlawed worldwide with no exceptions. If you're conservative, you'd rather not date a person who believes that governments should be able to take your guns away with no exceptions. It's as simple as that.


It matters cause conservatives and the republican party are actively trying to create a fascist country.


If you believe what the media tells you, then your just a fool. Be human and enjoy people for people and how they think. I get along with everyone because I allow people to have their opinions about things. Controlling others because of something you’ve heard is pathetic and annoying. It’s children being controlling like they are with their toys at a young age. Sorry but my wife and I don’t vote the same way but we love each others differences. My wife is way more of a conservative because of her religious views and I’m religious but I tend to thing way liberal. We get along fine and we love each other because of our differences. Maybe you can use that as an example or an excuse don’t care! And maybe learn how to mature yourself into an adult. The world doesn’t belong to you or your entitled mind set.


Hate to say it but I believe conservatives when they say they stupid disgusting garbage they spout. MTG keeps saying stupid. And the FL Republican party wants to disband the Democratic party. Just cause you shut your eyes and cover your ears doesn’t mean that the Republicans aren’t trying to actively harm people.


Literally every rational comment on this thread is getting Downvoted like yours. But you’re right. My own friend circle alone includes conservatives, liberals, Christian and atheist and we all get along just fine because we don’t fucking care about minor differing beliefs. Because we respect each other and are able to have rational conversations and see each others points of view. But no, can’t do that in todays society. Everyone HAS to be a victim and if you have a different opinion then you’re a bigot and woman-hater


What a strange thing to add to a dating profile in my opinion. I would expect people to lie about their income, height, weight, age, marital status and stuff like that but not this.


It's because conservatives generally don't get many date from dating apps